Dielectric Response Power Cable System

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Dielectric Response Measurement as Diagnostic

Tool for Power Cable Systems

Bolarin Oyegoke, Petri Hyvnen, Martti Aro

Literature review

ISSN 1237-895X
ISBN 951-22-5396-8

Helsinki University of Technology

High Voltage Institute
Espoo, Finland 2001

Report TKK-SJT-47

Dielectric respose as diagnostic tool for power cable systems

This report summarises a particular part of literature review of research on diagnostic testing
and measurements of power cable systems on-site. The two basic topics partial discharge
measurements and dielectric response measurements are reviewed in separate reports. The
survey on dielectric response theory in Finnish language is based mainly on course given by prof
Roland Eriksson and his colleagues at KTH Sweden in August 2000. The space charge
measurement methods are reviewed as a possible diagnostic tool for high-voltage DC cable
systems in future.
An experimental part with tests and measurements on medium voltage cables on-site is
planned to follow still in 2001.
In addition to the University, this study was funded by the National Technology Agency
(TEKES) and Foundation for development of electric power engineering. Risto Harjanne
(Helsinki Energy) acted as chairman of the project board. The other members were Jarmo
Elovaara (Fingrid), Jari Eklund (TEKES), Kari J Heinonen (Fortum Service), Olli Lindgren
(Fortum Technology Centre), Erkki Kemppainen (ABB Transmit), Jukka Leskel (Finergy),
Kirsi Nousiainen (TUT), Lauri Nyyssnen (Pirelli Cables and Systems) and Antti Vhmurto
Summarising Report
TKK-SJT-49: Advanced diagnostic test and measurement methods for power cable systems
Partial Reports
TKK-SJT-45: Partial discharge measurements as diagnostic tool for power cable systems
TKK-SJT-46: Basic theory for dielectric response measurements (in Finnish).
Dielektrisen vasteen mittausmenetelmien teoreettinen perusta.
TKK-SJT-47: Dielectric response measurements as diagnostic tool for power cable systems
TKK-SJT-48: Space charge measurement as possible diagnostic tool for high-voltage DC cable
systems in future
Address of the authors:
Bolarin Oyegoke Email: bolarin.oyegoke@hut.fi
Phone: +358 9 451 5875
+358 9 451 2395
Helsinki University of Technology, High Voltage Institute
Postal Address: P.O. Box 3000, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland
Street Address: Otakaari 5 L, Espoo Otaniemi
National Metrology Institute, High Voltage Measurements

Dielctric response as diagnostic tool for power cable systems

Table of Contents
Table of Contents..........................................................................................................................................3
Summary .......................................................................................................................................................4

1.1 Background....................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Frequency and time domain methods ............................................................................................5
1.3 Comparing time and frequency domain DR measurements ..........................................................5

Off-line methods .....................................................................................................................................6

2.1 Measurement of tan and total harmonic distortion in the loss current at power frequency .........6
2.2 Measuring dissipation factor tan..................................................................................................6
2.3 Measuring DC leakage current ......................................................................................................7
2.4 Measuring the polarisation current and DC transient response current.........................................8
2.5 Measuring depolarisation current ..................................................................................................8
2.6 Measuring return voltage...............................................................................................................8
2.7 Measuring potential decay after charging......................................................................................9

On-line methods....................................................................................................................................10
3.1 Measuring DC component in AC charging current .....................................................................10
3.2 Measuring DC superposition current...........................................................................................11
3.3 Measuring the insulation resistance.............................................................................................11
3.4 Measurement of dielectric dissipation factor and DC component...............................................12
3.5 Method of locating water treeing deterioration in XLPE cable insulation on-site ......................12

Commercial dielectric response measuring systems.............................................................................13

4.1 Insulation diagnostic system IDA 200.........................................................................................13
4.2 Cable diagnostic system KDA 1..................................................................................................13
4.3 Cable diagnostic system CD30/31...............................................................................................14
4.4 Cable testing and diagnostic system PHG TD.............................................................................15

Examples of measurement of dissipation factor in function of frequency..........................................15


Annex 1. Measurement of Dielectric Response ..........................................................................................23

