Kintyre - Rentals - 5 - 1505 - 1710 - Pages 063 - 074

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KINTYRE TACKS OF 1666 TO 1669 There is in the Register House Edinburgh on old parchment in MS containing an inventory of Argyll deeds, grants, tacks, etc., from which I have transcribed some Kintyre tacks of 1666 to 1669. These were presumably granted by the Earl of Ar yle. The pages of the volume have been badly damaged and sone, but not very many, of the words are indecipherable. This list of tacks, which gives the names of the holdings and of the occupiers but which does not give the extent of the holdings nor the rents paid is interesting and important in that it is the earliest rental after the main Lowland settlement which began about 1650 that has sa far come to light. Most of the tacks are dated 1666 but some are also 1667-68-69. Some are undated but these would appear to fall under one or other of the same three years, The tacks are mainly for 19 years but some are shown as for 9, 12, 13, 15 and 21 years. The main holding of Laird Ralston has the tack undated but that would appear to be 1669 or 19 years after his first arrival. We may perhaps assume that his first tack of 19 years had run out and that this was his second. A curious entry is the "tack of the Assyse herrings" to John Yule. Assyse is here an older form of excise. In the old days the Kings of Scotland took a proportion of all catches of herrings as an excise tax and in this case we see the collection farmed out to a local man John Yule. Tt informs us that Campbeltown had a fishing industry in 1668. It was going strong in 1685 for among the claimants for damaged incurred during the Athol Raid were John and Donald Mctlutcheon who appear to have been among the most important of those engaged in the fishing industry then and who claimed for a large boat with gear (including a "compass square") valued at b233-13-4 and for "24 nets with all ye furniture valued at B80." The identy of some of the places which are indecipherable in the MS can be fixed either by a comparison with the 1684 rentals or from other consideration: 7. Probably Aros where John Ryburn was tenant in 1684 8. May be Balergymore or Ballivain where the Flemings are known to have been tenants. See Duncan Colwi cated to the Kintyre Antiquarian Soc paper "Presspanged" commun i- ety in 1930. 13, Ewsdale is probably for Guesdale. 14. The last place must be Drumgarve. See the 1684 rental. 21. In Dr. Thomson's paper, "The Ancient Churches and Chapels of Scotland" to the Kintyre Antiquarian Society there is a reference to a McNab A= “Laird of Mov" who was buried in Kilimichael. He was probably a descendant of the Archibald MeNab in Moy in 1666. Probably Lephenstrath as the NcShennags (the old family of harpers to the Macdonalds) were tacksmen there for a long period Looks like Culilongart in Glenbrekrie. “Hill of Beith" sometimes written "Hill of Byith" is an estate situated near to Beith in ayrshire. In 1666 the estate was ovned by John Cunninghame of the family of Cunninghane of Cadel. In the I68% rental of the Crown lands of Kintyre c ‘ Cadel is shown as occupying the sane holding of Nachrihanish Presumably in the interval he had succeeded to the family estate of Gadel. John Cunninghane of Hil] of Beith was fined 1626: 13:4 in the year 1662 as the portion of his share of the sum avarded Lo the Earl of Queensberry for loss and damage sustained on his Lands by the forces under lonel Strahan and lonel Ker in 1650. (Wodrow's History, Vol » page 