Hugh Selwyn Mauberley

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Ezra Pound (1885-1972) - Hugh Selwyn Mauberley [Part I] - (H. S.

Mauberley: the name of a

fictitious poet of limited ability contemporary with Pound.)
"Vocat aestus in umbram". Nemesianus Es. IV. - (epigraph: from the 3rd-cent. B.C. Latin poet Nemesianus, eclogue IV.38
(Mopsus): "the heat calls [you] into the shade"(Nmsien, uvres, ed. and trans. Pierre Volphilhac)

E. P. Ode pour l'lection de son spulchre1

For three years, out of key with his time,/ Tri godine u neskladu sa svojim vremenom He strove to resuscitate the dead
art/ Trudio se da oivi umjetnost mrtvu Of poetry; to maintain "the sublime"2/ Poezije, da ju odri uzvienom In the
old sense. Wrong from the start --/ U starom smislu. Od poetka pogreno- No, hardly, but, seeing he had been born/
Ne, teko, ali da je roen vidjevi In a half savage country,3 out of date;/ U poludivljoj zemlji, u krivom dobu, Bent
resolutely on wringing lilies from the acorn;/ Iz ira da cijedi ljiljan vrsto odlui;
Capaneus; trout for factitious bait:/ Kapanej4; ribaza meku vjetaku.
"Idmen gar toi panth, os eni Troie/'.................................................................... 5
Caught in the unstopped ear;/ Ulovilo je uho nezaepljeno6;
Giving the rocks small lee-way/ Prolazei tik pored stijene
The chopped seas held him, therefore, that year./ Zato ga tu godinu more zadra uzburkano.
His true Penelope was Flaubert,/ Flaubert mu Penelopa prava bijae,
He fished by obstinate isles;/ Pecao je kraj otoka svojeglavih;
Observed the elegance of Circe's hair/ Posmatrao kienost Kirkine7 kose,

1 E. P. Ode pour l'lection de son spulchre: The initials identify Ezra Pound, and the rest associates him with
Pierre de Ronsard, whose Ode IV of Book IV begins so (uvres compltes, ed. Gustave Cohen [Gallimard,
1950]: 535-38). Oda izboru svoga groba, na fran, parafraza naslova jedne ode Pierra Ronsarda (1524.-1585.),


















4 Capaneus: one of the seven against Thebes (in Aeschylus's play of that name), he was struck down by Zeus on the walls of Thebes for
impiety.; factitious: characterized by conventional, "not natural or spontaneous" artifice (OED 3; courtesy of Bob Hanenberg).; Jedan od
voa vojske poslane iz grada Arga da ratuje protiv grada Tebe zbog dinastikog nasljea, prema grkoj mitolokoj prii. Kapanej se
hvalio da ga ni Zeusov grom ne moe sprijeiti da osvoji grad, pa je bio i pogoen munjom i ubijen. Dante ga mee u pakao (XIV) kao

5 The Sirens in Homer's Odyssey (XII, 189) sing, "because we know all things [suffered] in Troy": a line heard by Odysseus (the "him"
at 1.12) but not his companions, whose ears were plugged with wax to protect them from the Sirens' words (cf. 1.10).; Jer mi znamo sve
muke to bjehu u irokoj Troji, na klasinom grkom, dio pjesme sirena iz XII pjevanja, redak 189. Homerove Odiseje.

6 Odisej je naredio svojim mornarima da zaepe ui voskom da ne bi uli pogubnu pjesmu sirena, a njega su

7 Circe: enchantress who turned men into beasts and whose companion was Odysseus for a time.; arobnica koja je Odisejeve mornare
pretvorila u svinje. Samo Odisej, uz pomo Hermesove biljne zatite, uspije ostati nepromijenjen i nagovoriti Kirku da mu oslobodi
prijatelje. No ipak ih je boravak na Kirkinom otoku zadrao od povratka na Itaku.

