What To Do If You Are Charged With Assault Eng

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What to do if you are charged with

This guide explains what normally happens when you are charged with assault. It does not try
to cover every situation. For detailed information, speak to a lawyer about your case.

Who can use this guide?

This guide is for people who want to plead not guilty to a
charge of assault. You can use this guide if:

reasons for
using this guide

you do not qualify for legal aid,

you cannot afford a lawyer, and
you plan to represent yourself in court.
You should represent yourself only if you do not qualify
for legal aid and you cannot afford a lawyer. If you
choose to represent yourself, be sure to talk to a lawyer
before your trial for advice. Some legal help is better than
none. See Where can I get legal help? at the end of this

What information will I find here?

This guide describes:

what this guide


what assault is,

what the prosecutor must prove in court,
how you can defend yourself, and
the sentence you could get if the judge finds you guilty.
At the end of this guide, you will find a checklist. Use
this at your trial to help you figure out if the prosecutor has
proven all the necessary parts of the offence.

What to do if you are charged with ASSAULT

For more information on offences, trials, and sentencing,

see these other guides:
other helpful

If You Are Charged with a Crime

Representing Yourself in a Criminal Trial
Speaking to the Judge Before You Are Sentenced
Ask for them at the same place where you got this guide.
Read them before you go to court.

What is assault?
Assault (also known as common assault) is:
assault is
force without

the intentional use of force against another person

indirect force

Indirect use of force can also be an assault. An example of

this is throwing a stone to hit someone. Spitting at someone
is also considered assault.

threatening or
trying to use

Threatening to use force can be an assault if you are close

enough to carry out the threat. Trying to use force can also
be an assault. An assault can occur even if the victim is not

without that persons consent (agreement).

Assault can range from mere touching to violent
punching. Assault can include kicking someone, or shoving
someone out of your way, or patting someones bottom.

Which type of offence am I charged with?

summary or

If an assault does not involve serious injuries or the use of

a weapon, the prosecutor will usually treat it as a summary
offence, which is a less serious crime. Otherwise, he or
she may treat it as an indictable offence, which is a more
serious crime that normally involves a stricter sentence.
The first time you are in court, ask which type of offence
the prosecutor is charging you with, and whether he or she
will be asking for a jail sentence if you are convicted.

What to do if you are charged with ASSAULT

Usually, the prosecutor will say that he or she is

proceeding summarily (which means that you are being
charged with a summary offence). But you might hear that
the prosecutor is proceeding by indictment (which means
that you are being charged with an indictable offence), and/
or that the prosecutor is asking for a jail sentence. If that
happens, you should immediately ask the judge or justice of
the peace to adjourn (delay) your case so that you can get
legal help.

if indictable,
ask for a delay
and speak to a

If you are charged with an indictable offence, you usually

have a better chance of getting legal aid so be sure you
know what type of offence you are being charged with. Legal
aid may change the decision to not cover your case.
For more information on summary and indictable offences,
see the guide Representing Yourself in a Criminal Trial.
You can ask the court to appoint a government-funded
lawyer to your case (a Rowbotham application) if:
you cannot afford a lawyer and were denied legal aid

when to ask for

a government
funded lawyer

the prosecutor says that he or she will ask for a jail sentence
if you are convicted, or will ask for any other type of
sentence that will have serious consequences for you, and
you feel that your case is too complex for you to handle.
For more information about having a lawyer appointed
to your case, see the guide If You Cant Get a Lawyer for Your
Criminal Trial.

What must the prosecutor prove?

The prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that
you are guilty of all the parts that make up the crime of
assault. To do this, the prosecutor will present evidence
(information about the crime) to the court, using witnesses or

must prove you
are guilty

You can cross-examine (question) the prosecutors

witnesses. But you will normally do so only if you
disagree with their information. For details about how to
crossexamine, see the guide Representing Yourself in a Criminal

you can

What to do if you are charged with ASSAULT

For a judge to find you guilty of assault, the prosecutor

must prove the following things:

1. Identity
you are the one
who committed
the crime

The prosecutor must prove that you are the person who
committed the crime. To do this, the prosecutor will
call witnesses, including the investigating police officer,
to give evidence. The witnesses will probably describe
the person they saw committing the crime. Then the
prosecutor will ask the witnesses to say if that person is in
the courtroom. The evidence, either from the witnesses or
from other sources (such as fingerprints), must show that
you are the person who committed the crime.

2. Jurisdiction
The prosecutor must prove:
place and date
of crime

that the crime happened in BC,

the date of the crime, and
the specific location where it happened.
These details are included on the information (the
official court form listing the date, place, and type of
offence) that the prosecutor will give you before the trial.
Usually the prosecutor will call a witness to give
evidence about the date and place of the assault. This
witness will likely be the victim. The investigating police
officer may also be a witness.

3. You intentionally used force (or tried or threatened

to do so)
you used force
(or tried or
threatened to
do so)

The prosecutor must prove that you intended to use

force, and that the assault was not an accident. An
attempt to use force or a threatening act or gesture
can be an assault, but only if the victim had reason
to believe you would be able to carry out the threat.
(Threatening someone who is not nearby is still a crime;
it is just not considered assault.)
For example, if you said to someone on the phone, If
I were there I would hit you so hard..., that would not
be an assault because you were not there. But if you
said that to someone in the same room, it could be
considered an assault because the other person could
reasonably believe that you were going to use force.

What to do if you are charged with ASSAULT

The prosecutor will ask the victim, along with anyone

else who was present, to give evidence about the force
you used (or tried to use) or the threats you made.

4. The other person did not consent

The prosecutor must prove that you used force (or tried
or threatened to do so) against the victim without his or
her consent.

no consent
from victim

The prosecutor might argue that the victim consented

out of fear, or that you tricked the victim into
consenting. In either case, the prosecutor would argue
that there was no real consent.

consent must
be real

If you think the prosecutor might say there was no real

consent, ask a lawyer for advice.

get legal advice

How do I defend myself?

Remember that the prosecutor must prove that you
committed the crime. If the prosecutor does not prove all
the parts of the crime, tell the judge you want to make
a no-evidence motion. You do this after the prosecutor
finishes presenting his or her case (often called the Crowns
case). Tell the judge what it is that the prosecutor did not
prove. If the judge agrees with you, you will be found not
guilty and the trial will end.


If the judge does not agree with your no-evidence

motion (or if you do not make one), the trial will continue.
No-evidence motions often do not work because the
prosecutor usually has some evidence for each part of the
crime so be ready to defend yourself.

Preparing your defence

In preparing your defence, think about what evidence you
have to use. Evidence can include documents, witnesses, or
your own personal testimony (telling the court your side).
Use evidence only if it helps you more than it could hurt
you. It can hurt you because once you offer something as
evidence, the prosecutor can use it against you to help fill in
weak spots in the Crowns case.

your own
evidence can
hurt you

What to do if you are charged with ASSAULT

get the guide

For more information about how to use witnesses,

prepare questions, and decide whether to speak yourself, see
the guide Representing Yourself in a Criminal Trial.
To defend yourself against a charge of assault, you may
be able to argue one of the following points:

1. I did not intend to do it.

no intent

You can use this defence if you touched the other person
accidentally. For example, perhaps you were in a crowd
and tripped. Or you lost your balance and bumped
into a stranger, but it was an accident and you did not
mean to assault the person. If you did not intend to hit
someone, you have not committed an assault.

2. I was acting in self-defence.


If someone assaulted you (or tried or threatened to do

so) and you used necessary and reasonable force to
protect yourself, then you acted in self-defence.


When you act in self-defence, you can use only enough

force to protect yourself. For example, it would not be
reasonable to pull a knife on someone who threatened
to punch you. And saying you used self-defence does
not work if you continue to use force after the threat
has ended. If you started the incident with your words
or actions, this defence also may not work. For more
information about arguing self-defence, get legal advice.