Dielectric respose as diagnostic tool for power cable systems

Dielectric response (DR) is an advanced tool for insulation diagnosis. Insulation deterioration
and degradation change the DR. Measurement of DR at different frequencies or, in time domain
with different time parameters, give some picture of insulation condition.
The major problem associated with medium voltage XLPE cables is deterioration by water
trees, and it sometimes is the main reason for insulation failures in XLPE cables in long service.
For high voltage XLPE cables the major problem is electrical trees. Increased moisture content
will be harmful to the oil-paper insulated cables.
Existing diagnostic methods for detecting water tree deterioration and for evaluation of
moisture content are reviewed. Diagnostic criteria are based on the non-linearity of the DR with
respect to the charging voltage. Measurement of one parameter e.g. tan alone, even in function
of frequency, may not be sufficient to reveal the status of the cable insulation. Therefore, its
measurement is often combined with measurement of another parameter e.g. DC leakage current.
Measurement of return voltage alone may not, either, reveal the status of the cable insulation
sufficiently enough. In this respect its combination with some other diagnostic parameters such
as self decay voltage and/or polarisation and deparisation current are proposed and used.
Dielectric response gives an overview of average condition of the insulation system under
study, but no localisation of the possible degraded areas. Further research is needed for more
detailed conclusions regarding the status of a particular insulation. Predicting the remaining life
of the insulation system requires still further research.

1 Introduction
This report deals with dielectric response measurements on insulation of medium voltage
power cable systems.

1.1 Background
One of the major problems associated with the medium voltage XLPE cables is deterioration
by water trees, and it sometimes is the main reason for insulation failures in XLPE cables in long
service. Increased moisture content will be harmful to the oil-paper insulated cables.
Diagnostic tests aim at detecting any reduction of the electrical strength due to degradation
process. Thermal and mechanical degradation are two major deterioration mechanisms affecting
oil-paper insulation. Physical, chemical and electrical degradation are the major deterioration
mechanisms affecting polymeric insulation.
These degradation mechanisms cause changes of structure, increase generally the intensities
of polarisation and the intensities of conduction of the cable insulation. A change in structure
increases generally the dielectric losses. For investigation of the changes in structure many tests
are used. Based on electrical diagnostic parameters measured or derived from the measured data
these tests give information on stages of destruction as well as causes of stressing or degradation
of the cable insulation.

Dielctric response as diagnostic tool for power cable systems

polarisation current behaviour in application of DC voltage on cable system, and as return
voltage and depolarisation current behaviour after disconnecting and short-circuiting the cable
for a certain time periods.
Measurement of DR is an advanced non-destructive tool for diagnostic testing of different
insulation systems, such as paper-oil and polymeric insulation. DR gives an indication of
insulation condition e.g. of high-voltage cable systems. Changes in insulation such as water trees
and electrical trees or other deterioration change the DR.

1.2 Frequency and time domain methods

Dielectric response can be measured in different ways. Relevant parameters of DR shall be
known when considering and comparing the DRs of different insulations or DRs of the same
insulation after certain periods in service. Preferably, certain parameters should be kept constant.
In time domain the DR appears as depolarisation current [5, 9, 10], return voltage (also called
residual, recovery and build-up voltage) [2, 3, 9, 10], polarisation current, discharge voltage [11,
12] and isothermal relaxation current [3, 4]. In frequency domain the DR appears as dissipation
distortion in the loss current at power frequency [13, 16, 17].
Diagnostic criteria are based on the non-linearity of the dielectric response in the time and
frequency domain with respect to the charging voltage. In frequency domain non-linearity is
characterised by a voltage dependent dissipation factor, whereas in the time domain an over
proportional increase of the response with higher charging voltage occurs. Non-linearity in the
dielectric response has been subject of study in many doctoral theses [9, 18, 19, 20].
For on-site application very low frequency (0.1 Hz) voltage tests in combination with tan
measurement have proved as a good diagnostic tool for service aged XLPE cables [1, 21].
Measurement of tan at 50 Hz was without information about the condition of polymer-insulated
cables under investigation [2]. Furthermore, tan measurement at 50 Hz will involve large
capacitive currents compared to VLF (0.1 Hz). Major problem with tan measurement at 0.1 Hz
was the sensitivity of the measuring device. However, improved 0.1 Hz tan measurement
system are commercially available [1].

