Consent MCQ: Husband Calls You and He Want To
Consent MCQ: Husband Calls You and He Want To
Consent MCQ: Husband Calls You and He Want To
Legal age of consent in Oz - 16yo
- 16 yo & above - treat as an adult
- 14 - 16 yo - use Gillick Rule (this rule
means that you will test for the maturity of
a child aged 14-16)
MCQ: 14F comes for OCP prescription,
what to do? Do Gillick scoring
Gillick scoring - ask questions like are you
living alone or with family?
IF LIVING ALONE: this means that the
child is independent - called a mature
minor - give OCP.
Also ask:
- what was the age of the partner with
whom you had sex (if gap is more than 2
years, example BF is 19yo, need to
inform police, this is consider abuse)
MCQ: 14 year old, mature minor who had
sex with Teacher - INFORM POLICE
- you have to inform a police if the minors
relationship is with a Teacher, Relative and
MCQ: 16 yo, shes been raped or sex was
done without consent, what to do next?
Get consent!
- consent is very important for informing
police (if she says yes, inform police)
- if she says NO (cannot inform police)
1. anytime rape patient comes - take
sample for future hospital records
2. FULL screening for sexually transmitted
3. Give Azithromycin (stat dose for STI)
4. Emergency contraception
MCQ: A lady wants to have OCP, comes to
GP clinic and on her file, it is written, do
not give OCP by husband. What to do
next? Give her OCP because thats what
the patients wish.
Irreversible apnoea
No endocrine problem
No hypoglycemia
PaCO2 >50
Major Criteria:
Irrevesible apneoa
no nystagmus
:Your colleague informed you that hes
taking alcohol before coming to work, what
to do next? Inform medical board
Your doing rounds in the aged care, nurse
is interfering with your management. WHat
to do next? Talk to her first OR Talk to
nurse manager (2nd option).
Working in aged care center, other nurse
informed you that the other nurse is
crushing the tablet (thats supposed to be
taken as a whole), what to do next? Inform
nursing manager.
Interns working in a hospital, you find that
the intern is stealing products from the
hospital. What to do next? Inform the
intern coordinator.
You are working as a GP, patient ask you
to go for a coffee. REFUSE. (not allowed)
Working in a GP practice, patient attracted
to you. What to do next? Tell her that no
patient-doctor relationship is allowed.
Working in a GP practice, patient is
attracted to you and you are also attracted
to you. What to do next? Ask her to
change GP.
Conspiracy of Silence:
- patient wants MD to lie to relative OR
patient wants MD to lie to patient
- YOU cannot lie to patient (not allowed)
Relatives come, patient wants MD to lie to
- if patient does not want MD to tell
relatives the results - this is OK
- If MD is asked to lie - Thi is NOT OK conspiracy of silence
Patient comes with the knife in hand, what
to do first? Remove your self in place.
If there is a patient comes to ED and no
option of remove yourself, call the security.
Anytime after breaking the bad news,
make another appointment to follow up the
Patient comes to ED, he is holding a knife
in hand, now he has calm down and told
you that he has a psychiatric illness. What
to do next? Talk to him about his
psychiatric illness when hes calmed down.
If aggressive - call security/restrain/secure
Old man in an aged care center is found to
be masturbating, if in private (OK)
- if in public (call security)***
Working in a GP practice, patient offer you
GP coffee - dont accept it.
1. New onset epilepsy: 1 year seizure free
(if holder of a license already)
- if applying for a learners permit
and newly diagnosed: 2 years
seizure free seizure free
2. Isolated seizure - cannot drive for 6
3. Chronic Epilepsy - 2 years
4. Patient with bitemporal hemianopia can never drive