1753 Hvac R WP High Pressure Control

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Energy savings in commercial refrigeration

equipment :

High Pressure Control

July 2011/White paper
by Christophe Borlein
AFF and IIF-IIR member

Make the most of your energy


Executive summary



Commercial refrigeration system

High Pressure

HP control modes

Concretely on the field

Application on storage system

Generic application


Energy savings in commercial refrigeration equipment

Executive summary

Princess Elisabeth is the first Antarctic

station operating solely on renewable
energies, this project shows that it is
possible to achieve zero emission target
Pictures : International Polar Foundation / Ren Robert

Refrigeration and air conditioning represent 15 % of electrical power

consumption worldwide, that corresponds to 4,5 % of total gas emissions with
greenhouse effect (IIR, Statement by the IIR, 11th Session of the Conference
of the Parties to the United Framework Convention on Climate Change,
Montreal, Canada, December 9, 2005).
Refrigeration process use a considerable amount of energy (30 to 80%) in
the food industry, storage or mid size store and hypermarkets. It is that first
expenditure that users want to save money, but it is also the least known and
most critical. Despite solutions that have been existing for years, the initial
choice favors operation and investment rather than energy consumption.
Among solutions to save energy in refrigeration, High Pressure control
(HP) is one of the best known, if not the most well known for refrigeration
equipment. This solution when properly implemented on an installation can
cut more than 30% of the electricity bill.
However, technology is not sufficient to obtain energy savings. It is necessary
to properly implement the HP control to maximise savings and avoid
technical problems..
This document explains how HP control generates energy savings versus a
regulation with constant HP, and gives technical constraints.

White paper on Energy Efficiency

Energy savings in commercial refrigeration equipment

HP control is a paradoxical solution for energy saving. It might be the best
known among energy saving solution, but it is unknown in its operation
constraints and limits.
Technological implementation of HP control is relatively easy. However
adjustments and adaptation of the installation to maximize energy savings
are more critical and are seldom implemented. Some HP control installed on
refrigerating units does not generate any energy savings, because they are
poorly adjusted or not adjusted at all. Others lead to technical problems and,
instead of solving these problems, they were abandoned.
This white paper overviews the components of a commercial refrigeration
system participating in the HP flow control. An explanation is given on the
HP and by what means it is regulated.
Traditional HP regulation is presented, then the HP control. Physical
implementation will be discussed.
Reasons why HP control creates energy savings are explained and illustrated
by two examples.
In a little more technical annex we will explain malfunctions which may occur
due to improper implementation of HP control.

White paper on Energy Efficiency


Operation of a commercial refrigeration system

Energy savings in commercial refrigeration equipment

Commercial refrigeration system


A refrigeration system is a thermodynamics

cycle which transports heat from a cold
storage, via an evaporator, to the outside via
a condensor (Figure 1 shows a refrigeration
system in order to locate devices).


To understand succintly the benefits and

operation of HP control, it is not necessary
to fully understand the operation of the
refrigeration installation.




The compressor is the heart of the circuit,
as it compresses the gas generating the
flow necessary for the cycle. Generally the
compressor consumes the major portion of
the energy. Its consumption is not constant
and depends on several variables, most
important are the low and high pressures. Some
compressors are equipped with a mechanical
device to reduce cooling capacity. The use of
these partial load devices affects the compressor
In terms of energy consumption, the most useful
is the COP (Coefficient Of Performance). The
COP takes into account variation of internal
compressor efficiencies and the refrigeration
cycle status. It is therefore necessary to have the
operating status associated with the COP to be
able to judge. (Example: -10 C / +35 C).
COP is the ratio of the cooling capacity produced
(or useful) to the consumed electrical power. The
COP operates in the same direction as efficiency.
There are several types of the compressors,
most representative are:
@@recriprocating compressors,
@@scroll compressors,
@@screw compressors.
The following explanation is applicable to these 3
types of compressors.

Fig.1 Representation of a refrigerating system


The condensers function is to dissipate calories. It is

usually on the roof or outside. It can be used to heat
water for an other use.
We can distinguish four categories of condensers :
@@dry condensers,

- evaporative condensers,

- adiabatic condensers,

- hybrid condensers.

@@Water-cooled condensers

- lost water condensers,

- opened circuit cooling tower,

- closed circuit cooling tower,

- hybrid cooling tower,

- dry air cooler,

- adiabatic air cooler,

-heating networks or intermediate heating


@@Evaporative condenser or other gas heater

HP control can be applied to all these condensers
(except evaporative condensers and heating
networks), but explanations given in this document
are primarily applicable to dry air coolers and
There are some adaptations needed to make it
applicable to other condensers.