3. The other person consented.

the other

You can use this defence if the other person agreed to

the physical contact. If you were arguing with a person
and you both decided to settle it outside with a fist
fight, then you agreed to assault each other. But you
cannot use this defence if you pulled a knife and the
other person agreed only to a fist fight. And you cannot
use the defence of consent if you injured the other
person. This defence will also not work if you have
special training or skill in fighting, and the other person
did not know that.

consent must
be real

If you are going to say that the other person consented,

both of you must have had the same idea about what
you were getting into. The agreement was not real if it
was based on a trick or lie.

What to do if you are charged with ASSAULT

4. I was defending my property.

If someone tried to take or damage your property and
you used force to prevent it, you can argue that you
were defending your property. The force you used must
be necessary and reasonable. For example, if you see
someone taking your bike from your porch, you can try
to stop him or get the bike away from him. But you can
only use reasonable force to do this.

defending your

5. My Charter rights were violated.

If the police got evidence by violating your rights under
the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the judge might not
let the prosecutor use that evidence. And if that happens,
you can ask the judge to dismiss the charge against you.

your rights
under the

Under the Charter, the police must do the following

when they arrest you:
tell you immediately what they have arrested you for,
tell you immediately that you can talk to a lawyer
and let you do so in private before questioning you,

police must
respect your

give you access to a telephone, and

tell you that you can get legal help for free. (The
Legal Services Society has lawyers available 24 hours
a day to talk over the phone for free to people who
are in police custody.)
If the police did not do all of these things, you can argue
that they violated your rights. You would then argue that
the prosecutor should not be able to use any statements
you made or other evidence that the police got by
violating your rights.
However, the judge will not automatically throw out the
evidence in question. You must also show that accepting
the evidence will reflect badly on how justice is carried
out in Canadian courts.

judge might
throw out some

If you plan to argue that your Charter rights were

violated, talk to a lawyer before your trial. Judges expect
you to tell the prosecutor in advance if you plan to use this
type of argument.

get legal advice

about Charter

What to do if you are charged with ASSAULT

Closing your case

closing your

After you have finished presenting your defence, you will

close your case by telling the judge why you think the
prosecutor did not prove that you are guilty beyond a
reasonable doubt. This summary is called your submission.
See the guide Representing Yourself in a Criminal Trial for
more details on preparing submissions.

What if the judge finds me guilty?

If the judge finds you guilty, you will receive a sentence. It
could be any of the following:

an absolute discharge (your record will not show a

a conditional discharge (your record will not show a
conviction if you meet conditions that the judge sets)
probation (including, for example, community service)
a restitution order (you must pay money to someone,
usually the victim)
a fine
a conditional sentence (like a jail term, but you serve it
in the community)
a jail term

Speaking to the judge before you are sentenced

explain your
before you are

You get a chance to speak to the judge before he or she

decides your sentence (this is called speaking to sentence).
The judge will give you a chance to explain why you
committed the crime, whether you will do it again, and
whether you need help for any problems you may have
that were connected to the crime.
Speaking to sentence is important because it gives you a
chance to explain your situation to the judge.

get the guide

Ask for a copy of the guide Speaking to the Judge Before

You Are Sentenced from the same place where you got this
guide and read it before you go to court.

