Risen 2 Walkthrough
Risen 2 Walkthrough
Risen 2 Walkthrough
Risen 2: Dark Waters is a role-playing (RPG) game developed by Piranha Bytes as a sequel to the
first Risen game. Deep Silver released the game for the PC between April 24th and 27th of 2012.
They released the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 version between July 31st and August 3rd of 2012.
This is a swashbuckling pirate-themed game, built with a lot of attention to quality dialog.
The Unnamed Hero, protagonist of the first version of the game, has joined with the Inquisition,
in the Fortress of Crystal at the port of Caldera. A battle between two Titan gods, Ursegor and
Ismael, has set much of the port afire. After one god has defeated the other, he will try to crush
what remains of Caldera. Before that happens, the remaining Inquisition forces must evacuate.
They have chosen to retreat to the New World. However, they cannot do so because Mara, a Titan
goddess, has released a Kraken into the bay. It destroys most ships that try to sail into, or from,
the port. The Inquisition knows of a powerful weapon that can defeat both the Kraken and Mara.
Your objective in this game is to locate four artifacts that combine to create that miracle weapon.
You begin the game lying on your cot in the Fortress of Crystal at the port of Caldera, which sits on the
coast of a small island. Juan rouses you from an inebriated slumber. Commandant Carlos wants to see you.
Now you will complete a short series of quests that the game makers have provided to introduce you to the
games mechanics. Each completed quest earns you Glory Points, which allow you to raise your Attributes.
Before you leave your quarters, take everything that you can, including a Fat Purse. Equip the sword in
your right hand. To do this, open your Inventory and click on the Right Hand icon. Anything that you can
equip will show there. This is also true for all of your other body parts. Equip the pistol in your left hand.
Outside the door, walk up the steps southeast, to the ramparts, where you will find Commandant Carlos
using a spyglass to search the dark ocean. When you speak with him (left mouse button), a cut scene shows
a Krakens tentacles waving through the air near a ship sailing into the harbor. Carlos gives you the glass.
You can watch the Kraken crush the ship. Then he orders you to the beach to search for survivors.
Walk back down the steps to the courtyard. Juan will speak to you and then open the iron gate to the beach.
Take the red Maki Berry from the top of the crate. Find a prison cell north of the gate and then speak with
the prisoner Largo. For 500 gold, he is willing to teach you the Sneak Skill. While this skill will help you
with a quest inside the fortress, you have only 500 gold coins to spend. You may want to learn this skill
later, because you will see Largo again in Tacarigua, the next island you visit when you have more gold.
Now walk down the stone steps to the beach. At the west end of it, watch a cut scene where Sand Devils
attack Patty, the only survivor of the ship. You may have met her as the barmaid in the original Risen game.
Draw your sword (center mouse button) and then help her defeat the animals. Swing wildly, (left mouse
button), because you cannot injure Patty with an accidental strike.
When the devils are dead, a cut scene has you speaking with Patty. At the end of that scene, another scene
inside the fortress shows a conversation between you, Patty and Commandant Carlos. Then a third cut
scene puts you back inside your quarters. Leave Patty sleeping. Go down the steps to the courtyard.
Enter the building on the north side of the courtyard. Watch the cut scene discussion between Commandant
Carlos and Sebastiano. Add your own comments. Then go upstairs and speak with Angus, seated at a desk,
writing in a ledger. Do not say Forget I said that, or he will not pay you your salary of 200 gold coins.
Exit the building and then speak with Severin, who is drilling the troops. Tell him You carry on.
Speak with him a second time if you want to test your sword fencing skills against him. If you can beat
him, you gain Glory Points. If he defeats you, which is very likely, you will not die. When you get some
money together, Severin is willing to teach you sword fighting skills. Sleep in a bed to heal your wounds.
Now search the beach. Open a chest. Find all 6 Flotsam for a quest. Pick up all the Oyster Shells. Click on
these in your inventory, to check for pearls. Fight two Sand Devils that pop up from the sandy beach and
then collect their Sensors. Enter the dark Crystal Cave. You may want to turn up Brightness in the games
Options (Esc). Inside the cave, kill two Sand Devils. Find the hidden Heros Crown. Click on it in your Loot
Inventory. This permanently increases your, Bladeproof, Bulletproof and Intimidate Talents by one point.
Now return to your quarters and speak with Patty. She tells you that she will meet you at the ship. On your
way to the docks, speak (twice) with the Storehouse Master. Give him the six pieces of Flotsam that you
collected from the beach, in exchange for 200 gold coins. If you have the Sneak Skill, you could try to enter
the warehouse and steal some items, though this is difficult at this early stage of the game. Then walk
down to the end of the pier and take a Potion of Blades from the top of a crate (30 seconds of +7 to Throw,
Pierce and Slash weapons). Board the ship, the Black Betty. Speak with Commandant Sebastiano. Tell him
Im ready. A cut scene shows the ship leaving Caldera Harbor and then entering Tacarigua Harbor.
When you arrive at this island, Patty will speak with you. Go out on deck and Sebastiano will speak to you
as well. You should have gained your 1,000th Glory Point. This is your first opportunity to upgrade one of
your five Attributes. Choose Cunning, because you will soon need it for a quest. You are now on your
own, without Inquisition support. Take a careful walk along the beach in both directions. Be aware that
you must fight some animals, and some Sand Devils lie hidden until you approach them. You start the
game as weak as a kitten, so rely on Patty to help you. If you get separated from her and find yourself
under attack by multiple enemies, run into the surf until the game pops you back on the sand next to Patty.
Pick up all the treasure that you can find, including plants. Eat them when you suffer damage, to regenerate
your health over time. Add the ones marked Provisions to a Hot Key at the bottom of your screen.
You can also add weapons to the Hot Keys. To do this, open your Inventory, hover your cursor over the
item and then push a button (1 through 0) on your keyboard.
Find two Warthogs, two chests, one bottle of Grog, one Rum, two Skull Flowers, three Maki Berry, several
other plants, one coconut and six Sand Devils. Then go up the boardwalk to the town of Puerto Sacarico.
If you ask the Guard about work, he will tell you that a messenger job is available. Continue to the center
of the courtyard, near where Pedro is counting crates. Witness a conversation between Sebastiano and
Roquefort. When they part company, speak with Roquefort. Tell him that you are looking for pirates.
He will ask you to deliver a Sealed Letter to the Pirates Den, for 100 gold coins up front and another 100
after you complete the mission. This begins the Pirate Post quest.
Speak with Pedro, exploring all dialog options. He tells you to speak with Osario the cook.
The conversation also initiates three quests, Map of Tacarigua, Sturdy Clothes and Provisions.
Then locate the Slave Sleeping Quarters at the northwest edge of town and open the chest inside.
Equip the Dirty Shirt. Use one of the empty beds. Sleep until the next morning, healing your injuries.
Open a second chest at the side of the building and pick some plants. Then return to the courtyard and
enter the front door of the tallest building. A Guard will stop you at the base of the stairs but, because you
are wearing a shirt, will let you pass when you say you want to speak with Governor Di Fuego.
After the conversation between Sebastiano and the governor ends, speak with Governor Di Fuego. He will
sell you a map of the island for 100 gold coins, but you can get one for free later. Unlike most games of this
genre, Risen 2 does not lavish gold upon you. Therefore, especially early in the game, take care to spend
money only on what you need. Sell him some of the loot you have collected on the beaches and from the
chests you have found, but not the Pirate Clothes. Ask the governor about the escaped slaves. Ask him why
his own men cannot go after the slaves. Ask how much the bounty is. Suggest that if he raises the bounty to
200 gold coins per slave, someone may take the job. Now accept the Bounty quest. Di Fuego will sell you
a Silk Shirt, for +10 to your Silver Tongue Skill and an Elegant Waistcoat, for +5 to your Silver Tongue
Skill. Buy one of these shirts (500 or 300 gold coins) and then equip it. On the ground floor again, enter the
side room and read the book on the dresser, The Masked Man, which points you to the Silver Mask.
Exit the building and cross the courtyard to the small building with shark jaws decorating its entrance.
Open the chest on the ground near the doorway and then enter the kitchen and speak with Osario the cook.
Ask him about Provisions and work. Then tell Patty that you have a plan. Your new shirt will convince her
to take the job. Speak with Osorio again, to get the Grog for the Guards and Kitchen Help quests.
Leave Patty to her kitchen work. Then walk north, up the hill to the Prison Tower. Open the chest near
Carter, the jailor. Continue up the hill to the top and kill a Warthog. As you walk down the other side of the
hill, pick some Bloodroot. Save 10 of these in your Inventory for a later quest. Pass by a flock of turkeys.
On the other side of the Sugar Cane fields, find Gilles sitting on a bench in front of a small building.
Tell him that you have brought the Grog for his men. He asks you to speak with Thompkins. If you agree
to Let Thompkins Know, you get Glory Points for that quest. Buy his Bone Saw for 100 gold coins.
This allows you to carve more trade goods from animals you kill. Buy his Officers Ring for 250 gold coins.
Equip the ring, to increase your sword fighting skills.
If you tell Gilles to find Thompkins, you could enter the building and open a locked chest. Instead, to get
the valuable Glory Points, find Thompkins standing just up the trail. Speak with him about the Grog.
He will give you a piece of meat, starting the Meat for the Cook quest. Explore the other dialog options
with him. He can sell you a Shotgun, but get this later, when you have more money to spend. Instead, buy
50 bullets for your pistol, for 50 gold. Ask him to take you hunting, starting the A Fat Roast quest.
You could follow him up the hill, where you can see the Prize Warthog. Thompkins will begin shooting the
animal. If you deal the killing blow with your sword or pistol, you get an extra 50 Glory Points on top of
the 50 you get for completing this quest. Alternatively, you could kill it yourself, guaranteeing the bonus.
Return to town and tell Osario that you delivered the Grog. Give him the meat from Thompkins.
This completes two quests. Osario now releases Patty from her work.
Patty will speak with you. Decide whether to keep the gold she earned or the Provisions she pilfered.
To complete the Bounty quest, go east, from the Prison Tower, until you find Vascos Tower.
Speak with Vasco. Then follow the trail down the hill southeast. Defeat three Claw Monkeys partway
down the hill and then collect their claws.
At the bottom of the hill, see three Savages hopping around in a threat display. Note that almost all
enemies in the game use a threat display until you get too close to them. Then they attack. Save your game.
To do so, hit the Esc key>click on Save Game>hit Enter>Type the name of the save>hit Enter again.
Then, along with Pattys help, defeat the Savages. Collect their Heads and weapons.
Warning! Southeast of where you kill the savages are two Spring Traps. They are triangles of tough thorny
branches hidden in the grass and you will not see them until they pop up. When this happens, you have
two seconds to hit the Spacebar and tumble away from danger. If you are not quick enough, you will die.
Near the traps are five Warthogs and a Jaguar. Save your game again. If possible, defeat the Warthogs and
release the two traps before you go after the Jaguar. Be ready to tap the Spacebar repeatedly when the
Jaguar attacks or it will maul you to death. If you are quick enough and tap the bar enough times, your
character will jump away from the Jaguars attack. Then you and Patty can defeat it.
You will soon have an opportunity to fry the meat that you get from the Warthogs. Near the area where you
fought the Jaguar, find a waterfall. There, find a Small Purse at an abandoned camp. Three Sand Devils
hide in the water nearby. Also in the water, near the camp, find a Goblet and a Tribal Amulet, both of
which you can use as trade goods. Two Termite Workers may attack you while you stand in the creek.
They are part of a quest, but you can return to that later, after you have looted a nearby tomb.
Farther north of the two traps, find two tall stone columns. Just past them, kill three Claw Monkeys and
harvest their claws. Down the trail a bit, trigger another Thorny Spring Trap. Beyond the trap, find the
corpse of Pete. Get Petes Treasure Map and a map of the island. Near the ruins, defeat three Warthogs.
The baby monkeys are worth a few Glory Points too, but they will be more useful to you later, because you
can later take their skulls to use in making Fools Juice (+2 to Cunning). Note the shovel near the red X
painted on the ground. Take the shovel and then activate the spot, to watch a cut scene of you digging up
Petes Treasure. Among other things inside the chest, is his Meerschaum Pipe. It gives you a permanent
one-point boost to your Firearms Attribute. The pipe is listed in the Collections section of your Inventory.
Inside the tomb, at the end of a long tunnel, find a sarcophagus. After you loot it, note that you can jump to
the two ledges on either side of the room. The northwest ledge begins a tunnel to a room with a valuable
Jade Idol resting on top of a pedestal, completing the Old Grave Plundered quest. Nothing bad happens
until you walk back through the tunnel. To avoid a deadly Swinging Blade Trap, be ready to hit the
Spacebar within two seconds of the prompt, so that your character tumbles safely beyond the trap.
The southeast ledge begins a tunnel that takes you to a corner. Around the corner you see a set of steps
going up to a room with a powerful Ghoul. Save your game. When it sees you, it will attack.
In the room that he came from, open another sarcophagus.
From there, the tunnel continues to another room with a Jade Idol on a pedestal. Again, as you return to the
beginning of the tunnel, be ready to hit the Spacebar when you see the prompt. This time, a large part of
the floor collapses into the room below.
I you are quick enough, your character should jump safely to the other side of the hole and then climb up.
If you look down into the hole, you see a giant skull-headed monster Guard pacing around, carrying a
spiked club. Leave him alone, unless you are very strong.
Exit the tomb and return south, along the trail. Along the way, open a chest sitting on a low ledge.
Continue south, all the way to the beach. Fight two or three Sand Devils as you make your way along the
beach northwest, where you will find a campsite with a chest and a bed. Sleep until the next morning.
Refreshed, go a bit east of the camp and defeat three Warthogs. Farther northeast, find a Small Purse and a
bottle of Grog. Then return to the beach and search it for treasure. Watch for more Sand Devils.
At the northeast end of the beach, find a Giant Crab. Patty has a Talent for kicking. Wait for her to kick the
crab and turn it on its back. Then whack it with your sword while it is helpless. Nearby, find an abandoned
camp with a chest. North of the camp is a Warthog and many Termite Workers. They are carrying flotsam,
from two piles on the beach, into their cave. You have plenty of room to maneuver here. The game will give
you a running count of your kills. Collect their Sickles. Find the termite cave to the northwest and kill the
Termite Warrior guarding its entrance. Inside the cave, kill two more Termite Warriors, completing
The Termite Plague quest. Open a chest. Collect seven Sacks of Sugar, completing 7 Sacks of Sugar.
Also inside the cave, from the top of a barrel, pick up a Lucky Charm amulet. Equip it, to give you +5 to
your Bulletproof Talent. Go up the trail from the beach or cross the rope bridge, to find Jacks Lighthouse.
At his fire, fry the Raw Meat that you have been carrying, to make some Provisions. Speak with Jack.
Say, Listen, about the Termites< to get paid 50 gold for killing the termites. Tell him that you found the
sugar, activating The Sugar Shipment quest line. Jack wants you to take the sugar to Booze. Ask him to
tell you some stories, to get some information. Go inside the lighthouse and read the book Pirate Raids,
for a new quest for a Legendary Item, The Hand Mirror. Open the chest outside, near where Jack was
standing. Then Fast Travel to Vascos Tower. To do this, open your new map (M) and then click on the
circle marked Vascos Tower. When you get there, go up the hill a bit north and then west, up another
hill, to find a Warthog, a chest and a Swordthorn plant.
Used to make Swordthorn Essence (+2 to Slashing, Piercing and Throwing Talents), you can also ingest it,
but then you gain only +1 to Slashing, Piercing and Throwing Talents. If you want to make the potion, then
save Rare Plants in your Inventory until you can buy the recipes and learn how to Brew Potions. The five
Rare Plants that you will see are: Swordthorn, Graveroot, Sharpeye, Jesters Cap and Heros Crown.
The game designers may have originally meant to use Heros Crown in a recipe too, but I know of no recipe
in which you can use it. So eat it, to raise your Bladeproof, Bulletproof and Intimidate Talents by one point.
In addition, the Jesters Cap recipe is bugged in unpatched games, but you can still gain the +1 benefit.
Then Fast Travel to Puerto Sacarico. Enter the largest building and go up the stairs to speak with Governor
Di Fuego. Collect your 600 gold coins for killing the Savages. Think about buying the Dualists Earring
from him for 250 gold coins. Equip the earring for +5 to your Piercing Weapons Talent. Sell some of your
loot, especially the Sickles, Claws and Sensors.
To complete The Clothes of a Pirate quest, sleep until evening and then Sneak into the barracks to find
Largos Worn Out Boots, sitting on the ground in front of a chest. If anyone sees you, everyone will attack
you. However, even if you have not yet learned the Sneak Skill from Largo, you can still get the boots.
Run into the barracks and pick them up before anyone can lay a blade on you. You may not get out of the
room until they have knocked you to your knees, but they will not kill you. Sleep off your injuries.
To get Largos Bandana, speak with Riley, the Sugar Plantation guard. If your Intimidate Skill is 10 or
more, he will give you the bandanna. Alternatively, if you insult him, he will attack you. Defeat him and
then search his unconscious body for the bandanna before he wakes up. The other men will not stop you.
To get Largos Leather Shirt, buy it for 150 gold coins, from Largos jailor Carter. He also has Largos Black
Pearl (part of his earring), but that item is not for sale. You must instead, pick Carters pocket for the pearl.
To do that, you must raise your Cunning Attribute to Level 2 and then speak with Largo, the prisoner.
Ask him How do I get the pearl? He will teach you the Pickpocket Skill, but only if you give him 1,000
gold coins. Have him teach you Level 1 Sneak too, for 500 gold coins.
Now, with a bottle of Grog in your Inventory, speak with Carter again. If you do not already have some
Grog, buy some from Osario the cook. Speak with Carter and choose to give the Grog to him. Then your
character will take the earring from Carter automatically. Equip the boots and bandanna, to raise your stats.
Now, with some Provisions in your Inventory, go north to the Sugar Plantation. Find a slave named Asad
and then speak with him. He is hungry, so give him some Provisions. Explore all the other dialog options
with him, to learn some history. After that conversation, Riley will lecture you about protocol.
Apologize to Riley, completing the quest, A Hungry Slave.
Open your map and then Fast Travel to Vascos Tower. You have two ways to get to the Pirates Den.
You could go a short distance up the hill north and then east through the cave to its other exit. Then turn
north and walk along the trail to a Rope Bridge. On the other side of the bridge is an intersection.
To the right is a cave with a tough Ghoul and a locked chest. Instead take the other fork and kill two
termites. Continue until you see the walls of a fort completing the Find the Pirates Den quest.
Alternatively, you could go east from Vascos Tower, downhill to the Rope Bridge. Then turn northeast at
the waterfall, kill four Warthogs and continue north until you see the front gate to the Pirates Den.
Either way you got there, speak with the man guarding the gate. His name is Fence. If you have reached
Level 15 Intimidate or Level 15 Silver Tongue, you can convince him to open the gate. If you go this way,
you can pick up a mug of beer and a bag of shot from the ramparts. You may also want to fire the Cannons.
Note that, at the end of the large field that begins south of the front gate, you can find three hogs and a bed.
Adjust the aim of either Cannon until it points at the doorway of the tomb on the other side of the field.
When you hit the right spot, the doorway will turn into a black rectangle, as seen from the fortifications.
Enter the tomb and go down the tunnel until you see two tough Warriors. Have one, or both of them, chase
you back to the gate of the Pirates camp, where the guard(s) can help you. After you have killed the
Warriors, re-enter the tomb and push a button to open a Stone Door. At the end of the next passage is a
Tough Ghoul. It will also chase you back outside, where it is much easier to kill. Then go all the way to the
back of the tomb to open a Sarcophagus and take a fourth valuable Jade Idol from a pedestal. Growing at
the base of one wall, find a rare plant, called a Jesters Cap mushroom. Used to create Fools Juice, which
gives +2 to all three Cunning Talents, you can also eat the plant to get +1 to those Dirty Tricks, Thievery and
Silver Tongue Talents. Be ready to hit the Spacebar when you leave the tomb, to avoid a floor collapse.
The tiny room below has another Ghoul. Down there, you have nowhere to run and it can quickly kill you.
Find Stone, the blacksmith, working at his grindstone on the quay, near the bow of the Pirate Ship.
If you cannot convince the guard to open the Pirates Den gate, circle east around the back side of the fort
and kill three Warthogs. Continue northeast and kill four Claw Monkeys. Near them, open a chest, slightly
hidden at the base of the cliff. Then go along the beach north, until you find Blake. If you decide to help
him kill the crabs, then ask him to teach you how to Kick (500 gold hit Right Mouse Button + Spacebar).
Otherwise, you will not be able to flip the Giant Crabs. Then tell him Lets kill some crabs.
As soon as you regain control over your character, help kill five Giant Crabs that scuttle out of the surf,
completing the Crab Slapping with Blake quest. Then go through the opening behind Blake and enter
the Pirates Den. The first person you see is the blacksmith, Stone, working outside his shop.
Do not introduce yourself to Captain Steelbeard yet. Instead, speak with Stone Tell him Its Largo, hes in
trouble. To prove your honesty, show him one of Largos possessions. Your character will say that you
need a lock pick, in order to free Largo. Stone will sell you a lock pick for 500 gold coins, but you do not
need to pay him. Instead, say He said you owe him money. Stone will give you a lock pick for free.
With the lock pick in your Inventory, Fast Travel to Puerto Sacarico. Pass the pick through the bars of
Largos cell and then watch him use it to escape. His jailor, Carter, will attack you. Patty will help you.
The two of you should be able to defeat him. After Carter falls to his knees, help him up. Find Largo
waiting for you just east. He will pay you 1,000 gold coins for his clothing completing Largos Clothes.
Now Follow Largo to the Pirates Den. If you encounter any enemies, you and Patty will have to handle
them, because Largo cannot fight. If you have not already triggered the Spring Traps, then be ready to hit
the Spacebar quickly, because Largo runs through that area. When you reach the Pirates Den, Largo will
leave you and enter Boozes Tavern to celebrate. Speak with Booze, to advance the Pirate Post quest.
Tell Booze about the letter from Roquefort, Ive got a letter for you. Booze will ask you to deliver a reply.
He also tells you that the reason that the pirates stole the last shipment of Inquisition sugar was because
Pedro, the warehouseman in Puerto Sacarico, did not deliver the sugar as promised.
Now the Inquisition wants to be paid for their loss. Booze wants you to get the gold from Pedro, because
the problem was due to his error. Tell Booze that you can handle it, beginning The Sugar Trade quest.
Also, ask Booze about Captain Steelbeard. Then say Why, what happened?, and So, you need sugar
and Ive got your sugar, after which Booze sends you to Alister. Then ask Booze about the problem with
water, to begin The Water Carriers quest. When you exit the tavern, Curtis will stop you and bully you.
Talk to him about the water Theres no water and Where are the Water Carriers?
