Design and Engineering KTU Module-1
Design and Engineering KTU Module-1
Design and Engineering KTU Module-1
Engineering design is the process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired
needs. It is a decision-making process (often iterative), in which the basic sciences,
mathematics, and engineering sciences are applied to optimally convert resources to meet a
stated objective. Among the fundamental elements of the design process is the establishment
of objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis, construction, testing, and evaluation.
Thus, although engineers are not the only people who design things, it is true that the
professional practice of engineering is largely concerned with design; it is often said that design
is the essence of engineering. To design is to pull together something new or to arrange existing
things in a new way to satisfy a recognized need of society.
We shall adopt the following formal definition of design: Design establishes and defines
solutions to and pertinent structures for problems not solved before, or new solutions to
problems which have previously been solved in a different way. The ability to design is both
a science and an art. The science can be learned through techniques and methods to be covered
in this text, but the art is best learned by doing design. It is for this reason that your design
experience must involve some realistic project experience.
Science is knowledge of the natural world put together, Engineering is creation based
on the scientific knowledge put together, and Technology is the set of engineered
creations put together.
Science comes from observation of the world, Engineering comes from acquiring and
applying knowledge, and Technology comes from repeated application and approval of
the engineered tools.
Science is based on observation: The friction between a sphere and a flat surface is minimum,
allowing the sphere to roll with the slightest deviation from the horizontal position of the
surface. Given the weight of the sphere and the tilt angle, all parameters of the sphere motion
can be calculated, including the rolling friction.
Technology: A wheel hub with ball bearings ensures long life and effortless wheel motion
(e.g. cart wheel, etc.), by exploiting the minimum rolling friction principle.
Engineering: Modern vehicles wheel hubs are fitted with specially designed ball bearings
which usually last well beyond the average life span of the vehicle.
Morale: The intriguing behaviour of a ball on a tilted flat surface triggers the curiosity of the
scientist who derives the physical and mathematical laws underpinning that behaviour. The
technologist finds (invents) the application(s) exploiting the laws governing the scientific
phenomenon (whether he knows them or not). The engineer finds the most appropriate design
for each specific technological application of the scientific principle.
Science: Burning wood produces heat, water, and carbon dioxide. Heat denatures proteins in
Technology: Fire can be used to cook food.
Engineering: Building a fireplace and chimney makes it easier to cook with fire without filling
the room with smoke.
Hence it can be concluded that in every designs you can find the elements of science,
engineering, technology and art.
Note: For further studies and clarifications
relevant. Because they are so strongly function-dependent, they should be pruned from our
attribute list for the time being, but we will revisit them after we have looked at functions.
Form: It represent the shape of the design or otherwise how a design look like. Aesthetic and
ergonomics of a design is depends upon the form of that design.
Objective Tree
Objectives trees are hierarchical lists of the clients objectives or goals for the design that
branch out into tree-like structures. We build objectives trees in order to clarify and better
understand a clients project statement. The objectives that designs must attain are clustered by
sub-objectives and then ordered by degrees of further detail.
Objective Tree for Step Ladder Design- Courtesy: C.L Dym, Design and Engineering
The graphical tree display is very useful for portraying design issues, and for highlighting
things we need to measure, since these objectives will provide our basis for choosing between
alternatives. The tree format also corresponds to the mechanics of the process that many
designers follow: One of the most useful ways of getting your mind around a large list of
objectives is to put them all together, and then move them around until the tree makes sense.
Note, too, that process just outlinedfrom lists to refined lists to indented outlines to trees
has a lot in common with outlining, a fundamental skill of writing. A topical outline provides
an indented list of topics to be covered, together with the details of the subtopics corresponding
to each topic. Since each topic represents a goal for the material to be covered, the identification
of an objectives tree with a topical (or an indented) outline seems logical.
In addition to their use in depicting design objectives, objectives trees are valuable in several
other ways. First, and perhaps foremost, note that as we work down an objectives tree (or
further in on the levels of indentation of an outline), we are not only getting more detail. We
are also answering a generic how question for many aspects of the design.
How are you going to do that? Conversely, as we move up the tree, or further out toward
fewer indentations, we are answering a generic why question about a specific objective: Why
do you want that? This may be important if, when selecting a design, we find that one
alternative is better with respect to one objective, but weaker with respect to another.