Note : there are some specific characteristics on

certain compressors.

White paper on Energy Efficiency

Energy savings in commercial refrigeration equipment

High pressure

On the graph, it is clear that when the HP

temperature is equal to the outside temperature,
heat which can be dissipated is equal to zero.
The highest HP temperature the highest is the
power that can be dissipated (temperature
difference between outside and the fluid
temperature is high). In other words heat
rejected by the condensor (in green) increases.
For the compressors (in red), when the HP
increases, power which is disspated increases
too but slower.
Steady state for HP, is when the heat produced
by the compressor and the heat rejected by the
condensor are identical.
In order to control this balance, the condenser
capability is adjusted by controlling the cooling
fans. Increasing the amount of airflow across
the condenser increases the performance of the
condenser and vice versa as shown figure3.
Of the many variables that effect the heat
dissipation of the condenser, the only one we
can control is the airflow trough the condenser

cooling capability

Pressure can also be derived from the saturation

temperature (temperature from which the
liquefied refrigerant evaporates or the gaseous
refrigerant condenses). This temperature
increases as the pressure increases. According
to the fluid in the system, a HP at 40C will not
have the same pressure.

HP balance

Text = HP

High Pressure

Fig.2 High pressure according to the evacuable powers

cooling capability

The condenser can dissipate a certain amount of

calories depending on its operating conditions: a
large temperature difference between cooler and
fluid wil increase the cooling capability.

power to be dissipated by the condenser

The system must dissipate a quantity of heat

which depends on the instantaneous cooling
power and the compressors efficiency.

power to be dissipated by the condenser

HP is created by the balance between the heat

to be dissipated in red on the chart, and cooling
capability in green.

Text = HP

High Pressure

Fig.3 Flow influence of the fans

HP control consists in regulating the condensing pressure value

to obtain the lowest consumption of the compressor/condensers
couple (and auxiliaries).
This is definitely not to reduce HP to the minimum.

White paper on Energy Efficiency

Energy savings in commercial refrigeration equipment

HP control modes
The implementation of the HP modes is not identical with all condensers. It is understandable that
the control is not implemented or controlled in the same way with a dry condenser or a cooling tower.
However, the methods described below are applicable with some modifications.

Constant HP or hysteresis control

Number of fans

This method is the most used control method, however, with

implementation of HP control being easier and added benefits,
this method is slowly be replaced. The goal is to maintain HP
at a constant value that can be held throughout the year. For
a constant HP, it would be necessary to use a regulation with
neutral zone or a PID. However most common solution is the
use of pressure switches or hysteresis controller creating steps
in the HP regulation (Figure 4).

HP is not really regulated at a constant value, it will vary

uncontrolled according to the outside temperature, the heat to
be dissipated and the number of fans required to accomplish
this operation.

High Pressure
Fig.4 HP variation according to the number of fans

HP control
Reducing HP is interesting in terms of energy consumption: when HP decreases the compressor COP
increases, and vice versa. Figure 5 shows the COP as a function of the condensation temperature for
a screw compressor, COP variation is clearly visible. In the example, it jumps from 1.9 at -10 C / +50
C to 4.7 at -10 C / +20 C i.e. a variation of 62%.


Compressor COP










HP -Condensation saturating temperature [C]

Fig.5 COP variation vs HP for a screw compressor


COP variation vs HP temperature [%/K]

Figure 6 gives the percentage gain (or loss) on COP for variations of one degree of condensation
temperature (given in Kelvin) according to the HP and for various evaporation temperatures. All
compressors do not react the same way, it is therefore necessary to use the characteristics of the
actual compressors to correctly assess the energy savings.















HP - Condensation saturating temperature [C]


Fig.6 COP variation (K in%) vs HP

White paper on Energy Efficiency

Energy savings in commercial refrigeration equipment

HP control modes
However, to reduce HP, it is mandatory to
operate more fans. Energy savings is thus less
than those calculated for the compressor.
It is necessary to calculate the COP on the
compressor and condenser as a whole to specify
HP control.

The graph of Figure 7 demonstrates the

existence of an optimum. This phenomenon
often occurs on installations operating below
50% of full load.

Input electrical power

The use of fans should be made whith definite

purpose and with absolute need. Sometimes
savings made on the compressor can be offset
by the use of fans.


