A2010 Legal Method Digest
A2010 Legal Method Digest
A2010 Legal Method Digest
LANGDELL’S ORTHODOXY 2. Langdellian formalism aspired that the legal system be made
complete through universal formality, and universally formal
By Thomas Gray through conceptual order. A few basic top-level categories and
principles formed a conceptually ordered system above a large
Classical orthodoxy - set of ideas to be put to work from the inside by number of bottom-level rules. Rules, ideally, hold estavlished
those operating institutions, not a set of ideas about those institutions precedents, upon which analysis could be seen to be derived from
reflecting an outside perspective those principles.
- ideal inside theory -> would contain an accurate account of legal *Doubly formal system: 1st, specific rules were framed in such
institutions, a method for operating them, a creed for legal professionals, terms that decisions followed from them uncontroversially when
and a justification of the institutions for the outsiders they were applied to readily ascertainable facts (sought objective
tests and avoided vague standards); 2nd at the next level up one
1. Five criteria for analyzing legal systems could derive the rules themselves analytically from the principles.
A. Comprehensiveness = degree to which judges must decide * Example: the mailbox rule, (using top-level principles) that a
all cases within their jurisdictions, comprehensive if the system contract cannot be formed until there is bargained-for-
provides an institutional mechanism for the unique resolution consideration, which is either promise or performance (definition).
of every case In a bilateral contract case, there is no performance, and the only
B. Completeness = degree to which rules preordain a "right promise contained is contained in the offeree's acceptance
answer" to all possible legal questions, when its substantive (definition). But a promise requires communication of its content
norms provide a uniquely correct solution, incomplete when to its promise (analytical truth). And when the promise is by letter,
containing substantive gaps or inconsistencies between the content is not communicated until the letter is received and
overlapping norms read. Therefore, the contract is not formed until the letter is
C. Formality = degree to which outcomes are determined by received and read. (If bottom-level principles were to be used,that
transparent reasoning process, formal when its outcomes are the acceptance letter had to be received, read and understood, the
dictated by demonstrative, rationally compelling, reasons, (not requirement of rule-formality would not be met).
a necessary reason for completeness, there is a right answer *Crucial to completeness of a system that it be conceptually
for every case, but no demonstrative reasoning to hard cases) ordered and fundamental principles and constitutive concepts be
D. Conceptual order = degree to which bottom-level rules can sufficiently abstract to cover a whole range of possible cases.
be traced back to relatively small number of abstract Bottom-level rules, which are specific, could not be available in
principles, which form a coherent system, one can distinguish advance to deal with all new fact situations; if the law were only a
categories that demarcate bodies of law (e.g. tort, contract, collection of specific rules it would not be complete. (Centrum ad
crime) from operative concepts used in principles, from which ba ito?)
decisive rules are derived (e.g. consideration, proximate cause, *The law considers a mass of haphazardly arranged cases: a
malice) "chaos with a full index." Langdell: "Law, considered as a science,
* completeness, formality, and conceptual order <-- values consists of certain principles or doctrines. To have such mastery of
of legality which allow us to give a clear meaning to vague these as to be able to apply them with constant facility and
terms used in debates about legal theory certainty to the ever-tangled skein of human affairs, is what
* formalism - describes legal theories that stress the constitutes a true lawyer..."
importance of rationally uncontroversial reasoning in legal *Omitted factor: role of acceptability in classical orthodox system.
decisions Examination of Langdell's work shows that he did not hold the view
* conceptualism - describes legal theories that place a high that substantial justice and interests of parties in the cases were
value on creation or discovery of a few fundamental irrelevant to the validity of the mailbox rule. Throughout his work,
principles or concepts at the heart of the system Langdell appealed to considerations of justice or policy. "The law
E. Acceptability = normative attractiveness, fulfills the adopts fictions only to promote justice, i.e., in order to prevent
ideals and desires of those under its jurisdiction, fulfill some injustice..."ALthough not the bulk large in the Langdellian
extra-legal values (debate: WON values encompassed in
34 [62] 39
Supra. [67]
From the deliberations of the Constitutional Commission, the intent of the framers is
clear that the immunity of the President from suit is concurrent only with his tenure and not
197 SCRA 52, 60 (1991). his term. (De Leon, Philippine Constitutional Law, Vol. 2, 2004 Ed., p. 302).
40 [68]
Section 1, Article XI of the Constitution provides: Public Office is a public trust. Public
36 [64]
Supra. officers and employees must at all times be accountable to the people, serve them with
utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency, act with patriotism and justice, and
37 [65] lead modest lives.
See NAACP v. Alabama, 357 U.S. 449 (1958). 41
G.R. No. 141284, August 15, 2000, 338 SCRA 81. [69]
Ibid., Sec. 2.
61[123] 62[124]
Antieau, Constitutional Construction, 1982, p.21. Cruz, Philippine Political Law, 1998, p. 94.