Rather than the mottoes on sun-dials./ Radije nego mota satova sunanih.
Unaffected by "the march of events",/ Neiskvaren tokom dogaaja
He passed from men's memory in l'an trentiesme/ Otiao je iz ljudskog sjeanja u l'an trentiesme
De son eage; the case presents/ De son eage8; taj sluaj ne predstavlja
No adjunct to the Muses' diadem./ Neki dodatak Muza dijademi.
The age demanded an image/ Doba je zahtjevalo sliku Of its accelerated grimace,/ Svoje ubrzane grimase, Something
for the modern stage,/ Neto za modernu pozornicu, Not, at any rate, an Attic9 grace;/ A ne u bilo kojem sluaju atika
dra; Not, not certainly, the obscure reveries/ Ne, sigurno ne mrana premiljanja Of the inward gaze;/ Unutarnjeg
pogleda; Better mendacities/ Bolje su lai Than the classics in paraphrase!/ Nego klasici u parafrazi! The "age
demanded" chiefly a mould in plaster,/ Doba je zahtijevalo uglavnom odljev u gipsu Made with no loss of time,/
Napravljen bez gubitka vremena, A prose kinema, not, not assuredly, alabaster/ Prozno kino, ne, sigurno ne alabaster10
Or the "sculpture" of rhyme./ Ili rimu klesanu od kamena.
Comment:a world of cheap entertainment rather than world of beauty
The tea-rose, tea-gown, etc./ Popodnevna haljina boje ute rue, itd. Supplants the mousseline of Cos,/ Zamijenjuje
muslin11 sa Kosa The pianola "replaces"/ Automatski klavir zamjenjuje Sappho's barbitos./ Sapphinog barbitosa12.
Christ follows Dionysus,/ Krist dolazi poslije Dionisa, Phallic and ambrosial/ Falinog i ambrozijalnog Made way for
macerations13;/ iri put za trapljenje; Caliban casts out Ariel./ Kaliban izbacuje Arijela14. All things are a flowing,/ Sve
stvari teku Sage Heracleitus says;/ Prorok Heraklit15 veli





































12 Sappho's barbitos: the lyre of this 7th-cent. B.C. Greek poet of (lesbian) love.; Instrument sa sedam ica nalik liri.










14 In Shakespeare's The Tempest, Prospero employs the services of a spirit, Ariel, whom he freed from imprisonment in a pine tree
(where he was placed by the witch Sycorax), to recapture his kingdom and torment an earthy creature -- the son of this witch -- who
sought to kill Prospero and rape his daughter Miranda.; Pristojni i zloesti duh iz Shakespeareove drame Bura. Zanimljivo je da su neke
novije izvedbe i tumaenja ovog djela shvatile prikaz i ponaanje Kalibana kao sliku kolonijalnog muenja i potinjavanja uroenika.

15 Heracleitus: the philosopher of Ephesus who argued that flux and change dominated life.; Heraklit (535.-475. prije Krista),




But a tawdry cheapness/ Ali vulgarna (bljetava) jeftinoa Shall reign throughout our days./ Nadivjet e nae dane.
Even the Christian beauty/ ak i kranska ljepota Defects -- after Samothrace;/ Nakon Samotrake16 - bjei; We see to
kalon/............17, Mi vidimo kako se ljepota/ tokalon, Decreed in the market place./ Na tritu odreuje.
Faun's flesh is not to us,/ Faunovo meso nije za nas Nor the saint's vision./ Niti je svetaka vizija. We have the press for
wafer18;/ Nama je tampa hostija, Franchise for circumcision./ Pravo glasa nam je cirkumcizija19. All men, in law, are
equals./ Svi ljudi po zakonu su isti, Free of Peisistratus,/ Slobodni od Peizistrata20, We choose a knave or an eunuch/ Mi
hulju ili eunuha biramo To rule over us./ Da nad nama vlada. A bright Apollo,/ O Apolone sjajni, tin andra, tin eroa, tina
theon,/ ................................................21, What god, man, or hero/ Kojem bogu, ovjeku il' junaku Shall I place a tin
wreath upon?22/ Da podarim vijenac limeni!
These fought, in any case,/ Ovi su se borili, u svakom sluaju,
and some believing, pro domo, in any case ../ Neki i vjerujui, pro domo23, u svakom sluaju...
Some quick to arm,/ Neki brzi na oruju,
some for adventure,/ Neki zbog pustolovine,
some from fear of weakness,/ Neki zbog straha od slabosti,
some from fear of censure,/ Neki od straha od prijekora,
some for love of slaughter, in imagination,/ Neki zbog ljubavi prema klanju, u mati,
learning later .../ Nauivi kasnije...
some in fear, learning love of slaughter;/ Neki u strahu, nauivi ljubav prema klanju.
Died some pro patria, non dulce non et decor" ../ Umrijee neki, pro patria, non dulce non et decor... 24

