Transforming Places Changing Lives: Taking Forward The Regeneration Framework
Transforming Places Changing Lives: Taking Forward The Regeneration Framework
Transforming Places Changing Lives: Taking Forward The Regeneration Framework
changing lives
Taking forward the regeneration framework
community, opportunity, prosperity
Transforming places; changing lives:
taking forward the regeneration framework
May 2009
Department for Communities and Local Government: London
Cover photograph: Artist’s impression of the Olympic village
courtesy of London 2012
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May 2009
2. This document sets out how the Government is taking forward the
delivery of the framework and includes, at Annex A, a summary of the
commitments that central Government and its key delivery agencies –
the Homes and Communities Agency; and the regional development
agencies – have made to deliver the regeneration framework. It also
acknowledges the central role of local government in regeneration and
in engaging with the communities it represents as well as the key role
of the private and third sector in regenerating local communities.
1 Review of sub-national economic development and regeneration, HM Treasury, Department for Business,
Enterprise & Regulatory Reform (BERR), and Communities and Local Government, July 2007
2 | Transforming places; changing lives: taking forward the regeneration framework
stakeholders. Helping people prepare for work and compete for a job is
central to that approach.
2 Life Satisfaction: the state of knowledge and implications for government, Strategy Unit, December 2002
3 Is work good for your health and well-being? Gordon Waddell and A Kim Burton, 2006
4 Crime and Economic Incentives, IFS, 2000 (Meghir and Machin)
5 This analysis used DWP calculations of average changes in income, taxes and benefits for claimants of Job
Seeker’s Allowance (JSA), Incapacity Benefit (IB), and lone parents on Income Support (LP-IS). A distributional
weight (from HM Treasury’s Green Book) was applied to the change in individual income (net of the tax and
benefits system) that would result from a claimant entering work. The distributional weight reflects the greater
needs of worse-off individuals, meaning they derive greater benefit from extra income, compared with
better-off individuals. Fiscal costs of worklessness (benefits plus forgone taxes) were added to the weighted
change in individual income. The total costs per JSA, IB and LP-IS claimant were then multiplied by claimant
populations in “Deprived areas”, defined as the 10% lowest ranked Lower Super Output Areas on the 2007
Indices of Multiple Deprivation (as defined by CLG’s Departmental Strategic Objective 3.7). There are several
caveats to these figures. One is that the DWP calculations assume an average claimant, which may differ from
claimants located only in deprived areas; the figures also exclude unemployed and economically inactive persons
who do not claim JSA, IB or LP-IS. In addition, other dimensions of the costs of deprivation, e.g. forgone future
output and income due to low education and productivity, the additional costs of crime and healthcare, etc.
have not been considered. Further analysis is required to quantify these caveats – the existing analysis acts as a
starting point.
Transforming places; changing lives: taking forward the regeneration framework | 3
Consultation feedback
10. The Government published a summary of responses to the consultation
in March 2009.8 It reported that:
• most respondents agreed with the analysis, including the
emphasis on economic outcomes as a key driver for
regeneration. However, a minority felt that the framework should
take greater account of the many physical, social and environmental
issues that many deprived areas face
6 Productivity in the UK (Treasury, 2001); The importance of transport in business’ location decisions, Department
for Transport (2004); European Cities Monitor 2008, Cushman & Wakefield (2008)
7 See, for example Florida, R. (2002) The Rise of the Creative Class: and How It’s Transforming Work, New York,
Basic Books.
8 Transforming Places; Changing Lives – a framework for regeneration summary of consultation responses,
Communities and Local Government, 2009.
4 | Transforming places; changing lives: taking forward the regeneration framework
12. Professor Michael Parkinson’s recent report9 found that residential and
commercial property developments are particularly affected by the
economic downturn. Mortgage lenders are expecting prospective
buyers to raise a higher deposit and are lending on lower multiples of
household income. There is limited demand for new office and retail
space and few analysts envisage significant rental growth in the near
future. Developers are finding it difficult to raise finance for their
schemes. Landowners will be reluctant to release land.
13. Many residential and commercial schemes are on hold and few new
schemes are starting on site. Many practitioners expect that developers
and financial institutions will take a much more cautious attitude to
new regeneration schemes for several years. Investors in regeneration
– public, private, and third sector partners – are having to make
difficult decisions about priorities.
9 Parkinson, M (2009) The Credit Crunch and Regeneration: Impact and Implications CLG
Transforming places; changing lives: taking forward the regeneration framework | 5
14. This is not to say that the public sector can or should take over all of
that role – private investment remains a critically important component
of delivering successful places. Rather, the current economic challenges
point to the need for continued and effective dialogue with the private
sector to understand their priorities and identify where the public,
private and third sector can be mutually supportive.