130, Fol. Ed. A. “NeKerral Kintyre Antiquarian Society 143/3 11-22-39 KINTYRE TACKS 166 ( ) to Alex Mure 1666. Killewman to Ro‘ Campbell late Bailie of Kintyre. Mains and Mill of Sadde11 to Ro‘ Campbell 1666. Knockreochbeig to Alex fforester 1666. Lagnacraig to Arch. MeViccar. Gartloskinichtrach to Angus MeHillan 1666. ( ) to Jon. Rayburn 1666. Ba( +) to Ja. Ff lemyng. Achachork and ( ) to Ro" Fforester. Ballagregan to Major Campbell. Ballimanach to Colin MeEachran. Inver(....n) to James baird 1666. Ewsdale to James Lockhart 1666. Laggan and D( ) to Cauldwell, Kilmichell to Rallston 1666. Lepinbeig to Lauchlan Wh(....). Darlochan to Hector MeNeil] 1666. ~63- 18. 19, 20. 36. Skerblingorrie to Donald Campbell 1666. Evsdale to Jobne Reid 1666 Glenkeddoch and Ball ( ) to Donald McNeill. Moy to Arch, McNab 1666. The two Knockhanties to Hector McNeill 1666, Glenchantie to Donald Campbell 1666. Neill 1666. Mulbowy to Hector Me Ardnacrosh to ( ) Galbraith 1666. Killocra to Duncan McKeachin 1666. Kildavie to Jon. Moir and Jo” Gechie 1666. Kilbride and Keynachan to De® Mehonald 1666. Innangoy and Puble to John Campbell 1666. Lochoradill to Malcolm MeNei11 1666. Glenadill (or Glenavill) to Duncan McWilliam. Bellivean and Knocknagurr to Donald McNeill 1666. Coulolongart to Arch. NeNeill 1666. Askammilbeig to Arch. Campbell 1666. Puttachantine to Duncan Campbell 1666. Smerby etc., to Jo" Campbell 1666. ( ) to Malcolm Mcoshennag 1666. c Jungart to Ronald McAlister. Gartvaich to Jon. MeNachtan 1666. Kilmichell to Ro* Meinzeis 1666. Kilblaan to Neill McCallum 1666. Machrihanish to Hill of Beith. Machrimoir to Jon Campbell 1666. Crossall to the toune of Lochhead 1666. Half merkland of Craig to Ro‘ Brakenrig 1666. Carskey to Neill McNeill 1666. Muckloch to Johne Hendersone 1666. Killocra to Duncan MeEachin 1666. Drunmore to David Morre 1666. Corputachan to ( ) McEachane 1666. Balloch to Jo" Cunynghame 1666. Kileonan Mill to Lachlan MeNeil1 1666 ~64- Ta. 15. 76. Dalvradan ete to Ar® MeNei11 1666. Catadilmore to Arch. NeGilehreist 1666. Achaleik to Johne McIntyre 1666. Kilmichell to Mr. Ja. Drummond 1666. Crossalbeig and Kilchouslan to him 1666. Kilchubanie and Wegill to Gilbert McLaertie. Ballegregan and Craigag to Mr. Alex. Campbell 1666 The Mil1 of Lochhead ete to Jo" Douglas 1666. Ballomanach ete. to W" Wallace 1666. Balligrogan etc. to Ar! McNeill 1667. Kilchreist and others to Lauchlan McNeill 1667 for 15 years. Kilmorie, Toreastell etc, to Archibald Campbell 1667 for 13 years. Killewan and Beachs to Jon. ffoster 1668 for 19 years. Knockriochbeig Sheskin etc. to Alex ffoster 1668 for 19 years. Knockhantibeig to Jo" McConachie 1668 for 12 years. Take of the Assyse herrings to Jo" Yuile 1668. Killervan and Knockstapplebeig to James Mure 1669 for 19 years. Strondavan and Moy to Jo" Campbell 1669 for 19 years. Ballevean and others to Lieut. Coll. Roé campbell for 19 years. Knokalloway and Achageyll to Kernan 1669 for 9 years. Kildalig, Mulmartin, Balliwillichter etc. to Geo. and Jo" Campbell 1669 for 19 years. Langa, Bordendow and Kilmaho to John Campbell 1669 for 19 years. Kildonan, Bellochgir, Ardnacreiss, Kilcheddan, Altnitorve, Gartgreillan, Pennivarik and Isla to the L. Dunlop 1669 for 21 years. Smerby, Crossibeig, Kildavie, Killaan, Branerikin, Domglas, Wegall, Machrigeig, Kilcolmkill and Machrimoir to the Laird of Ralston for 21 years. The list of those who had tacks of houses in Campbeltown in 1666 to 1669 is as follows: Finlay ( ) Coline Campbell W" Kilburn Donald McNeill Jo" McKinlay Jon. Wylie