Marcelino Pan y Vino
Marcelino Pan y Vino
Marcelino Pan y Vino
It is a very beautiful novel, which lets us know the power of God and if you
have faith in him can always achieve what you want and when you have
confidence in him and have the courage to speak and tell all your problems.
The novel is about a newborn who is abandoned outside a church child, in
which the keeper of this one night heard a cry and not far from the entrance to
the babe wrapped in blankets was the doorman took him in and not to wake up
with the crying child to the friars who slept there a white cloth wet and child
apparently satisfied with that and slept. The next day the doorman was to tell
the brothers about the child who found that at this time was in the arms of one
of them until he reached the upper father and the doorman also told the story
to this, the father moved by the story of the boy told them that the child could
stay this day but tomorrow would be towards the town to see if they can get a
family to the small, but a friar who was there said the boy needed to be
baptized and would not leave the church until I be and the father superior told
him that was fine but when the child was baptized could and take it to people.
And so it was that way the child was named in honor of Marcelino parties that
were held at the end of the month in which they were it was in April. The day
that the child would be brought to the people a great storm prevented him
making the child stay longer and that the friars endeared him anymore, and so
I spend time without the child outside the town since friars had said they would
take care of the child and that would feed the milk of a goat they had.
Now time has passed and Marcelino already has five (5) years of age and even
at that age the child was very cheerful always passed it playing in the garden
where one of the monks worked, played with animals and with a small
wheelbarrow had made him the monk and that also helped him bring the
vegetables to the kitchen where another brother was preparing the meal which
was called Fray Marcelino mush as the think that meal for Marcelino when I was
One day Marcelino was walking inside the church and found stairs to an attic
which Marcelino could not climb because the friars told that there is a tall man
and that would take Marcelino and would not let go and never fearing not up
there but one day was so curious to climb that devised a plan which consisted
1) Find a day when the monks are not in the church (which was easy to do
since almost all went to work).
2) Do not make noise when walking up the stairs.
3) Do not cry if you encounter something that frightens a lot.
And he did a day when only porridge fray were and garden Marcelino started
up the stairs but the stairs began to creak which made Marcellin thought of
removing shoes and follow up when I get to arrival poked his head through the
small hole that was there and watched the place he realized that had furniture,
a fireplace and other objects that could not tell the difference because the
room was dark but could see a tall, thin gentleman what made Marcellin scared
and down immediately.
But that did not stop Marcelino until one day leave fear behind and went
completely when he saw the image that was in front of his eyes was shocked
because never in his life seen such a large CHRIST as others who had seen
were much smaller as he saw them in the church.
Marcelino was not for long there that day but one day decided to take
something and leave it on a table that was next to the Christ and under, days
later rose again and took the bread and wine and Christ under with him and I
began to eat and talk with Marcelino. And so they spent several days in which
Marcellin led him to Christ bread and wine so much so that God gave him the
name of Marcelino Pan y Vino and he was very pleased by that name and was
bringing him food CHRIST until a CRISTO day asks Marcelino that what was it
that the most wanted? Since he honor it and Marcelino replied that he wanted
to see his mother and he did CHRIST Marcelino told him to sleep in his legs and
he did and could find again with his mother in heaven.