Capital grants for local authorities over the three years from
2008-09 will be a minimum of £22bn. Taking into account
supported borrowing, total capital support will be £27bn. Apart
from in exceptional circumstances, this capital is un-ring-fenced.
Authorities are using this flexibility to respond to the situation in
their areas.10
15. The recession does not only impact upon physical developments. It is
having a real impact on the lives of people all across the country –
through jobs and homes that have been lost, and the strain that it
places on communities. These impacts are being felt hardest in the
most deprived areas.
16. We are now acting to respond to the new challenges we face, and to
deliver the strategic framework we set out last year through improved
targeting; new resources; increased flexibility; clear policies; and a
focus on the outcomes we expect regeneration to deliver.
10 For further information about local government’s response to the recession see
6 | Transforming places; changing lives: taking forward the regeneration framework
19. At local level, LAAs led by local authorities, offer the key mechanism
to deliver a targeted and strategic approach. MAAs, and the new
regional strategy provide similar opportunities at sub-regional and
regional level. These will complement the establishment of employer-
led Employment and Skills Boards, usually at city-region level, bringing
much greater powers for local partners to direct public funds to
achieve local employment and skills priorities.
11 Transforming Places; Changing Lives – a framework for regeneration, Communities and Local Government,
Transforming places; changing lives: taking forward the regeneration framework | 7
the strategy. The LGA, IDeA and the RIEPs are working closely with the
Government to deliver on this commitment.
21. To support these local and regional approaches, last year Government
established the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) – the new
national housing and regeneration delivery agency – focused on
creating thriving communities and affordable homes. The HCA is
working with local authorities and leaders; as well as regional
stakeholders up and down the country to identify priority places for
regeneration – bringing together the key partners in the public; private;
and third sector to deliver a tailored package of regeneration
investment to support the needs of local people and businesses.
22. The HCA is also working with local authorities and their partners to
retain sector capacity in regeneration, and has appointed a panel of
regeneration firms who can manage projects in partnership during the
24. That is why we are planning to spend more than £6.5bn over the
next two years to promote the growth and regeneration of our
cities, towns, and communities and to prepare them for the upturn.
This includes investment by the Homes and Communities Agency and
regional development agencies (RDAs) as well as targeted support to
local authorities and their partners through the working
neighbourhoods fund, local enterprise growth initiative, and new deal
for communities.
There continues to be a significant gap between supply and rising
demand for new homes and the Government remains committed
to raising the supply of sustainable housing over the longer term.
For decades, the housing market failed to keep up with our
ageing and growing population. This has led to significant
problems of affordability, particularly for those seeking to buy
their first home.
29. The future jobs fund builds on proposals made in the recently
published Tackling Worklessness Review led by Cllr Stephen Houghton,
Leader of Barnsley council, which set out a key role for local
government and the third sector, and in particular social enterprise, to
build economic opportunities, particularly for residents in
disadvantaged areas where long term worklessness is still too high.
31. Alongside this investment, we will continue to work with the RDAs as
they reprioritise their investments to maximise the impact of the single
pot on regional economies, learning the lessons from the recent
independent evaluation of RDAs.12 Key to this will be to ensure that
investment in physical regeneration and business investment
complement each other and support the RDAs overarching economic
growth objective.
41. As set out in Building Britain’s Future: New Industry, New Jobs,13 there
is a vital role for better coordination of public sector work at the
regional and local level, working in partnership with the private sector.
Each region has a unique set of challenges and capabilities, and
understanding of these is critical to effective policy delivery, as is rapid
feedback to Government from delivery partners. That is why we are
legislating for a new regional strategy, prepared by the RDA and the
Local Authority Leaders’ Board which will deliver a shared long-term
vision for each region that supports clear prioritisation and alignment
of resources. It will bring together the key challenges and opportunities
faced by each region, and ensure that regeneration activity is targeted
where it is most needed.
Rural areas
Most of rural England is well connected with strong links to
nearby towns and cities and good access to local markets and job
opportunities. Consequently, most rural areas have been
performing well in both economic and social terms. However the
evidence also shows that there are some rural areas where levels
of economic performance are below average and prospects for
growth are more limited, with sparse populations and associated
low densities of businesses and restricted labour markets. It is
therefore important that the needs of rural areas and market
towns are taken into account in developing local and regional
42. We want to ensure that the regional strategy and associated delivery
plans are used to identify and map priority places for
regeneration and set out policies for prioritising functional economic
areas to give clarity and an incentive to the private sector to invest in
43. In London, the London Plan already identifies broad areas for
regeneration and the main locations for growth and investment
opportunity, and it is proposed that it should in future set out which
areas should be prioritised for regeneration and how these have been
14 | Transforming places; changing lives: taking forward the regeneration framework
45. The single conversation will integrate with existing joint working and
strategic governance arrangements, building upon prioritisation and
decision making already put in place through multi-area agreements,
city and sub-regional partnerships, urban regeneration companies and
other such mechanisms. In particular, the single conversation’s
outcomes will be expected to align and integrate with the new regional
strategy, with a clear and identifiable relationship between it and new
local agreements.