Find the stairs southeast of the tavern. Open a chest underneath them. They take you up to the third floor.
Upstairs, find Alister sitting at a bench drinking from a mug. Tell him that you have brought his sugar.
The happy distiller will sell you his recipe for brewing Rum (for 1,000 gold), and permission to snoop
around the distillery. Open a chest on one balcony. Find a Black Hat on another balcony. Pilfer a few items,
but do not go inside Boozes bedroom. Before you leave, speak with Alisters assistant Elia, about Bloody
Mary drinks, until he offers to give you a recipe for making them, in exchange for ten Bloodroots. You may
already have them in your Inventory, completing the 10 Bloody Roots quest.
Return below, to the second floor and enter the office. Read a book on the desk, Pirate Stories, to learn
where to find a Collectable Legendary Item called The Left Boot. You can use the bed in the next room
during the day when Elia is not using it. Then go downstairs to the tavern and speak with Booze,
completing The Sugar Shipment quest. If you ask him for more Rum, you have an opportunity to buy a
Legendary Item, The Hand Mirror for 2,000 gold coins. It gives you +10 to your Silver Tongue Skill.
While you are there, sell Booze some of your loot.
Outside the tavern, if you are wearing the Black Hat, Morris may stop you and demand that you return his
lost hat. Even if you try to give it back to him, he will insist that you fight for the hat the pirate code.
Now Fast Travel to Puerto Sacarico, find Pedro and tell him that he has a problem. With an Intimidation
Skill of 20 (Toughness 4) or more, you can get him to pay you 300 gold coins. Otherwise, he will give you
200 gold coins. Now find Governor Di Fuego at his desk and give him Boozes letter.
There are three possible outcomes to this conversation:
If your Silver Tongue Skill is 30 (Potion of Persuasion + equip the Ruby Ring) or greater, and you tell the
governor that you will give him 100 gold coins as compensation for the hijacked sugar, then he will send
you to speak with Roquefort to get your 100 gold coin reward. However, when you speak with Roquefort,
you must have an Intimidate Skill of 30, or he will not pay you. In that case, you must best him in a tough
sword fight. Then you get the gold and 75 Glory Points.
If your Silver Tongue Skill is less than 30, you can tell the governor that you will give him 200 gold coins.
He will accept the offer and then send you to Roquefort for your 100 gold coin reward. However, you must
still have an Intimidate Skill of 30, or Roquefort will not pay you, unless you best him in a fight.
If you tell the governor that you will give him 300 gold coins, the governor will give you 100 gold coins as
your reward and you do not have to speak to, or fight with, Roquefort.
If you have not done so already, you could get some more Glory Points by clearing the wild animals from
the forest above the Sugar Plantation, up the hill from where you and Thompkins killed the Fat Roast.
Speak with Thompkins. Buy his Shotgun (750 gold) and 50 Bullets (50 gold) to go with it.
At the plantation itself, west of the building that Gilles is guarding, is a trail that leads to a cave with a
Termite Worker and a chest. Up the hill from the plantation, expect to find one Jaguar, four Warthogs and
four Claw Monkeys. Near a human skeleton, find an Old Sword and a Goblet.
At the very top of the hill east of the plantation is a cave that harbors perhaps the most dangerous critter on
the entire island. It is a giant black Grave Spider with huge claws that deal tremendous damage.
The cave is dark, winding and narrow. It exits on the other side of the mountain. The spider pops up from
the ground when you get about halfway through the cave, near a tomb entrance. Patty tries to help you,
but she soon falls down unconscious. There, the spider will wait, unless your health drops to less than half.
Sometimes, it will chase you out of the cave where you have more room to move around.
This fight might be a good use for the Potion of Blades that you found on the Caldera pier. Even without it,
you should be strong enough now to beat the spider. Save your game before you attempt this fight. If you
fight with a sword, use three-swing combinations and then back away. If you try to hit the spider a fourth
time, it will grab you in its claws, doing major damage to you and preventing your retreat. A safer way to
kill it is to use the Shotgun you just purchased from Thompkins.
After you have killed the spider, take its Golden Head and then click on the lock, to the left of the tomb
door where the spider appeared. The head will fit into the lock. The door opens for you automatically.
Down the tunnel, you come to a room defended by a tough Warrior. In the next room is a third Jade Idol.
To get inside the secret room on the other side of the hole at the base of the south wall, you need a trained
monkey or parrot. It will push a button in that room, opening a secret door, letting you to enter.
On your way back, be ready to hit the Spacebar, to avoid a Swinging Blade Trap.
Exit the cave through its east end, to find yourself on a ledge above the tomb where you found the other
two Jade Idols. Kill two Warthogs and then look in the brush nearby, to find a Peg Leg. This Legendary
Item goes into your Collections and gives you, its new owner, +1 to your Toughness Attribute. Along the
trail south from there is a Rope Bridge that leads to the Pirates Den. If you have not been here before, kill
the Claw Monkey. The trail south of the bridge leads to a Warthog, a chest and a cave with a vein of ore.
The other end of the cave puts you near Vascos Tower.
Fast Travel to the Pirates Den. Curtis told you earlier that The Water Carriers are lazy. Then he asked
you to send one of the carriers to change the guard at the forts front gate. Go west, to the waterfall, which is
the source of the water needed for Rum production. Instead of working, two of the carriers, Doggs and
Foster are arguing. Speak with the third man, Colby, and he will you that the two disagree about which one
of them deserves to stand guard at the main gate. Now speak with either Doggs or Foster.
Whichever one you choose will go to the main gate and the quest completes. If, instead, you give Colby the
easy gate duty, the other two men will object. In that case, you must defeat Doggs and Foster in battle.
Doing so completes the Fight Foster and Fight Doggs quests which later improves your reputation with
Captain Steelbeard. These are tough fights, but you should be able to handle them. You will have a chance
to heal up between the two fights. After the fights, speak with Doggs and Foster again, to get them hauling
water. Speak with Colby, to get him moving toward the front gate. Then return to the tavern.
Tell Curtis, Booze and Fence (at the front gate) what happened at the waterfall. If you sent Colby to the
gate, then the talk with Booze will net you an additional 25 Glory Points. Tell Booze also, that Di Fuego
will not be a problem anymore. Ask him about the Rum for Steelbeard.
Outside the tavern, Morris is standing by one of the fires. Speak with him and he will tell you about his
failed attempt to loot Boozes room on the third floor of the tavern. Alister chased him away. He suggests
that you might succeed. Morris has a plan to Distract Alister, which he will sell you for 100 gold coins.
Purchase his plan, wait until sunset and then go up the steps to the second floor of the tavern. Elia, Alisters
assistant should be asleep in the lower bedroom. Find Lola standing on the bedrooms balcony and then
speak with her. Pay her to distract Alister which, depending on your dialog choice, will cost you either 100
or 200 gold. If you tell her that Morris is outside, you only pay 100 gold, but Morris will be upset with you.
This ends the quest, but you may want to use the opportunity to loot Boozes bedroom for its treasures.
Two locked chests in the bedroom require Level 30 and Level 90 Lockpick Skills.
Speak with Holly, in Boozes Tavern. Outside, Hank will try to extort 100 Gold from you. You could
pay him. Alternatively, you could refuse to pay, activating the Settling the Score with Hank quest.
This means that you will have to fight him. If you win, you get Glory Points. He cannot kill you.
Find OBrian drunk in Boozes tavern. He will tell you about OBrians Treasure chest and will give you
OBrians Treasure Map, if you can beat him in a drinking contest. You must buy a bottle of Painkiller
from Booze for 150 gold and put up a stake of 500 gold coins for the contest. Then you and OBrian will sit
at a table and drink several bottles of alcohol. You get woozier as you drink.
OBrian will accept a monkey as your stake, but Flannigan wants 1,000 gold to teach you how to handle the
monkey he gives you, and you must have reached Level 6 in the Cunning Attribute first. OBrian will also
accept Largos earring as your stake, but if you lose it, you cannot give the earring to Largo.
It is a good idea to practice the contest first, by saying Lets just drink. Grab the bottles by their necks.
Start with the bottles closest to the edges of the table. If your clumsy hands knock a bottle from the table,
or onto its side, the bottle will re-appear upright on the table after a few moments. Save your game before
you try for the map. You only get one chance at it. If you finish drinking your bottles before OBrian
finishes his, OBrian gets the Painkiller. You get your stake back and the treasure map.
Find the treasure on the beach northwest of where the Water Carriers work at the waterfall. At the beach,
look for a red X on the ground next to the south cliff, near where you must kill five Sand Devils. You must
have a shovel in your Inventory. The chest has very good treasure.
For extra Glory Points, kill a Jaguar and two Warthogs up the hill north of the beach. They guard a chest.
On the section of beach below the chest, kill four Giant Crabs and five Sand Devils.
Now return to the Pirates Den and speak with Meeks, in Boozes Tavern. Give him a bottle of Rum. Then
speak with Booze, who does not trust Meeks. Agree to follow him. Wait until dark (sleeping until midnight
works) and then speak with Booze again. Look for the dialog option Im ready to follow Meeks now.
This starts Meeks walking toward the beach, past the rear gate. Do not let him see you. Watch a cut scene,
as a creature rises up from the sea and has a conversation with Meeks. The creature will spot you.
When you regain control over your character, kill Meeks and the beast. Take his Inquisitors Ring.
It grants its user +5 to the Muskets and Bulletproof Talents. Then return to Booze and tell him what was
going on. This completes both the Night-time Pursuit and The Traitor and the Beast quests. A Shotgun
works well against the sickle-wielding monster and you have a lot of space in which to run around.
Find another good source of Glory Points in the Ghoul Archipelago, at the southeast end of the map.
Four Ghouls have a camp at the northeast section of the swampy area. They guard a locked chest.
Southeast of the burned cart in the middle of their camp is a rare plant called a Graveroot. It has black roots
and one large white flower. Used to make Graveroot Extract (+2 to Voodoo Talents), you can also ingest it,
to gain +1 to those Black Magic, Death Cult, and Ritual Talents. Many Giant Crabs and Sand Devils inhabit
the area. Find a locked (Level 20) chest on the south coast of the island chain and several unlocked chests.
Only now, speak with Captain Steelbeard on his ship, because Patty will no longer accompany you on any
quests on this island. Patty and the captain have an argumentative reunion. Then he asks her about you.
Speak with him about the Titan Harpoon, completing the Find Steelbeard quest. He will tell you the
name of the man who owns the harpoon. Continue the conversation with him, starting the Become a
Pirate quest. Explore all other dialog options with him. To become a pirate, you must convince Steelbeard
that you have distinguished yourself. To do that, you must have completed at least five of the nine quests
listed below. If you have been following this walkthrough from its beginning, then you have already
completed all, or most, of these quests. They become part of the dialog choices you have with Steelbeard.
1. Get a reference from Blake by killing more Giant Crabs than him in the Crab Slapping quest.
2. Complete the Crabs Slapping quest, even if you did not kill the most crabs.
3. Find OBrians Treasure. Speak with OBrian in Boozes Tavern.
4. Find Petes treasure. Holly, in Boozes Tavern can tell you about it, for 100 gold coins.
5. Plunder any grave, by taking an Idol from any tomb.
6. Free Largo from prison.
7. Speak with Holly, in Boozes tavern, activating the Settling the Score with Hank quest.
The outcome of the fight is unimportant to Steelbeard and you will not die, even if you lose the fight.
8. Kill the Traitor and the Sea Monster; the Night-time Pursuit and The Traitor and the Beast quests.
9. Complete the Water Carriers and The Sugar Shipment quests. Ask Booze to sell Rum to Steelbeard.
Do not tell Steelbeard Im Ready until you wish to leave the island. You may first want to buy some more
Bullets for your Shotgun. 500 rounds are not too many. Barney, the gunsmith in Pirates Den, can sell them
to you 100 at a time. Have him teach you Critical Hits as well.
Before you leave the island, you may also want to complete the A Difficult Chest quest. In the cargo hold
of the ship, find a chest full of Steelbeards loot. However, nobody has the key to open it. You must have a
lock pick to open the chest and know how to use it. Learn the Lockpick Skill from Largo for 1000 Gold
coins, but he will not teach it to you until you have reached Level 4 in the Cunning Attribute. To open this
chest, you must also have a Level 25 Thievery Skill. Green numbers on the chest mean you can open it.
Red numbers mean that you must raise your Thievery Skill Level to open that particular chest.
Move the lock pick in such a way that all the spring bolts stay up. The order in which you lock the bolts in
the up position is what rotates the lock cylinder to the open position. The contents are yours to keep.
As soon as you tell Captain Steelbeard that you are ready to leave, a cut scene shows your crew standing
with you on the mid deck of the ship. You have removed much of your clothing. Steelbeard recites the oath
and you parrot it back. Now you are a pirate. After the ceremony, equip your best clothing and then speak
with Steelbeard again. He leaves the decision to cast off, to you. Speak with OBrian and he will give you a
bottle of Rum. Then go up the stairway to the ships wheel and tell Steelbeard that you are Ready to cast
off! Now a cut scene shows the pirate ship leaving the Pirates Den and arriving at the Sword Coast.
In the room, kill the Warrior. Pick up some Jade, the plate it rested on, a Jade Idol and two Jade Statuettes.
Return to the altar and take the Jade Idol, opening the door back to the entrance room. Exit the temple.
Now go down the hill a short distance south and then turn west, up the second trail, until a cut scene plays.
It shows two pirates and two Native Hunters near the Lookout Tower. When the scene ends, they all attack.
After your group defeats all four enemies, save your game. Steelbeard will want you to make a command
decision on which of two ways to go. Rather than describe the route that Steelbeard would take if you
chose to have him lead you to Puerto Isabella, I will describe the route he takes to the Native Village.
We will soon get to Puerto Isabella anyway. In either case, you should clear the entire island of enemies.
However, if you want to follow this walkthrough, choose to Find the Native Village.
Whatever choice you made, loot the Lookout Tower. Find a bottle of Grog, a Sack of Bullets near Cannon,
a Goblet, a Candlestick, some cheese and some Raw Meat that you can cook on the campfire. Find a locked
chest on the balcony (Level 20). Sleep on the bed. You will soon get a map of the island. Then you can Fast
Travel here. Unlike Caldera or Tacarigua, this island has many lightning storms. If they irritate your eyes as
they do mine, sleep on any bed until you can wake up to a sunny day.
This walkthrough has you clearing the island of most of its enemies before you must make a decision to
accept support from either the Natives or the Inquisition. Combat grants you Glory Points that, in turn,
raise your Attributes. These help you in your later interactions with the people of the island. The following
text assumes only that you chose to find the Native Village first, not ask for their help. That comes later.
Follow Steelbeard up a narrow trail to the pass Just a Little Farther, kill a Claw Monkey, and then go
downhill to a river. There, he stops and speaks to you again Cross the River. Then, he and Patty will
leave you on your own, walking back down the hill to the Lookout Tower. There, they will stay, until you
are ready to leave the island. The Native Village is just up ahead, on the other side of the river.
You can see it on your map as a small white circle near a waterfall.
Go west, to the entrance of the Native Village. Save your game. Masaru stands guard. Speak with him.
If you annoy him, he will attack you with his spear. Close up, he can seriously damage you. From a
distance, he can throw the spear hard enough to maim you with one blow. If you want to fight him, then
ambush him with your Shotgun and then run to the river. He will chase you there and then throw his spear.
Dodge the spear and then fire the Shotgun again. You cannot kill him, but he will find you honorable if
you defeat him. Then he will let you enter the village.
If he defeats you, he will not kill you, but you lose 50 Glory Points.
If you talk to him afterwards, Masaru will tell you to go, but will also allow you to enter the village.
To avoid the fight, tell him that you were sent by Captain Crow and you were spying on the Inquisition.
Inside the tiny village, speak with everyone, going in a clockwise direction.
Slick is a pirate who is working for Captain Crow. Ask him to let you see Crow. Be persistent. Slick will
eventually tell you that Crow is at the Earth Temple and, if you want to see Crow, you must do some chores
for Slick first. He wants you to get the native women working faster. Agree to see the gatherers and get
Kapuas idol The Shipment for Crow. Pick Slicks pocket for his 75 gold coins.
Badria wants you to collect four Sacrificial Offerings for the tribes upcoming summer festival Four
Offerings for Kanadiktu. Agree to collect four Sacrificial Offerings from four of the other tribe members.
Jim is the pirate who delivers supplies to the Earth Temple. He offers to tell you some history of the
Shaganumbi if you give him some Rum first. Give him some Rum or threaten to hit him over the head with
his empty bottle if he does not give you the information. He teaches Thievery. Open the locked chest near
him (Level 20), to get Jims Treasure Map.
Chani is the Chiefs daughter, but she does not agree with her fathers decision to accept help from Captain
Crow, to remove the Inquisition from the island. Explore all dialog options with her. She wants you to find
a missing native Free Tahana. Ask her for one of the Sacrificial Offerings you are collecting for Badria.
Kapua is working on the idol for Slick, but she does not yet have a heart for the idol. Agree to find her
some Raw Jade, with which to make the heart of the idol. After you complete one of the chores for the
tribe, she will sell you trinkets and Voodoo components; and you can sell her loot. She can also sell you the
Legendary Item Bottle of Memories, for +10 to Death Cult.
Hikoko sees great danger around you and wants to sell you a Rat Amulet for 50 gold coins, but it only
adds +2 to your Bulletproof Talent. She will help you find the Raw Jade that Kapua needs for the idol,
but you can find the Jade without her. She cannot fight, so is useful only as a guide.
Ranapiri knows information about the imprisoned native, Tahana. Ranapiri is willing to go with you to
free Tahana if you like, but you can free him on your own. After you have proved that you can kill a
Dangerous Beast, Ranapiri will trade with you. Ask him for his Sacrificial Offering.
Nakutu warns you away from the Earth Temple. Tell him that you came to trade. Ask him for his Sacrificial
Offering. He teaches Bladeproof I and II (500+1,000 gold coins), which raises Bladeproof Talent +5 and +10.
Now go across the bridge at the west end of the village. Enter the temple/tomb and speak with Samir.
He guards the building, badly. Ask him for his Sacrificial Offering. Then jump up the south ledge and loot
the four sarcophagi you find in the two rooms at the end of the corridor. Return to Badria and give her the
four offerings that you collected. She will give you 300 gold coins. She sells potions and plants.
Leave the village now and clear the area around it. Near the waterfall west of the village is a locked Native
Chest (Level 30). Go back to the area of the river where Steelbeard and Patty left you. From there, go a bit
northwest and open a Native Chest. Standing in the river to the north of the chest, a native named Lin is
panning for gold. Speak with her to get seven pieces of gold. Now go north, to a Stone Tower with three
Claw Monkeys. You cannot enter the tower. Instead, note on your map that jungle surrounds the tower.
Before you clear that jungle, take a trail toward the river - west. Kill four Claw Monkeys and then look
southeast, to see a very tough Alligator lying on the bank, worth 300 Glory Points. Save your game.
Part of a quest, the gator is the Evil Spirit of the River. To kill it, jump on top of a rock on your left,
between the tower and the river. Use your Shotgun to kill the gator, which cannot climb the rock easily.
Then search the area around a large boulder on the shore of the river. Find a Bundle of Plants, a Bag of
Herbs and a Sack of Mushrooms. If you have the stats for it, open a locked chest (Level 85) west of
where the gator was. Then go downstream to find Natsumi. She has lost one of the bags of plants. Tell her
you found it, completing the Natsumis Bag of Herbs quest. East of where she stands, open a chest.
Near the chest, speak with Yuzuki, to get her Fruit Basket.
Now that you have cleared the area west of the tower, briefly return to the village and tell Ranapiri that you
have killed the Alligator. Buy his Skinning Knife and Jaw Chisel, so that you can get more trade goods
from the animals you kill. Then return to the Stone Tower near the village.
From the tower, go north, up the hill. There, find three Blue Claw Monkeys before they find you.
Climb on the rocks and then use your Shotgun against them. They will run to the base of the rocks, but
cannot seem to climb them. Behind the tower, kill two Firebirds. Use the same technique, although the
birds can sometimes climb the rocks up to you. If you have room to run, you can outrun these birds, giving
you time to reload your Shotgun. Combine running and jumping, to gain distance on your foes.
Now you should safely be able to run completely around the Stone Tower.
North of the tower is a cave with two huge Cave Bats. They cannot climb the rocks easily. Loot their cave,
to get five pieces of Raw Meat. Find a locked Native Chest (Level 70) and a Graveroot plant southeast.
Outside the cave, go up the trail west, to find three more Firebirds. Now you have room to run and jump
backwards from them, while you fire your Shotgun at them. They were guarding a locked Native Chest,
(Level 50). In the same area, defeat two Blue Claw Monkeys.
Now Fast Travel to the Pirates Lookout, and then walk up the same trail that Steelbeard earlier led you.
When you get to the first rock tunnel/cave, go up the slope south, to the summit. There, you stand between
two waterfalls. Nearby, kill two Claw Monkeys and then three Warthogs. In that large area between the
two waterfalls, find another Alligator, seven more Warthogs and three Firebirds near a wooden bridge.
The birds are part of the Firebirds Blocking the Bridge quest line.
After you have cleared that section of river, look for a red X on the south bank, near the upper falls.
Dig up Jims very good treasure. Then wade through the water of the upper falls, to find a hidden tunnel
entrance to a tomb behind the falls. Go down the long tunnel to a room with a Jade Idol sitting on an altar.
When you take the idol, a Stone Door opens on the north wall. In the room beyond, a Ghoul waits.
You can fight it here or run back to the river, where you have more room to run. If you take this option,
be ready to hit the Spacebar as you run back through the tunnel, to avoid a Swinging Blade Trap.
In the room where the Ghoul was standing, find a Golden Bowl. Retrace your steps to the wooden bridge.
From the wooden bridge, go south, up a narrow grassy trail. Kill one Claw Monkey and cross a Rope Bridge
at the summit. Kill another Claw Monkey and then a Firebird. Note that Firebirds move more slowly while
running across Rope Bridges. When you see a second Rope Bridge, watch for two more Firebirds in a field
on your left. Cross a third bridge to find the Puerto Isabella city gate. Tell the guard, Franco, that you are
there to fight Captain Crow. He wants a bribe of 100 gold coins, before he will let you enter the city.
If you have reached Level 35 in the Silver Tongue Talent, he will let you in for free.
Under the arch just past Franco, Sneak into a dark room west and open a locked chest (Level 20). Just past
the arch, near the bed on your left, pick up a bottle of Red Wine. Just past the arch, on your right, open a
locked chest (Level 20). Then walk up to the liquor bar.
Caution! For an extra one-time chance for 50 Glory Points, be certain that your Silver Tongue Talent is 30 or
greater. Then speak with Sophia, who is tending the bar. Choose the dialog option And whom do I have
the pleasure of addressing? to complete A Good First Impression. Ask her what else she has besides
Grog; and about treasure and trade. She wants five bottles of Red Wine. Agree to get them for her.