But if were working downward as we construct and organize a tree, where do we stop? When
do we end our list or tree of objectives? One simple answer is: We stop when we run out of
objectives and implementations begin to appear. That is, within any given cluster, we could
continue to parse or decompose our objectives until we are unable to express succeeding levels
as further objectives. The argument for this approach is that it points the objectives tree toward
a solution-independent statement of the design problem. We know what characteristics the
design has to exhibit, without having to make any judgment about how it might get to be that
way. In other words, we determine the features or behaviours of the designed object without
specifying the way the objective is realized in concrete form.
We can also limit the depth of an objectives tree by watching for verbs or doing words
because they normally suggest functions. Functions do not generally appear on objectives trees
or lists.
Obviously, it is important to take notes when we are generating our lists of objectives, because
we are generating a lot of information, to ensure that all suggestions and ideas are captured,
even those that seem silly or irrelevant at the moment. Then it becomes important to organize
the information were getting so we can use it effectively: Its always easier to prune and throw
away things than to recapture spontaneous ideas and inspirations. Also, get the substance of
the objectives down first: Once a rough outline of an objectives tree has emerged, it can be
formalized and made to look presentable and pretty with any number of standard software
packages for constructing organization charts or similar graphical displays. Finally, do we build
an objectives tree as soon as we start a design job, or after doing some homework and learning
more about the design task were undertaking? Theres no hard and fast answer to these
questions, in part because building an objectives list or tree is not a mathematical problem with
an attendant set of initial conditions that must be met.
Also, building a tree is not a one-time, lets-get-it-done kind of activity. Its an iterative process,
but one that a design team should start with at least some degree of understanding of the design
domain. Thus, some of the questioning of clients, users, and experts should have begun, and
some of the tree building can go on episodically while more information is being gathered.
For further clarifications and examples you may download my presentation regarding this topic
limited number of its details. There ensues a slow process of clarification and exploration as
the entire idea takes shape. The creative process can be viewed as moving from an amorphous
idea to a well-structured idea, from the chaotic to the organized, from the implicit to the
explicit. Engineers, by nature and training, usually value order and explicit detail and abhor
chaos and vague generality. Thus, we need to train ourselves to be sensitive and sympathetic
to these aspects of the creative process. We need also to recognize that the flow of creative
ideas cannot be turned on upon command. Therefore, we need to recognize the conditions and
situations that are most conducive to creative thought. We must also recognize that creative
ideas are elusive, and we need to be alert to capture and record our creative thoughts.
Improving Creativity
Creative cognition is the use of regular cognitive operations to solve problems in novel ways.
One way to increase the likelihood of positive outcomes is to apply methods found to be useful
for others. Following are some positive steps you can take to enhance your creative thinking.
Develop a creative attitude: To be creative it is essential to develop confidence that
you can provide a creative solution to a problem. Although you may not visualize the
complete path through to the final solution at the time you first tackle a problem, you
must have self-confidence; you must believe that a solution will develop before you are
finished. Of course, confidence comes with success, so start small and build your
confidence up with small successes.
Unlock your imagination: You must rekindle the vivid imagination you had as a child.
One way to do so is to begin to question again. Ask why and what if, even at the
risk of displaying a bit of navet. Scholars of the creative process have developed
thought games that are designed to provide practice in unlocking your imagination and
sharpening creative ability.
Be persistent: We already have dispelled the myth that creativity occurs with a
lightning strike. On the contrary, it often requires hard work. Most problems will not
succumb to the first attack. They must be pursued with persistence. After all, Edison
tested over 6000 materials before he discovered the species of bamboo that acted as a
successful fi lament for the incandescent light bulb. It was also Edison who made the
famous comment, Invention is 95 percent perspiration and 5 percent inspiration.
Develop an open mind: Having an open mind means being receptive to ideas from any
and all sources. The solutions to problems are not the property of a particular discipline,
nor is there any rule that solutions can come only from persons with college degrees.
Ideally, problem solutions should not be concerned with company politics. Because of
the NIH factor (not invented here), many creative ideas are not picked up and followed
Suspend your judgment: We have seen that creative ideas develop slowly, but nothing
inhibits the creative process more than critical judgment of an emerging idea.
Engineers, by nature, tend toward critical attitudes, so special forbearance is required
to avoid judgment at an early stage of conceptual design.
Set problem boundaries: We place great emphasis on proper problem definition as a
step toward problem solution. Establishing the boundaries of the problem is an essential
part of problem definition. Experience shows that setting problem boundaries
appropriately, not too tight or not too open, is critical to achieving a creative solution.