Malcolm NeArthour Mex Bruce Jon. MeGirdie Malcolm McArthour (name given twice) Alex. Dunbar William Hood Patrick Mele... Neill NeNeil] Jon. Murray Mex Dunbar (twice) Nicol Yeile for Thomas Wetrss child Neil] Miller 1668 Jon. Fin} John Clarks house 1669 Patrick McVicear Wn Douglas tack of his hows Jon. Dickie dureing bis lifetime 1667 -65- KINTYRE_TEN. 666 Transcribed by A. T. B. Stewart, Campbeltown, 1953 Notes: These notes are particulars of leases contained in two folders in the possession of the Duke of Argyll. The first folder contains nine leases all very faded and worn. The second folder contains nearly 120 tacks or leases, practically all of lands in Kintyre nne appears to have been granted in 1643 and one in 1656. Otherwise they were granted in 1666 and subsequent years, but mostly between 1666 and 1673, though one or two are later. The following notes are made on the contents of a large folder in the Argyl] Archives marked "Kintyre Leases 1666." These are for the most part original leases though some are extracts from the Sheriff Court Books at Inveraray. They all appear to have been examined by the Tenth Duke and in certain cases backings have been added by hin. The first folder contains 10 Tacks granted and signed by Alexander MacNachtan of Dunderave, as Commissioner for the Marquis of Argyll - about 1652. The papers are very faded but in certain cases some names can be deciphered. These are as follows: 1. Borgadillbeg: Duncan bane McMillan 2, Ballegreggan: Evir McCourvie 3. Lepensha(?): Murich of Mcossenag (?) 4. Donald o'Kellie 5. Machirmoir: Archibald McConochie 6. Ballymacumbra: Mal. MeCumbra (?) 7. The Assessor of (2) 8. Machirmoir: John Hendrie (1 mkland) 9. Glenanuilt: Archd. MeCamrace (There are only 9 tacks not 10 as stated on cover at date of examination Jan. 1953 Name of Tackman Subjects. Date John Gampbel1 Tnanguy 1666 (Possibly other lands; very faded and almost illegible) James Dunlop of that ilk inter alia, Ballochpair, Kildonan, Gartgrillan, Allinteriffe, Kil- cheddan (The deed is very faded in parts but apparently more lands are included.) Joha Campbell 2 1666 1669 Dunean MeWt1 1 iam Glachinahavill 1666 ~66- 6 10. Le 13. a, Hector MeNeill Mr. James (& Rt. Andrew)? Deed written by John Fleming, son of James Fleming in Drumore. Witnesses: John Campbell of Glenurchy & Dunean Campbell, servitor to the Earl. Tack = (extract) John Hood on behalf (Hood) (2) merchant town. of Donald in Campbel= Hector MeAllester (2) Patrick MeVicar, one of the Bailies of Campbeltown Written by William Campbell, son of John Campbell of Kil- dalloig. Witnesses: Dugald Campbell of Glensaddell & Colin Campbell, Sheriff Clerk of Argyll. Angus Campbell of Kilberrie Mugh Barr Witnesses: Walter Campbell of Skipness & Angus Campbell of Kilberry & Dougall Campbell, Glensaddel1 Archibald McAulay of Ardincaple This tack would appear to be a draft. It does not appear to have been executed. John Campbell, servitor to the Earl of Argyll Witnesses include Dougall Campbell of Glensaddell, Torquill MeNei11, lawful son to Lauchlane MeNei11 Eachran Mefachran in Ballin- aton as principal & Donald McEacharn, his son as caut ioner. Witnesses include Campbell laird & Donald Clark in mpbel town. Knockhant iemore Kirkmichell, Bal liwilling Auchaleik, Upper Apparently tenement in Campbeltown Kilmaluag (2) Malt kiln & tenement in Campbeltown Carse & Ardminish (Apparently not Kintyre) Upper Gartlockan Brackley, Barmollach, Auchinbreck, Craigmore Kilehivan Ballinaton ~67- 1666 1666 1671 1693 1693 1693 1708 1693 1693 22. 