She teaches Intimidate, Wound Healing and Bulletproof. Buy her Treasure Map for 100 gold Coins,
to activate the quest The Treasure on Puerto Isabella Beach.
Find a second bottle of Red Wine at the south end of the dock and then walk up the steps to speak with
Miguel, the warehouseman. He will give you a quest picking up Cargo crates on the beaches Cargo Crates
for Miguel. You already have four of them because you searched the beach where you landed. Ask him
about Crows Ship, to get 100 Glory Points. Then walk up the hill.
On this second level of the city, Webster, the gunsmith, will sell you guns and bullets, but not a Musket.
You only get the option to buy that weapon later, if you finally choose to get help from the Inquisition.
Open a locked chest (Level 20) inside the pigsty. Sneak into Websters house and steal his Red Wine.
Up the steps north of Cooper the blacksmith, find a fourth bottle of Red Wine and a chest.
While you are speaking to the blacksmith, pick his pocket. He sells swords. If you ask him to teach you
how to forge a sword, he will give you a task Blades for Cooper.
To complete this quest, you must first have reached Blades 6, have 2,500 gold coins (to learn forging and
buy a schematic) and have in your Inventory 6 gold nuggets. Cooper wants you to help him, by
manufacturing five Epees. He will give you the blanks. After you make them, Cooper will reward you with
the Soul Callers Sword Hilt (damage 45-100 and +15 to Piercing Talent) Find the Soul Caller Blade in a
locked chest (Level 20) on the third floor of the warehouse on Antigua. Access that floor from the stairway
on the back of the building. You have not been there yet. If your Thievery Talent is 45 or greater, you can
get a free copy of the hilt in a locked chest on the Puerto Isabella Beach. You will be there soon.
Now return back through the front gate of the city. Cross the bridge and then walk down to the beach.
Scour the beach for the following: 8 Giant Crabs, 4 Cargo crates, a locked chest (Level 35), an unlocked
chest, a Message in a Bottle which points you to Treasure in the Natives Graveyard, and 2 Firebirds on a
grassy bluff just above the north end of the beach. The trail up the hill west from this bluff intersects the
trail that you used to get to the front gate of the city. Just across the trail west, find a cave.
Past the entrance to the cave, walk along the tunnel until you get to an empty room. Kill three rats and then
continue northeast and south, to a rock ramp going up. At the top, find an intersection guarded by two
Cave Bats. The south fork goes to two more bats and a second exit for the cave. Just outside it, find a locked
chest (Level 25). Back inside the cave, the northwest fork goes to a dead end with three Cave Bats, two
Ghouls, one bottle of Grog, two Gold Nuggets and some loose gold coins. Get your enemies to chase you
outside, where you have the advantage.
Back on the beach; find the mouth of a creek, near the northern end of the beach. Follow the creek west,
killing two Giant Crabs and one Cave Bat. At the head of the creek, find a cave. Inside the cave, find one
Cave Bat and three Ghouls. The room at the back of the cave has a chest with only minor loot.
Back at the Isabella city gate; find a cave just to the west. Inside it, kill one Ghoul and find a large room
with a Voodoo Altar. The dead end tunnel to the southeast has a Gold Vein. Outside, the trail up the hill
west of this cave is patrolled by the Protectors. Watch them use Muskets to kill several Claw Monkeys,
using fewer shots than your Shotgun would. Open a locked chest (Level 20) at the side of the trail.
At the next intersection west of the chest, go southeast, down a grassy trail. Kill two Claw Monkeys.
Martinez will accuse you of scaring away all the game animals. Speak to him further and he will tell you
about a Jaguar inside The Jaguar Cave. Offer to help him kill it and then follow him into the cave.
Inside, he will stop and tell you to go in further and flush out the Jaguar. When it sees you, run back to
where Martinez waits and help him kill the animal. He will give you 50 gold coins and then leave to talk to
the butcher, Tito. Find a Vein of Gold and a Graveroot plant at the back of the cave. On your way out, look
in a side cave to find a Treasure Map to the Treasure in the Valley of the Jaguar.
Outside again, go south just a bit and then turn east, to a dead end with a red X on the ground. Dig up the
Valley of the Jaguar treasure. Continue up the trail south, to get back to town. Find the row of 3 Cannons.
Behind the southernmost one, next to the wall of the Armory, find a fifth bottle of Red Wine. Then take the
trail from there south, down to a small beach at the bow of the Black Betty.
On the beach, find the last two Cargo crates, two Giant Crabs and a locked chest (Level 40). The chest
contains the second instance of the Soul Caller sword hilt. If you find the blade for it, you can re-forge
the sword. At the south end of the beach, find a Sharpeye plant and a red X on the ground. Dig up the
Puerto Isabella treasure chest.
Return to town and speak with the warehouseman, Miguel. Give him the 10 Cargo crates in exchange for
300 Glory Points and a Powder Bag. This Legendary Item gives you +10 to your Pistols Talent.
Then speak with Sophia the bartender and give her the five bottles of Red Wine for 500 gold.
Enter the big Government Building at the top tier of town. The guard, Alcazar, will let you inside if you tell
him that Sebastiano knows you. Speak with him about a better weapon and about Crow. Sebastiano tells
you that there was one survivor of Crows shipwreck, a cook named Hawkins, now a prisoner in the tower.
The governor wants you to speak with the prisoner Interrogate Hawkins. Ask Sebastiano for a few
marksmen to help you against Crow. The governor wants to hear from his scout, Venturo, before
committing troops to your cause The Lookouts Report. If your Thievery Talent is Level 35 or greater,
steal Sebastianos key. You have still not sided with anyone.
Find Hawkins behind bars just northeast of where you speak with Sebastiano. Tell Hawkins that you are
with Captain Steelbeard. Hawkins tells you about how his ship, The Ghost, was sunk. Explore all other
dialog options with him, until he will not tell you more unless you agree to free him Free Hawkins.
Tell him you know about the pirate Creed (break a deal = dishonor for life). Now that you have a deal,
he tells you about the Water Temple rising out of the sea and how Captain Crow went inside the temple.
When he came out, he was holding the Magical Spear you are looking for. Only Crow knows where it is.
To get the Glory Points, do not tell Hawkins that you have the key until you finish Interrogate Hawkins.
Use the governors stolen key to open the prison cell and release Hawkins. A cut scene turns your screen
black and then you see an empty cell. Apparently, the nearby guards are half blind and saw nothing.
A second, more dramatic, approach to opening the cell is to climb the steps of the tower above the front
gate of the city. There, a Cannon faces landward. Aim the Cannon at the side of Hawkinss prison tower
and then fire the Cannon, to blow a big hole in the side of the prison tower.
Now go to the upper southwest entrance to the city and speak with Aguilar. He will tell you that Venturo
went to a tower. Look on your map to see the tower west of Puerto Isabella. Across the bridge, open a chest.
The trail west of the chest leads to two Claw Monkeys. Two Blue Claw Monkeys wait on a bluff, just to the
north of there. The latter will not attack you if you stay on the trail, as Aguilar advised you. However,
if you want to eliminate the Blue Claws, attract their attention and then run back to where Aguilar stands
guard. He will kill the monkeys for you, but you must deal the killing blow to get the Glory Points.
Continue west, to a three-way intersection. The middle fork goes up a hill to where Torres stands guard.
Speak with him. Ask about Venturo. Learn that Torres is hungry. Accept his quest and then take the
Moluccan Statuette down into town. Speak with the butcher, Tito. Bargain with him for meat in exchange
for the Statuette. Ask for 100 gold coins and one package of meat. He will laugh at your offer.
Offer 50 gold coins and one package of meat. He will accept that offer, completing the Bartering quest.
Take the meat back to Torres, who is very pleased and gives you 200 gold coins.
Go up the hill behind Torres. At the tower, open a chest. On the battlements, find a book Early Battles, to
activate a quest, The Cannonball. Because you have started the Free Tahana quest, he will speak to you.
Tell him that you are there to free him. He will tell you that he was looking for the Shaganumbi Idol.
He also tells you that the guard dropped the key to the cell on the ground in the yard. Find the key about
eight feet south of the stack of crates across from the tower, near the log wall. After you free Tahana, Torres
will appear and then attack the two of you. Defeat Torres and use your Intimidate Talent to keep him quiet.
If you cannot Intimidate Torres, you must fight him a second time. Follow Tahana to the Native Village.
Along the way, you must help him find the Shaganumbi Idol Search for the Idol. Help him defeat a
Jaguar. Tahana stops there and asks you to look for the idol. Find it behind the big tree. Then follow him
through the rock arch. Help Tahana fight one Cave Bat, three Claw Monkeys, two Firebirds, two Warthogs
and two Claw Monkeys. You get full Glory Points for the kills.
At the village, speak with Chani. She warns you against going to the Gucho Camp (Puerto Isabella),
however, there is no penalty for doing so. Tell her that you freed Tahana. She still does not trust you,
although she wants to help. Tell her that you will think about it, to keep your options open.
Now Fast Travel back to the Inquisitions Tower. From there, take the same route as Tahana just did, until
you get to the intersection where you both killed the Jaguar and found the idol. Instead of continuing west,
under the rock arch, go up the hill south. Kill one Termite Worker.
Further up the trail, kill another worker and two Termite Warriors. Where they were, open a locked chest
(Level 20). Continue up the zigzag trail to the top and there kill another Cave Bat. This is the Native
Graveyard, where someone buried a treasure chest. Before you can dig it up, you must kill the four tough
native warriors guarding the graveyard. They are spear throwers.
After you have eliminated the four guards, look for a red X on the ground to the left of the tomb entrance.
Dig up a treasure chest with very good items inside, completing Treasure in Natives Graveyard.
Find a Sharpeye plant west of the X. Take a Shrunken Head from a low pillar near the X. This Legendary
Item gives you +10 to your Intimidate Talent. Then enter the tomb. Find a room with a chest and a Jade Idol
sitting on top of an altar. When you take the idol, a second Stone Door opens to a room with two more
Native Warriors. Quickly, before they can attack, put the idol back on the altar, so that the exit door opens.
Then have the natives chase you out into the graveyard, where you have the advantage.
Return inside the temple to retrieve your idol and open a chest. In the room where you first saw the two
Warriors, open a sarcophagus, to get the Ti Ha Ko, an amulet that adds +5 to Death Cult and +15 to Black
Magic. Pull the lever in the corner of the room, to open a shortcut up the steps and out of the tomb.
Retrace your steps down the trail, to the intersection where you killed the Jaguar.
Now take the other fork, northwest under the arch. At the next intersection, kill a Firebird to the north, near
a Swampy Pond and a Native Chest. Note the three natural rock steps above and north of the swamp.
Jump up those ledges to the top one and then go east, under a rock arch, to find a Jaguar and a vein of Gold
Ore. Near where you found the Jaguar, find another set of ledges, going down. From there, you can look
down at the trail and see two Termite Workers. One Termite Warrior waits hidden up the hill behind them.
Near the termites, are two Claw Monkeys, but they are too far away for you to shoot from the ledges.
Before you go down there, kill the three Warthogs and one Claw Monkey in the nearby upper field.
Use the high rocks as partial protection from them. They defend a locked Native Chest (Level 45).
East of the chest, find two Firebirds. South of them, see a field with one Claw Monkey and three Warthogs.
A cave tunnel running west off that field has a campfire, a locked chest (Level 20) and a vein of Gold Ore.
You are near Puerto Isabella and can see Protectors patrolling the trails. This area is secure. Now return
northwest, to the area with the ledges. Find a trail that leads up the hill, north and west of the big field
where you killed the Firebirds. Travel very carefully up this trail, to an intersection and there defeat two
Claw Monkeys. If you turn west at the intersection, you will come to a Jaguar Den. Two of them live in a
cul-de-sac, only a short distance along that west fork of the trail. Save your game. This pair of animals is
among the toughest you will face, along the entire Sword Coast. Defeat them one-at-a-time, in the
following manner<
At the intersection, find one boulder upon which you can, with some effort, climb. Stand on top of the
boulder and then use your Spear or Shotguns targeting reticle to search the area. You should be able to
target one of the Jaguars from here. Though you may miss your target, the Jaguar will come running to the
base of the rock. It will take many shots to kill the animal. Now only one Jaguar remains.
The second Jaguar is deeper into the den, but paces about. When it comes near enough to target, shoot it.
Again, you will not hit it, but the object of this exercise is to get the Jaguar to run near enough to your rock
that you can kill the animal. If you cannot do this, then you must go into the den with your sword and fight
it up close, where it can kill you. Be ready to tap the Spacebar when the animal mauls you. In the den, find
a locked chest (Level 65) and a Sharpeye plant. It gives +1 to Muskets, Shotguns and Pistols.
Now walk back down the trail, east and southwest, to the Swampy Pond near the ledges. From the Swampy
Pond, go a bit south and then west, along the route that Tahana led you. You will come to the first of
several Signs, built by Venturo. They comprise two rocks holding up a branch. From there, go northwest,
following the signs northwest, past the Earth Temple.
Just ahead, find the stream that eventually flows into the Swampy Pond. You can, in fact, retreat along that
stream to the Swampy Pond. Deal with a Jaguar, pacing about upstream. Then look south of the stream to
find a grassy dead-end ledge. Find a Heros Crown at the end of the ledge.
Back at the stream; go up the wide grassy slope west, from where the Jaguar was. At the top, find a cave
entrance defended by two Claw Monkeys. Inside the cave; find five Termite Workers. Look for a bottle of
Grog sitting against the south wall. Pick up Four Pieces of Jade, to continue that quest. Pick up a plate
and a goblet. When you come to an intersection in the cave, kill one Termite Warrior and find a Purse,
sitting against the south rock wall. The two forks circle around and join at this intersection.
You can take either route, but the safer route is southwest, because the exit slope is more visible when you
retreat. You will need to run down that slope, because the first enemies you meet in that direction are three
Ghouls. Past them are one Termite Worker, five Termite Warriors and a vein of ore.
Return to the creek and search the small grassy field on the north side, to find two Blue Claw Monkeys.
Then follow the stream up the hill. Jump up three ledges, to get to the falls at the top. There, speak with
Venturo. Offer to help him. He wants you to go to the village, pretend to be a pirate and find out how many
natives are allied with Crow. Look on your map to see that you are very close to the village and, because
you have been here before, you will have no trouble getting inside. Speak with Kapua. Ask her how many
natives have sided with Crow. She will say Twelve, completing Among Savages. Give her the four
pieces of jade that you just acquired. She will give you the finished Idol of Protection.
Now tell Slick that you have all of the items he wanted. When he asks for gold, give him five gold nuggets.
When you ask him when he will take you to the Earth Temple to see Captain Crow, Slick tells you to wait.
Return to the area near the waterfall where Venturo waits. Tell him what you have learned in the village.
You may go with him to the Earth Temple and help him defeat the three pirates inside a small fortification.
Alternatively, you may defeat them all yourself. Basil and his two cohorts fall easily to your Shotgun.
At their outpost, find a locked chest (Level 20), a bed and 250 gold coins inside Basils Chest.
You may also want to defeat the eight Native Warriors defending the temple. Six of them stand in a group
just west of where you found the first of Venturos signs. They guard a locked Native Chest (Level 50).
Then kill the remaining two warriors at the entrance to the temple. You cannot enter it yet, but now there
are only four Native Warriors left to help Crow. They are all inside the temple.
Return to the Pirates Tower and tell Captain Steelbeard what you have learned. Then tie up loose ends.
Go up the trail from the tower, through the cave where Steelbeard led you and stop in the field beyond.
Pick up the obvious Swordthorn plant southwest and eliminate three Termite Warriors along the trail in
that direction. Warning: a Thorny Spring Trap sits along this trail, near the northern cliff face and close to
where you find the third termite.
When you get to the next field, walk south, up the narrow trail to the upper waterfall. Cross the wide
stream, south to the other side, and kill two Blue Claw Monkeys. To the east, find a locked chest (Level 35).
Having earned the maximum number of Glory Points you can on the Sword Coast, it is now finally time for
you to make a decision on which side to choose the Natives or the Inquisition. Continue on to the next
page if you decide to support the natives. Alternatively, if you decide to support the Inquisition, scroll
down these pages to the dark green heading Decide to Support the Inquisition.
Then tell Chani that the doll is ready. At this point, speak with Hikoko about having her teach you
Voodoo. She needs Kapuas consent first, so speak with Kapua again. Tell her that you have the Ancestors
Blessing to learn Voodoo. Now she will teach you how to make various Voodoo-enhanced items.
Speak with Hikoko again. Only now will she agree to teach you how to brew potions (Voodoo 4 + 1,000
gold coins), and teach you Ritual I (500 gold).
Oddly, you cannot activate the Voodoo Doll by clicking on it in your Inventory. You must equip it like a
weapon or attach it to one of the Hot Keys at the bottom of your screen. Then hit the number (1 through 0)
where you put the doll. This will place the Voodoo Doll, exuding purple vapor, into your right hand.
Now walk over to Jim and left-click on him. A short cut scene will show you taking control of his spirit.
Then your screen goes dark. Find yourself standing in the Earth Temple, in control of Jims spirit and body.
The big Stone Entrance Doors of the temple open automatically behind you. Ignore the men by the
campfire and the man lounging on the steps. Instead, walk up to the top of the steps and speak with Floyd.
Ask him what his problem is and how you can make it up to him, to begin Redistributing the Loot.
Then at the base of the steps, speak with Gunpowder Ben. Pick his pocket for the Golden Statue he carries.
Then go to the campfire and pick the pockets of the three Warriors, for 28, 32 and 35 gold coins respectively.
Return to the top of the steps and pick Floyds pocket for the 78 gold coins he carries.
Then speak with Digger and steal his Golden Mask. Pay off your 100 gold coin debt with him and also give
him 50 gold coins to purchase a bottle of Rum. Now speak with Skinner and give him the bottle of Rum to
Distract Skinner. While he is distracted, pick his pocket for the Golden Plate he carries. Now return to
the top of the steps and give the three artifacts to Floyd. Now he will let you enter corridor he is guarding.
In the room at the end of the corridor, Captain Crow and Bakir the Chieftain are having a heated
discussion. Interrupt the Chief and he will ask what you want. Tell him that you have brought the Idol of
Protection. Then distract him while you pluck some of his hair. Exit the temple and then be magically
transported back to the Native Village. Tell Chani that you have Bakirs hair. Now make a second Voodoo
Doll, the same way that you did earlier, completing A Doll for Bakir. Tell Chani that the doll is ready.
Now Chani will follow you to an Assault on the Temple. Fast Travel to the Earth Temple, noting that,
if you have not already defeated the group of eight Warriors there, you will see them when you arrive.
When you enter the temple, watch a long cut scene showing Chani taking control of her fathers spirit.
Then she (as him) orders all of Crows Warrior friends to change their allegiance to your side.
Now Captain Crow stands with only Digger, Ben, Floyd and Skinner.
Crow equips the Titan Spear and uses it to create a giant Earth Titan. He orders it to destroy your group.
When you get control of your character, focus on knocking Crow to his knees. After you have done so,
another cut scene shows you ripping the Titan Spear from Crows hands. Use the spear to defeat the Earth
Titan monster. You have the advantage of speed, because the monster is slow and lumbering. However,
be very careful of the boulders that he throws at you. They can take away half of your health. This is a good
fight in which to use some of the many Grog and Rum you have been saving attached to your Hot Keys.
To destroy the monster, throw the spear into the hole that opens, periodically, in the center of its chest.
Aim the spear slightly lower than the opening itself. A fiery animation will show, when you hit the target.
You must get the spear into the hole eight times. After that, another animation will show your character
jumping onto the head of the monster. Watch for an on-screen prompt that tells you to click the left mouse
button, causing your character to jam the spear into the monsters tiny head, killing it.
If you do not hit the button quickly enough, the monster will use its hand to knock you to the ground.
Then you must repeat the spear-throwing into the hole five more times, to get back onto the monster.
After the monster collapses to the floor of the temple, listen to Chani and her father. When they stop
talking, speak with Chani and then her father. He welcomes you into the tribe. Loot the bodies of Digger,
Ben, Floyd, Skinner and Captain Crow, who has the Prize Taker sword 35-50damage and +15 to Slash.
Save your game before you continue. The game sometimes crashes during the next sequence.
Through the corridor at the back of the temple, find the room where you first saw Crow. Activate the lock,
to put an idol in it, causing two Stone Doors to open. Loot the three sarcophagi in three rooms at the back of
the temple. In the center room, pick up a Jesters Cap mushroom from the floor and then activate two locks.
These open a Metal Gate and a Stone Door. In the room beyond, take a piece of Jade, the Plate it was
resting on, a Jade Idol and two Statuettes. Retrieve your two idol keys as you exit the temple.
Just outside the Earth Temple, reunite with Patty and Steelbeard. He tells you that now your little group
has two of the four artifacts needed to defeat Mara. However, Steelbeard has hidden his artifact, the Earth
Amulet, and will not tell you where it is until you get the remaining two artifacts.
A happy cut scene shows the three of you walking down the trail to the beach where you left the rowboat.
However, as you reach the beach, the Kraken rises from the sea and destroys the pirate ship. Then Mara
rises from the sea and toys with Steelbeard awhile before she kills him with his own sword. Mara vanishes
beneath the waves before you can use the Titan Spear to kill her. Now a long cut scene shows Patty in a
last, tearful, conversation with her father before Captain Steelbeard dies. The scene ends with you and
Patty standing next to Steelbeards fresh grave. She gives you his hat and four new quests activate:
The Cunning Captain, Find Captain Slayne, Steelbeards Artifact and Talk to the Commandant.
Now go down the trail to the beach and look for the rowboat, not far from where you reach the sand.
Activate the boat and then Row to the city. Alternatively, you could Fast Travel there. Just outside the
entrance to Puerto Isabella, find Chani. The tribe has ejected her for not following protocol and, when you
speak with her about Steelbeards death, says that you can still speak with his spirit Steelbeards Ghost.
Accept her offer to go with you. Franco will stop you at the gate, but then let you pass. Go up to the top tier
of the city and speak with Sebastiano in the Government Building. He tells you that the High Council is
upset with you for breaking protocol. He wants you to surrender the Titan Spear. Argue with him, but he
tells you to lock up the spear in the Armory. Talk about Venturo, finishing that quest for 100 Glory Points.
Speak with Patty about the possibility of being killed by Mara and then follow her to the quay. When she
stops near the gangway to the ship, she tells you her plan. She wants to steal the Black Betty.
To do that, you must do four things: sabotage the four Cannons facing the sea, get someone to put drinking
water on the ship, find a fourth crew member and remove the guards from the ship. When you ask her how
to disable the Cannons, Patty gives you four Rusty Nails, activating four quests: A New Ship,
Sabotage, A Few Barrels of Water and The Fourth Crew Member.