Brainstorming is the most common method used by design teams for generating ideas. This
method was developed by Alex Osborn 18 to stimulate creative magazine advertisements, but
it has been widely adopted in other areas such as design. The word brainstorming has come
into general usage in the language to denote any kind of idea generation.
Brainstorming is a carefully orchestrated process. It makes use of the broad experience and
knowledge of groups of individuals. The brainstorming process is structured to overcome many
of the mental blocks that curb individual creativity in team members who are left to generate
ideas on their own. Active participation of different individuals in the idea generation process
overcomes most perceptual, intellectual, and cultural mental blocks. It is likely that one
persons mental block will be different from anothers, so that by acting together, the teams
combined idea generation process flows well.
A well-done brainstorming session is an enthusiastic session of rapid, free- flowing ideas. To
achieve a good brainstorming session, it is important to carefully define the problem at the
start. Time spent here can help us to avoid wasting time generating solutions to the wrong
problem. It is also necessary to allow a short period for individuals to think through the problem
quietly and on their own before starting the group process.
Participants in brainstorming sessions react to ideas they hear from others by recalling their
own thoughts about the same concepts. This action of redirecting a stream of thought uncovers
new possibilities in the affected team member. Some new ideas may come to mind by adding
detail to a recently voiced idea or taking it in different, but related, directions. This building
upon others ideas is known as piggy-backing or scaffolding, and it is an indicator of a wellfunctioning brainstorming session. It has been found that the first 10 or so ideas will not be the
most fresh and creative, so it is critical to get at least 30 to 40 ideas from your session. An
important attribute of this method is that brainstorming creates a large number of ideas, some
of which will be creative.
The evaluation of your ideas should be done at a meeting on a day soon after the brainstorming
session. This removes any fear that criticism or evaluation is coming soon and keeps the
brainstorming meeting looser. Also, making the evaluation on the day after the idea generation
session allows incubation time for more ideas to generate and time for reflection on what was
proposed. The evaluation meeting should begin by adding to the original list any new ideas
realized by the team members after the incubation period. Then the team evaluates each of the
ideas. Hopefully, some of the wild ideas can be converted to realistic solutions.
A designer is presented with a situation involving the waste of irrigation water in public
parks. The park keepers forget to turn off the water. A general formulation of the
problem would be What can we do to minimize the possibility of workers forgetting
to turn off the water before the end of their shift? An engineer could ask the following
questions. Why do workers continue to forget to turn off the water? What is the
sequence of events that workers use during their daily activities? What will happen
if a keeper does not show up for his/her shift? Do we need to manually turn on and
off the water? A more precise form of the problem statement would be How do we
prevent irrigation water waste in public parks?
A company has proposed to use the density gradient to isolate red blood cells from
whole blood and thus to treat white blood cells with a light-activated drug. The designer
should ask questions such as the following. Is it necessary to use the density gradient
if other methods of separation would be capable of isolating the red blood cells from
the whole blood? If the white cells are being treated, why dont we isolate the white
cells from the whole blood rather than isolate red blood cells? Why dont we impede
the light into the blood and reduce the need for separation?
An engineer is presented with a problem caused by the formation of ice on roofs. The
ice forms during certain types of weather, falls away from the roofs, and causes damage
to vehicles and people below. A general formulation of this problem might be How do
we prevent ice from forming on roofs? However, further questions may be asked.
What would happen if ice did form? What will cause the ice to fall? What harm
would such formation do? These questions determine that the first definition was much
too narrow. A much broader definition was How do we prevent ice that forms on roofs
from doing harm or damage to people and equipment below?
Designers need to abstract the need statement from its current state to a statement that they can
base their design on. Vague statements from the customer usually result in a bad design.
Before an engineer can define the problem properly, he or she must recognize all of the
problems that exist. Most of the failures in machines do not occur because we make mistakes
in analysing the problem, but because we fail to recognize that there is a problem.
So, it is evident that the needs should be identified clearly, otherwise a vague statement of need
will lead to a vague understanding of the product to be designed. A vague understanding cannot
give a solution that addresses the specific problem. Asking the right question requires
engineering knowledge, practice, and common sense.
Market Survey
Establishing who your customers are is one of the most important initial steps that a designer
needs to take. One of the vital concepts to grasp is that customers are not only the end users.
