RHS Youth Organizational Presentation
RHS Youth Organizational Presentation
RHS Youth Organizational Presentation
Dont just use techniques just because you have used them for
years or your high school coach used it, make certain that they are
achieving the purpose that they are specifically intended for.
Preseason: Calendar
It is extremely important to let the parents and
players know the schedule:
To understand the time commitment
To plan accordingly
There are many great tools: excel, publisher, etc.
Preseason: Forms
Keep in a binder to
help with:
equipment hand-in
at the end of the
Preseason: Forms
Medical Authorization Form
Keep in a binder to help
with emergency
Preseason: Forms
Parent/Player Handbook
Helps communicate
expectations and
procedures for the team
Code of Conduct
Team Rules
Equipment Care
Inseason: Fundamentals
It is through fundamentals that our
guys will become skilled football
Take the time to look up information
regarding fundamentals, drills, and
other training tools.
Coaching is a life long journeyeven
the wisest of coaches is always looking
for new tools, drills, etc.
Inseason: Practice
Practice Sessions
A coach is responsible for preparing his players for the challenges
of competitioncreating an efficient practice plan goes hand-inhand with this preparation.
Be efficientKnow what needs to be taught, why it needs to be
taught, and the context it will be used in. This approach lends itself
to a modular outlook where concepts are built upon one another
for an end-sum product of consistent performance in game
situations. Not only is this an easier way to grasp concepts, but
also affords players an opportunity to win mini-games, rather
than being thrown to the wolves and overloaded with multiple
Practice Templates
Inseason: Practice
Practice Organization
Inseason: Practice
Practice Scripting
Beyond just outlining practice, scripting is extremely beneficial. This
method ensures a number of things:
That what you plan to run in the game has been run in practice.with multiple reps against
multiple setsin practice.
Allows you to make sure you have review opponents formations, favorite plays, defenses, etc.
That substitutes get their practice time without taking away from starter (If you plan on running
44 trap 3 times, make sure the backup TB is in on the third rep) (If you plan on running the
other teams trap 3 times, make sure the backup Ts are in on the third rep.)
Allows coaches to be on the same page and know exactly what is being run so they can
watch their position. Also helps coaches assisting with scout team: to get scout defense in
correct alignment based on offense's next formation or helps get scout offense into correct
formation and play.
them in the correct alignment based on the offenses next formation.
Preparation in situations within a game (red zone, 2pt conversions, 3rd and short, etc) and set
up a scout look dedicated to what your team will face in that scenario.
With this attention to detail, you will eliminate much of the insecurity
and doubt players experience on game day. Emotion and desire can
only take you so far, but confident preparation can be a catalyst to
sustaining them.
The less time you spend making decisions in practice, the faster (and
smoother) it will run. The higher the tempo of your practice, the more
stimulated your players will be, leading to a higher participation and
(information) retention rate.
Practice Scripting
Game Situations
It is important to
practice situational
football (special teams,
short yardage, etc.) for
the concepts and for
the substitutions
Have a detailed and organized call sheet will make game days so much
easier! With all your information at your finger tips, the game will slow down
(less wasted time with decisions) and you will have more time to effectively
lead your team. Also, with all the information consolidated to a page, you can
print multiple copies to fellow coaches (equipping everyone with the same
information to make decisions from). Now, everyone knows the play being
called (and can effectively supervise their game day responsibility) as well as
being able to track substitutions.
You can further maximize your efficiency with your game calls by categorizing
your plays by field position and situations. Not only does this allow you a
clearer play selection (matching scenarios with the highest percentage play),
but it also allows you to focus your practice sessions accordingly (its 3rd and
7 inside the 15, we are going to run 44 PWR, and run these situations in
practice so the players will have a clear definition of their role in this
For instance, you may have a signature 2-point play or a money 3rd and 8
play. Rather than pulling these blindly out of the air under the pressure of
game day, you have a well-thought out plan of attack that you can refer (and
your assistants) in the course of a game.
Having a detailed and accurate depth chart will allow for coaches to
make appropriate changes (based on performance, situation, injuries,
You can use for parents/players:
Great tool for motivation to allow players to see where they are on
the team.
Can be deflating tool for some playersalthough they should use
for motivation
Can cause comparisons and other things!