23. 24. Torquill MeNeill, lawful son to Lauchlane NeNeill of Lossait Archibald MeNab in Moy Donald MeDonche Moih (very faded) James Moor This lease is granted by Lord Lorne. Witnesses: John Cunninghame of Caddalle (2), Patrick NeVicar, Bailie of Campbeltown, Torquill McNeill, Donald Campbell at Hector Meneill, Lossit Fiar of Elizabeth, Duchess Dowager of Argyll Do. Neither of these were executed. Margaret Weir relict to Alexander Bruce indweller in Campbeltown Patrick Meibreid, weaver in Campbeltown Written by John Wylie, son to John Wylie in Campbeltown. Witnesses include John Mont- gomrie, merd. in Campbeltown. Archibald Campbell, officer of North Kintyre John MeEachrane in Upper Gartloshane Witnesses include Neil McEach rane of Kellellane. Gartvaich & Kerromenach 1693 Moy 1693 1666 Kilcherran (2) 1680 A mid-Argyll lease 1706 Tenement in Campbeltown presently possesst by Marjorie Wright relict of Archibald McNeill and bounded follows: E. High Street Town burne John McNeill's tenement presently possesst by Clark Tenement possesst by Catherine Campbell, relict of Malcolme McNeill. Crubestaill 1708 Tenement house yeard in Campbeltown 1693 N.E, John MeWilliam S.W. James Forester E. High Street NW. Town Burn Tenement in Campbeltown formerly belonging to W. N John Finlay bounded: Mathew Stewart The Shore The old manse : New draught made by the Countess. 1/2 merkland of Cluaish (7) part of 1693 Ballenaglaic Upper Gartloshane 1693 ~68- 28, 29. 30. a1. 32. 33, 3a. 35. 16. William Kelso and Mary The tenement of houses and yeard Montgomery, Spouses, sometime possessed by Hendrie Indwellers in Campbeltown Montgomerie his father in law and (See 66) now by the said Wm, Kelso W. John Wyly Sea shore A straight line drawn from the east corner that is out of the preaching house. Said preaching house together with the waste ground that is opposite to the preaching house on the side thereof bounded W. John Wylie's house S. The park dyke E. Archibald Flemings house N. Kirk Street Mr. James Campbell, lawful Askamilnmore son to Lt. Col. Robert Campbell in Annat Archibald MeAulay of Ardin— Brackley, Barmollach, Auchinbreck, caple Craigmore This tack is not executed, Alexander Forrester House (2) in Campbeltown Granted by Archibald Earl of Argyll Captain John Stewart and James Lands of Askomilmore Stewart his brother Mr. John Cunnison now in Saddell 4 mkland of Saddell, manse of (Part of the obligation on the Saddell, Kirktown of Saddell, and tenant is to keep the same Milne of Saddell wind and water tight in the roof and glass (?) windows. Written by Donald MeOnlea in Campbeltown, Witnesses names faded. John Murray Apparently land in Campbeltown. Archibald McOnlea, Indweller House & Yard in Campbeltown in Campbeltown possessed by grantee Deed written by Donald Meonlea Hew Allan's house eldest lawful son of the N. Patrick MeVicar's house grantee. Witnesses: Patrick W. High Street McVicar in Campbeltown. Mr. FE. John MeBridies yard Thomas Bruce & Major (7) John Campbell. Dugald Campbell, brother of Extensive lands in Southend the laird of Dunardrie including Amod, Dalsmirrin This tack is granted by Col. James Menzies of Culdares, Baile of Kintyre. -69- 1692 1708 1665 1672 1663(1) 1673(2) 1643 38. 39. 40. al. 42, 43. 