Nava Bharat Ventures Limited Power Plant (Orissa) : Unit Profile

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Nava Bharat Ventures Limited

Power Plant (Orissa)

Kharagprasad, Near Meramandali Rly. Station, Dist. Dhenkanal

Unit Profile

Nava Bharat Ventures Limited Bharat Ventures Limited ( formerly Nava Bharat Ferro Alloys Limited) is a
Rs 6 billion, diversified company committed to excellence. The company’s corporate headquarters is in
Hyderabad (India) and manufacturing units are located in the States of Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. The
company’s units have ISO 9001 and 14001 certifications for the Quality and Environmental Management
Systems adopted and follow 5-S for work place excellence.

The business activities of the company comprise power generation, manufacture & marketing of bulk
ferro alloys, manufacture and marketing of crystal sugar and by-products like extra neutral alcohol and
infrastructure projects.

The company operates two coal based thermal power plants - one at Paloncha in Andhra Pradesh and
another at Kharagprasad near Angul in Orissa. These power plants supply power to the grid/licensed
power trading companies in addition to meeting the entire requirement of power for the company’s ferro
alloy plants at the same premises. As the production of ferro alloys is power intensive, it is imperative for
the power plants to generate reliable power at low cost.

The Company’s Power Plant in Orissa (“the Unit”) was commissioned with an installed capacity of 30
MW in 2003. A new unit of 64MW capacity is being set up at the same location, making the total capacity
after expansion as 94MW. To achieve economy in operation and maintenance, the total O&M of the
power plant is handled through contracts with a core group of O&M executives on permanent roles of the
unit. The core group has the principal responsibility to maintain quality in O&M practices, make
continuous efforts to bring down operational and energy costs incurred for power generation. Energy
conservation is thus an essential responsibility of each member of the core group of the unit.

Process Flow Chart

Energy Consumption

Ever since the Unit was commissioned in 2003, constant efforts were made for reducing energy
consumption and improving process efficiency. By implementing various energy conservation projects the
Unit achieved a consistent decrease in the Specific Electrical and Thermal Energy Consumption in the
process of generation of power as tabulated below:

Description Unit 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006

Annual Electricity Generation Lakhs kWH 451.3852 1726.262 2182.18
Total Electricity Consumption Lakhs kWH 42.5542 150.544 178.595
for Generation.
Specific Energy consumption – kWH/KWH 0.0943 0.0872 0.0818
Electrical. generated
Total Thermal (Fuel) MkCals 144942.408 535017.41 667954.658
consumption / annum.
Specific Energy consumption – kcal / kWH 3204.66 3094.19 3059.28
Thermal (Fuel) generated

Year Electricity Thermal (Fuel)

Consumption % reduction over Consumption % reduction over
(KWh/ KWh year 2003-2004. (KCal/ KWh year 2003-2004
generated) generated)
2003-2004 0.0943 3204.66
2004-2005 0.0872 7.53 3094.19 3.45
2005-2006 0.0818 13.26 3059.28 5.54

Energy Conservation Commitment, Policy & Set up

As already stated, Nava Bharat Ventures Limited, Power Plant in Orissa considers energy conservation as
its major objective to achieve cost effective power generation. In this process, the core group of Plant
Supervisors adopt a day to day approach through observations & discussions within the group and also
with the O&M contractors to get into every possible area where energy saving can be achieved and then
discuss to evaluate each and every suggestion in the regard. After evolving an action plan, the proposal is
sent to the Managing Director for his approval to go ahead with necessary budgetary support for the
energy conservation projects.

Through continued training, both by in-house and outside professionals in the field, a work culture is
created which supports knowledge enrichment of the group to effectively work as a team and take up the
energy conservation measures. Exchanges in the areas of such work between various units of the
Company also have given a tremendous strength & support for energy conservation with a competitive
spirit within the Company.

The environmental & safety aspects are closely studied and monitored in carrying out project works for
energy conservation. Top Management takes keen interest in the progress and outcome of these projects
and renders all the support required through continuous interactions & monitoring.

The Unit has adopted ‘5-S’ for work place excellence which also contributes to energy conservation
through improved methods of operations. The Unit has adopted SAP R/3 system. The FI&CO module
helps every one involved to have access to costs in a transparent manner which enables employees to
identify areas suitable for energy conservation efforts.

The company’s philosophy of conserving natural resources, and, reducing, reusing and recycling of
wastes generated, gives constant impetus to energy conservation in the Unit.