Go up the steps to the top of the Prison Tower to find one Cannon there. When the roving guard is not
watching you, activate the Cannon to spike it. The other three Cannons are guarded by Miguel the
warehouseman, a roving guard and Benito the Cannon Master. If you speak with Benito about opening the
Armory to put the Titan Spear inside, you hear an amusing dialog about where this dummkopf misplaced
the Armory key. However, in the event, it is not possible to follow the commandants orders.
The best (and quickest) way I have found to disable Benitos three Cannons, is the following:
Equip the Warriors Earring, Lucky Charm Amulet and Inquisitors Ring, to boost your Bulletproof Talent
by 15 points. Then save your game. Spike the Cannon closest to the beach south. After the spiking cut scene
ends, run down to that beach. You may lose about half of your health from Benitos Musket Balls. Your
pursuers will not follow you to the beach. Heal up and then spike the middle Cannon. Run to the beach as
you did before. Note that you can die in both of these confrontations. The third Cannon is so close to the
guards that you probably cannot make it to the beach. However, because you finish the quest as soon as
you spike the third Cannon, you cannot die. You could, in fact, just stand there and let the guards hit you.
To get water delivered to the Black Betty, ask Chani what to do. She suggests Voodoo, beginning a quest,
The Puppet. Then run up the hill to the Government Building and enter the room just northeast of where
Sebastiano stands and (sometimes) sits. Take his Hairbrush from the table just inside the doorway.
Then run all the way back down to the quay and speak with Chani. After you give her the brush, she takes
some hair from it and gives it to you, along with Teeth, Jade, a Voodoo Doll and one Eye.
Exit the city by the north gate and then turn west. Pass by Hawkins for now and enter the cave behind him.
Inside, assuming that you already killed the Ghoul, activate the Voodoo Altar and then make the doll that
will control Sebastiano. On your way back to speak with Patty, convince Hawkins to join your crew.
At the gate to the city, Franco will stop you, but will let you pass with your prisoner. Back on the quay,
speak with Patty. Tell her that you spiked the Cannons and recruited Hawkins.
Then go back up the hill. You will soon leave the island. Check your Inventory to see if you have enough
ammo. Stop by Websters shop and buy some bullets if you need some. 500 rounds are not too much.
Continue up to the Government Building. If you have not already done so, go up to the room at the top of
the stairway. There, read a book The Art of Fencing, which starts a quest for a Legendary Item, The
Comb with One Tooth. While you are there, open a locked chest (Level 20).
Equip the Voodoo Doll as a weapon, or attach it to an open Hot Key and then click on that number, to put
the doll in your hand. The Voodoo cut scene will show you taking control of Sebastianos spirit.
Walk Sebastianos body out the door of the building. Alkazar will stop you. For fun, tell him that you are
going to shower the pirate with gold.
Then walk down the hill to the warehouse and tell Miguel to load the ship with water. On your way there,
you may loot the houses you have not yet entered. Look for bottles of Red Wine. For an even better laugh,
go down to the quay and speak with Patty as though you were the commandant.
You have two ways to get on board the Black Betty the passive way and the violent way.
To get aboard without a fight, walk up the gangway (as the commandant) and speak with Manolo.
Tell him that you have a task for him and his men. Choose either of the next three dialog options, to get the
four guards to walk off the ship. Then walk back to the Government Building and return to your character.
Back on the quay, tell Patty that you are ready and walk aboard the Black Betty unmolested.
If you prefer to fight your way aboard, then return to the Government Building and click on your character,
to return to normal. Back on the quay, speak to Patty and tell her you are ready. You must defeat the four
guards on the ship. You cannot kill them, but they can kill you. Save your game before you begin the fight.
Use your Shotgun against anyone (Manolo) using a Musket. Let your three shipmates take on the swordwielders. After you defeat them, the losers will walk off the ship - offended. You are the new captain.
If you can now raise your Voodoo Attribute to Level 4, now would be an excellent time to Fast Travel to the
Native Village and learn how to brew potions. Speak with Hikoko. Say Show me Alchemy, Can you tell
me about Voodoo Rituals? (If you have not yet learned Ritual 1) and Show me how to brew potions.
By spending 1,000 gold coins, you learn to use Rare Plant Recipes to boost selected Talents by 2 points.
Also, if you have patched your game, then you might also want to buy her recipe for Fools Juice.
The unpatched version of the game will steal your Jesters Caps if you try to brew the potion, leaving you
with no benefit at all. Purchase Badrias recipe for the Thiefs Potion. Then, to test if you can brew potions,
buy all of Ranapiris and Kapuas Monkey Skulls. Stand in front of the Voodoo Cauldron and create as
many Thieves Potions as you can. Use them to help you open high-level locked chests.
Back to Caldera
When you cross the bridge, another guard, your former Rum supplier stops you. Ask him where you can
locate the High Council and Mauregato. Pass by the two Citizens discussing peace and turn left at the
intersection. The first house you come to on your right is Mauregatos. The guard outside will not let you in
unless you have a Silver Tongue Skill of 55 or greater. Oddly, as soon as the guard goes inside the building,
he will not stop you from entering, but leave that for later. Just a bit farther down the quay, speak with the
recruiter Lopez. Offer to help him find Three New Recruits. Speak with the two Citizens having a
conversation near the recruiting table. Convince them to enlist in the Inquisition. In the building to the
southwest, find Fernando, the assistant to the master of firearms. He can sell you bullets, etc., but will not
teach you skills, because you are not with the Inquisition.
Now explore the eastern section of the quay. Speak with Campbell, the warehouseman. He will give you a
bottle of Rum. One of his two Workers will join the Inquisition if you speak with him. Then go back and
get your 300 gold coin reward from Lopez. Campbell will be upset that you have recruited his Worker.
At the far eastern end of the quay, is the house of Azuro. His guard will not let you in either. Now go up the
pathway north, to the plaza. A Citizen and a Servant are discussing current events. To the west, Possodino
has a stall. He sells weapons, rings and a Map of Caldera. You may want to buy his Hunters Ring for 500
gold coins, although you get it free later. It grants its user +5 to Muskets and Shotguns.
You might also like his Rapier, with damage of 40 to 90 and +10 to your Piercing Talent for only 1,750
gold coins. He also sells a Legendary Item, the Snuff Box, which grants you +10 to your Thievery Talent.
The guard in front of the High Council building to the northwest will not let you in. A rare plant, the
Jesters Cap grows near the Iron Gate at the northeast section of the plaza. A building that you can enter is
the hotel. Inside it, speak with Lucia and rent a room for the week 250 gold. Nearby, speak with Pantaleo,
in his tailor shop. Look at his wares.
Go upstairs and note that Garcias room is locked. The door to the room down the hall is open. Speak with
Di Silva. He will sell you potions, jewelry and recipes. Buy his Sharpeye Paste recipe for 500 gold coins.
He will teach you Voodoo Potion Skills (for gold) if you teach him how to make a Voodoo Doll.
Alternatively, you can charge him 500 gold coins in exchange for your information on how to make a
Voodoo Doll. Take the cash. Now enter your room and sleep until the next morning.
Your big task in Caldera is to get inside the Archive Room, which is part of the High Council building.
A document you find in the Archives will tell you where Captain Garcia went after he left Caldera.
There are two ways to get inside the building. The first one will become clear when you exit the hotel.
Outside the hotel, because you asked Sophia about Garcia, the Servant you saw earlier will stop you.
His master, Azuro, wants to speak with you inside his house at the eastern end of the quay.
Agree to Follow the Servant. Azuro has a proposition for you.
He will forge a letter for you, so that you can get inside the High Council Building. In exchange, he wants
you to find Incriminating Evidence that he can use against Mauregato. Agree to his plan, Errand Boy.
You will pose as the messenger who delivers the letter. However, you must first steal Mauregatos Signet
Ring, which you can use to make the letter official, The Signet Ring. You must also acquire some
Messengers Attire. Pantaleo, the tailor in the hotel, can sell it to you for 500 gold coins.
Save your game and then enter Mauregatos house. You can go upstairs and speak with Mauregato, but he
will not help you. Note the two rooms on the ground floor, other than the entrance room. One is a kitchen
and the other is an office. Enter the kitchen first, and take a Sharpeye plant, growing in a planter. Open a
locked chest (Level 30) full of Provisions. Take a bottle of Grog. Also in the kitchen, read a book named
Chaka Pagabudu, to start a quest for a Legendary Item The Skull. The cook, Hermina, has a key to the
locked room at the top of the stairs, Mauregatos bedroom. Pick her pocket for the key (Thievery 50). If your
Thievery Talent is not high enough, a spare key lies on a table in the office. However, if the Servant or the
guard sees you take anything from the office, they will beat you to within an inch of your life and so will
the guards on the quay, if you run outside. You also lose 50 Glory Points, for losing the fight.
To get that key to Mauregatos locked bedroom, where he keeps his Signet Ring, use a bit of trickery.
Get the servant and the guard to follow you, by briefly entering the office and then quickly leaving.
Enter the kitchen and stand near the stove. Wait until the guard and the Servant come into the room to see
what you are up to. Then run across the hall into the office. There, pick up the key from the table and exit
the office before either the Servant or the guard can follow you.
This brings me to the second way to enter the High Council Building. In the office, sitting on a different
table, is a Claim Ticket. Identical to the letter Azuro will give you, the Claim Ticket also grants you
entrance to the High Council Building.
In either case, use your stolen key to open the door at the top of the stairs and then take the Signet Ring
before the guards can see you do it. Return to Azuros house and speak with him. He will give you the
forged sealed letter. This, and your Messenger outfit, gets you past the guard at the High Council Building.
The second way to get inside the High Council Building, does not force you to spend 500 gold coins on
Messengers Attire that you will only use once. Speak with the tailor, Pantaleo. Show him the Claim Ticket
and then give him 100 gold coins for Mauregatos Wig.
Then go upstairs to Di Silvas room. Ask him if you can use his Voodoo Altar. Make a Voodoo Doll for
Mauregato. Then enter Mauregatos house, equip the doll and take control of his spirit.
Walk to the High Council building and enter as Mauregato.
Either way that you got inside, speak with Custodio about the Archives, Garcia and the Council Meeting.
If you tell him that you came to get Garcias artifact, you will get to a dialog option that allows you to tell
Custodio that you are working for the Inquisition but only if your Silver Tongue Talent is 80 or above.
Then he will give you permission to enter the Archive Room.
If you entered as a messenger, the woman, Cassandra, upstairs southwest, wants you to solve a math
problem for her Scrolls, Books and Shelves, for 200 Glory Points (2 bookcases + 15 free slots).
If you fail the math problem, she will still sell you a key to Mauregatos locked office for 500 gold coins.
When you get the key, enter the upstairs office and read the Notes that are the Incriminating Letter.
As a Messenger, open his Level 50 chest. As Mauregato, you do not need the key to enter your own office.
The Archives Room is downstairs northeast. If you entered the building as a Messenger, the guard will not
let you enter the room. Threaten him and then best him in a fight. Leave him lying on the floor and enter
the Archives Room. Along with several potions and a Bloody Mary, find and read a book New Principles
of Artillery, for 50 Glory Points. The book High Council Rulings tells you where Captain Garcia went.
The room also has three locked chests (Level 30, 60 and 90), a locked door (Level 75) and two Schematics.
Open a locked chest in the hallway outside the Archive Room (Level 30). No treasure behind locked door.
If you enter the Archive Room while possessing Mauregatos spirit, then the guard will let you pass.
You can wander around the room to your hearts content, picking up potions. However, you cannot open
the locked chests or the locked door, while in control of Mauregatos body.
If, as Mauregato, you speak to Custodio, Puco the farmer and Godin the gunsmith (downstairs), you can
attend the High Council meeting and have a chance to accept Maras offer of a Peace Treaty or reject it.
After the vote, if you ask for compensation for your expenses, then Custodio will give you 300 gold coins.
However, if you vote for the alliance with Mara, and then say that you are resigning your office and then
say that you have betrayed the Council, then Godin will shoot you dead with his pistol, failing the quest.
If that happens, then the only way to continue the game is to complete the Errand Boy quest. A tie vote is
possible, but does not matter. Exit the building and return to Mauregatos house to return to your real body.
If you accepted Azuros offer, then return to his house and give him the Incriminating Letter. He will pay
you 250 gold coins, but only if you insist. Even if you did not buy the Messengers Outfit and complete the
Errand Boy quest, you can still give Azuro the Incriminating Evidence and get the 250 gold coins.
A third, more lucrative, way to find out where Garcia went is to combine the two above scenarios.
Enter Mauregatos house. Along with looting his kitchen, take his key, Signet Ring and the Claim Ticket.
Then speak with Azuro, to get the Pass. Then buy Pantaleos Messenger Outfit and Mauregatos Wig.
Make a Voodoo Doll, take over Mauregato, enter the Council Building, set up the meeting with Custodio,
speak with Puco and Godin, enter Mauregatos office to get the evidence, enter the Council Chamber and
vote for Maras peace deal, and then tell the Council that you betrayed them, to kill off Mauregato.
Afterwards, walk your own body over to Azuros house and tell him that Mauregato is dead. Azuro will
give you 350 gold coins. Tell Azuro that you need to get inside the High Council Building. He will give you
a Pass to show the guard at the front door. Enter the Council Chamber. Loot Mauregatos dead body for 78
gold coins and his Magnificent Sword 35-80 damage and +20 to Piercing. Then save your game, equip
Mauregatos sword and confront the guard at the Archive Room. If you say that Azuro sent you, the guard
will tell you that you can go in, but the quest is bugged and he may attack you anyway. Instead, defeat him
in a fight and then loot the Archive Room.
If you were wondering whether you can get inside Garcias room, you can. Give your room key to the
merchant, Possodino. Say Here, on me. Then, because you gave your room away, ask the hotel owner,
Lucia, to rent you Garcias room for 250 gold coins. However the room has only two locked chests (Levels 60
and 90) and an amulet. In the Level 60 chest is a Ritual Knife, the same one you bought from Kapua.
On your way back to the Black Betty, kill three new Sand Devils and a Giant Crab that have spawned on
the beach. Enter the Crystal Cave and dig up The Treasure on Fortress Beach. Inside the chest, find the
Comb with one Tooth, a Legendary Item that gives you +1 to your Blades Attribute. Back on board ship,
tell Patty that Its time to set a new course. Choose to go to Tacarigua.
When you get there, speak with Booze about where Captain Steelbeard hid the third artifact for 500 Glory
Points. Then speak with Patty, to discuss her fathers treasure. She says that his chest is inside the big
house on the quayside, up the stairs on the left. The house is Boozes business; the tavern and brewery.
Locate Steelbeards Chest on the balcony that is part of Elias bedroom. In it, find Steelbeards Diary Page 4
and 500 gold coins. This page tells you where Steelbeard distributed the other three pages. It also gives you
a clue to which grave has the Precious treasure. Speak with Patty about what you found in the chest.
A man named Nesir has Page 1. Patty tells you to look for him in Antiguas tavern, activating The Pirate
Grave. Ask her about The First Temple Ruins. Now return to the Black Betty and then tell Patty that you
are ready to sail to Maracai Bay.
Maracai Bay
Cross the Rope Bridge and see animals in the canyon below. You will meet them later. On the other side of
the bridge, you must kill a pair of Black Panthers. Jump to the top of a nearby rock north, to give you some
protection from them. Past the Panthers, find a campsite west with four pirates, including the cook Harlok.
They will attack you as soon as they see you. One may use a pistol. Kill the three pirates, but you can only
stun Harlok. After you have defeated him, speak with Harlok. He tells you that he lost his page of
Steelbeards Diary, but offers to be your guide on Treasure Isle. He will return to the Black Betty The Deal
with Harlok. Loot the locked chest (Level 20) and the unlocked chest. Inside the other chest are the ten
pieces of Freshly Killed Meat stolen from Habib. Read the Tattered Book, to begin The Pirates
Almanac quest. Return to Habib and give him the meat, completing that quest.
Habib will give you a Jade Idol in exchange.
From where you speak with Habib, open a Level 30 chest just southwest of where he stands and then go
down the trail south, through the canyon. Kill one Firebird. At the intersection, pick up the three bones.
These are an oddly-rare ingredient used in making Graveroot Extract (+2 to Black Magic, Death Cult and
Ritual Talents). At the intersection, go southeast to the dead end, watching for three Blue Claw Monkeys.
There, take the Swordthorn plant and open a locked chest (Level 20). The chest has a piece of the
Stormwind, a sword that you can re-forge if you find its hilt and learn to forge weapons.
Backtrack to the canyon intersection and then go southwest. At the circle with a big tree in the middle,
kill three Blue Claw Monkeys. Climb the ledges west, to find a Jesters Cap. South of there, come to
Corrientess vacant campsite. It has a bed, a campfire and a chest. Kill a Firebird north of the camp, at the
next intersection. The west fork circles back to the campsite. Instead, go east and kill a pair of Blue Claw
Monkeys. East of them is a tomb and a locked chest (Level 20). In the jungle below the chest, snipe another
Blue Claw. The rock ledges up the hill south of the chest take you to a Cutlass and some loose gold coins.
Inside the nearby temple, be ready to fight three tough Ghouls. After you have killed them, go to the back
of the temple to find a Golden Mask resting on a low altar. However, unlike other altars of this type, when
you attempt to take the mask, an apparition appears. The giant grey ghost is an Ancestor Guardian the
shaman Yagul. He will not kill you for looting the mask, if you return three other masks to their rightful
places, The Graves of the Ancestors quest. He will attack you if you say Im not lifting a finger.
If you try twice more to take the Golden Mask, Yagul conjures two Warriors to join him in attacking you.
Yagul does not go down easily. However, if you can defeat him, then you can take the mask. This opens a
Stone Door to another room with three more Warriors. That room has a sarcophagus and a Golden Bowl.
In the room next to that, find a Statuette and a lever that opens an exit door. This method fails the quest.
Exit the temple. The ledges north have no treasure. Continue down the trail east and north. Kill two Blue
Claw Monkeys near the totem. Jump up four rock ledges to a locked Native Chest (Level 20). East of the
totem, find a deserted camp with a locked chest (Level 20). Also in the camp, find some loose gold coins, a
Small Purse and a corpse with a Crab Stabber. The trail splits here. Go east, up a zigzag path to a campfire.
A man named Angus sits next to the campfire. Speak with him. Attacked by pirates, he was wounded.
Jump up the ledges behind him to find two Blue Claw Monkeys. North of them is a locked chest (Level 30).
Then climb more ledges to find a second chest. This is where you find a free version of the Hunters Ring.
Just above that chest is a rare Heros Crown plant.
Down the trail north of Angus, defeat three Firebirds. The rock ledges on the west and east sides of the trail
have no treasure, but they provide a great sniping spot. After you have killed the birds, continue down to
the beach and kill three more Firebirds.
Near the beach, a low grassy ledge east has a Native Chest. Jump up the ledges there, to find a long narrow
trail that dead-ends at a Sharpeye plant. Above that cul-de-sac is a hidden ledge with a Purse and a bottle of
Grog. To get there, climb the rocks northeast of where you found the Sharpeye.
Back on the shore; the ledges west have a Level 20 chest. Find a rowboat that can take you to the ship
anchored in the harbor. Wait until you can increase your fighting power, before you board that ship.
We will do that later. Near the rowboat, find a locked chest (Level 60) and a Message in a Bottle. Click on
the bottle in your Inventory to get a map of Maracai Bay and to activate Treasure in the Panther Cave.
If you set a map marker for this treasure in your Logbook, the X that the game puts on your map is very
deceptive. The treasure is nowhere near where Angus sits. You will come to that cave soon.
At the west end of the beach, find a set of rock ledges northwest that take you up to a Curse Doll and jade.
The six southwest ledges take you up to a Purse with 50 gold coins. Back down on the beach, a narrow trail
leads up from that west end of the beach. Before you get to the very tough Gorilla at the end of that trail,
note that you can climb the rocks to the right of the trail and shoot down at the animal 200 Glory Points.
The rock ledges southwest of his den lead up to a locked chest (Level 60) with minor loot.
Retrace your steps back to the Second Campsite. Now take the south fork over a crest to fight two Firebirds.
Below the crest, see a native fishing camp next to a small lake. Three natives stand next to a small campfire.
Speak with Hanu. He tells you of a beast in the water, an Alligator. Tell him you will kill it for him,
starting The Beast in the Lake. The gator lies submerged in the center of the lake. Use the scope feature of
your Shotgun to spot the animal. Climb a handy boulder on the shore of the lake and snipe the gator safely.
On your way back to Hanu, kill two Blue Claw Monkeys. Tell Hanu that you have killed the gator.
He will give you a Treasure Map, to begin the quest The Treasure on the Hunting Grounds.
Go up the hill west of Hanu. Partway up the hill is a set of five rock ledges on your right. Just past them is a
group of four pirates, standing around a campfire. As soon as they see you, they will attack. Climb the
ledges before the pirates see you. At the top, find a Stone Table with two bottles of Grog, a Goblet, two
Oyster Shells and some loose gold coins. Then drop down the ledges until you are standing on the second
ledge up from the trail. From there, begin sniping the four pirates.
They will all run to the base of the ledges and try to slash you. Apparently, they cannot climb ledges.
They also do not use guns, so you can easily kill them all, completing the Enemy Pirate Camp.
The leader of the group, Black Dog, has one of the three Golden Masks you are looking for. On a crate in
their camp find and read a book, Valuable Items, to begin a quest for The Talisman, a Legendary Item.
Open a (Level 20) chest. Inside it, find a Blade Ring, which adds +20 to your Thievery Talent.
South of the pirate camp, kill one Blue Claw Monkey. Farther south of that, kill two Firebirds.
The west ledges take you up to a locked chest (Level 40).
The ledges to the east take you up to a bottle of Grog, a Pickaxe and some loose gold coins. Farther along
the trail, kill three Blue Claw Monkeys in a slight depression east. A red X on the ground there marks the
very good Treasure on the Hunting Grounds.
South of that chest is the entrance to a cave. Just northwest of its entrance is a Swordthorn plant. Inside the
cave, your first enemy is a Cave Bat. You will come to an intersection. The west fork goes a short distance to
a dead end, guarded by a Grave Spider. The south fork takes you to two more Grave Spiders. Past them,
defeat another Grave Spider. Past the spider, find another Cave Bat. Past it, find an intersection. You cannot
yet pass through the fiery red portal to the north. However, if you touch the fire, you will advance the
Hidden Valley quest. Mine a vein of ore on the west wall. That is all you can do here for now.
Return outside and then go east, to speak with Pandu. He is on a Strength and Wisdom test. Near him are
a locked Native Chest (Level 60) and another cave entrance. Before you enter the cave, go up the trail east,
kill a Blue Claw Monkey and harvest a Sharpeye plant at the crest. Now enter the cave and kill two Termite
Workers. Past them, kill four Cave Bats. Find a locked Native Chest (Level 30) and a bed.