Compressor + condenser electrical power

Condenser electrical power
Compressor electrical power
Fig.7 Powers optimization of the compressor/condenser

To summarize, HP control consists in regulating the condensation pressure

at a givenvalue in order to obtain the lowest power consumption of the
compressor / condenser couple (and auxiliaries).
This is definitely not to lower the maximum HP, which could on top of an
increase of the power consumption cause malfunctions of the installation.
(See appendix)

White paper on Energy Efficiency

Energy savings in commercial refrigeration equipment

Concretely on the field

Installation is relatively simple (see example in figure 8).The controller
embedded with HP control algorithms, receives HP information of the
refrigerant, the outside temperature and then, processes this information.
The controller converts pressure to temperature (depending on refrigerant
fluid used).
It calculates the differential with the outside temperature.
This differential is the parameter to be controlled. A PID function is used (it
is a control block) that gives the percentage of condenser power.
This percentage is translated into the number of fans required.

Power electrical wiring

Remote control
Sensors signal


Fig.8 Installation example

White paper on Energy Efficiency

Energy savings in commercial refrigeration equipment

Application on storage system

Example of calculation on a cold store, a fixed
HP at 40 C is compared to a HP control. The
comparison is done for 2 outside temperatures:
30 C and 15 C.

HP at 40C

HP control


For an outside temperature of 30C

Refrigeration need





Electrical power of the compressors



Electrical power of the condensers





HP value

Total power


For an outside temperature of 15C

Refrigeration need
HP value
Electrical power of the compressors
Electrical power of the condensers
Total power












When the outside temperature is high, energy

savings are low, even nonexistent. Once the
outside temperature decreases, energy savings
increase strongly. It should be noted that in
France average temperature is around 11 C
far from 30 C. Savings are consistent, but
dependent on several factors.

White paper on Energy Efficiency

Energy savings in commercial refrigeration equipment

Generic application
This example will help to show the impact of two factors - the outside
temperature and the load of the installation - which influences the performance
of installation and those of the HP control.
This nstallation, produces 500 kW of cold when running at its maximum
speed, i.e. a Low Pressure (LP) at -10 C and a HP at 50 C. Compressors
have a COP rated 3.4 at -10 / +30 C. The condenser ventilation power is 40
kW; which dissipates 685 kW with a differential of 10 C. The minimum HP
temperature is limited to 20 C for technical constraints.

This chart can be used to define what algorithms

is the best suited to reduce the power
requirements to the minimum.
In this example, when the installation operates
at full cooling capacity (Figure 9), that is to say
500 kW of cold, running all fans is less energy
demanding whatever the outside temperature.
When the installation is running at partial load
i.e. 40% load (Figure 10), input power decreases
with the reduction of HP. From the optimal
HP, power consumption increases while HP
continues to decline. Savings are about 1.5% / K
at right of the optimal HP and -1.5% / K at the left
of the optimal HP. These values are not generic
for all installations.
An optimal value of HP emerges: the goal of a
HP control will be to regulate the installation at
this value.
Note: that these values are for a given
installation, it is necessary to analyze each
installation to determine the optimum HP.

Absorbed power cp+cd [kW]

X-coordinate is the difference between the

outside temperature and the HP. The addition
of the value in X-coordinate and the outside
temperature gives the HP value.


Tout =30C

Tout =20C


Tout =10C





Temperature gap between outside and condensation [K]

Fig.9 Electric output of the whole at 500kW


Absorbed power cp+cd [kW]

Figures 9 and 10 give the power consumption

of the compressor and condenser for
different outdoor temperatures and regulation
requirements. Each curve represents the power
absorbed by the compressor and condenser for
several external temperatures.


Temperature differential
for optimum HP








Tout =30C

Tout =20C


Tout =10C





Temperature differential between outside and condensation [K]

Fig.10 Electric efficiency of the whole at 500kW

White paper on Energy Efficiency 7

Energy savings in commercial refrigeration equipment

In todays climate, energy saving solutions are a must. Environmental aspect is sometimes not sufficient
to justify the huge required investments. Solutions as HP control have the benefit of reducing the
environmental impact not to mention the financial aspect.
HP control remains an effective and current solution for energy savings. There may be differences
between solutions and their implementations..
To improve the return on investment, good commissioning must not be forgotten.
This solution, according to the installations, is not very expensive; however it can have very significant
energy savings, exceeding 30%. HP control is the solution with the best return on investment for
Today, all new installations must have an effective HP control.

White paper on Energy Efficiency 8

35 rue Joseph Monier

F-92500 Rueil Malmaison - France
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Document Number WPB5101001EN

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2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.

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