16 Samothrace: Greek island associated with a cult of beauty; the Winged Victory was recovered here.; Grki otok
30ak kilometara od obale Trakije, poznat po statui krilate boice pobjede Nike pronaenoj 1863. Pound moda
samo misli da je nakon pobjede nad antikim mnogoboakim religijama kranstvo poelo propadati.




























20 Peisistratus: the 6th-cent. B.C. tyrant of Athens, and patron of the arts.; Pizistrat, atenski tiranin iz 6. st. prije

21 Kojeg ovjeka, kojeg junaka, kojeg Boga, na klasinom grkom. Citat iz Pindarove Olimpijske ode, II, 2.

22 "what god, what hero, and what man [shall we celebrate]?" from Pindar's Olympian ode 2, for Theron of Akragas, winner of the
chariot race in 476 B.C. (Pindar, Olympian Odes; Pythian Odes, ed. and trans. William H. Race).; tin: a pun on the Greek "what".












24 From Horace's ode III.ii.13 -- "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori," i.e., "Sweet and proper it is to die for your country" ( The Odes
of Horace). Cf. Wilfrid Owen's "Dulce et Decorum Est", composed before his death in 1918 but only published in 1921.; Za domovinu,

walked eye-deep in hell/ Uetae do oiju u pakao

believing in old men's lies, then unbelieving/ Vjerujui u lai staraca, a onda ne vjerujui
came home, home to a lie,/ Vratie se kui, kui u la,
home to many deceits,/ Kui u mnoge prevare,
home to old lies and new infamy;/ Kui u stare lai i nove podlosti;
usury age-old and age-thick/ U prastaru nataloenu lihvu25
and liars in public places./ I s laljivcima na javnim mjestima.
Daring as never before, wastage as never before./ Smionost kao nikad ranije, traenje kao nikad ranije.
Young blood and high blood,/ Mlada krv i plemenita krv,
Fair cheeks, and fine bodies;/ Svijetli obrazi, i stasita tijela;
fortitude as never before/ Hrabrost kao nikad ranije
frankness as never before,/ Iskrenost kao nikad ranije,
disillusions as never told in the old days,/ Razoarenje nikad ispriano u starim danima,
hysterias, trench confessions,/ Histerije, ispovijesti u rovu,
laughter out of dead bellies./ Smijeh iz mrtvih trbuha.
There died a myriad,/ Umrlo ih je bezbroj,
And of the best, among them,/ I neki od najboljih meu njima,
For an old bitch gone in the teeth,/ Za staru kuju s propalim zubima,
For a botched civilization./ Za skrparenu civilizaciju.
Charm, smiling at the good mouth,/ ar, osmijeh na dobrim ustima,
Quick eyes gone under earth's lid,/ ive oi otile pod zemljin kapak,
For two gross of broken statues,/ Zbog par stotina izlomljenih kipova
For a few thousand battered books./ Zbog nekoliko hiljada ofucanih knjiga.
Yeux Glauques26
Gladstone27 was still respected,/Gladstone jo bjee tovan
When John Ruskin produced/Kad John Ruskin stvori
"Kings Treasuries"; Swinburne28/Riznice kraljeva; Swinburne
And Rossetti29 still abused./S Rossettijem jo bjee gren.
Ftid Buchanan30 lifted up his voice/Smrdljivi Buchanan podie svoj glas
When that faun's head31 of hers/Kad ta glava njena faunska
Became a pastime for/Postade zabava
Painters and adulterers./Slikara i preljubnika.
ne slatko i ne slavno, na latinskom. Negacija uvene izreke rimskog pjesnika Horacija iz Oda, III, ii, 13, koja glasi: Slatko je i slavno

25 usury: charging interest on loans of money -- the very basis of modern banking and the stock market.; Posuivanje novca uz