Energy Conservation Achievements

Ever since the Unit was commissioned in December 2003 various steps have been taken for
implementation of Energy Conservation measures as a result of which the % auxiliary consumption in
powercame down from 9.43% in 2003-04 to 8.18% in 2005-06 giving a total saving of Rs.42.66 lakhs
for an investment of Rs.34.34 lakhs.

The following are the Energy Saving measures taken.

A) ELECTRICAL SAVINGS ( 350days operation ):

1. Cooling water pumps with Variable Frequency Drive:

Before installation:
Two C.W. pumps were operating with total motor capacity of 500kW.
Motor capacity = 500kW
Power consumption per annum = 42 lakh kWh
Operating cost = Rs.105 lakhs / annum

After installation:
C.W pumps with VFD are now operating with a motor capacity
of 200kW each.
Motor capacity = 400kW
Power consumption per annum = 33.6 lakh kWh
Operating cost = Rs.84.0 lakhs / annum

Savings per annum = Rs. 21,00,000/-

2. New energy efficient packaged instrumentation air compressor

Before installation
The old compressor was operating always in loading & unloading conditions.

After installation
The new compressor was operating during loading & getting off during
unloading condition
Energy saved = 210000 units / annum

Savings per annum = Rs. 5,25,000/-

3. FRP blades in place of GRP blades in 3 nos of cooling tower fans

Before installation
The old GRP fans were operating with 47-48kW loads on each fan.

After installation
The new FRP Fans are operating with 33-35kW loads on each fan
Energy saved = 315000units / annum

Savings per annum = Rs. 7,87,500/-

4. Replacement of smaller capacity ash vessel with higher capacity ash vessel

Before Installation
With small size vessel ash conveyance was almost

After installation
With larger vessel size now, ash conveyance is being done in intervals
for a higher quantity conveyance at a time. This has reduced the
compressor running hours. About 300-units/day of energy is saved.

Energy saved = 105000 units / annum

Savings per annum = Rs. 2,62,500/-

5. Installation of Capacitor bank at intake well for raw water pump drives
Before installation
Power Factor penalty of Rs. 45,000/- was paid to CESCO in 2004-05.

After installation
Power factor penalty is nil in 2005-06

Savings per annum = Rs. 45,000/-

6. Installation of booster pump in ACW system

Before installation
The VFDs of CW pumps were kept at min. 85-
86% in order to
maintain water pressure down stream of ACW.

After installation
The VFDs of CW pumps are kept as low as 81% in winter &
in low load condition.
Energy saved per day = 100 units (approx.).

Savings per annum:100 x 350 x Rs.2.50 = Rs. 87,500/-

7. Optimization of station lighting

All station lights were glowing.

25nos of SV lamps were removed without affecting the area illumination.
Energy saved per day = 20 kWh

Savings per annum = 20 x 365 x Rs.2.50 = Rs.18,250/-

(Please see Write up on pages 8 & 9)


1. By providing steam traps in the Main Steam line drains

Before installation
Approximately 4MT of steam per day was constantly drained.
After installation
The above steam was saved & 1 MT of coal/day is also saved.

Savings per annum = Rs. 4,20,000/-

1. Maintaining steady load in the Unit.
Approximately 5MT/day of DM water was drained through continuous blow
down in order to maintain phosphate level in the Drum water.

The above water was saved & 0.5 MT of coal/day also saved.

Savings per annum = Rs.3,15,000/-


Anticipated savings in Approx. investment Project Commencement

Energy Conservation (Rs.lakhs) & Completion year
Measures (Planned) Energy Value Rs. Lakhs
(specify units)

Year 2006-2007
Replacing Boiler Bed
Evaporator tubes with
riffle tubes &
increasing riser size
from 100NB to 150NB
to overcome tube
thinning in evaporator
during part loads and
to gain efficiency in
heat utilisation by
reducing heat input
through reducing coal
firing to boiler. 11000MKcal/yr 30.00 16.00 2006 - 2007

Replacing V-belt
drives with Flat-belt
drives for coal crusher-
3nos and
compressors-5nos. 1.82 Lakh kWh/yr 4.60 5.20 2006 - 2007

Replacing existing
55kW CT fan motors
(3nos) with 37.5kW
motors 1.03 lakh kWh/yr 2.60 2.75 2006 - 2007

Year 2007 - 2008

Installation of vapour
absorption system for
air conditioning of the
plant 1.72 lakh kWh/yr 4.30 10.00 2007-2008

Replacing 1 No.
energy inefficient air
compressor (9000
CFM) with energy
efficient compressor 0.56 lakh kWh/yr 1.36 6.40 2007-2008


The Unit has engaged an agency authorized by the State Pollution Control Board, Orissa for regular
monitoring of the system. As a further measure of control, parameters like chimney emissions are
continuously recorded in the DCS system of the Unit and checked and corrective actions taken
whenever required.