The cave soon exits to the Native Village and a vein of ore. The first two people you see are Potaka and
Zaalu. Speak with him to learn that he does not like pirates. With Chanis help, get out of trouble.
Continue the conversation with Zaalu to learn that he wants to be Chief of the tribe, but has a rival who
does not respect tradition. Offer to help him by becoming his Halmak of the Maracai. Then fight with
Potaka or Intimidate him (Level 70). If you must fight him, follow him a short distance, to the Ritual Site.
Use a sword against his spear. After you defeat him, speak with him. Then return to speak with Zaalu and
tell him that Potaka has resigned, Talk to Chaka Datu.
Now speak with Chief Datu the current, aging leader of the tribe. Captain Garcia stole the Chiefs son,
so now the Chief has no heir - Chaka Datus Legacy. As you are now working on Zaalus behalf, the
Chief presents you with Zaalus three tests. The first one is the Test of Speed, beginning Paws for Zaalu.
Tell Zaalu what the first test is. Follow Zaalu out of the village. If this is the first time that you have passed
by Bones, then he stops you. Explore all dialog options with him. Then continue following Zaalu through
the jungle north. Help him kill three Blue Claw Monkeys. Take note of the Low Stone Ruins to the east.
They are a handy centralized landmark for this area. Pass by two natives, Hakeke and Daiki, your teams
competition for the job of Chief. Just outside the Cave of the Black Hunter, kill two Firebirds.
Zaalu wants you to enter the cave to lure a Black Panther outside. If you have a follower with you, you may
as well kill the Cave Bat and the Panther yourself, while you are inside the cave.
At the back of the cave, find one Graveroot plant, a vein of gold ore, a locked chest (Level 90) and a red X on
the ground. There, dig up some very good Treasure in the Panther Cave. Speak with Zaalu afterwards
and give him the Panthers Paw. Then follow him back to the village.
In the village, tell Chief Datu that Zaalu is ready for the next test The Three Questions. Tell Zaalu what
the test is. He wants you to take the test for him, by making a Voodoo Doll and Take over Zaalus Body.
Ask him for a strand of his hair Zaalus Voodoo Doll.
Then speak with Malaika. Buy from her anything that you need to make the Voodoo Doll. She is sad
because pirates stole her familys three Grave Idols. Offer to get them back for her The Peace of the Dead.
Buy her Recipe for Graveroot Extract for 500 gold coins. Buy her Treasure Map for 100 gold coins
The Treasure in the Hidden Valley. Now stand in front of the Voodoo Altar.
Make the doll and then ask Zaalu if he is ready.
Take over Zaalus body and walk up to Chief Datu. The Chief will ask you three questions, one-at-a-time.
The answers are: Darkness, Time and Nothing. Return to Zaalu and retrieve your body. Speak with Zaalu
and tell him what happened. Go back up the hill and speak with Chief Datu. His third test is Strength,
The Final Test. The two Halmaks representing the contenders for the Chiefs job will have to fight each
other. Tell Zaalu what the quest is. Find Daiki northeast of the village, along the same path that you took to
fight the Panther. Follow him back to the village Voodoo Altar. He uses a spear. You should use a sword.
After you have defeated him, speak with Daiki. Open a locked (Level 60) Native Chest next to the altar.
Then speak with Zaalu. Then speak with Chief Datu. The Chief will reward you with the totem Skull of
Death (+1 to your Voodoo Attribute). Go down the hill and congratulate Zaalu. He will give you the ring
Tek Shabala (+10 to Black Magic, Death Cult and Ritual Talents).
Now meet some of the other village inhabitants. Speak with Dara, to start Where is Koraka, her husband.
Speak with Jamila and agree to find the missing ingredient for her stew, 4 Fire Peppers Nice and Spicy.
Use her cauldron and the Rare Plants you have been collecting, to make as many Talent-raising potions as
you have ingredients and recipes for. Members of the Inquisition occupy the lower part of the village.
Speak with Corrientes, in one of the tents. You already have a map of the island, so you do not need the one
he can give you. Corrientes wants you to help him find the entrance to the Secret Valley. Do not yet tell him
that you found the entrance to it. He also wants you to kill The Deserter if you see him.
Just outside Corrientess tent, speak with Egas. He tells you about the Grave Robbers of the ancestors.
Offer to help him. He teaches Left Handed, which allows you to load pistols faster.
Next to Malaika, on the Stone Table, you could read the book War Traditions which activates the quest
The Shrunken Head, but you already have the head. Speak with the injured surly Protector Palomo.
Tell him that you killed Black Dog. Prove it by showing him Black Dogs Dagger 200 Glory Points.
Sell him the dagger for 1,000 gold coins. The Native Chest near him has a Musket Wheelock part.
Cordobar stands at the top of the trail to the village. Speak with him, to learn that he wants to go home.
When he mentions Garcias Ship, tell Cordobar that you will investigate. He teaches sabres.
Exit the village downhill, to the Low Stone Ruins you passed earlier. There, kill two Blue Claw Monkeys
and open a locked chest (Level 20). Climb the three rock ledges northwest of the ruins, to find three Fire
Peppers. Speak with Ezana. If you tell her that you are working for Jamila, Ezana will give you a fourth
pepper. Open a locked chest behind her (Level 20). Then Fast Travel to the village and give the peppers to
Jamila. She will give you a free sample of her Firutaopi.
Give the Firutaopi to Bones, who thinks it tastes like chicken. After he eats the stew, he stops annoying the
natives with his monotonous preaching Unwanted Sermon. Ask him What are you doing here? which
leads to an option to ask him about joining your crew as Ships Doctor. Ask him about the Underworld,
to start a quest The Split Soul and A Message from the World of the Living. Have him teach you
Endurance (1,000 gold coins and Toughness 4), to raise your Hit Points to 120.
At the northeast end of the small lake, find a tomb. Inside it, find three corpses on the floor of the tunnel.
Activate one of them The Naked Corpses. Around the next corner, find two Cave bats and a corpse.
Ignore the lever on the wall. The next room has a corpse and a sarcophagus. In the next room, find two
more corpses and an empty altar. Place the Golden Mask that you took from Black Dog, onto the altar.
A Stone Door opens on the east wall. Use it as a shortcut out of the tomb. Return to the Low Stone Ruins.
South of the ruins, find a trail to another tomb. It is guarded by three Termite Workers and one Termite
Warrior. Inside the tomb, kill two more Termite Workers and two Termite Warriors. Be ready to dodge a
Swinging Blade Trap. In the room with the empty altar, take a Golden Mask from the corpse of the pirate,
but also be ready to defend yourself against two Termite Warriors near the sarcophagus in the next room.
In that room, take a Golden Bowl and a Goblet from the shelf. Then activate the altar to put the Golden
Mask back in its place. Look on the floor near the altar, to find a Jaguar Paw talisman. This Legendary
Item gives you +10 to your Ritual Talent. Then return to the Low Stone Ruins.
From those ruins, go up the hill east. Partway up the hill, Koraka will stop you. Tell him that Dara sent you
and that you will help him defeat the Plunderers at the Ancestral Grave. Up the hill east of him, find a
tomb with three Plunderers outside it, near a campfire. Kill them all and then take a Grave Idol from
each Plunderer. Open a locked chest (Level 30).
Inside the tomb, your follower will only go with you a short distance. Equip your best sword and then drop
down through the hole in the floor. In the small room at the bottom, kill a tough Ghoul. Take a Golden
Bowl and a Jade Statuette from the shelves. In the hallway at the top of the steps, find the body of a pirate.
He has another Golden Mask, but approach the body with extreme caution.
The Undead Guardian in the room on your right (south) will quickly attack you with his big Spiked Club.
You could run back into the room below the hole. The Undead Guardian will follow you there. Inside that
room, fight him or run (Caps Lock Key) past him, out the door, through the corridor, avoid a Swinging
Blade Trap and dodge around the next corner. You will come to a Lever and a closed Stone Door.
The Guardian should not follow you there, but if he does, run back to the first room and try again.
With your sword ready, pull the Lever to open the Stone Door. In the next room, defeat another Ghoul.
In that room, place the Golden Mask on the empty altar. The ancestor that you saw in the first tomb will
appear again, to thank you for replacing all three masks. Jump over the hole west, to exit. You could go
back to the room with the Undead Guardian now and defeat him with a ranged weapon. Jump back across
the hole in the floor, to give yourself an escape route. After you kill him, loot the sarcophagus in his room.
Return to the section of the trail outside the tomb where you spoke with Koraka. Tell him that he can go
home now. He can teach you Spear Throwing Skills.
Return to the village and tell Dara that her husband is ok. She will reward you with a Potion of Persuasion.
Give Malaika the three Grave Idols she wanted. Tell the Protector Egas that you caught his grave robbers.
He will give you 300 gold coins and you get 200 Glory. Make some Sharpeye Paste at the Voodoo Cauldron.
Go down to the beach on the north coast, to the rowboat you found earlier. Do not speak with Angus on
your way past him, or you may trigger a bug. At the rowboat, equip your Shotgun. Get ready for a fight
with four very tough pirates. Save your game and then activate the Rowboat. Choose to go to the ship.
You and your companion will land on the deck of the ship. All four guards will immediately attack you.
These are very bad odds, so run to either stairway, down to the gun deck. The below decks are long enough
that you can get off two shots at the pursuing pirates, before you reach the opposite stairway. At the top,
run across the main deck and then back down to the gun deck, completing the circuit. Along the way,
fire two more shots. Watch for one of the pirates to occasionally circle around behind you. Jump past him
before he kills you. Heal up and continue the circuit. This gets easier after you have killed one of them.
After you have killed all four pirates, read Garcias Logbook to start Garcias Treasure and Open
Sesame. In the same cabin, take the Treasure Map. Loot the rest of the ship. Use the rowboat, now tied
to the side of the ship, to return to the beach. From there, go to the west end of that beach and look for the
red X on the ground. Dig up the very good treasure chest The Treasure on the Pirate Coast.
Now Fast Travel to the village and tell Cordobar that Garcias ship is his. He will give you a meager 50 gold
coins; 100 coins if you have Silver Tongue 60 or greater. Here, you could use a Potion of Persuasion, but the
game counts all dialog as part of the 30 seconds that the potion remains effective. By the time you get a
chance to use the Silver Tongue dialog choice, your 30 seconds are up. To overcome this limitation, hit the
Esc Key multiple times, skipping most of the dialog, until you get to the Silver Tongue choice.
The potion should still be effective for a few more seconds.
Speak with Corrientes. When you tell him that you found the entrance to the Hidden Valley, he will send
you to the village Shaman, Osamu to get the Blood of the Ancestors. Return to the Low Stone Ruins.
Southeast of the Low Stone Ruins, take a zigzag trail up the hill. Kill a Firebird and find a locked chest
(Level 20). South of that, kill two more Firebirds. South of them, kill a Black Panther. Climb up some rocks,
on your right before you get to the Panther, and then snipe down on the animal. Take the Panthers paw
to make Swordthorn Essence. South of the Panther, kill two Blue Claw Monkeys. There, at the totem, a side
trail curves east to a dead end, where Osamu is experimenting at a Voodoo Altar.
Osamu tells you about a legend. Tell him that you have restored his ancestral graves. He will give you the
Broken Rattle, a Legendary Item. Tell him that Corrientes sent you to get the Blood of the Ancestors.
The confused Osamu will tell you that he already gave the blood to Corrientes. After a long cut scene
discussing betrayal, Osamu will give you some of the blood. Tell him about the naked corpses. He teaches
advanced Voodoo. Next to him are a locked Native Chest (Level 60) and a bed. This is a Fast Travel location.
Now Fast Travel to the village and open Garcias locked chest (Level 30). Then go south, all the way
through the tunnel to the other side. Then go west, to the cave with the Fire Barrier. You have some tough
fights coming up. Raise your Bulletproof and Bladeproof Talents if you can. When you get to the fiery
doorway, two of Garcias pirates will attack you. Egas uses a Shotgun. Palomo uses a spear. Both ranged
weapons can do major damage to you in the dark narrow tunnel. You may want to have them chase you
back to the rock spiral you passed on the way in, to give you some running room and cover. To further aid
you in these fights, drop a lit torch in the darkest corner of the tunnel between the fiery doorway and the
rock spiral. This gives you a point of reference and keeps you from running into walls.
After you have defeated Palomo and Egas, return to the fiery door and creep up the narrow tunnel to the
left of the doorway, to find two more pirates. When they see you, they will attack you. Use the same tactics
you used before. Cordobar uses a Reaper sword. Scarpetta uses a Seamans Shotgun.
After you have defeated both of them, equip Scarpettas Seamans Shotgun. This model is significantly
better than the one you have been carrying and includes a bayonet. The amulet lying on the altar is the
Thiefs Amulet, which gives its wearer +5 to Dirty Tricks and +10 to Thievery.
Now walk up to the Fire Barrier and activate it. Walk slowly through the fire. The Ancestral Blood that the
Shaman gave you will protect you. Your companion must stay behind. On the other side of the doorway,
kill a Ghoul just down the slope. At the bottom of the slope, find an intersection.
Take the very dark southeast fork and activate the Stone Door at the end of the tunnel. It will open to the
entrance tunnel of this cave complex (this may require several attempts). Run along that familiar
passageway to find your companion. He/she will follow you back to the door you just opened.
Back at the intersection; go down the north rock slope to a locked chest (Level 40). Just west of the chest,
be ready for a fight with a Grave Spider that pops up from the tunnel floor. Past the spider, the tunnel
continues, eventually ending at Hidden Valley. Just past the exit, kill two Firebirds. Then, to the north,
find a campfire, a vein of ore, a locked chest (Level 40) and a bed to sleep on if night has fallen.
Then go down the slope west. At the bottom, kill three Termite Workers and one Termite Warrior.
Past them, near the temple steps, find a Gorilla before he sees you. Have it chase you to the ledges on the
north side of the field (behind the green bush). Snipe down at it from there. Now locate a Black Panther on
the southwest part of the valley, before it sees you. Snipe down at the animal from the ledge just south of
the temple steps. Warning! A Thorny Spring Trap lies in wait for you at the foot of those steps.
After you have killed the Panther, dig up The Treasure in the Hidden Valley. Take the nearby Graveroot.
Find a Native Chest in the middle of the valley and a locked Native Chest (Level 40) northeast of the steps.
When you enter the temple, a long series of cut scenes plays for you. Garcia suggests that the two of you
split the treasure, leaving Mara nothing. Then the temple begins to shake. Mara appears from nowhere and
is upset with Garcia for trying to trick her. To prove his continuing loyalty, Mara orders Garcia to kill you.
When all of the cut scenes end, run out to the field you just cleared. Four fast Sand Devils and Garcia will
chase you there, where you have much room to roam. Garcia uses a sword, but he also has a powerful pistol
that he uses whenever you allow him to get within range. He runs very fast for a fat man. Stay out of range.
However, if you let him get too far away from you, he can quickly heal any damage you have done to him.
Use your Shotgun against him. The Sand Devils go down more easily with a sword.
No matter where you fight him, after you have mortally wounded Garcia, a cut scene in the temple shows
him dying there. Take his Silver Iron pistol. The Fire Temple is completely empty, which made me
wonder why Garcia went to all the trouble to get here in the first place. The game gives you no indication
that there is anything else to do here, but there is. If you want to take a few minutes to try to figure out the
solution to this quirky little puzzle, then stop reading here.
After you have given up in frustration, equip (in your right hand) the Thiefs Bone Hand that used to
belong to Garcia. Then aim the hand at the Button just above the closed Stone Door on the west wall of
the temple. Follow the prompts, to open the door. Go down the steps to a room with three exits and two
empty altars. You need to find the two Jade Idols that fit those altars.
Down the long hallway southwest, find a room with one of the idols sitting on an altar. When you take the
idol, the entrance door closes and another door opens. On the other side of that door, two Claw Monkeys
wait for you. After you have killed them, replace the idol on its altar to re-open the exit door. Then remove
the idol again and run back through the doorway before it can close. On your way back, be ready to hit the
Spacebar, to avoid a floor collapse. If you do fall down there, be ready to fight a Ghoul.
Now, from the main room, take the northeast hallway, to an intersection. There, find a lever that opens and
closes a Stone Door. Enter the room to the west. Equip the Thiefs Bone Hand and then, still standing inside
the room, face the lever. Hold down the right mouse button to aim the hand at the lever and then click the
left button to pull the lever remotely. Your exit door closes and a new door opens to a room with a Jade
Idol resting on an altar. When you take it, a new Stone Door opens, providing you with an exit. On your
way back to the main room, be ready to dodge a Swinging Blade Trap.
Place the two idols on the two altars, to open two gates to the Treasure Room. There, pick up a Statuette,
Golden Bowl, Plate, Jade, Goblet and a gold nugget. The locked chest (Level 90) has an excellent sword
(Steel Grudge 55-90 damage and +5 to Slashing Weapons Talent). Use a Thiefs Potion, Thiefs Amulet,
Blade Ring, and four Jesters Cap Mushrooms to get your Thievery Talent high enough to open the chest,
even if your Cunning Attribute is only Level 4. Retrieve your two idol keys on your way back outside.
Then return to where Angus still waits, at his campfire in the middle of the map. Tell him that Corrientes is
dead and that Angus should return to the Main Camp, where your ship is anchored. Go there yourself and
tell Valdez the news. Sell your treasure. Buy some bullets. Tell Patty the news. Set sail for Antigua.
Find Nesirs Grave just west of the Captains House. Near the grave, find a Graveroot. Dig up a chest with
very little treasure. The beach west of town has a Sharpeye, two chests, two Giant Crabs and two Sand
Devils. The cave north of the graveyard has a Cave Bat, a vein of ore, a locked chest (Level 60) and a locked
chest (Level 20) at the junction, where you find a book A Pirates Life. This activates The Hook Hand.
Both forks from the intersection get you to the swamp at the west edge of the map.
Whichever route you take, be prepared to kill the first of 12 winged Gargoyles. Along with them, you
must kill several Cave Bats and Sand Devils. Both routes circle around a rocky promontory with a wooden
lookout tower on top, which overlooks a large swamp. Clear the entire area around the rocky hill,
connected by the two cave exits. The southeast exit has three Gargoyle Eggs in a nest, a locked chest (Level
20), a vein of ore and a Swordthorn plant. The Gargoyles are too tall to fit inside the cave.
The sandy southwestern tip of the swamp has a Jesters Cap. Be ready for three Sunken Ones to pop up
from the sand near the mushroom. Watch for an Alligator east of the tower, on the south bank of the river,
near three Sand Devils and two Gargoyles.
Near the sloping ground that leads up to Macs Tower, find the druid Eldric. Speak with him about
The Brood. He wants you to kill all twelve of the Gargoyles and collect their eggs. Then he can learn
more about the Gargoyles by conducting experiments on those eggs Winged Monsters.
Kill three Blue Claw Monkeys and then open a chest just south of Macs Tower. Then go up the hill and
speak with Mac at his tower. His supplies are late and he wants you to get them for him. Fast Travel to
town and speak with Rick to get the supplies. Then Fast Travel back to the tower and give the supplies to
Mac A Package for Mac. Open his locked chest (Level 30).
A small island in the delta at the northwestern corner of the map has a Legendary Item, The Left Boot,
which grants you +1 to your Cunning Attribute. Just up the hill from it, find a Heros Crown next to a red X
on the ground. Dig up the Treasure on Antiguas Western Beach. East of that island, find a camp with a
chest. South of the campsite, deal with a Sunken One and note the rock arch. When you walk underneath
that arch, you will find a hoard of 5 Gargoyles. They guard two clutches of eggs in two separate campsites
with a locked chest (Level 20) in each one. If you did not already kill them from the other side of the river,
you may also see 4 Sand Devils. Then go east, up the hill, to find a locked chest (Level 60).
Now you find the waterfall that feeds the river. Up the trail north, find a locked chest (Level 20). Above the
chest, find a large rock overhang defended by a Cave Bat. The tunnel passes behind the waterfall, to a
locked chest (Level 30) and a Strange Gate. The gate opens when you say the correct password.
Behind the gate, fight two Cave Bats and open a locked chest (Level 20). Farther south, mine a vein of ore.
East of there, defeat a Grave Spider and then pick a Heros Crown west of the spider.
The spider was defending a Goblet, a Purse and a red X on the ground. Dig up Garcias Treasure. Inside
the chest, find the Earth Amulet artifact and some very good treasure. Open a locked chest (Level 60).
Then go down to the base of the waterfall. In the river to the south, watch for an Alligator, a Gargoyle and
three Sand Devils. This clears the way west, back to Eldrics camp. Give him the five Gargoyle Eggs.
Ask Eldric about The Air Temple. He will leave the camp and meet you on your ship.
Check your map for the large beach on eastern Antigua. The area has no Gargoyles but, between Eldrics
camp and that beach, find three Claw Monkeys, two Cave Bats, four Sand Devils, four Blue Claw Monkeys
and two locked chests (Level 20 and 60). A set of rock ledges east, has a chest at the top. At the north end of
that beach, find two more Sand Devils, four Giant Crabs, a locked chest (Level 20) and a cave entrance.
Inside the cave, find a Cave Bat, four Sand Devils and a giant Hobgoblin. Loot the cave for a Jesters Cap,
a vein of ore, two Long Knives and a Cutlass. Free Duncan, who sits near a campfire inside the cave
The Missing Fisherman. He will give you a Treasure Map to the Treasure in the Grotto on Antigua.
Open the locked chest (Level 20) near him and then find the red X for that treasure in this same cave.
Back on the beach, the building on the shore is the Fishermans Hut. Speak with Eddie inside the hut.
Tell him that Duncan is ok and then get him to deliver Fresh Fish to the quay in Harbour Town. South of
the hut, find a nest of five Sand Devils, three Giant Crabs, a Grave Spider and a chest. Near the spider is a
locked chest (Level 20). You need not read The Courageous Man, because you already have the Peg Leg.
Along the trail south, to town, find a group of Water Carriers who are not working, due to the embargo.
To get them hauling water to your ship, talk to Butch first. Then ask Miles how to get Butch out of the way.
Miles suggests using Voodoo Butch Has to Go and The Butch Puppet.
Then distract Butch, while you pull a hair from his head. In a field up the hill west of the water pool, kill
two Claw Monkeys and open a locked (Level 30) chest. In the nearby cave, find a vein of ore and a locked
chest (Level 40). Back in town, enter Emmas shop and use the Voodoo Altar to make a doll for Butch.
Go back to Butch and take over his body. Then, as Butch, speak with Miles to get the men hauling water.
Open a Level 20 chest.
Back in town; ask the blacksmith, Wilson, about selling you The Cannon. Ask him what he does for fun.