27 Gladstone: William Ewert Gladstone (1809-98), classical scholar, Liberal politician, he wrote about Homer

28 John Ruskin(1819-1900), English poet, art historian and reformer. His main work is Modern Painters.; The first chapter in Ruskin's
Sesame and Lilies (1865, 1871).; In a seminary Sesame of Kings Treasuries he spoke about what has to be read.; Algernon Charles
Swinburne (1837-1909), jedan od vodeih engleskih pjesnika druge polovice 19. St., senzualnost njegovih pjesama je okirala

The Burne-Jones cartons32/Crtei Nurne-Jonesa

Have preserved her eyes;/Sauvae joj oi;
Still, at the Tate, they teach/Jo uvijek u Tateu ue
Cophetua to rhapsodize;/Cophetuu ushit izrazit' moi.
Thin like brook-water,/Vodenaste kao potoka tok,
With a vacant gaze./Sa praznim pogledom.
The English Rubaiyat33 was still-born/Engleske Rubaije bjehu jo mrtvoroene
In those days./U vremenu tom.
The thin, clear gaze, the same/Jo uvijek na skrenom licu
Still darts out faun-like from the half-ruin'd face,/Isti je vodenast pogled bistri, faunski,
Questing and passive ..../Istraivai i pasivan...
"Ah, poor Jenny's34 case" .../O, sluaj jadne Jenny...
Bewildered that a world/Smetena to svijet
Shows no surprise/Nimalo iznenaen nije
At her last maquero's35/ Preljubama kojim njen
Adulteries./Zadnji makro brije.
"Siena Mi Fe', Disfecemi Maremma"36
Among the pickled ftuses and bottled bones,/Meu usoljenim fetusima i flairanim kostima,
Engaged in perfecting the catalogue,/Zauzetog usavravanjem kataloga,
I found the last scion of the/Naao sam posljednjeg potomka

29 Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882), engleski pjesnik i slikar, vodea linost umjetnike kole Prerafaelitsko

30 Ftid Buchanan: Robert W. Buchanan (1841-1901), who attacked the so-called "fleshly" school of poets (e.g.,
Rossetti and his poem Jenny which is about one prostitute, and Swinburne) in Contemporary Review (Oct. 1871).

31 that faun's head: perhaps an allusion to "Tte de Faune" by Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891), a French "decadent"

32 Cophetua and the Beggar Maid, a painting by Sir Edward Burne-Jones (1833-98), still hangs in the Tate Gallery in London.
cartons: cartoons.

The English Rubaiyat: published by Edward Fitzgerald (preveo ga s perzejskog) (1809-1883) in 1859, and remaindered until Rossetti
discovered and praised it.

Jenny: Dante Gabriel Rossetti's poem, "Jenny," on an English prostitute.
maquero: pimp.
The title, from the words of La Pia de' Tolomei in Dante's Purgatorio (V, 134): "Sienna gave me birth, Maremma
death."; Sienna me stvorila, Maremma rastvorila, Pia de Tolomei se ali na svoju sudbinu.

Senatorial families of Strasbourg, Monsieur Verog.37/Senatorskih obitelji iz Strasbourga, Monsieur Veroga.

For two hours he talked of Gallifet38;/Cijela dva sata je priao o Gallifetu;
Of Dowson; of the Rhymers' Club39;/O Dowsonu, o Stihoklepakom klubu;
Told me how Johnson (Lionel)40 died/Rekao mi kako je Johnson (Lionel) umro
By falling from a high stool in a pub .../Kad je pao s visoke stolice u pubu.
But showed no trace of alcohol/Ali ne bjee ni traga alkoholu,
At the autopsy, privately performed --/Pokaza autopsija izvedena privatnoTissue preserved -- the pure mind/Sauvano tkivo isti duh
Arose toward Newman41 as the whiskey warmed./Die se prema Newmanu dok se viski grijao.
Dowson found harlots cheaper than hotels;/Dowson otkri drolje jeftinije od hotela;
Headlam42 for uplift; Image impartially imbued/Headlam za due okrepu, nepristrasno Imageom proet bi
With raptures for Bacchus43, Terpsichore44 and the Church./Zanesen Bakhom, Terpsikorom i crkvom.
So spoke the author of "The Dorian Mood"45,/Tako je govorio pisac Dorske udi.
M. Verog, out of step with the decade,/M. Verog, u neskladu sa svojom dekadom,
Detached from his contemporaries,/Odvojen od svojih suvremenika,

