Tarea 2
Tarea 2
Tarea 2
15. Archive the contents of your home directory (including any subdirectories)
using tarand cpio. Compress the tar archive with compress, and
the cpio archive with gzip. Now extract their contents.
16. On Linux systems, the file /dev/urandom is a constantly generated random
stream of characters. Can you use this file with od to printout a random decimal
17. Type mount (with no parameters) and try to interpret the output.
Parte II : Procesos
1. Archive the contents of your home directory using tar. Compress the tar file
with gzip. Now uncompress and unarchive the .tar.gz file
using cat, tar and gzip on one command line.
2. Use find to compile a list of all directories in the system, redirecting the output
so that the list of directories ends up in a file called directories.txt and the list
of error messages ends up in a file called errors.txt.
3. Try the command sleep 5. What does this command do?
4. Run the command in the background using &.
5. Run sleep 15 in the foreground, suspend it with Ctrl-z and then put it into the
background with bg. Type jobs. Type ps. Bring the job back into the
foreground withfg.
6. Run sleep 15 in the background using &, and then use kill to terminate the
process by its job number. Repeat, except this time kill the process by
specifying its PID.
7. Run sleep 15 in the background using &, and then use kill to suspend the
process. Usebg to continue running the process.
8. Startup a number of sleep 60 processes in the background, and terminate them
all at the same time using the pkill command.
9. Use ps, w and top to show all processes that are executing.
10. Use ps -aeH to display the process hierarchy. Look for the init process. See if
you can identify important system daemons. Can you also identify your shell
and its subprocesses?
11. Combine ps -fae with grep to show all processes that you are executing, with
the exception of the ps -fae and grep commands.
12. Start a sleep 300 process running in the background. Log off the server, and
log back in again. List all the processes that you are running. What happened to
your sleep process? Now repeat, except this time start by running nohup sleep
13. Multiple jobs can be issued from the same command line using the
operators ;, && and||. Try combining the commands cat nonexistent and echo
hello using each of these operators. Reverse the order of the commands and try
again. What are the rules about when the commands will be executed?
14. What does the xargs command do? Can you combine it with find and grep to
find yet another way of searching all files in the /home subdirectory tree for the
word hello?
15. What does the cut command do? Can you use it together with w to produce a
list of login names and CPU times corresponding to each active process? Can
you now (all on the same command line) use sort and head or tail to find the
user whose process is using the most CPU?
1. Use telnet to request a web page from the web server www.doc.ic.ac.uk by
connecting to port 80, as shown in the notes.
2. Use ping to find the round-trip delay to www.altavista.com.
3. Use traceroute to see the network route taken to www.altavista.com (which is
in the USA). Can you tell which cities your network traffic passes through?
4. Use ftp to connect to the FTP site sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk. Obtain the latest
version of the package units (in the form of a .tar.gz file) from the
directorypackages/gnu/units. Decompress and unarchive the .tar.gz file.
Type configure and then make. Run the executable program that is produced as
"./units -f units.dat". What does the program do? If you were the system
administrator, what would you have to do to install the package for everyone to
5. Use wget to get a copy of the web page http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/index.html.
Have a look at the contents of the file. Can you use sed to strip out the
HTML tags (text enclosed in < and >) to leave you with just plain text?
6. Use finger or who to get a list of users on the machine.
7. Use write to send them a message. To stop people from sending you messages,
type "mesg n". To reenable messages, type "mesg y".
8. Try use talk to send a message to someone (N.B. this may not work).
9. List all your processes, using sed to substitute "me" for your username.
10. Use who, awk, sort and uniq to print out a sorted list of the logins of active
11. Use awk on /etc/passwd to produce a list of users and their login shells.
12. Write an awk script that prints out all lines in a file except for the first two.
13. Modify the awk script in the notes so that it doesn't increase the number of
players used to calculate the average if the manner of dismissal is "not-out".
14. Create a file called hello.c containing the simple "hello world" program in the
notes. Create an appropriate makefile for compiling it. Run make.
15. Use man -k to find a suitable utility for viewing postscript files.