Research Proposal Example

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An Analysis of Loveliest of Trees Poem Based on Structural Theory

Group Jurnalism :
Raski Santika 117010004
Amalia Hasanah 137010046
Miftahul Jannah 137010030
Rino Jefriansyah 137010062



1. Background of The Study

Literature (Sanskrit: Shastra) is a loan word from Sanskrit 'literary', which means "the
text that contains the instruction" or "guidelines", from the word 'Sas' which means "instruction"
or "teaching" and "Tra' meaning "tool" or "medium". In Indonesian, this word is commonly used
to refer to the "literary" or a kind of writing that has a specific meaning or beauty. Also in the
meaning of literary, literature can be divided into written literature or oral literature. Here
literature is not much to do with writing, but with language that is used as a medium to express
certain thoughts or ideas. Sumardjo (2001:3) said that literature is a form of personal expression
of human experiences, thoughts, feelings, ideas, spirit, belief in a form of a concrete image that
evokes fascination with language tools. Literature is an art not a science. Every science such as
biology may be defined precisely because it only involves thinking. In the literature, sometimes
the element of feeling is so great that it is not possible to be approached scientifically. Literature
relating to the creation and personal expression (expression). Thus, any limitation of literature
concerns only one aspect of literary understanding. The more the limitation of literature
collected, the more clearly the understanding of literature become.
Poetry is different from prose. The main difference is in the process of creating each
literary work. Esten (2011: 31) states that in poetry will take place some processes that are not so
perceived as well as in prose. The process in the poem is the concentration process, process
intensification and process imagery. In the process of the concentration of all the elements of
poetry (musical element, the element of correspondence and language elements), focused on a
single issue or a particular impression.
Poetry is built through a process of intensification, the one who wants to understand the
poem also have to process it anyway. He should be able to find the meaning contained in every
word, phrase, array, couplet, structure, or images that exist in the poem. According to Esten
(2011: 32) that in order to understand a poem properly, it takes some of the principles and
guidelines that must be held. Those principles and guidelines will help accelerate the process of
understanding the poem.

Loveliest Trees is a poem that told about the man who looking at the cherry threes on the
woodland ride in spring. Based on the background, the writer is interested to analyze using
structural theory of Loveliest Trees by A.E. Housman, who is an english classical scholar and
poet in the late 18 century.
2. Identification of Problems
The main point of this study is to find out the meaning and the elements of poem.
3. Research Questions
1. What are the meaning and the elements of the poem?
2. How to analyze the poem?

4. Limitation of The Problems

There are many theories that can be used in analyzing works of literature such as
analyzing poem, and the writer will using a structural theory to limit the problem.
5. Objectives of The Study
According to the research questions, the writer has an objectives that expected to be
gained through this study.
6. Theoretical Foundation
Structural theory is a theory that has two elements, which are elements of philosophical
and technical elements. Philosophical element is divided into three parts; objects, themes and
moral messages. Whereas the technical elements are divided into five parts; diction, sound, the
viewpoint of the poet, rhythm, and tones.

7. Research Methods
A. The technique of collecting data:
1. Read the whole of Loveliest Trees poem;
2. Find out some references related to the poem;

3. Uniting the whole groups ideas about the meaning of the poem;
B. The technique of analyzing data:
First, describe about the background of this study of the poem;
Second, the reason for choosing this study;
Third, find out and solve the research problems;
Fourth, explain the purpose of this study;
Fifth, tell the reader about the library data or references that have been obtained;
Sixth, discusses the telling used;
Seventh, make one of the data collective for analysis;
Eighth, the conclusions of the study have been analysed;
8. Bibliography

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