MI Instrument Performance Placement Test
MI Instrument Performance Placement Test
MI Instrument Performance Placement Test
Two weeks prior to the beginning of classes, students entering the Bachelor
Degree program are required to undergo individual placement tests to measure
their instrument performance skills. Based on the results of these tests, some
students may qualify for advanced placement in one or more courses and others
may be required to take one or more non-credit preparatory courses in addition
to their regular course schedule in other subjects.
The guidelines below describe the general subject areas that will be covered
during the instrument performance placement tests. Use them to help organize
your practicing and music studies before arriving at MI.
If you meet all minimum course requirements during your early test, you will not
need to re-take the test before beginning the program.
If you do not meet all minimum course requirements during your early test, you
will be retested in all areas prior to entering the program.
Early Placement Testing is optional and does not guarantee that you will be
placed at a higher level. There is no penalty or risk for failing to meet minimum
requirements during an Early Placement Test, but if you still do not meet
minimum requirements at the time of the final placement test, you will be required
to take preparatory courses.
MI will make every effort to schedule your request for an Early Placement Test at
your convenience, but test scheduling is subject to tester availability.
1. Technique
Perform each of the following in at least two different positions:
a. Diatonic major and minor scales
b. Major and minor pentatonic scales
c. Major and minor triad arpeggios
d. Triad chord voicings: major, minor, diminished, augmented
e. Seventh chord voicings: major 7, minor 7, dominant 7, minor seven flat
2. Reading
a. Single note lines in various keys and styles
b. Chord charts in various keys and styles
3. Style and Performance
Play rhythm and solo on a standard blues progression in any given key
1. Technique
Perform each of the following in at least two different positions:
a. Diatonic major, minor, and pentatonic scales
b. Major, minor triad and diatonic seventh chord arpeggios
c. Demonstrate the following fingering techniques:
• String crossing
• Hammer-ons
• Pull-offs
2. Reading
a. Single note lines in various keys and styles
b. Chord charts in various keys and styles
3. Style and Performance
Improvise over changes in styles including blues, swing walking lines,
Latin clave, eighth and sixteenth-note rock patterns
1. Technique
a. Basic snare drum rudiments
b. Basic stick technique
c. Accurate performance with a metronome
2. Reading
a. Snare Drum exercises including all rudiments
b. Charts in various styles (Jazz, Rock, Latin, Funk, R&B, Shuffle)
c. Various time signatures
3. Style and Performance
Play grooves in styles including swing, shuffle, rock, bossa, samba, and
1. Technique
a. Diatonic major and minor scales, ascending and descending, with both
b. Major, minor, diminished triads and diatonic seventh chord voicings,
root position and inversions with both hands
2. Reading
a. Single lines in various styles
b. Grand Staff in various styles
3. Style and Performance
a. Perform accompaniment patterns in styles including jazz, rock, Latin,
shuffle, funk
b. Blues accompaniment in various styles, all keys
c. Solo in various styles including jazz, rock, Latin, shuffle, funk using
different types of keyboards