Social Science Chapter 10 The Family Summary
Social Science Chapter 10 The Family Summary
Social Science Chapter 10 The Family Summary
an important institutional element of the family is marriage.
is an institution consisting of a cluster of mores and folkways, of attitudes,
ideas, and ideals, of social definitions and legal restrictions.
economic and emotional security
the parents wishes
escape from loneliness
unhappy home situation
common interest
Forms of Marriage:
1. Monogamy- permits a man to take only one spouse at a time.
2. Polygamy- plural marriage and may assume in 3 forms:
Family Structures
the structure of the family varies from culture to another. Within a given
society there may be variations among the family, however, an observer can
perceive a more or less dominant or typical type.
Classification of Families
1. Based on internal Organization or membership- here,
family may be classified as nuclear or extended.
Nuclear- sometimes called primary or elementary family. It is
composed of a husband, wife, and children in a union recognized by
3. Based on Residence
Patrilocal- residence requires that the newly married couple live with
or near the domicile of the parents of the bridegroom.
Matrilocal- residence requires that the newly married couple live with
or near the domicile of the parents of the bride.
Bilocal- residence gives the couple a choice of staying with either the
grooms parents or the brides parents, depending on factors like
relative wealth of the families or their status in life, the wishes of the
parents, or certain personal preferences of the bride and the groom.
Neolocal- residence permits the newly married couple reside
independently of the parents of either groom or bride.
Avunculocal- residence prescribes that the newly married couple
reside with near the maternal uncle of the groom. This type of
residence is very rare.
4. Based on authority
Families are classified into the following types:
The family regulates sexual behavior and is the unit for production.
Within the marriage bond, sex expression is socially sanctioned.
The family performs the function of biological maintenance. The human
infant is born helpless ad the parents fill the roles of protector,
provider, and guardian.
The family is the chief agency for socializing the child.
The family gives its member status.
The family is an important mechanism for social control.
The family performs economic functions, especially in simple societies.
Among the Muslims, the more common type is the joint family. The
young couple and their children generally live as a dependent unit with
the family of either spouse, if they are Tausug, and with that of the
wife, they are Samal.
Blood kinship- plays an important role in the Filipino family so that
the family may be considered consanguineal. This is especially in rural
Family Alliance- is further extended by the compadre or
compadrazgo system which is formed through the rituals of baptism,
confirmation and marriage. Thus, sponsors for these occasions become
linked to the family and are expected to help the family or may expect
to be helped by the family when occasions arise.
Although Father is usually the head of the family, the other is equally
vested with the authority of children. Grandparents are also given
authority, and so are aunts and uncles.
The Filipino family is bilateral in terms of reckoning descent and social
In terms of residence, the Filipino family maybe said to be bilocal and
In marriage, monogamy is the norm, although polygyny is allowed
among the Muslims and other cultural communities
Geographical mobility
Increasing population
Increasing industrialization and urbanization
The idea of universal education
The changed status and role of the Filipino Woman
The diffusion of the mass media
Separation and desertion
The youth problem
Juvenile delinquency
Drug abuse