He will sell you a cannon if you can talk Grace into being nice to him or if you get his prized pistol back
from Henri the gunsmith. Henri will only sell you the pistol (for 1,000 gold coins) if you can beat him in a
shooting contest. The contest is very difficult, but you may repeat it as many times as it takes to win.
Alternatively, speak with Grace. If you give her 1,000 gold coins, she will be nice to Wilson (only 500 gold
coins if your Silver Tongue Talent is 60 or greater) Pure Luxury. Then tell Wilson to send an assortment
of Cannons to the quayside so that you may choose the one you want.
Board your ship and sail to the Sword Coast. There, look for a red X just to the left of the temple closest to
the beach. Dig up The Treasure at the First Temple Ruin. Inside the chest, find Page 3 of Steelbeards
Diary. Then re-board your ship. Speak with Patty and then with Harlok, who is drinking beer on the
Cannon deck. This sets a new marker on your map for Treasure Isle.
Now sail to Tacarigua and speak with Booze. Tell him that you are there to transport Spencers Rum to
Antigua. Then sail back to Antigua and tell Spence that you brought the Rum. If you have not already,
speak with Rick, the warehouseman, about the treasure buried in a grotto to the northeast.
Now that you have all the supplies needed for both ships to leave Antigua, walk over to Captain Slaynes
ship and up the gangway. Alvarez stands in the way and demands to know what is going on. He will
eventually let you pass, because of the Pirates Creed. Speak with Slayne and he will tell you where he hid
the Ritual Knife. Then return to the Black Betty and tell Patty what happened. The game will have put a
new marker on your map. Set sail for the Isle of Thieves.
Follow him to his well-appointed hut, killing two Sand Devils and two Termites along the way. Open a
chest, to find a map you already have. At Jaffars Hut, he stops. He will wait there until you have all of the
materials needed to build the raft. The first item is on the ground near his front door, a vine.
Open a locked chest (Level 20), inside his hut.
Go west, from the hut, to find a campsite with a bed, two or three Sand Devils and a locked chest (Level 20).
Your map has a Fast Travel location called the Port. Just northwest of that port, find a high hill with a
Sharpeye plant near the top. Walk along the shoreline to the northwest corner of the island and pick up ten
pieces of driftwood for the raft. Along with a Giant Crab and two Sand Devils, defeat four Threatening
Giant Crabs. Just up the beach east from the crabs, find Kalil, a gnome who is sitting near a lit torch.
The crabs were terrifying him. He thanks you for killing them. He gives you a Feather The Lost Gnome.
Up the hill south of Kalils camp is a Black Panther. Shoot down at it from the rocks at the side of the trail.
In the Gnome Village, speak with all of the gnomes. Their leader, Kaan wants you to kill a Gnome Eater
monster that has been terrifying the village. Pick up a vine next to him. Open his locked chest (Level 60)
and read his Book of the Great Expedition, for 50 Glory Points.
Speak with Nuri, but you cannot understand him Lost in Translation. Take the vine next to him.
Speak with Kalil and pick up the vine next to him. Inside his house, speak with Ulvi. Give him the Feather
that Kalil gave you for killing the Giant Crabs. Because you saved his friend, Ulvi will give you a Pitch
Black Pearl and, if you ask him, two shirts. He will also trade with you. Buy his Treasure Map. Open his
Level 30 chest. Now return to Nuris hut and give him the Pitch Black Pearl. He will give you a shirt.
Speak with Zeki, to learn that giant ants have stolen his prized crown The Thief has been Robbed.
Take the vine on the ground next to him. Read the book Lucky Coincidences, to begin The Old Coin.
Open his locked chest (Level 90).
Up the hill east of the village, find a large field with the monster that has been eating the gnomes.
The Granne Gozzo has a large brown mat to lie on. A rock, behind a green bush just southwest of that mat,
gives you good protection from him while you spend many bullets killing the monster. Loot his trash pile
and locked chest (Level 20). Dig up The Treasure in the Valley of the Gnome Eater, at the base of the cliff
on the south side of the monsters valley. Inside the treasure chest, find another Treasure Map.
Return to the village and speak with Kaan. He rewards you with a The Flask, a Legendary Item that gives
you +10 to your Dirty Tricks Talent.
Find the long narrow water-filled valley that runs southeast to northwest, at the northern part of Thieves
Island. There, defeat three Sand Devils and dig up The Treasure in the Sea, marked by a red X.
Fast Travel to the gnome village and then go up the trail north, to find four Termites guarding a cave.
On the hill north of its entrance, find a Heros Crown. Inside the cave, kill four more Termites. Open a
locked chest (Level 40), which contains the Sword Dancer blade. Pick up a Swordthorn plant next to the
chest. Loot the cave for a vein of ore, a Candlestick, some loose gold coins, a Goblet and a Crown.
Back in the village, speak with Zeki in his hut at the west end of the village. Give him the Crown you
recovered from the Termite Cave. He will reward you with three shirts.
Now that you have all of the materials for the raft, speak with Jaffar at his hut. Then meet him on the beach
just south of your bed. Tell him you are ready to go to Tacarigua. Watch an artfully-constructed cut scene.
When you get to the beach at Tacarigua, Fast Travel to the Pirates Den. Go aboard the Black Betty and
speak with Patty. Then set sail for Antigua. Special Note: For the first time in the game, you can buy the
Swordthorn Essence Recipe at Emmas Shop in Antigua. Also, if you have not yet done so, buy her
Voodoo Needle, a Legendary Item that gives you +10 to your Piercing Weapons Talent. You may have as
many as seven Swordthorn stored in your Inventory, each one now worth +2 to your Slashing, Piercing and
Throwing Talents. Unfortunately, there is no Voodoo Cauldron on Antigua in which to brew the potions.
However, for the amount of extra sword fighting power they can give you, it is well worth your while to
sail to Maracai Bay or the Sword Coast and use the natives Voodoo Cauldron. Do that now.
Then return to Antigua and enter Captains House. You will find Captain Slayne in a conversation with the
Admiral. After that conversation, meet Slayne at Blood Oath Square, just east of Captains House.
There, fight him to the death and take the Sacrificial Knife artifact from him. You have all of the artifacts
necessary to defeat Mara. Now you must learn the location of the Water Temple.
On your way along the quay, Scarlett may stop and ask if you have seen Rick. Offer to help. Find Rick just
east of the northern waterfall, at a campsite Where is Rick? Fast Travel with him back to Harbour Town.
Tell Scarlett that Rick is ok and then she will give you a ring and a necklace.
Jump up the ledge northwest and follow that passage. Defeat one Ghoul and one Warrior. Take a bottle of
Grave Dust from a rock shelf. You come to a large open chamber with several odd buildings defended by
six Warriors and three Ghouls. As you defeat those enemies, collect two Black Lotus plants, a Pirates
Dagger, a Mask, a Statuette, a Jesters Cap (on a small shelf), one bottle of Grave Dust and a Graveroot.
Open a locked chest (Level 30). Mine two veins of ore. Inside a small side room named the Thiefs
Temple, pick up one bottle of Grave Dust, one piece of Jade, one Goblet and an Old Sword. The map you
got at the Arena should have placed a red X on the ground in this area. Dig up The Treasure in the Tomb.
In the chest, find the Hook Hand, a Legendary Item that gives you +10 to your Slashing Weapons Talent.
Retrace your steps to the bright room with the ledge. Now take the east fork, defeat a Warrior and open a
chest. The passage opens up to the main valley on your map. Just past the exit of the passage, defeat a
Guardian on your right and a Ghoul on your left. The building on your left has one Graveroot, a bottle of
Grave Dust and a Golden Bowl. The building east has one Ghoul, one Warrior and a bottle of Grave Dust.
If you turn south, you will return to the courtyard at the bottom of the second set of steps. In order to get
there, you must defeat four Warriors. Up the steps northeast, find the last Ghoul (is sometimes does not
spawn), a Purse and two Warriors. At the top of the northeast steps, Tao waits for you in the altar room,
next to the Altar of Transition.
If you do not have all of the ingredients, Tao says Good Luck. If you do have all of the ingredients, say
that to Tao. He will make the Potion of False Death and give it to you. Then left-click on the altar and
choose to Drink the potion< A cut scene shows you lying down on the altar.
Now Tao tells you that you must find four Restless Spirits, who will help you create the Skull Scepter.
Tao will wait for you back at the beach. Take the Old Coin from the table. This Legendary Item gives you
+10 to your Bulletproof Talent. In fact, check all of the areas in which you previously found treasure.
Many of those locations will have re-spawned treasure. Go down the steps and speak with Nahele.
She is in limbo and will make you the Skull Scepter if you get her the ingredients, The Artists Curse.
Southeast of Nahele, speak with Motega. He is doomed to an eternal fight with the Silverback.
Offer to help him The Hunters Curse. Follow him and help him kill a very tough Gorilla, The Hunt.
He rewards you with the Skull of an Undead Animal. Then Motega disappears.
Make your way back to the large chamber where you dug up the treasure. There, find an apparition that
looks just like Bones. Speak to the Confused Ghost, to release his spirit. Bones disappears.
Up the hill east of where Bones was, find Akando. He too is tormented. He wants you to steal his Diamond,
The Thiefs Curse and Akandos Chest. In the building next to him, find a locked chest (Level 60).
If you do not have a Thievery Talent high enough to open that chest, speak with Nahele again. For 300 gold
coins, she will make you a key. Akandos Diamond is inside the chest. Steal it and then tell Akando that
you did so. He thanks you and then disappears. Open another locked chest (Level 60) up the hill north.
Now go to The Arena and speak with Kusko. He says that you must fight him and defeat him, to free him.
He can find no rest, because he can find no equal in battle, The Warriors Curse. Use the dialog option
You dont look so tough< After you defeat him, he gives you his Spear of the Warrior.
Then he disappears. Loot the buildings and open a Level 60 chest.
Return to Nahele and tell her that you have all the materials she needs. She makes the Skull Scepter and
then she disappears. Now, still in your undead state, return to where Tao waits above the beach. Tell him
that you have the Skull Scepter. A cut scene shows him using it. A continuation of that cut scene shows
Steelbeards ship, in ghostly livery, floating through the air and docking at the platform you stand upon.
Have a long conversation with Steelbeard. His memory is faulty, but he remembers enough to tell you how
to find the Water Temple. Then he disappears.
Speak with Tao. He tells you that you have the ability to use the scepter yourself and then hands it to you.
Now Fast Travel back to the Altar of Transition. Activate the altar, beginning a cut scene where you return
to the world of the living. Exit the temple. Then use the rowboat on the beach to return to the Black Betty.
Back aboard the ship, speak with Patty about what happened. You can use the scepter to raise Steelbeard.
Now you have everything you need to find and defeat Mara. However, as soon as you choose to set sail to
the Water Temple, the final sequence of the game begins. You will have no further option to explore any
islands you have not seen. You will not have a chance to re-visit islands that demand further exploration.
If you want to visit Storm Island or Treasure Island, then do it now. If you visit Treasure Island, be aware
that Steelbeards final clue was written for German speakers. The clue does not make sense in English.
The German word for "Precious" is "Kostbar", which is an anagram for the name Sokbart. Steelbeards
Treasure contains the Legendary Item The Pirates Almanac, which gives a +10 Glory Bonus.
However, you must fight Mara alone, inside the temple. Walk the short distance to the entrance of the
temple and then watch a cut scene where the crawling, wounded Mara tries to fill a Goblet from the
rejuvenating fountain in the center of the temple floor. Still in the cut scene, you use the Thiefs Bone Hand
to rip the Goblet from her hands. When you regain control of your character, Mara attacks with a Cutlass.
To aid her in the fight, Mara sends several Sand Devils after you. These are actually a minor distraction for
you now and you soon find yourself back in a one-on-one battle with Mara. She has a lot of hit points, but
keep whacking away at her, sipping on rejuvenation liquids as necessary. Eventually, she will fall.
A cut scene shows her trying to use one last bit of trickery, but you are ready for it. Using the Earth Amulet
artifact, you turn Mara to stone. At Pattys instigation, you smash the stone to bits.
There is no treasure in the temple. What would be the point? Speak with Patty and all the rest of your crew.
Then speak with Patty one final time. Watch the last cut scene roll as the Black Betty sails off into the
sunset and then, as the final musical composition plays, the long list of credits rolls down your screen.
Find Venturo usually standing at Sophias bar, drinking beer. Have him go to the Upper Town Gate.
Now speak with Commandant Sebastiano. He commands you to attack Crow, Forward March.
Then meet your army up the hill, just past the Upper Town Gate. Tell Venturo Were good. To the
Temple! beginning the Assault on the Temple. Fast Travel to the Earth Temple with your gang of four.
The Stone Doors of the temple open as you approach them. Just past the entrance, a cut scene plays.
It shows your group of four heavily-armed soldiers easily killing the four charging natives.
Now Captain Crow stands with only Digger, Ben, Floyd and Skinner.
Crow equips the Titan Spear and uses it to create a giant Earth Titan. He orders it to destroy your group.
When you get control of your character, ignore the four lesser pirates. Your army will keep them busy.
Focus on knocking Crow to his knees. After you have done so, another cut scene shows you ripping the
Titan Spear from Crows hands. Use the spear to defeat the Earth Titan monster. You have the advantage of
speed, because the monster is slow and lumbering. However, be very careful of the boulders that he throws
at you. They can take away half of your health. This is a good fight in which to use some of the many Grog
and Rum you have been saving attached to your Hot Keys.
To destroy the monster, throw the spear into the hole that opens, periodically, in the center of its chest.
Aim the spear slightly lower than the opening itself. A fiery animation will show, when you hit the target.
You must get the spear into the hole eight times. After that, another animation will show your character
jumping onto the head of the monster. Watch for an on-screen prompt that tells you to click the left mouse
button, causing your character to jam the spear into the monsters tiny head, killing it.
If you do not hit the button quickly enough, the monster will use its hand to knock you to the ground.
Then you must repeat the spear-throwing into the hole five more times, to get back onto the monster.
After the monster collapses to the floor of the temple, loot the bodies of the four natives, Digger, Ben,
Floyd, Skinner and Captain Crow, who has the Prize Taker sword 35-50damage and +15 to Slash.
Save your game before you continue. The game sometimes crashes during the next sequence.
Through the corridor at the back of the temple, find the lock. Insert an idol into it, causing two Stone Doors
to open left and right. Loot the three sarcophagi in three rooms past those doors. In the center room,
pick up a Jesters Cap mushroom from the floor and then activate two locks. These open a Metal Gate and a
Stone Door. In the room beyond, take a piece of Jade, the Plate it was resting on, a Jade Idol and two
Statuettes. Retrieve your two idol keys as you exit the temple.
Just outside the Earth Temple, reunite with Patty and Steelbeard. He tells you that now your little group
has two of the four artifacts needed to defeat Mara. Steelbeard has hidden his artifact, the Earth Amulet,
and will not tell you where it is until you get the remaining two artifacts.
A happy cut scene shows the three of you walking down the trail to the beach where you left the rowboat.
However, as you reach the beach, the Kraken rises from the sea and destroys Steelbeards ship. Then Mara
rises from the sea and toys with Steelbeard awhile before she kills him with his own sword. Mara vanishes
beneath the waves before you can use the Titan Spear to kill her. Now a long cut scene shows Patty in a
last, tearful, conversation with her father before Captain Steelbeard dies. The scene ends with you and
Patty standing next to Steelbeards fresh grave. She gives you his hat and four new quests activate:
The Cunning Captain, Find Captain Slayne, Steelbeards Artifact and Talk to the Commandant.
Now go down the trail to the beach and look for the rowboat, not far from where you reach the sand.
Activate the boat and then Row to the city. Alternatively, you could Fast Travel there. Go up to the top
tier of the city and speak with Sebastiano in the Government Building. He tells you that the High Council
is upset with you for breaking protocol. He wants you to surrender the Titan Spear.
Speak with Patty about the possibility of being killed by Mara and then follow her to the quay. When she
stops near the gangway to the ship, she tells you her plan. She wants to steal the Black Betty. To do that,
you must do four things: sabotage the four Cannons facing the sea, get someone to put drinking water on
the ship, find two more crew members and remove the guards from the ship. When you ask her how to
disable the Cannons, Patty gives you four Rusty Nails, activating four quests: A New Ship, Sabotage,
A Few Barrels of Water and Two more Crew Members.
Speak with Venturo at Sophias bar. Get him to join your crew and ask him how you might get fresh water
loaded aboard ship. Then speak with Sophia. She will have water loaded on the Black Betty if you get three
Golden Masks for her. Find the first mask on top of a crate at the top of the prison tower. While you are
there, and while the roving guard is not in sight, spike the cannon with one of the Rusty Nails.
The other two masks are inside the Government Building. Find the first mask on top of a crate on the upper
floor of the room just north of the tower. While you are there, read a book The Art of Fencing. This starts
a quest for a Legendary Item, The Comb with One Tooth. Also, open a locked chest (Level 20).The third
mask is downstairs in Sebastianos office. Even if he is in the room, he will not attack you for taking the
mask, although he will call you a cur. Now find Sophia and give her the three masks.
Find Hawkins just west of the main gate to the city. Have him join your crew. On your way back through
the gate to the city, Franco will stop you, but will let you pass with your prisoner. Back on the quay,
speak with Patty. Tell her that you got the water delivered and recruited Hawkins.
The other three Cannons are guarded by Miguel the warehouseman, a roving guard and Benito the Cannon
master. If you speak with Benito about opening the Armory to put the Titan Spear inside, you hear an
amusing dialog about where this dummkopf misplaced the Armory key. However, in the event, it is not
possible to follow the commandants orders to store the Titan Spear inside the armory.
The best (and quickest) way I have found to disable Benitos three Cannons, is the following:
Equip the Warriors Earring, Lucky Charm Amulet and Inquisitors Ring, to boost your Bulletproof Talent
by 15 points. Then save your game. Spike the Cannon closest to the beach south.
After the spiking cut scene ends, run down to that beach. You may lose about half of your health from
Benitos Musket Balls, but your pursuers will not follow you to the beach. Heal up and then spike the
middle Cannon. Run to the beach as you did before. Note that you can die in both of these confrontations.
The third Cannon is so close to the guards that you probably cannot make it to the beach. However, because
you have finished the quest as soon as you spike the third Cannon, you cannot die.
You could, in fact, just stand there and let the guards hit you.
Now, if you have not already, tell Venturo to follow you. Then tell Patty that you are ready to go. You must
defeat the four guards on the ship. You cannot kill them, but they can kill you. Save your game before you
begin the fight although, because you chose to support the Inquisition, this fight is much easier than if you
had chosen to support the natives. Use your Shotgun against anyone (Manolo) using a long gun. Let your
three shipmates take on the sword-wielders. After you defeat them, the losers will walk off the ship.
You are Black Bettys new captain. Now tell Patty to set a course for Antigua.
Back to Tacarigua
Back to Antigua
Whichever route you take, be prepared to kill the first of 12 winged Gargoyles. Along with them, you
must kill several Cave Bats and Sand Devils. Both routes circle around a rocky promontory with a wooden
lookout tower on top, which overlooks a large swamp. Clear the entire area around the rocky hill,
connected by the two cave exits. The southeast exit has three Gargoyle Eggs in a nest, a locked chest
(Level 20), a vein of ore and a Swordthorn plant. The Gargoyles are too tall to fit inside the cave.
The sandy southwestern tip of the swamp has a Jesters Cap. Be ready for three Sunken Ones to pop up
from the sand near the mushroom. Watch for an Alligator east of the tower, on the south bank of the river,
near three Sand Devils and two Gargoyles.
Near the sloping ground that leads up to Macs Tower, find the druid Eldric. Speak with him about
The Brood. He wants you to kill all twelve of the Gargoyles and collect their eggs. Then he can learn
more about the Gargoyles by conducting experiments on those eggs Winged Monsters.
Kill three Blue Claw Monkeys and then open a chest just south of Macs Tower. Then go up the hill and
speak with Mac at his tower. His supplies are late and he wants you to get them for him. Fast Travel to
town and speak with Rick to get the supplies. If you have not done so already, tell him about a treasure on
the western beach. Fast Travel back to the tower and give the supplies to Mac A Package for Mac.
Open his locked chest (Level 30).
A small island in the delta at the northwestern corner of the map has a Legendary Item, The Left Boot,
which grants you +1 to your Cunning Attribute. Just up the hill from it, find a Heros Crown next to a red X
on the ground. Dig up the Treasure on Antiguas Western Beach. East of that island, is a camp with a
chest. South of the campsite, deal with a Sunken One and note the rock arch. On the other side of that arch,
you will find a hoard of 5 Gargoyles. They guard two clutches of eggs in two separate campsites with a
locked chest (Level 20) in each one. If you did not already kill them from the other side of the river,
you may also see 4 Sand Devils. Then go east, up the hill, to find a locked chest (Level 60).
Now you find the waterfall that feeds the river. Up the trail north, find a locked chest (Level 20). Above the
chest, find a large rock overhang defended by a Cave Bat. The tunnel passes behind the waterfall, to a
locked chest (Level 30) and a Strange Gate. You cannot yet open the gate.
Then go down to the base of the waterfall. In the river to the south, watch for an Alligator, a Gargoyle and
three Sand Devils. This clears the way west, back to Eldrics camp. Give him the five Gargoyle Eggs.
Ask him about The Air Temple. He will leave the camp and meet you on your ship.
Look on your map and note the large beach at the eastern part of Antigua. The area has no Gargoyles but,
between Eldrics camp and that beach, you should find three Claw Monkeys, two Cave Bats, four Sand
Devils, four Blue Claw Monkeys and two locked chests (Level 20 and 60). A set of rock ledges east, has a
chest at the top. At the north end of that beach, find two more Sand Devils, four Giant Crabs, a locked chest
(Level 20) and a cave entrance.
Inside the cave, find a Cave Bat, four Sand Devils and a giant Hobgoblin. Loot the cave for a Jesters Cap,
a vein of ore, two Long Knives and a Cutlass. Free Duncan, who sits near a campfire inside the cave,
The Missing Fisherman. He will give you a Treasure Map to the Treasure in the Grotto on Antigua.
Open the locked chest (Level 20) near him and then find the red X for that treasure in this same cave.
Back on the beach, the building on the shore is the Fishermans Hut. Speak with Eddie inside the hut.
Tell him that Duncan is ok and then ask him to take Fresh Fish to the quay in Harbour Town. You need
not read The Courageous Man, because you already have the Peg Leg. South of the hut, find a nest of five
Sand Devils, three Giant Crabs, a Grave Spider and a chest. Near the spider is a locked chest (Level 20).
Along the trail south, to town, find a group of Water Carriers who are not working, due to the embargo.
To get them hauling water to your ship, talk to Butch first. Then ask Miles how to get Butch out of the way.