47. It is also important that links are made with the contribution of other
public sector partners to regeneration. Capital investment in the
NHS, for example, was £3.6bn in 2007-08 alone. As a major employer,
procurer and purchaser of goods and services, the NHS plays a key role
in local economies. Making the right links now will also help reduce
costs to the wider public sector in future, for example by ‘age-proofing’
housing developments.
Transforming places; changing lives: taking forward the regeneration framework | 15
Measuring success
49. The consultation proposals published last year signalled a shift in
emphasis from output towards outcome targets – giving local
Government and other local and regional partners the flexibility to
meet local needs – matching the approach government has
increasingly taken across the broader public sector and in particular in
relation to local authority performance management. This approach
was welcomed in consultation with respondents agreeing that
regeneration success should be measured by the outcomes that it
will deliver for communities, with a priority focus on improving
economic outcomes.
50. The consultation framework set out three priority outcomes that
should be used to guide targets set for Government expenditure on
regeneration in future.
52. The answer is to ensure that they are not a list from which to choose,
but instead that they must all be achieved if regeneration is to be
judged successful. Government therefore formulates them as:
• improving economic performance and tackling worklessness,
particularly in the most deprived areas
• creating the right conditions for business growth which could
include investment in infrastructure, land use, and a better public
realm; and
• creating sustainable places where people want to live and can
work and businesses want to invest.
16 | Transforming places; changing lives: taking forward the regeneration framework
53. These new outcomes for regeneration have been agreed across
Government as the standard against which all future regeneration will
be judged. HCA and RDAs will work to deliver these priority outcomes,
focusing on economic performance; jobs; and creating sustainable
places. It is important that we measure performance consistently from
the national to the neighbourhood level. We have therefore identified
key measures within the national indicator set (NIS) which will be used
as the best measures available. These include indicators measurable
below the district level – and we encourage local partners to
disaggregate these indicators where possible to enable monitoring and
targeting of the most deprived neighbourhoods.
54. We have been careful to balance indicators that cover the quality of
places as well as economic outcomes. Creating places that are
attractive, prosperous, safe and sustainable, promote health and well
being and combat health inequalities, with a good mix of facilities,
services and opportunities, strong sense of identity, ample green space,
a lively public realm and good community life are central to achieving
improved economic outcomes over the longer term.
55. This means providing people with safe and attractive places to live and
work; enhancing connections to jobs, opportunity and education;
respecting environmental limits and enhancing the local environment
wherever possible (for instance, through the provision of new or
improved green infrastructure); planning for the long-term and
adapting to climate change; meeting the diverse needs of existing and
future residents and contributing to a higher quality of life. It is
important to recognise the distinctiveness of each place; value and
make the most of the historic environment and ensure the right mix of
cultural and leisure activities are available to communities and build
green space/infrastructure into new developments.
Transforming places; changing lives: taking forward the regeneration framework | 17
Measuring progress
Experience shows us that if we can effectively tackle the
underlying economic causes of deprivation the social benefits will
follow.14 Regeneration investment should create more jobs or help
people to access jobs over the longer term. That is why the most
important indicators are:
• overall employment rate (NI 151); and
• working age people claiming out of work benefits in the
worst performing neighbourhoods (NI 153).
But local partnerships will also need an understanding of the
drivers across a full range of indicators in order to properly assess
what is holding an area back from economic recovery. From the
current National Indicator Set we have identified the following
headline regeneration indicators to help monitor progress:
• overall/general satisfaction with local area (NI 5)
• the environment for a thriving third sector (NI 7)
• serious violent crime rate (NI15)
• serious acquisitive crime rate (NI16)
• reduction in schools where fewer than 30 per cent of pupils
achieve 5 or more A*– C grades at GCSE including English and
Maths (NI 78)
• proportion of children in poverty (NI 116)
• all-age all cause mortality rate (NI 120)
• working age population qualified to at least Level 2 or higher
(NI 163)
• 16 to 18 year olds who are not in education, employment or
training (NEET) (NI 117)
• average earnings of employees in the area (NI 166)
• new business registration rate (NI 171)
• working age people with access to employment by public
transport (and other specified modes) (NI 176)
• planning to adapt to climate change (NI 188)
56. Despite the successes of our approach to regeneration over recent
years, challenges remain and we must redouble our efforts to ensure
regeneration delivers transformative change for those places where
poverty and worklessness are still too high. With the commitments set
out in this framework we can be confident that we have the clear
leadership in central and local government; the resources; and the
capability to take those strides in the years ahead.
