O Sssweat: Talk To Lead Guitarist Joe Lilley (Gilly) of "Talentless"

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N O SSSWEAT talk to Lead

guitarist Joe Lilley (Gilly) of “Talentless”.

The Northern Metal scene is SLOWLY
coming back into play in 2010, at NO
SSSWEAT we have been looking into the
local scene and have found the next big
thing. Without selling out to a Dying audi-
ence the Hardcore metal act have
released there debut E.P played numer-
ous UK tours and sold out EVERY Local
Venue. After the rise and fall of local lads
Bring Me the Horizon, Tallentless have
taken over with a mixture of Technical
Hardcore, Grindcore, Metal and
Agressive sounds to make something
new from an old beast.
Mixing influences ffrom Annotations of an
Autopsy and Job For A Cowboy, they
have put together one of the most
interesting and pioneering E.Ps to date.
Important facts:
Joe Lilley,
Hates Spiders, cant stand the taste of
Tomato Ketchup, Has 2 cats; Sooty &
Sweep. When age 12 fell in a swimming
pool and lost his swimming trunks, Whilst
playing guitar in his college hall once had
a £1 coin thrown at his head... now has a
nice scar. Loves the name Scrappy.
How is life on tour?
Well it can be rough, but most of the time
when we are touring everything goes fine
until we all run out of cash.
What is the best memory you have with
Talentless? And why?
With Talentless? It was probably the day i
decided to start writing the music. We
had a couple of beers, talked about what
we wanted with the local music scene
and how tired we were of going out to
have a good time... and coming home
with a bad taste in our mouths about the
bands which were on. None of us think
we have exactly what it takes to make it
massive, but we think we have enough
taste in music to put a deacent drum beat
and guitar riff together to make a pretty
barable song.”
Together as a band, how will your freind-
ships last after the RUMOURED
“Right now im not too sure how things
like that will last, we have a massive of time with my girlfreind, or my mum,
bond between us guys. We all went Shes always on your with us and always with billy trying to get him to nail this
through school and college together and looking after us. drum part using Click.. but hes not used
we always had our fall outs; we always She treats the guys like her own kids its to playing with it, he REALLY needs help
made back up in the end though. pretty awsome, theyre like my older when
I love the lads from Tallentless just as brothers that i always wanted.. and never he’s not totally comfortable with the sur-
much as I love my family. Well to be right got.” round.”
when im touring, they are my family. “ For the E.P, what helped you come up When you were in the studio, what was
Whats going on this year for Tallentless if with the Guitar Parts? going through yours minds knowing you
the alleged split is all chinease wispers? “Well I sat with the lads, we had a good MAY be splitting up and this may all be a
“well we are hoping to get out on tour joke about writing some waste?
again, Personally I need a small brake “oldschool” Pantera style riffs, and really “Well to be straight with you, we had and
from all this to get back to my acoustic trying to bring back the northern scene. still dont have any intentions of
project. Oliver our bassit has University to Eventually we turned away from that, we breakingup. If our vocalist does leave, the
get back to and Daryl has Work. Were started making more “As I Lay Dying” rumours of a split will be obselete, we
hoping though to get everything running style guitar parts. We sat and want to carry on making music and we
smoothly and no hard feelings ‘n’ stuff.” listend to a hell of alot of our favourate want to carry on touring, but my acoustic
bands and just thought what helped them project will then be infront of talentless.
sound so great, and it wasnt just all play- Otherwise, in the studio we didnt think
ing skill, they used quality sounds ectt..” about it, we just went in and played our
tWhat inspires you to write your songs? music like we would any other day of the
“BATMAN!... no sorry, well mainly i wrote week and we just enjoyed it, cause it
the first few tracks because i was RE- could be the last time we all record to-
ALLY angry with myself, with other peo- gether as talentless”.
ple. When I saw how much my music Quick Q&A Gilly?
was effecting people I started to write 1st Gig you saw?
music for them-for me. This was when we “All that Remains, 2006 @ Sheffield
finally made it with our fans, the ori- Corp”
gional idea was to write an album which I Favourate Band?
could just tell people howmuch i hated “Despised Icon or Whitechapel, ‘haha’
there faces, just for the life conduct, it Favourate place to play?
was also a wayI could pick at Religion “Sheffield Corp, We played there and Ill
and politics without being classed as never ever forget that.”
something im not. Eventually I just Your Favourate Guitar?
started to write what i felt, like the song “I think my favourate guitar must be my
“BLUDGEOND TO DEATH” or “NO PITY ‘IBANEZ 7-STRING’ I love it. everything
FOR about it is just perfect, because I normally
A COWARD”. play in Drop Tune my guitar sounds per-
How when you arn’t touring do you per- “So anyway, how is the E.P going release fect. It stays in A tuning all the time and
sonally take 5 minutes and have some and production? sound EPIC!”
“gilly” time? “The E.P is coming along fine now to be
“‘People always forget, at the end of the honest. We have spent
day, Im 18 years old. I go out, I drink, I weeks and weeks recording and have
party and i Spend time with my family spent way too much time on writing this
and freinds. My Girlfreind... Xbox 360 al- 6-Track for it all to just Fuck up on us and
ways tells me I never spend enough time get us into the same shit heap as the
with her, but to be honest... Im growing other locals. We sat for days ..
old of her. HAHA... sorry no, I spend alot

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