44. John Douglas Nicholas Todd Donald Hood Alexander Dunbar Robert Moor Yr. Alexander Bruce (?) John Douglas John McGirdie (?) Alexander Campbe11 Dugald McNeal John McNeal, his son John Murray Captain George Campbell Mal McArthur Archibald McOnlea Dugald McDougall John Campbell in Killdolloig John Lamond James Lockhart David Moor Witnesses include Mr. Drummond Janes John Rayside (?) (Very faded) Gorrie McAllester of Loup Witnesses include Duncan Stewart of Appin, although the deed was apparently executed at Campbeltown. John Douglas Houses & yards in Lochheid N. (2) John Clark's house 8. Tolbooth E, High Street W. Malcolm? 1666 Apparently the lands of Lochhead 1667(2) The witnesses are Angus Campbell, Bailie of Campbeltown & Mr, Thomas Orr, Tenement & yeard in Campbeltown N. John (2) Allan Nicholas Todd John McBride's yard High Street 1673 Not clear. But the tack does not appear to have been executed. I am unable to decipher the place of granting or the date of this deed. It does not appear to be a lease & is signed by William Lambert. The witnesses are John Glass & Robert Alexander. (John Glass was Provost of Rothesay at this time.) 1666 Drumore 1666 House & Yard in Lochheid 1666 4 mkland of Killegrewar (& Laggs) 1673 ‘The two mills of Campbeltown with the crofts of the lands of Drumore presently possessed by Alexander Dunbar -70- 53. 5a. 55. 56. 58. 60. el. 62. 63. Archibald McNab John NeNeill in Christlach Lauchlan MeNeill in Glenamuil Mr. James Drumond Archibald McGilchrist Patrick MeVicar in Campbeltown Nicholas Todd Witnesses include Wm. Brown in Campbeltown & Donald McNeilage there. Alexander Allan one of the Bailies of the Burgh of Campbeltown Colin Mcecharne Capt. George & John Campbell of Kildalloig, George Bruce in Lochheid Alexander Forester in Knock~ riochbeg Robert Campbell, uncle to the laird of Glenlyon & presently Bailie & Chamberlain of Kintyre Alies Cochran relict of umqll. Cornett Alexander Moor in Kilchevan Witnesses include Mr. Moor Moor. William son to the said Alexander John MeNachtane John Campbell in Lochhead Lt. Robert Campbell now in Drum Alexr. campbell in Kilchamaig, John Neintyre in the Backs Witnesses: Duncan Stewart of Appin, Gorrie McAllester of Loup & Duncan Fisher, writer in Inveraray. Lands of Moy Christlach Crossibeg & Kilcusland Catadell § ors Gartveanichtrach House in Campbeltown X. John Lamonts house S. Donald NeWilliam's pretended yar House in Campbeltown N. John Murray's house & yard S. Malcolm McArthur's house & yard E W. Dougall McDougall's yard Ballinatone (?) Molemartin, Ballenanach House in Lochheid Knockriochbeg, Chiskine, Strawochter, Bar, Milne of Bar Saddel1 Kilchevan & Ballinagrogan 2 & Keromenach Langa Kilmaho & Bordadow Drum, Ballergimore, Ballargie Beg Puttechane Backs 1671 1672 1666 1666 1670 1673 1673 1666 1669 1656 1669 1665 1669 1666 1669 1672 1672 1673 64. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. n. 2. B. Alexander Dunbar in C town mpbel— Written by Mr. Thomas Bruce in Campbeltown Hector McNeill of Darrachan Hendrie Montgomerie in Campbeltown (See 28) Malcolm NeArthur Witnesses are Mr. Thomas Bruce, Patrick MeVicar & Donald McOnle Alexander Bruce in Campbeltown Neill NeNeiil in Carskay James Fleming Alexander Bruce in Campbeltown Wn. Montgomery in Ballemenach Extract Contract between Earl of Argyll & John Barry relating to Timber in Glencoane John Douglas Malcolm Martin Duncan Campbell brother to Laird of Glencarradale Duncan McNoliand John Reyburne Archibald MeNeill 2 tenements in Campbeltown 1672 (1) X.W. Robert NcHutcheon S.E. Andrew Dickie The wine fields (?) at the back of the said houses Street or foregait (2) W. Old mill burn running through the back. XN. The sea E 8. Little cot houses Darrachan, Clochkill & Monighill 1672 Tenement house in Campbeltown 1673 W. John