2008 Report On Risk Management For Bear Stearns
2008 Report On Risk Management For Bear Stearns
2008 Report On Risk Management For Bear Stearns
To: Schwartz, Alan (Exchange); Molinaro, Sam (Exchange); Alix, Michael (Exchange); Begleiter, Steven (Exchange); Cherasia, Peter; Glaser, David (Exchange); Lisman, Bruce (Exchange); Marano, Tom - Fixed Income; Mayer, Jeff - Fixed Income (Exchange); Meyer, Steve (Exchange); Overlander, Craig (Exchange); Peretie, Michel (Exchange); Urwin, Jeffrey (Exchange); Gindi, Sol (Exchange)
Cc: Crow, Allison (Exchange); Schaffer, Janice (Exchange); Martiniello, Fran (Exchange); Filosa, Joan (Exchange); Caruso, Debra (Exchange); Monkowitz, Ivy; Caparas, Alma (Exchange); Cruz, Janis (Exchange); Buttacavoli, Edward (Exchange); Burnett, Elizabeth (Exchange); Wrynn, Avril (Exchange); Haas, Lisa (Exchange); Richmond, Paula (Exchange); Bathurst, Alice (Exchange); Calcagno, Susan (Exchange); Palyca, Marlene (Exchange)
Subject: M&C presentation for your review: Andrew Kuritzkes from Oliver Wyman
Attachments: Management Committee discussion 2008-02-04 1600.ppt Copi es wi II be di 51 ri but ed at tomorrow's meet i ng. Thank you
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Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMorgan
Our clients' industries are extremely competitive. The confidentiality of companies' plans and data is obviously critical. Oliver Wyman will protect the confidentiality of all such client information.
Similarly, management consulting is a competitive business. We view our approaches and insights as proprietary and therefore look to our clients to protect Oliver Wyman's interests in our presentations, methodologies and analytical techniques. Under no circumstances should this material be shared with any third party without the written consent of Oliver Wyman.
Copyright © 2008 Oliver Wyman
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Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMorgan
Risk management. framrawork
Risk strategy
Risk operations
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• No formal framework for risk appetite
• No clear process for approval of major trades
- Vacuum created by departure of Warren Spector
- Risk Management often given little time and information for review
• Lack of coherent limit structure with consistent enforcement
- Policies and limits not integrated into governance framework
- Limits not based on consistent economic view of risk
- Limits proposed by business and frequently overridden
• Underdeveloped processes for strategic risk assessment - Infrequent and ad hoc
- Hampered by insufficient and poorly aligned resources
• Lack of mandate for the Risk Policy Committee
• Lack of institutional stature for Risk Management group
- Risk managers not effectively positioned to challenge front office decisions
- Understaffed and low priority in IT queue
- Cultural resistance to VaR and tail risk measures
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Lraadinfl risk manallement pradics at peer inlfrastmenr, banks
Top-level risk committee
• Contains both business leaders and control function representatives
• Responsible for risk policy approval, limit approval, and ongoing risk profile monitoring
Limit framework
• Dynamic, explicit, and frequent discussion of risk appetite among toplevel executives
Firmwide risk appetite
• Delegated limit system based on robust metrics
• Limits monitored and strongly enforced
Escalation and transparency
Robustness of risk measurement
• Rapid and frequent escalation of all types of decisions leads to active dialog across all levels of the organization
• Senior leaders involved in reviewing daily business decisions
• Well-embedded VaR framework plus stress testing is the backbone of firm wide risk metrics
• Risk measures updated multiple times per day
• Universal banks: Econom ic Capital is well established as the primary firm wide risk metric
Risk Management organizational stature
• Risk Management staff respected as valued advisors and challengers to businesses
• Successful front office personnel rotated through control functions
• Compensation for Risk roles competitive with business line positions
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Olivar Wyman rscommsndilUrms
1. Charter a top-level risk committee (the Risk Policy Committee) to govern all credit and market (financial) risks, with authority for specific risk areas delegated to subcommittees
2. Create a 5-person Trading Risk Committee as a subcommittee of the Risk Policy Committee, with authority to review and approve large transactions above agreed business line limits
3. Mandate that the full Risk Policy Committee focus on two ongoing tasks: (a) risk appetite, policies and limit setting; and (b) strategic risk assessment
4. Expand the role of the Risk Management group to cover both independent governance/controls and effective dialog/advisory with the businesses at all levels of the organization
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Recommended scope of Risk Policy Committee: all financial risks, with spracific responsibilities del"gated to otfmr subcommittees