Miles suggests that you lure Butch into a cave up the hill east. Return to Butch and suggest that if he wants
to be a real pirate, he should check out a nearby cave full of treasure. Tell him that the hoard is too big for
one person to dig up alone. Follow him up the hill and into the cave. Then blindside him in a fight.
Open a locked chest (Level 40) and mine a vein of ore. Then exit the cave.
After the fight, Butch will walk back down to the waterfall. On your way back there, in the field just
outside the cave, kill two Claw Monkeys and open a locked (Level 30) chest. Speak with Butch again.
Now he has a headache and walks off to town for some strong drink. Speak with Miles, to get the Water
Carriers hauling water. Before you return to town, open the Level 20 chest.
Back in town; ask the blacksmith, Wilson, about selling you The Cannon. Ask him what he does for fun.
He will sell you a cannon if you can talk Grace into being nice to him or if you get his prized pistol back
from Henri the gunsmith. Henri will only sell you the pistol (for 1,000 gold coins) if you can beat him in a
shooting contest. The contest is very difficult, but you may repeat it as many times as it takes to win.
Alternatively, speak with Grace. If you give her 1,000 gold coins, she will be nice to Wilson (only 500 gold
coins if your Silver Tongue Talent is 60 or greater), Pure Luxury. Then tell Wilson to send an assortment
of Cannons to the quayside so that you may choose the one you want.
Now that you have all the supplies needed for both ships to leave Antigua, walk over to Captain Slaynes
ship and up the gangway. Alvarez stands on the gangway of Slaynes ship and demands to know what is
going on. He will eventually let you pass. Speak with Slayne, who tells you where he hid the Ritual Knife.
Then return to the Black Betty and tell Patty what happened. The game will have put a new marker on your
map, but leave the journey to the Isle of Thieves for later. Instead, set sail for Caldera.
Back to Caldera
When you cross the bridge, another guard, your former Rum supplier stops you. Ask him where you can
locate the High Council and Mauregato. Pass by the two Citizens discussing peace and then turn left at the
intersection. The first house you come to on your right is Mauregatos. The guard outside will not let you in
unless you have a Silver Tongue Skill of 55 or greater. Oddly, as soon as the guard goes inside the building,
he will not stop you from entering, but leave that for later.
Just a bit farther down the quay, speak with the recruiter Lopez. Offer to help him find Three New
Recruits. Speak with the two Citizens having a conversation near the recruiting table. Convince them to
enlist in the Inquisition. In the building to the southwest, find Fernando, the assistant to the master of
firearms. He can sell you bullets and guns. He can also teach you about Shotguns if you ask him and
have enough gold coins (Shotguns I). However, if you are using a Musket, this will not help you.
Now explore the eastern section of the quay. Speak with Campbell, the warehouseman. He will give you a
bottle of Rum. One of his two Workers will join the Inquisition if you speak with him. Then go back and
get your 300 gold coin reward from Lopez. Campbell will be upset that you have recruited his Worker.
At the far eastern end of the quay, is the house of Azuro. His guard will not let you in either. Now go up the
pathway north, to the plaza. A Citizen and a Servant are discussing current events. To the west, Possodino
has a stall. He sells weapons, rings and a useless Map of Caldera. You may want to buy his Hunters Ring
for 500 gold coins, although you can get it for free later. It grants its user +5 to Muskets and Shotguns. You
might also like his Rapier, with damage of 40 to 90 and +10 to your Piercing Talent for only 1,750 gold
coins. He also sells a Legendary Item, the Snuff Box, which grants you +10 to your Thievery Talent. The
guard at the High Council building to the northwest will not let you in. A rare plant, the Jesters Cap grows
near the Iron Gate at the northeast section of the plaza. A building that you can enter is the hotel. Inside it,
speak with Lucia and rent a room for the week 250 gold. Nearby, speak with Pantaleo, in his tailor shop.
Go upstairs and note that Garcias room is locked. The door to the room down the hall is open. Speak with
Di Silva. Ask him what he knows about Voodoo Potions. He can teach you how to brew potions (Voodoo 4
+ 1,000 gold coins), and teach you how to make potions more effective (Ritual I) for 500 gold coins.
You cannot brew potions unless you learn both of these skills. He will sell you potions and jewelry.
Buy his Sharpeye Paste Recipe for 500 gold coins. Now enter your room and sleep until the next morning.
Your big task in Caldera is to get inside the Archive Room, which is part of the High Council building.
A document you find in the Archives will tell you where Captain Garcia went after he left Caldera.
When you exit the hotel the next morning, because you asked Sophia about Garcia, the Servant you saw
earlier will stop you. His master, Azuro, wants to speak with you inside his house at the end of the quay.
Agree to Follow the Servant. Azuro has a proposition for you.
He will forge a letter for you, so that you can get inside the High Council Building. In exchange, he wants
you to find Incriminating Evidence that he can use against Mauregato. Agree to his plan, Errand Boy.
You will pose as the messenger who delivers the letter. However, you must first steal Mauregatos Signet
Ring, which you can use to make the letter official The Signet Ring. You must also acquire some
Messengers Attire. Pantaleo, the tailor in the hotel, can sell it to you for 500 gold coins.
Save your game and then enter Mauregatos house. Go upstairs and speak with Mauregato, but he will not
help you. Note the two rooms on the ground floor, other than the entrance room. One is a kitchen and the
other is an office. Enter the kitchen (southwest) first. Take a Sharpeye plant, growing in a planter in the
kitchen. Open a locked chest (Level 30) full of Provisions. Take a bottle of Grog near the chest. Also in the
kitchen, read a book named Chaka Pagabudu, to start a quest for a Legendary Item The Skull.
The cook, Hermina, has a key to the locked room at the top of the stairs, Mauregatos bedroom.
Pick her pocket for the key (Thievery 50).
If your Thievery Talent is not high enough, a spare key lies on a table in the office. However, if the Servant
or the guard sees you take anything from the office, they will beat you to within an inch of your life and
so will the guards on the quay, if you run outside. You also lose 50 Glory Points, for losing the fight.
To get that key to Mauregatos locked bedroom, where he keeps his Signet Ring, use a bit of trickery.
Get the servant and the guard to follow you, by briefly entering the office and then quickly leaving.
Then re-enter the kitchen and stand near the stove. Wait until the guard and the Servant come into the
room to see what you are up to. Then run across the hall into the office. There, pick up the key from the
table and then exit the office before either the servant or the guard can follow you. Do not bother taking the
Claim Ticket from the shelf with the Goblet. It would only be useful to you if you had chosen to side
with the Natives. Remember this trick when you go upstairs to get the Signet Ring.
However you got the key, use it to open the door at the top of the stairs and then take the Signet Ring
before the guards can see you do it. Return to Azuros house and speak with him. He will give you the
forged sealed letter. This, and your Messenger outfit, gets you past the guard at the High Council Building.
Inside the building, speak with Custodio about the Archives, Garcia and the Council Meeting. If you tell
him that you came to get Garcias artifact, you will get to a dialog option that allows you to tell Custodio
that you are working for the Inquisition but only if your Silver Tongue Talent is 80 or above.
Then he will give you permission to enter the Archive Room.
Go upstairs southwest and speak with Cassandra. She wants you to solve a math problem for her Scrolls,
Books and Shelves, for 200 Glory Points (2 bookcases + 15 free slots). If you fail the math problem, she will
still sell you a key to Mauregatos locked office for 500 gold coins. When you get the key, enter the upstairs
office and read the Notes, which constitute the Incriminating Letter for Azuro. Open his Level 50 chest.
The Archives Room is downstairs northeast. Because you are only a Messenger, the guard will not let you
enter the room. Threaten him and then best him in a fight. Leave him lying on the floor and enter the
Archives Room. Along with several potions and a Bloody Mary, find and read a book New Principles of
Artillery, for 50 Glory Points. The book High Council Rulings tells you where Captain Garcia went.
The room also has three locked chests (Level 30, 60 and 90), a locked door (Level 75) and two Schematics.
Past that locked door are a book and a potion. The book Master of Shotguns points to the Meerschaum
Pipe that you already have. Open a locked chest in the hallway outside the Archive Room (Level 30).
Exit the building and return to Azuros house. Give him the Incriminating Letter.
He will pay you 250 gold coins, but only if you insist.
If you were wondering whether you can get inside Garcias room, you can. Give your room key to the
merchant, Possodino. Say Here, on me. Then, because you gave your room away, ask the hotel owner,
Lucia, to rent you Garcias room for 250 gold coins. The room has two locked chests (Levels 60 and 90) and
an amulet. In the Level 60 chest is a Ritual Knife. You need this knife to harvest rare potion ingredients.
On your way back to the Black Betty, kill three new Sand Devils and a Giant Crab that have spawned on
the beach. Enter the Crystal Cave and dig up The Treasure on Fortress Beach. Inside the chest, find the
Comb with one Tooth, a Legendary Item that gives you +1 to your Blades Attribute. Back on board ship,
tell Patty that Its time to set a new course. Choose to return to Antigua.
Return to Antigua
Maracai Bay
A trail leads up from the beach, south. Kill two Firebirds and then speak with Habib, who is the native
hunter holding a spear. A group of pirates robbed him of his fresh meat. Tell him that you will get the meat
for him, activating Habibs Meat. Kill another nearby Firebird.
Just up the trail southeast from Habib, kill two Claw Monkeys and a Black Panther. It has already killed
two members of the Inquisition, whose bodies lie on the trail. At the top of the rock ledges to the northeast,
find a Sharpeye plant and a chest. Target the Panther from there. Open a (Level 20) chest to the south.
Cross the Rope Bridge and see animals in the canyon below. You will meet them later. On the other side of
the bridge, you must kill a pair of Black Panthers. Jump to the top of a nearby rock north, to give you some
protection from them. Past the Panthers, find a campsite west with four pirates, including the cook Harlok.
They will attack you as soon as they see you. One may use a pistol. Kill the three pirates, but you can only
stun Harlok. After you have defeated him, speak with Harlok. He tells you that he lost his page of
Steelbeards Diary, but offers to be your guide on Treasure Isle. He will return to the Black Betty The Deal
with Harlok. Loot the locked chest (Level 20) and the unlocked chest. Inside the other chest are the ten
pieces of Freshly Killed Meat stolen from Habib. Read the Tattered Book, to begin The Pirates
Almanac quest. Return to Habib and give him the meat, completing that quest.
Habib will give you a Jade Idol in exchange.
From where you speak with Habib, open a Level 30 chest just southwest of where he stands and then go
down the trail south, through the canyon. Kill one Firebird. At the intersection, pick up the three bones.
These are an oddly-rare ingredient used in making Graveroot Extract (+2 to Black Magic, Death Cult and
Ritual Talents). At the intersection, go southeast to the dead end, watching for three Blue Claw Monkeys.
There, take the Swordthorn plant and open a locked chest (Level 20). The chest has a piece of the
Stormwind, a sword that you can re-forge if you find its hilt and learn to forge weapons.
Backtrack to the canyon intersection and then go southwest. At the circle with a big tree in the middle,
kill three Blue Claw Monkeys. Climb the ledges west, to find a Jesters Cap. South of there, come to
Corrientess vacant campsite. It has a bed, a campfire and a chest. Kill a Firebird north of the camp, at the
next intersection. The west fork circles back to the campsite. Instead, go east and kill a pair of Blue Claw
Monkeys. East of them is a tomb and a locked chest (Level 20). In the jungle below the chest, snipe another
Blue Claw. The rock ledges up the hill south of the chest take you to a Cutlass and some loose gold coins.
Inside the nearby temple, be ready to fight three tough Ghouls. After you have killed them, go to the back
of the temple to find a Golden Mask resting on a low altar. However, unlike other altars of this type, when
you attempt to take the mask, an apparition appears. The giant grey ghost is an Ancestor Guardian the
shaman Yagul. He will not kill you for looting the mask, if you return three other masks to their rightful
places, The Graves of the Ancestors quest. He will attack you if you say Im not lifting a finger.
If you try twice more to take the Golden Mask, Yagul conjures two Warriors to join him in attacking you.
Yagul does not go down easily. However, if you can defeat him, then you can take the mask. This opens a
Stone Door to another room with three more Warriors. That room has a sarcophagus and a Golden Bowl.
In the room next to that, find a Statuette and a lever that opens an exit door. This method fails the quest.
Exit the temple. The ledges north have no treasure. Continue down the trail east and north. Kill two Blue
Claw Monkeys near the totem. Jump up four rock ledges to a locked Native Chest (Level 20). East of the
totem, find a deserted camp with a locked chest (Level 20). Also in the camp, find some loose gold coins, a
Small Purse and a corpse with a Crab Stabber. The trail splits here. Go east, up a zigzag path to a campfire.
A man named Angus sits next to the campfire. Speak with him. Attacked by pirates, he was wounded.
Jump up the ledges behind him to find two Blue Claw Monkeys. North of them is a locked chest (Level30).
Then climb more ledges to find a second chest. This is where you find a free version of the Hunters Ring.
Just above that chest is a rare Heros Crown plant.
Down the trail north of Angus, defeat three Firebirds. The rock ledges on the west and east sides of the trail
have no treasure, but they provide a great sniping spot. After you have killed the birds, continue down to
the beach and kill three more Firebirds.
Near the beach, a grassy ledge east has a Native Chest. Jump up the ledges there, to find a long narrow trail
that dead-ends at a Sharpeye plant. Above that cul-de-sac is a hidden ledge with a Purse and bottle of Grog.
To get there, climb the rocks northeast of where you found the Sharpeye. Back on the shore; the ledges west
have a Level 20 chest. Find a rowboat that can take you to the ship anchored in the harbor. Wait until you
can increase your fighting power, before you board that ship. We will do that later.
Near the rowboat, find a locked chest (Level 60) and a Message in a Bottle. Click on the bottle in your
Inventory to get a map of Maracai Bay and to activate Treasure in the Panther Cave.
If you set a map marker for this treasure in your Logbook, the X that the game puts on your map is very
deceptive. The treasure is nowhere near where Angus sits. You will come to that cave soon.
At the west end of the beach, find a set of rock ledges northwest that take you up to a Curse Doll and jade.
The six southwest ledges take you up to a Purse with 50 gold coins. Back down on the beach, a narrow trail
leads up from that west end of the beach. Before you get to the very tough Gorilla at the end of that trail,
note that you can climb the rocks to the right of the trail and shoot down at the animal 200 Glory.
The rock ledges southwest of his den lead up to a locked chest (Level 60) with minor loot.
Retrace your steps back to the Second Campsite. Now take the south fork over a crest to fight two Firebirds.
Below the crest, see a native fishing camp next to a small lake. Three natives stand next to a small campfire.
Speak with Hanu. He tells you of a beast in the water, an Alligator. Tell him you will kill it for him,
starting The Beast in the Lake. The gator lies submerged in the center of the lake. Use the scope feature of
your Shotgun to spot the animal. Climb a handy boulder on the shore of the lake and snipe the gator safely.
On your way back to Hanu, kill two Blue Claw Monkeys. Tell Hanu that you have killed the gator.
He will give you a Treasure Map, to begin the quest The Treasure on the Hunting Grounds.
Go up the hill west of Hanu. Partway up the hill is a set of five rock ledges on your right. Just past them is a
group of four pirates, standing around a campfire. As soon as they see you, they will attack. Climb the
ledges before the pirates see you. At the top, find a Stone Table with two bottles of Grog, a Goblet, two
Oyster Shells and some loose gold coins. Then drop down the ledges until you are standing on the second
ledge up from the trail. From there, begin sniping the four pirates.
They will all run to the base of the ledges and try to slash you. Apparently, they cannot climb ledges well.
They also do not use guns, so you can easily kill them all, completing the Enemy Pirate Camp.
The leader of the group, Black Dog, has one of the three Golden Masks you are looking for. On a crate in
their camp find and read a book, Valuable Items, to begin a quest for The Talisman, a Legendary Item.
Open a (Level 20) chest. Inside it, find a Blade Ring, which adds +20 to your Thievery Talent.
South of the pirate camp, kill one Blue Claw Monkey. Farther south of that, kill two Firebirds. The west
ledges take you up to a locked chest (Level 40). The ledges to the east take you up to a bottle of Grog, a
Pickaxe and some loose gold coins. Farther along the trail, kill three Blue Claw Monkeys in a slight
depression east. A red X on the ground there marks the very good Treasure on the Hunting Grounds.
South of that chest is the entrance to a cave. Just northwest of its entrance is a Swordthorn plant. Inside the
cave, your first enemy is a Cave Bat. You will come to an intersection. The west fork goes a short distance to
a dead end, guarded by a Grave Spider. The south fork takes you to two more Grave Spiders. Past them,
defeat another Grave Spider. Past the spider, find another Cave Bat. Past it, find an intersection. You cannot
yet pass through the fiery red portal to the north. However, if you touch the fire, you will advance the
Hidden Valley quest. Mine a vein of ore on the west wall. That is all you can do here for now.
Return outside and then go east, to speak with Pandu. He is on a Strength and Wisdom test. Near him are
a locked Native Chest (Level 60) and another cave entrance. Before you enter the cave, go up the trail east,
kill a Blue Claw Monkey and harvest a Sharpeye plant at the crest. Now enter the cave and kill two Termite
Workers. Past them, kill four Cave Bats. Find a locked Native Chest (Level 30) and a bed.
The cave soon exits to the Native Village and a vein of ore. The first two people you see are Potaka and
Zaalu. Speak with him to learn that he does not like pirates.
Then speak with Hakeke, to learn that he wants to be Chief of the tribe, but has a rival. Offer to help him
by becoming his Halmak of the Maracai. Then fight with Daiki or Intimidate him (Level 70). If you must
fight him, follow him a short distance, to the Ritual Site. Use a sword against his spear. After you defeat
him, speak with him. Then speak with Hakeke and tell him that you are his Halmak Talk to Chaka Datu.
Now Talk to Chief Datu the current, aging leader of the tribe. Captain Garcia stole the Chiefs son,
so now the Chief has no heir - Chaka Datus Legacy. As you are now working on Hakekes behalf, the
Chief presents you with Hakekes three tests. The first one is the Test of Speed, Paws for Hakeke.
Tell Hakeke what the first test is. Follow Hakeke out of the village. If this is the first time that you have
passed by Bones, then he stops you. Explore all dialog options with him. Then continue following Hakeke
through the jungle north. Help him kill three Blue Claw Monkeys. Take note of the Low Stone Ruins east.
They are a handy centralized landmark for this area. Just outside the Cave of the Black Hunter, kill two
Firebirds. Hakeke wants you to enter the cave to lure a Black Panther outside. If you have a follower with
you, you may as well kill the Cave Bat and the Panther yourself while you are inside the cave.
At the back of the cave, find one Graveroot plant, a vein of gold ore, a locked chest (Level 90) and a red X on
the ground. There, dig up some very good Treasure in the Panther Cave. Speak with Hakeke afterwards
and give him the Panthers Paw. Then follow him back to the village.
In the village, tell Chief Datu that Hakeke is ready for the next test The Four Feathers. Tell Hakeke
what the test is. You must follow a trail left by Kenan. Follow Hakeke down to the lake. When he stops,
look for a black feather north, attached to the top of a sign. Activate it and then speak with Hakeke.
North of the first sign, turn west, to find the second feather, this time blue. Go west to find the third
feather, this time yellow. Go north, to find the fourth feather, this time gray-white. Then go northwest,
to find Kenan standing waiting for you. Speak with him and then Hakeke. Then return to Chief Datu.
Datu will tell you that the final test is the Test of Strength. Find Potaka still standing near the village
cave entrance, where you first saw him. Speak with him and then follow him to the Voodoo Altar west.
Fight him and then speak with him. Open the nearby Level 60 chest. Speak with Hakeke and then Datu.
The Chief will reward you with the totem Skull of Death (+1 to your Voodoo Attribute). Go down the hill
and congratulate Hakeke. He will reward you with Corrientess Thunderstick.
Now meet some of the other village inhabitants. Speak with Dara, to start Where is Koraka, her husband.
Speak with Jamila and agree to find the missing ingredient for her stew, 4 Fire Peppers Nice and Spicy.
Then speak with Malaika. She is sad because pirates stole her familys three Grave Idols. Offer to get them
back for her The Peace of the Dead. Buy her Recipe for Graveroot Extract for 500 gold coins and her
Treasure Map for 100 gold coins The Treasure in the Hidden Valley.
Members of the Inquisition occupy the lower part of the village. Speak with Corrientes, in one of the tents.
You already have a map of the island, so you do not need the one he can give you. Corrientes wants you to
help him find the entrance to the Secret Valley. Do not yet tell him that you found the entrance to it.
He also wants you to kill The Deserter if you see him, but this walkthrough has you saving him.
Just outside Corrientess tent, speak with Egas. He tells you about the Grave Robbers of the ancestors.
Offer to help him. He teaches Left Handed, which allows you to load pistols faster.
Next to Malaika, on the Stone Table, you could read the book War Traditions which activates the quest
The Shrunken Head, but you already have the head. Speak with the injured surly Protector Palomo.
Tell him that you killed Black Dog. Prove it by showing him Black Dogs Dagger 200 Glory Points.
Sell him the dagger for 1,000 gold coins. The Native Chest near him has a Musket Wheelock part.
Cordobar stands at the top of the trail to the village. Speak with him, to learn that he wants to go home.
When he mentions Garcias Ship, tell Cordobar that you will investigate. He teaches sabres.
Exit the village downhill, to the Low Stone Ruins you passed earlier. There, kill two Blue Claw Monkeys
and open a locked chest (Level 20). Climb the three rock ledges northwest of the ruins, to find three Fire
Peppers. Speak with Ezana. If you tell her that you are working for Jamila, Ezana will give you a fourth
pepper. Open a locked chest behind her (Level 20). Then Fast Travel to the village and give the peppers to
Jamila. She will give you a free sample of her Firutaopi.
Give the Firutaopi to Bones, who thinks it tastes like chicken. After he eats the stew, he stops annoying the
natives with his monotonous preaching Unwanted Sermon. Ask him What are you doing here? which
leads to an option to ask him about joining your crew as Ships Doctor. Ask him about the Underworld,
to start a quest The Split Soul and A Message from the World of the Living. Have him teach you
Endurance (1,000 gold coins and Toughness 4), to raise your Hit Points to 120.
At the northeast end of the small lake, find a tomb. Inside it, find three corpses on the floor of the tunnel.
Activate one of them The Naked Corpses. Around the next corner, find two Cave bats and a corpse.
Ignore the lever on the wall. The next room has a corpse and a sarcophagus. In the next room, find two
more corpses and an empty altar. Place the Golden Mask that you took from Black Dog, onto the altar.
A Stone Door opens on the east wall. Use it as a shortcut out of the tomb. Return to the Low Stone Ruins.