The water effluent generated by the Unit is continuously checked, neutralized and re-used within the
Works, leading to Zero Discharge of liquid effluent. The requirements stipulated in the applicable
environmental legislations are strictly adhered to, ensuring ecological balance in and around the
premises of the Unit.


The Unit strongly believes in safety as a work practice. Regular inspection is carried out by the Unit’s
Safety Officer to rule out any unsafe practices or work spots. The technique of 5-S is practised in all
areas of the Unit for work place excellence. As a result of these measures, the Unit achieved a record
of Zero Accidents for the last three years.



1. Introduction of FRP Blades in Cooling Tower :

The original 3 Nos. of CT Fans were of GRP blades. With this each CT Fan was consuming 47-
48 kW of power. As CT fans are in continuous running drives it was thought to replace one no.
CT Fan with FRP Blade in the year 2004-05 to see the effect of this on energy saving.
Encouraged by the result of the energy saving of 12 kW, it was decided to replace the balance 2
Nos. of CT fans with FRP blades. Before replacement with FRP fan these two nos. of fans were
consuming 2 x 48 x 24 kWh = 2304 kWh per day. After introducing FRP fans the power
consumption came down to 1700 kWh per day in these two fans. The cost of energy saved
worked out to Rs.1550/- per day. Total saving in 2005-06 is more than Rs.5.2 Lakhs. Cost of
installation of 2 FRP fans was Rs.5.1 lakhs & the pay back was achieved in less than a year.
The impact of this has been reflected in the reduction of auxiliary power consumption.

2. Installation of Capacitor Bank in Raw Water Pump House:

The raw water pump house is located away from main plant & it is powered from utility source. In the
year, 2004-05 on account of running of this pump a P.F. penalty of Rs.0.45 lakhs was paid to the
utility over and above the cost of energy procured. It was analysed that the low P.F. was due to the
utility voltage always remaining low & it was decided to install a capacitor bank as a remedy. The
capacitor bank was installed at a cost of Rs.0.11 lakhs & as a result the P.F. penalty in 2005-06 was

3. Introduction of Higher Size Ash Vessel at Economizer :

The ash vessel installed at the economizer had a capacity to handle 1300 kg per hour of ash.
With this, the ash accumulated in economizer zone was to be evacuated continuously round the
clock. As a result the 90kW compressor was running non-stop & was consuming 1,500 units of
power per day. Yet there were frequent chockings in the ash conveying lines resulting in boiler
load reduction.

The problem was analysed & it was decided to increase the hopper capacity from 7 M3 to 14 M3
& replace the ash vessel with a 4000 kg per hour capacity vessel. With this, the ash conveyance
was reduced to 12 hrs. – 14 hrs., resulting in saving of 300 units per boiler per day & 600 units
per day for both the boilers.

The investment cost for replacement of vessels for both the boilers was Rs.1.22 lakhs & the
cost of saving was of Rs.2.62 lakhs. The pay back was achieved in less than 6 months.
4. Installation of Booster Pump:

ACW Pumps are used for cooling of compressors. To achieve the desired pressure in the
cooling water line VFDs of CWS are kept minimum at 86% (as the ACW suction is from CW
discharge ) irrespective of TG load. Sometimes even the compressors were tripping on ‘Low
ACW header pressure’.

The problem was analysed & it was decided to install a booster pump down stream of ACW
discharge line in order to boost up the water pressure near compressor. After installation of the
booster pump it was observed that the CW Pump VFDs are operated as low as 81% during
“Climatic & Low Load Condition”. The energy saving was achieved worked out to 35000 units
per year.

The investment cost of the booster pump is Rs.69,000/- & the savings amounted to Rs.87,500/-.
The pay back was achieved in less than a year.

5. Power Plant Station Lighting :

The different stations in Power Plant such as Boilers, ESPs, TG Hall etc. were having bright
illumination. Feedbacks were taken from the field operators. Based on this feedback, it was felt
that some reduction in illumination level was possible in these areas. Accordingly, it was
decided to conduct a survey on illumination level at different periods of time. Lux measurements
were taken at different points of the above areas and based on this, it was decided to eliminate
25 Nos. of Sodium Vapour Lamps (each of 70W). After this reduction in no of luminaries, it was
observed that working level illumination was maintained without sacrificing comfort level of
working in these areas.

The investment cost for this was NIL whereas the savings were Rs.18,250/-.


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