Transforming places; changing lives: taking forward the regeneration framework | 19
15 Where RDAs and local authorities identify business support as a regeneration priority they should work together
to comply with the guidelines on business support simplification to ensure there is no duplication or
proliferation of services.
22 | Transforming places; changing lives: taking forward the regeneration framework
Government Offices
Government offices, as the voice of central Government in the
regions, will:
• work with local authorities to ensure efficient performance
against ambitious local area agreements that deliver key
regeneration outcomes. This will require disaggregating
indicators (where possible) to enable monitoring and targeting
of the most deprived neighbourhoods to ensure that no area is
left behind
• work with groups of local authorities to develop multi-area
agreements that deliver robust and ambitious economic
growth and regeneration outcomes
• work with regional efficiency and improvement partnerships to
build capacity across the region and identify areas where
capacity may need to be strengthened
• provide support and challenge to regional partners over
the development of regional strategies, ensuring effective
spatial prioritisation – including functional economic areas in
the regional strategy and site-specific areas in the LDF and SCS
– and that links are made to wider public sector investment and
strategies (for example through Strategic Health Authorities
and Primary Care Trusts)
• work through LSPs and with other local partners to support
the development of effective regeneration strategies and
their implementation plans; and
• feedback to Whitehall Departments about good practice
and barriers to the implementation of regeneration policy.
Transforming places; changing lives: taking forward the regeneration framework | 23
National Government
Central Government will:
• align central government investment behind regional
strategies and their implementation plans
• revisit investment appraisal processes that impact on
regeneration, including how to effectively measure wider
community and economic benefits from investment
• encourage partnerships across sub-regions, including
through the process of agreeing multi-area agreements and the
city/region pilots
• introduce a duty on central government, local government and
their key partners to consider how their strategic decisions can
better tackle socio-economic disadvantage through the new
Single Equality Bill; and
• continue to deliver flexibilities to local partners by supporting
the development and delivery of local and multi area
To support the cross-Government approach, Communities and
Local Government will:
• monitor the key outcomes in this framework in the most
disadvantaged areas
• promote a joint approach to regeneration at all levels by
compiling a map of regeneration priority areas (from
regional strategies) to help steer capital investment decisions
across the public sector and in the private sector; and
• continue to work towards making all social housing decent
and go further, by encouraging landlords to ensure works to
improve their housing stock and estates and, through the
Decent Homes programme, contribute to wider objectives such
as access to employment opportunities.
Annex B: Timeline
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
• Mid-2007: Review • Early 2008: London • Late 2008: Economic • Early 2009: LAAs • Early 2010: LEA Duty • Early 2011: 80% of • 2012-2013: RSIP 2
of Sub-National Plan published Prosperity Boards refreshed. comes into force. all local adopted and
Economic incorporating both the (EPBs), Local • Early 2009: Three • 2010-2011: RS and authorities’ key implemented.
Development and Early and Further Economic further MAAs signed RSIP adopted and development
Regeneration Alterations in the London Assessment (LEA) off by the Prime implementation planning
(SNR) published. Plan (consolidated with Duty and Single Minister. commences. documents (DPDs),
This set out a series alterations since 2004). Regional Strategies • April 2009: Leeds and • Late 2010- early within the LDF,
of proposed reforms • Mid-2008: local area (RS) put forward in Greater Manchester 2011: new local adopted in
that would enable agreements (LAAs) the Local city-region pilots economic accordance with
regions and local agreed with central Democracy, announced in 2009 assessment duty their agreed local
areas to respond government for all 150 Economic Budget. comes on stream. development
better to economic first tier local authorities Development and • Early 2009: • 2010-2011: scheme. DPDs
challenges. for the period 2008- Construction Bill comprehensive area Committed considered to be
2011. The development (LDEDC). assessments lifespan for New most important
of LAAs is led by local • Late 2008: RS activated. Deal for include core
authorities and local preparatory work • Early to Mid-2009: Communities strategies and those
strategic partnerships started in some HCA’s ‘single (NDC) comes to an plans with large
(LSPs). These are 3-year regions and led by conversation’ end. NDC areas housing allocations.
investment plans. RDAs and interim approach trialled. succession strategies • 2011-2012:
• Mid-2008: First set of Local Authority • Mid-2009: First HCA to be in place. sustainable
24 | Transforming places; changing lives: taking forward the regeneration framework