South of the ruins, find a trail to another tomb. It is guarded by three Termite Workers and one Termite
Warrior. Inside the tomb, kill two more Termite Workers and two Termite Warriors. Be ready to dodge a
Swinging Blade Trap. In the room with the empty altar, take a Golden Mask from the corpse of the pirate,
but also be ready to defend yourself against two Termite Warriors near the sarcophagus in the next room.
In that room, take a Golden Bowl and a Goblet from the shelf. Then activate the altar to put the Golden
Mask back in its place. Look on the floor near the altar, to find a Jaguar Paw talisman. This Legendary
Item gives you +10 to your Ritual Talent. Then return to the Low Stone Ruins.
From those ruins, go up the hill east. Partway up the hill, Koraka will stop you. Tell him that Dara sent you
and that you will help him defeat the Plunderers at the Ancestral Grave. Up the hill east of him, find a
tomb with three Plunderers outside it, near a campfire. Kill them all and then take a Grave Idol from
each Plunderer. Open a locked chest (Level 30).
Inside the tomb, your follower will only go with you a short distance. Equip your best sword and then drop
down through the hole in the floor. In the small room at the bottom, kill a tough Ghoul. Take a Golden
Bowl and a Jade Statuette from the shelves. In the hallway at the top of the steps, find the body of a pirate.
He has another Golden Mask, but approach the body with extreme caution.
The Undead Guardian in the room on your right (south) will quickly attack you with his big Spiked Club.
You could run back into the room below the hole. The Undead Guardian will follow you there. Inside that
room, fight him or run (Caps Lock Key) past him, out the door, through the corridor, avoid a Swinging
Blade Trap and dodge around the next corner. You will come to a Lever and a closed Stone Door.
The Guardian should not follow you there, but if he does, run back to the first room and try again.
With your sword ready, pull the Lever to open the Stone Door. In the next room, defeat another Ghoul.
In that room, place the Golden Mask on the empty altar. The ancestor that you saw in the first tomb will
appear again, to thank you for replacing all three masks. Jump over the hole west, to exit. You could go
back to the room with the Undead Guardian now and defeat him with a ranged weapon. Jump back across
the hole in the floor, to give yourself an escape route. After you kill him, loot the sarcophagus in his room.
Return to the section of the trail outside the tomb where you spoke with Koraka. Tell him that he can go
home now. He can teach you Spear Throwing Skills.
Return to the village and tell Dara that her husband is ok. She will reward you with a Potion of Persuasion.
Give Malaika the three Grave Idols she wanted. Tell the Protector Egas that you caught his grave robbers.
He will give you 300 gold coins and you get 200 Glory. Make some Sharpeye Paste at the Voodoo Cauldron.
Go down to the beach on the north coast, to the rowboat you found earlier. Do not speak with Angus on
your way past him, or you may trigger a bug. At the rowboat, equip your Shotgun. Get ready for a fight
with four very tough pirates. Save your game and then activate the Rowboat. Choose to go to the ship.
You and your companion will land on the deck of the ship. All four guards will immediately attack you.
These are very bad odds, so run to either stairway, down to the gun deck. The below decks are long enough
that you can get off two shots at the pursuing pirates, before you reach the opposite stairway. At the top,
run across the main deck and then back down to the gun deck, completing the circuit. Along the way,
fire two more shots. Watch for one of the pirates to occasionally circle around behind you. Jump past him
before he kills you. Heal up and continue the circuit. This gets easier after you have killed one of them.
After you have killed all four pirates, read Garcias Logbook to start Garcias Treasure and Open
Sesame. In the same cabin, take the Treasure Map. Loot the rest of the ship. Use the rowboat, now tied
to the side of the ship, to return to the beach. From there, go to the west end of that beach and look for the
red X on the ground. Dig up the very good treasure chest The Treasure on the Pirate Coast.
Now Fast Travel to the village and tell Cordobar that Garcias ship is his. He will give you a meager 50 gold
coins; 100 coins if you have Silver Tongue 60 or greater. Here, you could use a Potion of Persuasion, but the
game counts all dialog as part of the 30 seconds that the potion remains effective. By the time you get a
chance to use the Silver Tongue dialog choice, your 30 seconds are up. To overcome this limitation, hit the
Esc Key multiple times, skipping most of the dialog, until you get to the Silver Tongue choice.
The potion should still be effective for a few more seconds.
Speak with Corrientes. When you tell him that you found the entrance to the Hidden Valley, he will send
you to the village Shaman, Osamu to get the Blood of the Ancestors. Return to the Low Stone Ruins.
Southeast of the Low Stone Ruins, take a zigzag trail up the hill. Kill a Firebird and find a locked chest
(Level 20). South of that, kill two more Firebirds. South of them, kill a Black Panther. Climb up some rocks,
on your right before you get to the Panther, and then snipe down on the animal. Take the Panthers paw
to make Swordthorn Essence. South of the Panther, kill two Blue Claw Monkeys. There, at the totem, a side
trail curves east to a dead end, where Osamu is experimenting at a Voodoo Cauldron.
Osamu tells you about a legend. Tell him that you have restored his ancestral graves. He will give you the
Broken Rattle, a Legendary Item. Tell him that Corrientes sent you to get the Blood of the Ancestors.
The confused Osamu will tell you that he already gave the blood to Corrientes. After a long cut scene
discussing betrayal, Osamu will give you some of the blood.
Tell Osamu about the naked corpses, to collect some Glory Points. He teaches advanced Voodoo.
Next to him are a locked Native Chest (Level 60) and a bed. This is a Fast Travel location.
Now Fast Travel to the village and open Garcias locked chest (Level 30). Then go south, all the way
through the tunnel to the other side. Then go west, to the cave with the Fire Barrier. You have some tough
fights coming up. Raise your Bulletproof and Bladeproof Talents if you can. When you get to the fiery
doorway, two of Garcias pirates will attack you. Egas uses a Shotgun. Palomo uses a spear. Both ranged
weapons can do major damage to you in the dark narrow tunnel. You may want to have them chase you
back to the rock spiral you passed on the way in, to give you some running room and cover. To further aid
you in these fights, drop a lit torch in the darkest corner of the tunnel between the fiery doorway and the
rock spiral. This gives you a point of reference and keeps you from running into walls.
After you have defeated Palomo and Egas, return to the fiery door and creep up the narrow tunnel to the
left of the doorway, to find two more pirates. When they see you, they will attack you. Use the same tactics
you used before. Cordobar uses a Reaper sword. Scarpetta uses a Seamans Shotgun.
After you have defeated both of them, go up the tunnel left of the Fire Barrier and pick up an amulet lying
on the altar the Thiefs Amulet, which gives its wearer +5 to Dirty Tricks and +10 to Thievery.
Now walk up to the Fire Barrier and activate it. Walk slowly through the fire. The Ancestral Blood that the
Shaman gave you will protect you. Your companion must stay behind. On the other side of the doorway,
kill a Ghoul just down the slope. At the bottom of the slope, find an intersection.
Take the very dark southeast fork and activate the Stone Door at the end of the tunnel. It will open to the
entrance tunnel of this cave complex. Note that the door is a bit buggy. Walk toward it slowly and then
activate it as soon as you see the prompt. This may take several attempts. Then run along that familiar
passageway, to find your companion. He/she will follow you back to the door you just opened.
Back at the intersection; go down the north rock slope to a locked chest (Level 40). Just west of the chest,
be ready for a fight with a Grave Spider that pops up from the tunnel floor. Past the spider, the tunnel
continues, eventually ending at Hidden Valley. Just past the exit, kill two Firebirds. Then, to the north,
find a campfire, a vein of ore, a locked chest (Level 40) and a bed to sleep on if night has fallen.
Then go down the slope west. At the bottom, kill three Termite Workers and one Termite Warrior.
Past them, near the temple steps, find a Gorilla before he sees you. Have it chase you to the ledges on the
north side of the field (behind the green bush). Snipe down at it from there. Now locate a Black Panther on
the southwest part of the valley, before it sees you. Snipe down at the animal from the ledge just south of
the temple steps. Warning! A Thorny Spring Trap lies in wait for you at the foot of those steps.
After you have killed the Panther, dig up The Treasure in the Hidden Valley. Take the nearby Graveroot.
Find a Native Chest in the middle of the valley and a locked Native Chest (Level 40) northeast of the steps.
When you enter the temple, a long series of cut scenes plays for you. Garcia suggests that the two of you
split the treasure, leaving Mara nothing. Then the temple begins to shake. Mara appears from nowhere and
is upset with Garcia for trying to trick her. To prove his continuing loyalty, Mara orders Garcia to kill you.
When all of the cut scenes end, run out to the field you just cleared. Four fast Sand Devils and Garcia will
chase you there, where you have much room to roam. Garcia uses a sword, but he also has a powerful pistol
that he uses whenever you allow him to get within range. He runs very fast for a fat man. Stay out of range.
However, if you let him get too far away from you, he can quickly heal any damage you have done to him.
Use your Shotgun against him. The Sand Devils go down more easily with a sword.
No matter where you fight him, after you have mortally wounded Garcia, a cut scene in the temple shows
him dying there. Take his Silver Iron pistol. The Fire Temple is completely empty, which made me
wonder why Garcia went to all the trouble to get here in the first place. The game gives you no indication
that there is anything else to do here, but there is. If you want to take a few minutes to try to figure out the
solution to this quirky little puzzle, then stop reading here.
After you have given up in frustration, equip (in your right hand) the Thiefs Bone Hand that used to
belong to Garcia. Then aim the hand at the Button just above the closed Stone Door on the west wall of
the temple. Follow the prompts, to open the door. Go down the steps to a room with three exits and two
empty altars. You need to find the two Jade Idols that fit those altars.
Down the long hallway southwest, find a room with one of the idols sitting on an altar. When you take the
idol, the entrance door closes and another door opens. On the other side of that door, two Claw Monkeys
wait for you. After you have killed them, replace the idol on its altar to re-open the exit door. Then remove
the idol again and run back through the doorway before it can close. On your way back, be ready to hit the
Spacebar, to avoid a floor collapse. If you do fall down there, be ready to fight a Ghoul.
Now, from the main room, take the northeast hallway, to an intersection. There, find a lever that opens and
closes a Stone Door. Enter the room to the west. Equip the Thiefs Bone Hand and then, still standing inside
the room, face the lever. Hold down the right mouse button to aim the hand at the lever and then click the
left button to pull the lever remotely. Your exit door closes and a new door opens to a room with a Jade
Idol resting on an altar. When you take it, a new Stone Door opens, providing you with an exit. On your
way back to the main room, be ready to dodge a Swinging Blade Trap.
Place the two idols on the two altars, to open a door and a gate to the Treasure Room. There, pick up a
Statuette, Golden Bowl, Plate, Jade, Goblet and a gold nugget. The locked chest (Level 90) has an excellent
sword (Steel Grudge 55-90 damage and +5 to Slashing Weapons Talent). Use a Thiefs Potion, Thiefs
Amulet, Blade Ring, and four Jesters Cap Mushrooms to get your Thievery Talent high enough to open the
chest, even if your Cunning Attribute is only Level 4. Retrieve your two idol keys on your way back
outside. Return to the village and then use their cauldron to make some potions. Then return to where
Angus still waits, at his campfire in the middle of the map. Tell him that Corrientes is dead and that Angus
should return to the Main Camp, where your ship is anchored. Go there yourself and tell Valdez the news.
Sell your treasure. Buy some bullets. Tell Patty the news. Set sail for Maracai.
Return to Antigua
Walk along the beach west, until you see a gnome standing on the beach in front of you. Speak with Jaffar.
He is on a quest himself and will help you leave the island if you will take him with you. Jaffar will build a
raft for the pair of you, but you must find the materials.
Follow him to his well-appointed hut, killing two Sand Devils and two Termites along the way. Open a
chest, to find a map you already have. At Jaffars Hut, he stops. He will wait there until you have all of the
materials needed to build the raft. The first item is on the ground near his front door, a vine. Open another
locked chest (Level 20), inside his hut.
Go west, from the hut, to find a campsite with a bed, two or three Sand Devils and a locked chest (Level 20).
Your map has a Fast Travel location called the Port. Northwest of there, find a high hill with a Sharpeye
plant near the top. Walk along the shoreline to the northwest corner of the island and pick up ten pieces of
driftwood for the raft. Along with a Giant Crab and two or three Sand Devils, defeat four Threatening
Giant Crabs. Just up the beach east from the crabs, find Kalil, a gnome who is sitting near a lit torch.
The crabs were terrifying him. He thanks you for killing them. He gives you a Feather The Lost Gnome.
Up the hill south of Kalils camp is a Black Panther. Shoot down at it from the rocks at the side of the trail.
East of there, in the Gnome Village, speak with all of the gnomes. Kaan wants you to kill a Gnome Eater
monster that has been terrifying the village. Pick up a vine next to him. Open his locked chest (Level 60)
and read his Book of the Great Expedition, for 50 Glory Points.
Speak with Nuri, but you cannot understand him Lost in Translation. Take the vine next to him.
Speak with Kalil and pick up the vine next to him. Inside his house, speak with Ulvi. Give him the Feather
that Kalil gave you for killing the Giant Crabs. Because you saved his friend, Ulvi will give you a Pitch
Black Pearl and, if you ask him, two shirts. He will also trade with you. Buy his Treasure Map. Open his
Level 30 chest. Now return to Nuris hut and give him the Pitch Black Pearl. He will give you a shirt.
Speak with Zeki, to learn that giant ants have stolen his prized crown The Thief has been Robbed.
Take the vine on the ground next to him. Read the book Lucky Coincidences, to begin The Old Coin.
Up the hill east of the village, find a large field with the monster that has been eating the gnomes.
The Granne Gozzo has a large brown mat to lie on. A rock, behind a green bush just southwest of that mat,
gives you good protection from him while you spend many bullets killing the monster. Loot his trash pile
and locked chest (Level 20). Dig up The Treasure in the Valley of the Gnome Eater, at the base of the cliff
on the south side of the monsters valley. Inside the treasure chest, find another Treasure Map.
Return to the village and speak with Kaan. He rewards you with a The Flask, a Legendary Item that gives
you +10 to your Dirty Tricks Talent.
Find the long narrow water-filled valley that runs southeast to northwest, at the northern part of Thieves
Island. There, defeat three Sand Devils and dig up The Treasure in the Sea, marked by a red X.
Fast Travel to the gnome village and then go up the trail north, to find four Termites guarding a cave.
On the hill north of its entrance, find a Heros Crown. Inside the cave, kill four more Termites. Open a
locked chest (Level 40) containing the Sword Dancer blade. Pick up a Swordthorn plant next to the chest.
Loot the cave for a vein of ore, a Candlestick, some loose gold coins, a Goblet and a Crown. Back in the
village, speak with Zeki in his hut at the west end of the village. Give him the Crown you recovered from
the Termite Cave. He will reward you with three shirts.
Now that you have all of the materials for the raft, speak with Jaffar at his hut. Then meet him on the beach
just south of your bed. Tell him you are ready to go to Tacarigua. Watch an artfully-constructed cut scene.
When you get to the beach at Tacarigua, Fast Travel to the Pirates Den. Go aboard the Black Betty and
speak with Patty. Then set sail for Antigua. Special Note: For the first time in the game, you can buy the
Swordthorn Essence Recipe at Emmas Shop in Antigua. Also, if you have not yet done so, buy her
Voodoo Needle, a Legendary Item that gives you +10 to your Piercing Weapons Talent. You may have as
many as seven Swordthorn stored in your Inventory, each one now worth +2 to your Slashing, Piercing and
Throwing Talents. Unfortunately, there is no Voodoo Cauldron on Antigua in which to brew the potions.
However, for the amount of extra sword fighting power they can give you, it is well worth your while to
sail to Maracai Bay or the Sword Coast and use the natives Voodoo Cauldron. Do that now.
Then return to Antigua and enter Captains House. You will find Captain Slayne in a conversation with the
Admiral. After that conversation, meet Slayne at Blood Oath Square, just east of Captains House.
There, fight him to the death and take the Sacrificial Knife artifact from him. You have all of the artifacts
necessary to defeat Mara. Now you must learn the location of the Water Temple.
Go back inside the Captains House and speak with Alvarez. Ask him about the site of the Water Temple.
After a long conversation, he will mention the Isle of the Dead. There, you can speak with Steelbeards
Ghost. Steelbeard knows the location of the Water Temple. If you want Alvarez to teach you advanced
sword fighting skills, ask him to do this before you complete the conversation about the Water Temple.
The south path leads up the hill and dead-ends at The Arena. There, defeat two Warriors, two Ghouls
and one Guardian. Find a Treasure Map, another Black Lotus, a locked chest (Level 20), a bottle of Grave
Dust, a bottle of Grog and a Swordthorn plant.
Back in the courtyard, the remaining two directions, east and north, both go to the same place. So go north,
along the passage. The rock ledge to the west of the entrance of the cave can provide some cover for you.
Defeat two Ghouls and one Guardian. The very bright room at the end of the passage has two exits.
Jump up the ledge northwest and follow that passage. Defeat one Ghoul and one Warrior. Take a bottle of
Grave Dust from a rock shelf. You come to a large open chamber with several odd buildings defended by
six Warriors and three Ghouls. As you defeat those enemies, collect two Black Lotus plants, a Pirates
Dagger, a Mask, a Statuette, , a Jesters Cap (on a small shelf), one bottle of Grave Dust and a Graveroot
plant. Open a locked chest (Level 30). Mine two veins of ore. Inside a small side room named the Thiefs
Temple, pick up one bottle of Grave Dust, one piece of Jade, one Goblet and an Old Sword. The map you
got at the Arena should have placed a red X on the ground in this area. Dig up The Treasure in the Tomb.
In that chest, find the Hook Hand, a Legendary Item giving you +10 to your Slashing Weapons Talent.
Retrace your steps to the bright room with the ledge. Now take the east fork, defeat a Warrior and open a
chest. The passage opens up to the main valley on your map. Just past the exit of the passage, defeat a
Guardian on your right and a Ghoul on your left. The building on your left has one Graveroot, a bottle of
Grave Dust and a Golden Bowl. The building east has one Ghoul, one Warrior and a bottle of Grave Dust.
If you turn south, you will return to the courtyard at the bottom of the second set of steps. In order to get
there, you must defeat four Warriors. Up the steps northeast, find the last Ghoul (is sometimes does not
spawn), a Purse and two Warriors. At the top of the northeast steps, Tao waits for you in the altar room,
next to the Altar of Transition.
If you do not have all of the ingredients, Tao says Good Luck. If you do have all of the ingredients, tell
that to Tao. He will make the Potion of False Death and give it to you. Then left-click on the altar and
choose to Drink the potion< A cut scene shows you lying down on the altar.
Now Tao tells you that you must find four Restless Spirits, who will help you create the Skull Scepter.
Tao will wait for you back at the beach. Take the Old Coin from the table. This Legendary Item gives you
+10 to your Bulletproof Talent. In fact, check all of the areas in which you previously found treasure. Many
of those locations will have re-spawned treasure. Go down the steps and speak with Nahele. She is in
limbo and will make you the Skull Scepter if you get her the ingredients The Artists Curse.
Southeast of Nahele, speak with Motega. He is doomed to an eternal fight with the Silverback. Offer to
help him The Hunters Curse. Follow him and help him kill a very tough Gorilla The Hunt.
He rewards you with the Skull of an Undead Animal. Then Motega disappears.
Make your way back to the large chamber where you dug up the treasure. There, find an apparition that
looks just like Bones. Speak to the Confused Ghost, to release his spirit. Bones disappears.
Up the hill east of where Bones was, find Akando. He too is tormented. He wants you to steal his Diamond
The Thiefs Curse and Akandos Chest. In the building next to him, find a locked chest (Level 60).
If you do not have a Thievery Talent high enough to open that chest, speak with Nahele again. For 300 gold
coins, she will make you a key. Akandos Diamond is inside the chest. Steal it and then tell Akando that
you did so. He thanks you and then disappears. Open another locked chest (Level 60) up the hill north.
Now go to The Arena and speak with Kusko. He says that you must fight him and defeat him, to free him.
He can find no rest, because he can find no equal in battle The Warriors Curse. Choose the dialog option
You dont look so tough< After you defeat him, he gives you his Spear of the Warrior.
Then he disappears. Loot the buildings and open a Level 60 chest.
Return to Nahele and tell her that you have all the materials she needs. She makes the Skull Scepter and
then she disappears. Now, still in your undead state, return to where Tao waits above the beach. Tell him
that you have the Skull Scepter. A cut scene shows him using it. A continuation of that cut scene shows
Steelbeards ship, in ghostly livery, floating through the air and docking at the platform you stand upon.
Have a long conversation with Steelbeard. His memory is faulty, but he remembers enough to tell you how
to find the Water Temple. Then he disappears.
Speak with Tao. He wishes you good fortune. Now Fast Travel back to the Altar of Transition. Activate the
altar, beginning a cut scene where you return to the world of the living. Exit the temple and then use the
rowboat on the beach, or the Fast Travel link, to return to the Black Betty.
Back aboard the ship, speak with Patty about what happened.
Now you have everything you need to find and defeat Mara. However, as soon as you choose to set sail to
the Water Temple, the final sequence of the game begins. You will have no further option to explore any
islands you have not seen. You will not have a chance to re-visit islands that demand further exploration.
If you want to visit Storm Island or Treasure Island, then do it now. If you visit Treasure Island, be aware
that Steelbeards final clue was written for German speakers. The clue does not make sense in English.
The German word for "Precious" is "Kostbar", which is an anagram for the name Sokbart.
The Kraken, of course, was Mara. Mortally wounded, she swims for the nearby Water Temple. You next
find yourself standing on the mid deck of the ship, along with your entire crew. At the base of the gangway
connecting the ship to the temple, in a compact group, are three Sunken Ones and three Leviathans. This is
probably the easiest fight of the entire game. The monsters are no match for your entire ships crew.
However, you must fight Mara alone, inside the temple. Walk the short distance to the entrance of the
temple and then watch a cut scene where the crawling, wounded Mara tries to fill a Goblet from the
rejuvenating fountain in the center of the temple floor. Still in the cut scene, you use the Thiefs Bone Hand
to rip the Goblet from her hands. When you regain control of your character, Mara attacks with a Cutlass.
To aid her in the fight, Mara sends several Sand Devils after you. These are actually a minor distraction for
you now and you soon find yourself back in a one-on-one battle with Mara. She has a lot of hit points, but
keep whacking away at her, sipping on rejuvenation liquids as necessary. Eventually, she will fall. A cut
scene shows her trying to use one last bit of trickery, but you are ready for it. Using the Earth Amulet
artifact, you turn Mara to stone. At Pattys instigation, you smash the stone to bits.
There is no treasure in the temple. What would be the point? Speak with Patty and all the rest of your crew.
Then speak with Patty one final time. Watch the last cut scene roll as the Black Betty sails off into the
sunset and then, as the final musical composition plays, the long list of credits rolls down your screen.