What to do if you are charged with ASSAULT

Paying a fine
The maximum fine for a summary offence is $2,000. If the
judge fines you, you can ask for time to pay. Tell the judge
how much you can pay each month. Later, if you find you
cannot pay on time, get the guide If You Cant Pay Your
Court Fine on Time from the same place where you got this
guide. Do this as soon as possible.

amount of fine
and time to

If you are convicted of assault, you also have to pay a

victim surcharge (fee). The amount you have to pay will
be either:


15% of your fine (if the judge gives you a fine as part of
your sentence),
$50 for a summary offence, $100 for an indictable
offence, or more if the judge orders a higher amount.
You can ask the judge to excuse you from paying the
victim surcharge. The judge can decide that you do not
have to pay the surcharge only if you show that paying it
would cause you or your dependants undue hardship.
If you do not ask, the court registry will automatically charge
you this fee.

judge may
excuse you
from the

What to do if you are charged with ASSAULT

Checklist: What the prosecutor must

prove if you are charged with assault
Use this checklist when the prosecutor presents the Crowns
case against you.
The prosecutor must prove all of these things:
must prove
these things

1 your identity
2 jurisdiction:
the crime happened in BC
the date of the crime (for summary offences,
the information must be dated within
six months of the date of the crime)
the town, city, or municipality where the
crime took place

you intentionally used force (or tried or

threatened to do so)

the other person did not consent

If the prosecutor does not prove all the necessary
parts of the crime, make a no-evidence motion
(see page 5).
If the prosecutors case is weak or inconsistent in
one of the above areas, mention this in your
submission (see page 8).


What to do if you are charged with ASSAULT

Where can I get legal help?

Even if you cannot afford a lawyer to represent you in
court, it is a good idea to talk to a lawyer before your trial.
To find one:
Speak to a duty counsel lawyer at the courthouse. When
duty counsel are available, they can give you advice
about the charges against you, court procedures, and
your legal rights. This service is free. Duty counsel can
also speak on your behalf the first time you appear in
court, but they cannot act as your permanent lawyer.
Call the Legal Services Society at 604-408-2172 (in
Greater Vancouver) or 1-866-577-2525 (call no charge,
outside Greater Vancouver) or your local courthouse to
find out when duty counsel will be there.

help from duty


Contact a lawyer in private practice. Find out if the

lawyer is willing to help and what it will cost. Even if
you pay for just two meetings to get basic advice about
your particular case, it could be worth the cost.

help from a
private lawyer

If you do not know a lawyer who handles criminal cases,

contact the Lawyer Referral Service. They will give you
some suggestions. For a $25 fee plus taxes, you can meet
with a lawyer they recommend for a half hour. You can
see whether you want to hire the lawyer and how much
it would cost. Call the service at 1-800-663-1919 (call no
charge) or 604-687-3221 in Greater Vancouver.

help to find a

If you live in the Lower Mainland, you may be able to

get help from the University of British Columbias Law
Students Legal Advice Program (LSLAP). You can get free
legal advice or assistance from LSLAP if you are charged
with a summary offence and are not likely to get a jail
sentence if convicted. Call 604-822-5791 to find the
location of the nearest LSLAP clinic.

help from free


If you live in Victoria, the Law Centre may be able to

help you. Call 250-385-1221 for more information.
For more information about the law, go to the Clicklaw
website at www.clicklaw.bc.ca. Here, you will find links
to legal information, education, and help. You can find out
about your rights and your options to solve legal problems,
access toll-free numbers for law-related help, and learn
about the law and the legal system.

links to more
help on the

What to do if you are charged with ASSAULT


Also available

How to get these


How Does a Court Order Affect Me?

If You Are Charged with a Crime

If You Cant Get a Lawyer for Your Criminal Trial

If You Cant Pay Your Court Fine on Time

Representing Yourself in a Criminal Trial

Speaking to the Judge Before You Are Sentenced

What to Do If You Are Charged with a Breach

of a Court Order

What to Do If You Are Charged with a Drinking

and Driving Offence

What to Do If You Are Charged with Mischief

What to Do If You Are Charged with Possession

of an Illegal Drug

What to Do If You Are Charged with Possession

of Property Under $5,000 Obtained by Crime

What to Do If You Are Charged with Theft

Under $5,000

Read online:
Many of these guides are available in both
English and French.

Order online:
(under Quick Links, click Legal Services Society)

Phone: 604-601-6000
Email: distribution@lss.bc.ca

British Columbia

July 2010

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