Existing financial risk committees to be formally re-chartered as subcommittees of RPC
- Allows specialized risk subcommittees to continue to operate with focus and expertise
Non-financial risks (e.g. operational,
legal, compliance) should fall under scope of firm Operating Committee
Division-level risk committees would improve engagement with Risk Management below the RPC and syndicate risk decisions across product areas, but would require an additional committee layer
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Recommended structure for t.mde ilppn.wal
Sample transactions approved at each level
Hi Iton deal: Bear leads $22BN commitment for Blackstone purchase of Hilton Hotels
E'Trade's ABS portfolio: Potential bid for $3 BN notional ABS portfolio (bought by Citadel)
Life settlements: 2007 bid for $450MM portfolio (vs. limit of $100MM and business to date of -$20MM)
Block stock: 2007 $85MM position in Dreamworks, with first day VaR of $4MM
Mortgages: Long ARM position with market value of $20MM
Trade approval escalation
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RPC sets limits, but W§§§
is not directly involved in escalation process
• Members: Mike A1ix, Jeff Mayer, Steve Meyer, Sam Molinaro, Wendy de Monchaux
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Mandate of full Risk Policy COl'l1miHee
On an ongoing basis, review major franchise risks
- Risks with effects across business units and asset classes
- Risks that could produce earnings surprises over the next 1-12 months
Recommend to the Executive Committee specific risk mitigation actions to address franchise risks
Establish comprehensive governance framework for risk management
Review and approve firm-wide risk policies
May choose to delegate policy approval for some risk types
Recommend firmwide risk appetite to Executive Committee and Board for approval
Review and approve franchise and divisional risk limits
Membership to include leaders of major business divisions, eRO, CFO, and senior advisors - May also include Treasurer
and others, depending on scope of RPC responsibilities
Committee to meet twice per month
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Active dialog with business at all levels of the firm
Consistent early engagement with Risk by front office
Cultural respect for Risk Management Rotation of respected traders into Risk Management
Risk Manager compensation
com petitive with front office positions
Adequate staffing (numbers and expertise) for expanded role
CRG has (at least dotted line) authority over all risk control functions, including resources in business line
Improved reliability and robustness of risk metrics
Higher priority in IT spending
Thought leadership on franchise risks Limit and policy design
Risk monitoring
Analytics for regular reporting, strategic risk assessment, and business line support
Regulatory compliance and reporting Risk middle office functions
Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMorgan
Recommended action pliln - near and msdium term
Trade approval
By month 6
In month 1
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Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMorgan
State of development 01 Ecom.;mic Cilpitilll'ramewmks
IFRI Survey of 22 leading US! European financial institutions
2006 Classification of IFRI/CRO Forum ECap survey participants
0% 6% 18% 41% 35%
2003 (MOW ECap Survey)
0% 6% 29% 47% 18%
2000 (MOW ECap Survey)
14% 7% 36% 21% 21% Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMorgan
Earnings Distribution Probability
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Capital for AA rattm
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Economic Capital objractives for Sear Straarns
Provide a universal risk metric
- Currently a vacuum in risk measurement tools, as no single metric for financial and non-
financial risks
- No way to compare and aggregate different kinds of risk on an apples-to-apples basis
Allow firmwide risk appetite to be translated into top-level limits
- Economic Capital is especially useful for expressing a firmwide risk appetite, and for rendering
that appetite into limits for major business lines
Express an internal view of capital required
- Regulatory capital is a flawed view of the actual capital required to support overall risks taken
- As an internal view, Economic Capital can improve capital adequacy and capital planning
Perform strategic capital allocation and optimize Bear Stearns's business portfolio, using such measures as business-line return on capital
- Economic Capital is the best way to understand the true capital requirements of major business lines on a standalone basis
Communicate more effectively with external constituencies
- Economic Capital is a global industry standard, and is likely to become a universal regulatory requirement
- Regulators and rating agencies are looking for robust economic capital programs
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High-level rOadmilf) for Economic Capital
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