Monsieur Verog: Victor Gustav Plarr (1863-1929), poet and Librarian of the Royal College of Surgeons, whose
catalogue he compiled.; Ovo je, kako se kasnije otkriva u tekstu, portret Victora Plarra, bibliotekara Kraljevskog
kirurkog koleda u Londonu ali i francuskog pjesnika ija je zbirka U dorskoj udi (In a Dorian Mood)
objavljena 1896.
Gallifet: Gaston Alexandre Auguste de Gallifet (1830-1909), a French general in the Franco-Prussian war. (on je
po cijenu nekih 20.000 mrtvih unitio Pariku komunu 1871.
Ernest Dowson (1867-1900), engleski viktorijanski pjesnik; the Rhymers' Club: an informal group of late Victorian poets ca. 1890-91
who met regularly in the Cheshire Cheese pub in Fleet Street, London. Predvoena W.B. Yeatsom. I Dowson i kasnije Johnson i Image
su bili lanovi.

Johnson (Lionel): a member of the Rhymers' Club, Johnson (1867-1902) was an English poet, and a friend of W.
B. Yeats, a Cathlic convert, and an alcoholic. The tale of his death is not true. Pound je 1915. Uredio jedno izdanje
njegovih djela.
John Henry Newman, English poet, essayist, and later, Catholic Cardinal, author of The Idea of a University and the Apologia.

Reverend Stewart Duckworth Headlam (1847-1924), a cleric-poet whom the Church forced to resign his curacy because of his
professed interest in dance and drama.(u radnikim klubovima je drao predavanja o baletu); Selwyn Image (1849-1930), another clericpoet, lan Stihoklepakog kluba, profesor likovne umjetnosti na Oxfordu, sa Headlamom osniva Ceha crkve i pozornice (Church and
Stage Guild). See his Art, Morals, and the War, a lecture delivered in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford (Oxford University Press, 1914;
Pamph HMod I Robarts Library).

Bacchus: Grki bog vina
Terpsichore: the muse of dance.

Neglected by the young,/Zanemaren od mladih

Because of these reveries./Zbog sanjarija ovakvog oblika.
Brennbaum. 46
The sky-like limpid eyes,/
The circular infant's face,/
The stiffness from spats47 to collar/
Never relaxing into grace;/
The heavy memories of Horeb, Sinai48 and the forty years,/
Showed only when the daylight fell/
Level across the face/
Of Brennbaum "The Impeccable"./
Mr. Nixon49
In the cream gilded cabin of his steam yacht/U kremasto pozlaenoj kabini svoje parne jahte
Mr. Nixon advised me kindly, to advance with fewer/Gosp. Nixon me ljubazno savjetovao kako da
Dangers of delay. "Consider/Napredujem sa manje opasnosti odlaganja. Uzmite
Carefully the reviewer./Paljivo u razmatranje prikazivaa.
"I was as poor as you are;/Bijah siromaan koliko i vi;
"When I began I got, of course,/Kad sam poinjao dobio sam, naravno,
"Advance on royalties, fifty at first", said Mr. Nixon,/Predujam na honorar, pedeset na poetku, ree gosp. Nixon,
"Follow me, and take a column,/Slijedite mene i piite kolumnu,
"Even if you have to work free./ak i ako morate raditi besplatno.
"Butter reviewers. From fifty to three hundred/Laskajte prikazivaima. Od pedeset do tristo
"I rose in eighteen months;/Uznapredovah za godinu i po;
"The hardest nut I had to crack/Najtvri orah to slomit morah do danas
"Was Dr. Dundas./Bjee dr. Dundas to.
"I never mentioned a man but with the view/Nikad ne pomenuh ikoga osim da bih
"Of selling my own works./Prodao svoja djela.
"The tip's a good one, as for literature/Taj je savjet dobar jer literatura
"It gives no man a sinecure."/Ni za kog nije sinekura.
And no one knows, at sight a masterpiece./I niko ne prepozna na prvi pogled remek djelo.
And give up verse, my boy,/I man'te se stihova, deko moj,
There's nothing in it."/Nema nita od tog.
Likewise a friend of Bloughram's50 once advised me:/Slino me je jednom svjetovao Bloughramov prijatelj neki:
Don't kick against the pricks,/Nemoj ut protiv rogatog,

"The Dorian Mood": Plarr's book of poems was entitled In the Dorian Mood (1896).
Brennbaum is thought to refer to Max Beerbohm, humorist and man of letters (1872-1956).

spats: buttoned cloth or leather pieces worn by men to cover their ankles and the upper part of their shoes.

