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Inside the Agrivijana Amiran Farmers Kit

2 Farmers Greenhouses

Drip irrigation System

Water Tank
Farmers Sprayer
Gold Medal Seeds
Nursery Set
Plant Support System
Health and Safety

8m x 15m each
Control of pests & diseases
High grade cover

Controlled growing environment

Offers extended season

Maximum efficiency in water usage

For greenhouses and 400m of open field
Easily filled and drained
Gravity fed
Enables fertilizing through the system
Portability advantage
Easy to refill water from top
All conections and tank cover provided
Held pressure
Hand operated
Strong and adjustable straps with quick hooking and an ergonomic lance.
High quality seeds and target data provided
Expert guidance and advice offered on varietal selection
A Complete pack of nursery trays with inert materials for germination of seedlings
Includes starter food for the young seedlings and a procedure of how to get started
Makes the plants be free from soil related diseases
Includes high quality fertilizers
Defined application amounts for one season
Variety offered in the kit to cater for all required plant nutrients
Designed proper cover for one season of crop
High quality and certified pesticides meeting European standards
Guided amounts and rates of application
Strong Metal structure
Replaces trellising system
Protects the environment
Safe use of pesticide training included

Spray operatives protective gear provided

Practically designed farmer training offered capturing record keeping, traceability, irrigation,
crop husbandry, pest control, environment, health and safety
Certificate awarded upon succesful completion of training
Agronomic and technical advice offered
Good Agricultural Practice (GAPs) refresher lessons offered, Compliant with World - wide GAP
User Manual provided to get the most out of the Amiran Farmers Kit.


Agro Support Package

The Agro Support package is a post sales service

Amirans expert agronomists will visit farmers at their plot every month for a whole season
Includes consultancy, advice, attending to agricultural issues that need attention
Amirans agronomists will expose farmers to new technologies, gowing techniques, products
and markets available
In collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture

Amiran Farmers Kit Insurance

CIC - Amiran Farmers Kit insurance covers the hardware components of the AFK and the crop.

Youth Entreprise Development fund board

National Bank Building, Harambee Avenue
P.O. Box 48610 - 00100 Nairobi, G.P.O.
Tel: 020 221 167 1/2, 020 221 167 5
Fax: 020 221 167 7/8 /

Old airport North Road | P.O. Box 30327- 00100, Nairobi

Tel: 0719 095000 | Email:

Financing the Youth in

Greenhouse Farming


Loan collateral

The Amiran Farmers Kit (AFK) was created with the aim of allowing small scale
farmers affordable access to modern agricultural technologies, methods and
inputs of the highest standard. Designed by Amiran Kenya Ltd, the AFK is a tailor
made kit designed to meet the farmers specific needs.


Loan amount per group

Qualifications to get the loan

The Youth Entreprise Development Fund has partnered with Amiran Kenya Ltd
to support young farmers in acquiring greenhouses and global compliant
agricultural inputs that present a shift from traditional farming methods to
modernized ones.

The total cost of the Agrivijana AFK is kshs. 358,344. This cost includes an AFK
with 2 greenhouses, drip irrigation system for 2 greenhouses & 400m of open
field, group training, agro support, CIC AFK insurance and 8% management fee.
The loan has no interest. The group will however be expected to contribute 10%
of this cost.

Grace period

The group will be given a 4 month grace period before starting to repay the loan.
This grace period may be adjusted in case a group is dealing with crops that take
much longer to mature.

Repayment Period

The loan shall be repaid in three cycles totaling to 36 months. Each cycle of 12
months shall be as follows;
The first four months after installation of greenhouse shall be grace period
5- 8 months is the high yielding season. The group will pay ksh. 17,425 per
month during this period
9-12 months is the lower yielding season. The group will pay ksh. 10,000 per
month during this period
*The above cycle shall be repeated for three years until the loan is fully paid

The security of the loan will be;

The financed equipment
Assignment of sales
Personal guarantees by group members

All group members shall be insured by the fund against death and permanent
Crops shall be insured against crop failure as a result of natural forces

The group must:

Have access to land, minimum of quarter of an acre. This must be supported by
documents of ownership and in absence of the documents a written consent
from the owner allowing the group to use the said land for a minimum of three
Access to water
Knowledge or experience in agriculture
Group must show evidence of ability to raise the 10% of the investment outlay
Groups with sponsors / guarantors will have an added advantage
Group must be registered with relevant government ministry
Group composition must be 70% youth (18-35 years)
All group leaders must be youth
*The group must be registered in the constituency its applying the loan from

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