Customers of a product are everyone who will deal with the product at some stage during its
lifetime. This includes the person who will manufacture the product, the person who will sell
the product, the person who will service the product, the person who will maintain the product
during its lifetime in operation, etc.
Consider an example: Discuss with your colleagues who the possible customers of a golf cart
are. Here are a few ideas to start you off.
The golf player
The golf country club (Institution)
The transportation company that will transport the cart
The golf club (Equipment) manufacturers for storage of their clubs in the cart
Once all possible customers have been identified, their needs should be considered, and more
often than not, their needs can conflict with each other. It is the responsibility of the designer
to recognize all of these needs in a prioritized manner and later arrive at a feasible solution that
is an optimal combination of all these desires. One good way to identify the needs in a
prioritized manner is to conduct a market survey. There are a number ways in which this can
be carried out.
1. Focus group meetings
2. Telephone interviews
3. One-on-one interviews
4. Questionnaires
Each method cited has its advantages and disadvantages. In a focus group meeting, a group of
6 to 12 potential customers meet and discuss their needs and other aspects of the product. If
the product already exists, the discussion usually focuses on a satisfaction based feedback in
terms of what they liked, what they disliked, and what they would like to see improved.
However, for a new product, the discussion usually focuses on their wishes and desires in a
particular market segment, what they would like to see introduced to improve their lives, or
what current problems exist in the similar products on the market. It is important to ensure that
any potential solutions are filtered out at this stage and converted into a neutral need. However,
this method is an expensive process, and the sample size is relatively small. It is however a
good starting point and is frequently used as a precursor to sending out a larger survey in the
form of questionnaires. Telephone and one-on-one interviews can eliminate some of the
ambiguities that arise for questionnaires. However, they are very expensive to run and also
have a potential disadvantage of the interviewer leading the interview and causing bias. For
example, a question can be asked: Would you really walk a long distance in the cold, rainy
weather, in the middle of rush hour to get to your office early in the morning, or would you
prefer taking the cheap, fast, and comfortable public transport? An unbiased question could
be What is your preferred mode of transport to your office in the morning?
The questionnaire format is one of the most popular survey methods, as it involves taking the
opinion of a large number of people (sample) at a relatively low cost. It is important to construct
a questionnaire carefully in order to provide meaningful, useful, and unbiased feedback. Here
are some points to follow when creating a questionnaire:
Develop a standard set of questions. The main goal of a questionnaire is to ascertain
potential needs, problems, likes, and dislikes. It is useful at this stage to also identify
which (if any) market segment would be most interested in the product as well as to
gain an estimate of how much they would be willing to spend.
Ensure that the questionnaire is easy to read and complete. Use simple language and
simple formatting. Try to keep the writing to a minimum, and offer multiple choice
questions or yes/no answers where possible. Leave an opportunity for writing for those
who wish to do so.
Identify the demographic you want to target. Mailing lists can be purchased from
market research companies.
Test the questionnaire initially on a pilot sample (friends, family, or small group of
people) before sending it out to the entire sample. This is an opportunity to iron out any
ambiguous questions and to observe whether or not you are obtaining the desired
Introduce only one issue per question.
Similar to interviews, you do not want to give your questions a bias. Ensure all
questions are unbiased.
Avoid negative questions, which cause confusion. For example, a question such as Do
you not like to travel in the morning may result in the answer No, I do not like to
travel in the morning. Reading this carefully reveals a double-negative answer which
means I do like to travel in the morning.
Ask a few conflicting questions and compare the answers to ensure that the person who
has completed the questionnaire actually read the questions. For example ask Do you
ALWAYS switch off the electricity from the mains? Later on ask Do you forget to
switch off the electricity from the mains? If the person completing the questionnaire
replied the same yes or no to both questions, then this particular feedback is not reliable.
You were asked to design a coffee mug. As a designer, list out the possible limitations
regarding its design.
Explain Science & Engineering involved in any one of the following products.
(i) Electric Fan (ii) Radio
(iii) Solar Panel
With suitable example justify that design objectives are the most important among the
various design aspects.
List out the possible design objectives, constrains, functions and means of any one of
the following product below. Also, construct its design objective tree.
(i) Portable Dining Table (ii) Iron Box (iii) Navigation System for a car
Suggest some design changes to the given coconut scraper that improve the efficiency
and add value to it.
Suggest design changes for an ordinary tea cup (With sketch) that can add value to it.
Suggest design changes for a torch (With sketch) that can add value to it and improve
its efficiency. How these modification reflects on market?