Horeb, Sinai: Moses witnessed the burning bush on Mount Horeb (Exodus 3.2) and obtained the ten commandments from God on
Mount Sinai (Exodus 19.20).

Nixon is associated with Arnold Bennett (1867-1931), the English novelist.
Bloughram's: alluding to Gigadibs, the journalist in Robert Browning's poem "Bishop Blougram's Apology."

Accept opinion. The "Nineties" tried your game/Prihvati ope miljenje. Dvadesete su ti probale igru
And died, there's nothing in it./I propale, nema nita od tog.
Beneath the sagging roof/Pod uleglim krovom
The stylist has taken shelter,/Stilist zaklon nae
Unpaid, uncelebrated,/Neplaen, bez slave
At last from the world's welter/Daleko od svjetske svae.
Nature receives him,/Priroda ga prima,
With a placid and uneducated mistress/S ljubovcon tihom i neukom
He exercises his talents/On vjeba talente svoje
And the soil meets his distress./A tlo hrli k jadu njegovom.
The haven from sophistications and contentions/Zaklon od intelektualnosti i svaa
Leaks through its thatch;/Prokinjava kroz slamni krov;
He offers succulent cooking;/On nudi sonu hranu,
The door has a creaking latch./Brava vrata ima kripav zov.
"Conservatrix of Milsien"52/uvarka miletskih
Habits of mind and feeling,/Navika misli i osjeanja,
Possibly. But in Ealing53/Moe bit'. Al' u Ealingu
With the most bank-clerkly of Englishmen?/Sa Englezom manira banko-inovnikih?
No, "Milsian" is an exaggeration./Ne, miletski pretjerano je.
No instinct has survived in her/Nikakav nagon kod nje preivio nije
Older than those her grandmother/Stariji od onih to njena baka
Told her would fit her station./Ree da poloaj drutveni krije.
"Daphne54 with her thighs in bark/Dafna sa stegnima u kori
Stretches toward me her leafy hands", --/Prua mi svoje lisnate ruke, Subjectively. In the stuffed-satin drawing-room/Subjektivno. U salonu punom satena
I await The Lady Valentine's commands,/ekam to e rei Lady Valentina.
Knowing my coat has never been/Znajui da moj kaput
Of precisely the fashion/Nikad ne bijae po onoj modi
To stimulate, in her,/Da bi trajnu strast
A durable passion;/U njoj mogao da probudi;

This poem is said to describe Ford Madox Ford, the English novelist.
A phrase from Remy de Gourmont's "Stratagmes," in Histoires Magiques (1894), quoted by Poundin "De
Gourmont: A Distinction," Little Review(Feb.-March 1919): 7. It refers to those who conserve knowledge of lost
Greek erotic or "Milesian" tales of sexual biting.; Misli se na Aristidove Miletske prie, zbirku antikih erotskih
pria iz II. Stoljea prije Krista za koju znamo samo posredno.
Ealing: termed the "queen" of the London suburbsin the 1890s, much expanded by inexpensive housing
developments early in the 20th century.; Londonsko predgrae.
Translated from "Le Chteau du Souvenir" by Thophile Gautier, "Daphn, les hanches dans l'corce, / Etend
toujours ses doigts touffus" (Posies,ed. Ren Jasinski [Paris: A. G. Nizet, 1970]: III, 103).; U Ovidijevim
Metamorfozama, Knjiga 1, nimfa Dafna se pretvara u lovorovo drvo da bi pobjegla pred ljubavnim zagrljajem
Apolona. No ovi stihovi su Poundov prijevod stiha pjesme Theophilea Gautiera, Le Chteau du Souvenir