1.3 Comparing time and frequency domain DR measurements

Time domain measurement of DR detects the final conductivity of insulation faster than the
frequency domain measurement. However, the time domain measurement has the weakness of
being unable to detect fast polarisation processes. In addition, interpretation of measurement
result in time domain is more difficult. DR measurement as a function of frequency has the
advantage of being able to detect fast polarisation processes and, interpretation of result in
frequency domain is relatively easy. The equipment for DR measurement in frequency domain
are more expensive.

Dielectric respose as diagnostic tool for power cable systems

2 Off-line methods
Dielectric response measurements as diagnostic method to detect deterioration of insulation
can be performed off-line or on-line. Some methods may be used both off-line and on-line.

2.1 Measurement of tan and total harmonic distortion in the loss current at
power frequency
The method deals with the 50/60 Hz insulation loss current measurements in high voltage
cable insulation containing water trees. In order to isolate the small insulation loss current from
the significantly larger, quadrature (capacitive) current, a current-comparator-based (CCB) high
voltage capacitance bridge is needed (Fig. 1). The loss current waveform is measured and the
harmonic distortion of the loss current is correlated with the length of water trees. This method is
still at the laboratory research level.

L ine
60 H z

P hase-L ock Lo op
(P .L.L.)

D igital
W aveform
G enerato r

20 48 x 60 H z

H igh V oltage
A m p lifier
V = 0 -2 0 kV
f= 0 -15 kH z

D etecto r/
R ecorder


H igh V oltage
C C B C ap acitance
B rid ge

D igital
Scop e

Fig. 1. Block diagram of the measurement set-up.

2.2 Measuring dissipation factor tan

Dielectric dissipation factor measurement is an effective method in detecting insulation
deterioration. However, it has the drawback that the increase in tan due to local deterioration
does not show up in the measurements. That is to say, the measured value for the whole cable
length is an averaged value and smaller than the value of tan for the locally deteriorated section.
Contrary to the DC leakage current, tan can in principle also be measured on-line. However,
the apparatus for that needs redesign for greater ease of use and more compactness. The
apparatus for measuring dielectric dissipation factor comprises three sections, the tan
measurement section, the voltage divider and the current transformer [7] (Fig. 2).

Dielctric response as diagnostic tool for power cable systems

Voltage Divider

tan Measurement section






tan %
C nF


Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the principle of dielectric dissipation factor measurement.

2.3 Measuring DC leakage current

DC test voltage is applied between the conductor and insulation shield of a cable (Fig. 3).
Magnitude of the DC leakage current is used to judge the situation of the insulation. The
undeteriorated section of cable does not affect the value of DC leakage current, but local
deterioration can be known as an absolute quantity[7]. This implies that since sound part of the
cable insulation do not contribute much to the measured value of DC leakage current, then the
degree of cable insulation deterioration can be estimated by measuring the DC leakage current.
he local deterioration causes a current significantly larger than the sound insulation. This method
involves application of high DC voltage, and it is applicable for on-site off-line measurement.
The combination of the methods of DC leakage current and dielectric dissipation factor
provides an effective means for diagnosing insulation deterioration of cable off-line.
Current limiting

High DC Voltage

Test Cable


Fig. 3. Circuit for DC leakage current measurement.

Dielectric respose as diagnostic tool for power cable systems

2.4 Measuring the polarisation current and DC transient response current

Current that is flowing through the cable during charging is measured in time domain. This
current is called as polarisation current. During the charging period the cable is charged with
direct voltage. Different mechanisms of polarisation and conduction that are of great importance
are activated during this period. Polarisation current is not measured during transient period after
applying charging voltage. Variable parameters during the measurements include the charging
voltage and period and the period for polarisation current measurement. Values of the
polarisation current during the measurement and voltage nonlinearity of polarisation current
carries information about the insulation condition.
The peak of the current that is flowing through the cable immediately after applying charging
voltage is called as DC transient response current. Its value carries information about the
insulation condition as well.
Measurement of polarisation current Ip and DC transient response current is performed during
the charging period (Fig. 4).