Wylie's house N. Foreshore E. A straight line to be drawn from the east corner of the Isle thal is out of the preaching house S. Preaching house also waste ground - Alex. Bruce's house also mentioned. Tenement in Campbeltown: 1673 Tenement in Campbeltown 1673, N. Colin Stirling's house 8. Umql1 John Clark's roume W. The burn Very faded & indecipherable 1666 Backs 1666 Glenamucklach 1672 Crossibeg & Ballemenach 1680 1666 Two mills in Campbeltown 1666 Lochoridell 1666 Putechantie 1666 Salmon fishings 1670 Arros 1666 Gartvean ete. 1666 -72- 80, 81. 82a. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. a. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. loa. 101 102. Dugall Campbell, brother of the laird of Glencarradale David Wark (7) Patrick Galbraith Mathew Anderson Sr. Mathew Anderson Yr Alexander Pickan Thomas Anderson Thomas McNaughton Donald McNeill Witnesses include in Lochheid John Stirling Archibald MeNeill in Lochhead Duncan McEachrane Duncan McAvis (McTavish, Thomson) later John Reid Lachlan McNeill John Cunningham of Boighouse John Crawford of ....hill and Cristill? Dunlop his spouse Grisell Archibald McNeill Edward Keith, Minister of Campbeltown James Moor son to umql] Alexr. Moor Finlay McKinlay Jobn More, John McGaichy, Donel Odreane David Moor Lachlan Whyte (2) Ronald McAllester Neill McCallum Allister bane McEachine & Charles his son Robert Brackenrige, John Cunninghame of Hillabeith John Campbell NeEan dowe son to Archibald John Campbell sone to umqhll Dugall Campbell of Inveraw Auchn. glach, Amod, Dalsmirran, etc Ardnacross, etc. Written by Donald Lamont in Lochheid. Glenecardoch House in Campbeltown killocra Margamonach Eurdale (2) Killeonan Belloch Gartgrellan Ballygroggan (which the Y/a men had for 5 years) Lephimore Killeonan & Knockstaplebeg Braid.....? Kildavie Dromore Lepinbeg Cleongart Kilblaan Corputechane cray lachrihanish Trodigall & Corrylach Kilkerran, Glenramskill Smerbie, Clachfyne -13- 1669 1666 1666 1666 1666 1670 1666 1666 1671 1672 1667 1672 1669 1666 1666 1666 1666 1666 1666 1666 1666 1666, 1666 1666 103, loa. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. ho. la. 12, 113. Gilbert (?) MeLarty Duncan MeKeachine in Lagalgarve Nalcolm & Murragh MeOshenags John & Patrick Ralstones James Campbell of Ormsary Charles MeEachin in Killerow(?) & Dunean Campbell present tacksman of Putechan Don McCulloch in Balygregan Alexander Campbell brother german to Dougal] Campbell of Melfort Dugald McDugald in Campbeltown Witnesses: Patrick McVicar & Mr. Thomas Bruce in Campbel~ town. Ninian Allan second son to Hew Allan in Campbeltown Witnesses: Alexr. Allan & Wm Brown. Iver Mcilmor(?) in Margmone- gach Archibald, son of Major William Campbell Archibald McNab Donald Campbell in Corspillan in 1a Donald McNeill Nicolas Toadd 7 (very faded) Killocra 2 (faded) Mkland of Kilmichae Carnebeg in Kilcalmonell Kilocra & Putechantie Balenaglaick Skerblengorrie House in Campbeltown Tenement of umgll John Clerk Tenement of Finlay McKinlay Wigh Street Bailie Allan's new tenement formerly possessed by umqulle Dod. Memarquesse House in Campbeltown possessed by Hew Allan W. High Street E. John Nckirdie S. John Lamont N. Archibald McOnleas house Kilmaluaig Eskumellbeg Moy Glenhantie Kilervan(?) Tenement in Campbeltown Colin Stirling's house William Kilbrune (?) High Street Hiway leading from Tolbooth to the mill on the North -T4- 1666 1666 1666 1666 1678 1670 1670 1670 1673 1673 1670 1666 1666, 1666 1666 1673

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