Doubtful, somewhat, of the value/Sumnjajui poneto u vrijednost

Of well-gowned approbation/Hvale knjievnog truda
Of literary effort,/Koliko god uljepane, no nikad
But never of The Lady Valentine's vocation:/U vrijednost njenog zvanja:
Poetry, her border of ideas,/Poezija, rub njenih ideja,
The edge, uncertain, but a means of blending/Brid, nesiguran, ali nain za spoj
With other strata/Sa drugim slojevima
Where the lower and higher have ending;/Gdje nisko i visoko imaju kraj svoj;
A hook to catch the Lady Jane's attention,/Udica za panju Lady Jane,
A modulation toward the theatre,/Pozoritu prilagoenje,
Also, in the case of revolution,/A ako doe do revolucie
A possible friend and comforter./Mogue prijateljstvo i utjeenje.
Conduct, on the other hand, the soul/S druge strane odvedi duu "Which the highest cultures have nourished"55/to
gajile su najvie kulture nekad To Fleet St.56 where/U Fleet Street gdje je Dr. Johnson57 flourished;/Dr. Johnson cvao tad.
Beside this thoroughfare/Kraj saobraajnice te The sale of half-hose has/Prodaja sokni davno je Long since superseded
the cultivation/Zamijenila uzgoj Of Pierian roses58./Rua iz Pierije.

Go, dumb-born book,/Idi, nijemoroena knjigo, Tell her that sang me once that song of Lawes59:/Reci onoj to
mi je jednom Lawesovu pjesmu pjevala Hadst thou but song/Da si ti pjesmu As thou hast subjects known,/Kao
druge teme znala Then were there cause in thee that should condone/Tada bi sama lake opravdala Even my
faults that heavy upon me lie/ ak i moje mane to me teko tite. And build her glories their longevity./I
njenim divotama trajnost sazdala.
Tell her that sheds/Reci njoj to sipa
Such treasure in the air,/Takvo blago u zrak
Recking naught else but that her graces give/Brinui samo da joj ari daju
Life to the moment,/ivot trenutku,
I would bid them live/Uinio bih da traju
As roses might, in magic amber laid,/Kao rue u arobnom jantaru,
Red overwrought with orange and all made/Crveno s naranastim prelivom,
One substance and one colour/A sve jedna tvar i jedna boja
From "Complainte des Pianos" by Jules Laforgue (1860-87), francuskog simbolistikog pjesnika, quoted by
Pound in Little Review [Feb. 1918]: 11-12): "Menez l'me que les Lettresont bien nourrie."
Ulica u Londonu gdje su se nekada nalazili uredi engleskih vodeih novina, sinonim novinarstva.
Dr. Johnson: Samuel Johnson (1709-84), poet, lexicographer, and publicist..

An allusion to Sappho's When dead you will lie forever forgotten, for you have no claim to the Pierian roses, Dim here, you will move
more dimly in Hell, flitting among the undistinguished dead.See Sappho: Lyrics in the Original Greek with Translations by Willis
Barnstone (New York University Press, 1965): 66-67. The muses were worshipped at Pieria.; Pierija je grki kraj podno planine Olimp.
Sappho u pjesmi LXXXII pominje rue iz Pierije.

Henry Lawes (1596-1662), engleski kompozitor koji je uglazbio razne pjesme Edmunda Wallera, ukljuujui i
Goe lovely Rose

Braving time./to prkosi vremenu.

Tell her that goes/Reci njoj to ide
With song upon her lips/S pjesmom na usnama
But sings not out the song, nor knows/Ali je ne pjeva, niti joj zna
The maker of it, some other mouth,/Tvorca, neka druga usta
May be as fair as hers,/Mogu biti kao njena lijepa,
Might, in new ages, gain her worshippers,/Sutra bi joj tovatelje stei mogla,
When our two dusts with Wallers60 shall be laid,/Kad s Wallerovim legnu praha naa dva,
Siftings on siftings in oblivion,/Prosijano na prosijanom puno zaborava,
Till change hath broken down/Dok mijena ne slomi sve
All things save Beauty alone./Osim iste Ljepote.

Edmund Waller (1606-1687), engleski pjesnik, autor pjesme Goe lovely Rose.

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