Judicial Law-making
Have judges the right and power to make law and change law? Beale and Legal Fundamentalism
Conventional view: law is a complete body of rules. Legislatures are Beale would definitely say that the decision and judgment of a court
expressly empowered to change the law. Judges are not to make or change determining a particular controversy can in no sense be regarded as in
law but to apply it. Judicial opinions are only evidences of what the law is. itself law. Judgment of any court is too finite, too lowly, of too little real
Contrary minority view: judge-made law is real law. Judges make and import, to be worthy the name law. Law must be uniform, general,
change the law. Statutory legislation may only alter law prospectively. continuous, equal, certain, pure. Law cannot change backwards and
Jurisprudence, on the other hand, can alter the law retroactively. The myth forwards a dozen times w/in a few years. Its purity is unsullied by mere
that judges have no power to change existing law or make new law is a decisions, whatever their practical consequence.
direct outgrowth of a subjective need for believing in a stable, In case of conflicting decisions given the same set of facts, the law had
approximately unalterable legal world – a child’s world. always been the same and the Court, in one decision or the other, had
The supposed practical importance of avoiding legal retroactivity and made a mistake. The law never was in doubt, only the decision was in
uncertainty is much overrated, since most men act w/o regard to the legal doubt; as Beale sees it, the decision and the law are not the same, by any
consequences of their conduct. John Chipman Gray: the law of w/c a man manner of means. Accdg to Beale, the law consists of three parts: (1)
has no knowledge is the same to him as if it did not exist. The factor of statutes, (2) rules and (3) the general body of principles accepted as the
uncertainty in law has little bearing on practical affairs. Retroactivity and fundamental principles of jurisprudence. Law is made in part by the
the resulting unavoidable uncertainty are not as great practical evils as legislature; in part it rests upon precedents; and in great part it consists in
they are often assumed to be. The no judge-made law doctrine is not a homogenous, scientific, and all-embracing body of principle, a
fundamentally a response to practical needs. There is no harm in this philosophical system.
myth. Law must be predictable and continuous. It is essential that law be
But the denial of the fact of judge-made law seems to resemble an general, for w/o generality there could not be equality, and justice requires
outright benevolent lie that people should believe. It actually leads to a equality, and that means generality. It is impossible that a single event
distrust of the judges, disrespect for their opinions. Why then do judges should be followed by 2 contradictory legal consequences, for any political
deceive the public? Bcoz they are themselves deceived. The doctrine of no society must have only one law; if two laws prevail at the same time, they
judge-made law is not a lie, not a fiction, rather a myth – a false affirmation might be mutually destructive. Judges can not make law, for if they did, the
made w/o complete knowledge of its falsity. And this self-delusion has led law might change rapidly and it must not change rapidly. These things
to many unfortunate results. cannot be, must not be. But they are.
Childish dread of uncertainty and unwillingness to face legal realities For Beale and his legal absolutism, real Law is superhuman. It is extra-
produce a basic legal myth that the law is completely settled and defined. experiential. But to mere humans, law means what the courts have
Thence springs the subsidiary myth that judges never make law. That decided and will decide, and not vague, “pure” generalizations. Lawyers
myth, in turn, is the progenitor of a large brood of troublesome semi-myths are intensely practical men and their concern is w/ the lives and property
like “contracts implied in law,” “constructive fraud,” and “malice in law.” of their clients. Why then is generality so prized by lawyers at the expense
of particularity?
Legal Realism
What is the law? What does it mean to the average man of our times Verbalism and Scholasticism
when he consults a lawyer? For any particular lay person, the law w/ Dean Leon Green: The possibility of developing a true science of law
respect to any particular set of facts, is a decision of the court w/ respect has been retarded bcoz lawyers have not risen above the word level. If we
to those facts so far as that decision affects that particular person. Until a are to make progress in the law, we must no longer canonize words such
court has passed on those facts no law on that subject is yet in existence. as rights and duties. Words must surrender their sanctity. Is legal
Prior to such a decision, the only law available is the opinion of lawyers as Absolutism, then, merely word-worship? Perhaps! Many abstract terms
to the law relating to that person and to those facts. Such opinion is not acquire an intense “emotive value”; they stimulate not intellection but
Summary • My concern implicates an aspect of being broader than just what kind of
The book is a combination of scientific studies (Implicit Association gender I have, or think I have, or think I ought to have. It seems to me
Test), historical accounts (Warren Harding), social happenings that that at a higher level of generality, differences in gender collapse
(discrimination), notable trends (Coke v Pepsi), and simple day to day and converge towards an appreciable commonality… we are all human
observations regarding the creation of snap-judgments otherwise known as bodies that can communicate. This point of convergence is where a
thin-slicing. shared community becomes a possibility, where theorizing moves from
It demystifies us from the idea that for people to come up with imagination to the politics of transformation
there judgments regarding just about anything there is the factor of time • His Issue: the autonomy of the individual in a society imbued with
and careful investigation. The book gives us evidences that point to the dominant and domineering signs – cultural marks that commandeer and
idea that we are indeed able to rely on our own adaptive unconscious and simultaneously create the appearance of freedom. My inability to
that we are capable at arriving on a decision that is accurate. transcend the commands of culture has infused doubts about my
There is a possible problem however as there is an also likely freedom to many any choice. If my perceptions (culture etc.) is
chance that our way of thinking would be impaired by day to day constructed prior to myself, given and not made, where goes my
bombardment of stimulus. The Warren Harding Error lets us stop from freedom?
thinking beyond what we already figured. It keeps us away from weighing
the need to look beyond what we thin-slice. It is crucial therefore for us not NATURAL LAW
to over emphasize our snap judgment by knowing when to apply such • There are terms that constrain and direct my ability to make choices that
I cannot make because they are outside the range of choices that are