Roman Catholic Marriage
Roman Catholic Marriage
Roman Catholic Marriage
Holy Bible
The Holy Bible meaning is that it signifies the couple's dedication and promise to discuss and
learn about God and spread his message to the world. It is also the man's role to lead the family
in spiritual practices such as going to church, helping out in the church community and serving
in the church.
Rituals of Roman Catholic Weddings
In every religion, their are rituals that are significant to that type of religion. In Roman Catholic
Weddings, their are eight rituals that happen during and after the wedding ceremony, these are
1. Recitation of marriage vows
2.Exchange of rings
3. Drinking from the cup of wine
4. Joining hands while the marriage vows are made
5. Signing the marriage contract
6. Saying of prayers
7.The bride wearing a veil and wearing white
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Rites of Installation and/or Renewal for Altar Servers
(After the Homily)Coordinator: In virtue of my position as Coordinator of the Altar Servers of
Saint Vincent Parish, Ipresent to you the aspiring altar servers who have undergone necessary
to answer Gods call
to serve at His Holy Altar.
(All sacristans to be installed will stand, candles will be lighted.)Priest: Let them stand and be
examined who are to enter the Society of Altar Servers of St. VincentChurch, who will serve at
the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, assist at Benediction of the Most Blessed
Sacrament, and take an active part in other Church functions.
(Altar servers raise their right hand)Priest:
Do you promise to be present on time for each and every assignm
ent you will have as an Altar
server, and to be neat and clean as this privilege demands?
We do so promise.
Do you promise to serve so devoutly as to be a help to the devotion and prayer of all who
watch you represent them at the
We do so promise.
Do you promise to conduct yourselves outside the church in a way that will make all proud
tohave you as their representative in assisting the priest at Gods Altar?
With Gods help and the example and prayers of our fellow members, we do so promise.
May Almighty God be witness to your intentions.
Coordinator: Let those who have been approved to enter the society of Saint Vincent Altar
comeforward(Altar servers to be installed form a single line and come forward with their
parents)Priest: Wear this cassock, in which you are vested, with the greatest respect, for it is part
of the armoryou shall wear as an Altar Server in the service of your Lord and Master Jesus
Christ.(The priest advances to the Communion rail, distributes the cassock and assists in clothing
the newlyinstalled altar servers. Altar server goes back to his/her respective seat.)
Induction of Officers
Coordinator: At this point of time, may I call on our elected Altar Servers who will serve as
officers fortheir induction.(Officers come forward facing the Altar and raise their right
hand)Priest : Do you have a sufficient knowledge of the duties and responsibilities of your
respective officeand of all the rules and regulations of the SVP Altar Servers so as to be able to
carry them outfaithfully?Officers: We do.
Priest: Do you promise not to allow anything except serious illness or grave reason to keep you
fromattending the regular meetings of the Organization and from attending to your duties in
general?Officers: We promise.Priest: Will you work earnestly and zealously to further your own
spiritual good and that of your fellowKnights, as well as to do everything possible to see that
Christ, your Eucharistic King, is served withexactness and honor?Officers: We willPriest : I now
hold you responsible for your brothers and sisters in the Society of Altar Servers. I praythat our
Divine Eucharistic King may guide you always and that under the protection of our
BlessedMother Mary you may draw always closer to Christ and lead every Altar Server closer to
His SacredHeart in the faithful performance of your sacred trust. I will always cooperate with
you to the best of my ability.(Officers go back to their respective seats)
Renewal of Vows
Priest: Let those who are to renew their Pledge of Service as Members in the Society Saint
VincentParish Altar Servers stand(all old Altar Servers stand)Oldest Altar Server: Please raise
your right hand and repeat after meI, __(state your name)___, hereby renew my pledge of
service/ to Almighty God and his holyChurch/ by observing faithfully the rules and obligations/
of the Society of Altar Servers/ and Ipromise/ to be a loyal member at all times./ I promise to
serve Christ my King,/ Lord of Lords/with fidelity and honor./ Mary, His Immaculate Mother,/
shall be my Queen and my Lady,/ and Ishall be her devoted champion./ I further promise to treat
others/ with respect and justice,/ tolive an upright personal life/, and to profess and defend/ the
rights of God and His HolyChurch./Coordinator: May I request all the
Altar Servers to kneel and recite the Altar Servers Prayer
.I offer myself to God Almighty, to Blessed Mary ever Virgin, and to our Holy Patron St.
Vincentand I promise to do my best to serve reverently, intelligently, and regularly, having the
glory of God and my own eternal salvation as my object.O Lord Jesus Christ, if I am weak in my
faith, strengthen me. Help me to devote myself to YourHoly Gifts. Guide me in the path that
leads to Your Kingdom. Teach me to become a betterChristian so that I may wear the altar
server's robe worthily and in humility. My prayer is toserve You in all my thoughts, words and
deeds and to become a better Christian so that in all Ido I may testify to Your glory. For blessed
glorified is your Holy name of the Father Son and HolySpirit. Amen!Priest: By the power vested
in me by the church, I accept your pledge and exhort you to persevere inyour good intentions. In
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Prayers of the Faithful
God provides the church with suitable ministers to assist in divine worship. Let us pray
for thesenew liturgical ministers, that God may bless them as they undertake their new roles of
service tho thisparish. For every petition, we answer:
For the church of Christ and for this parish of Saint Vincent Ferrer, that all Christiansmay offer
themselves as living sacrifices, we pray to the Lord:
Altar Server 2:
For all liturgical ministers of our parish, that they may deepen their commitment toserve God and
their neighbor, we pray to the Lord:
Altar Server 3:
For all Altar Servers, that the light of Christ may shine in their hearts, we pray to theLord:
Altar Server 4:
For all Sacristans, that the preparations they make for the celebration of the liturgy mayremind us
to prepare our hearts for worship, we pray to the Lord:
That the Holy Spirit may always stand beside us and help us fulfill our duties andresponsibilities
as servers of the altar, the people and of God, we pray to the Lord:
(prayer of Blessing with hands extended over the new ministers)God of glory, your beloved Sons
has shown us that true worship comes from humble andcontrite hearts. Bless our brothers and
sisters, who have responded to the needs of our parish andwish to commit themselves to your
service as altar servers. Grant that their ministry may be fruitfuland our worship pleasing in your
sight.We ask this through Christ our Lord.