Wais-3 Interpretation Verbal
Wais-3 Interpretation Verbal
Wais-3 Interpretation Verbal
Verbal Subtests
Student gives verbal
definition for words
presented in a list
and pronounced by
Student tells how 2
items, presented
orally, are the same
(house and store
Progressively more
complex math word
problems are
presented orally.
Student calculates in
head and responds
Abilities Measured
Auditory perception understanding single words
Verbal comprehension and expression
Acquired knowledge
Degree of abstract thinking
Learning ability (Correlates most highly with academic success)
Long-term memory
Language development
Affected by cultural opportunities
Affected by English proficiency
Related to reading experience
Related to school learning
Low score indicates difficulty
understanding and/or defining
words; difficulty in settings
requiring verbal communication
Affected by overly concrete
Affected by limited language
experiences at home
Affected by English proficiency
Related to reading experience
Low score indicates difficulty
understanding relationships
between words or ideas
Affected by distractibility
Affected by test or math anxiety
Related to math experience
Low score indicates difficulty in
settings requiring student to listen
to and process detailed
information and/or difficulty with
basic math
Abilities Measured
Auditory perception of complex verbal information
Verbal comprehension and expression
Acquired knowledge
Long-term memory
U.S. cultural knowledge
Range of general factual knowledge
Academic abilities
Alertness to environment Intellectual ambitiousness
Affected by cultural opportunities
Affected by English proficiency
Related to reading experience
Related to school learning
Affected by anxiety
Affected by acquired brain injuries
Low score indicates difficulty
recalling or expressing factual info
Affected by distractibility
Affected by persistence giving
Affected by anxiety
Affected by acquired brain injuries
Low score indicates difficulty
attending to, processing, and/or
recalling isolated pieces of info
(i.e., taking orders in restaurant)