2.5 Measuring depolarisation current

The procedure of measurement of depolarisation or discharge current can be divided into two
parts (Fig. 4). During the charging period the cable is charged with direct voltage. Different
mechanisms of polarisation and conduction of great importance are activated during this period.
After the charging period the cable is disconnected from the direct voltage source and shortcircuited with current measuring system. Different mechanisms of depolarisation are activated.
During this period the depolarisation (discharge) current Idp is measured and integrated to obtain
the absorption charge Q. Ratio of Q to capacitance C of the cable is used as index of the
deterioration. Variable parameters include the charging voltage and period, and the period for
discharge current measurement.
Usually, the large transient discharge current immediately after the short-circuit is not
measured, although it also may include some information on insulation condition.

2.6 Measuring return voltage

Four different terms are used in literature on the same quantity, i.e. return, residual, recovery
and build-up voltage. The procedure can be divided into three parts (Fig. 4). During the charging
period the cable is charged with direct voltage. After that, the cable is disconnected from the
direct voltage source and short-circuited for a definite period. After that, the return voltage is
measured under open circuit conditions. The source of the return voltage is the relaxation
processes in the dielectrics, given rise to an induced charge on the electrode of the test object. In
this method variable parameters include the charging voltage and the charging period, short
circuit period and the return voltage period. The maximum of return voltage is the diagnostic
parameter to be evaluated.
The three methods mentioned above can be combined as a one measurement. In this method
variable parameters include the charging voltage and the charging period, short circuit period
and the return voltage period. The characteristic parameters are the maximum return voltage
value, the polarisation current and the depolarisation current.

Dielctric response as diagnostic tool for power cable systems

urrent (A)

oltage (V)


Return voltage
Short circuit

Time (s)
Charging period

Return voltage period


Fig. 4. Polarisation, depolarisation and return voltage method.

2.7 Measuring potential decay after charging

The voltage discharge rate, i.e. the initial steepness of the self-discharge voltage is used as the
parameter for the diagnosis. In this method only the decay voltage Ud is measured (Fig 5).
In the combined method (voltage response method), also the return voltage is measured
(Fig. 5). By measuring the initial steepnesses of the two voltage curves the two dielectric
processes, conduction and polarisation, can be investigated separately.
Combined measurement of the potential decay after charging (Fig. 5) together with the
depolarization (discharge) current (Fig. 4) is also used for diagnosis.
Voltage (V)

U ch


Return voltage

Time (s)
Charging period
Inner discharge

Return voltage
Short circuit

Fig. 5. Measurement of decay Ud and return Ur voltages.


Dielectric respose as diagnostic tool for power cable systems

3 On-line methods
Water trees has long time been recognised as the most hazardous factor in life of XLPE
distribution cables and the major cause of insulation failure. The existing methods for cable
diagnosis such at the measurement of the DC leakage current and or tan require an interruption
in electrical service and needs extensive installation work. For these reasons, in Japan some hotline diagnostic methods are developed and used to detect water tree deterioration.
These methods include the DC current in AC charging current method, the DC superposition
method, a method to measure insulation resistance, and a method of detecting electrical tree
deterioration in XLPE cable insulation on-site. Accuracy of the DC component current method
and the DC superposition method is compared in [8].

3.1 Measuring DC component in AC charging current

When high AC voltage is applied to cable insulation, a DC component may be detected in the
AC charging current within a short time. It is known that the magnitude and polarity of the DC
component are closely related to deterioration of the cable insulation. Accordingly, the degree of
cable insulation deterioration can be estimated by measuring the DC component [6, 7].
A switch is connected between the other end of the metal shield for the purpose of
disconnecting it from the ground during the measurement [6]. For the DC component
measurement the switch is opened (Fig. 6). A closed circuit is formed by connecting the
grounding potential transformer, distribution line, cable under measurement, measuring device
and ground in series.

High voltage (6.6 kV)
distribution line

To load



XLPE cable


Fig. 6. Measuring circuit of DC component in the field. SW switch. GPT grounding potential
transformer. M.D. measuring device of DC component.

Dielctric response as diagnostic tool for power cable systems


3.2 Measuring DC superposition current

In this method a DC voltage is superimposed over the AC operating voltage (Fig. 7). The
superimposed voltage is applied between nodes 1 and 2. The DC superposition current Ids is
obtained by calculating the difference between two current values measured with a superimposed
voltage of different polarity applied between nodes 1 and 2 (Ids = Ids+ - Ids-). The DC current
component Idc is also measured without DC superimposed voltage [8].


AC Supply

M easuring

DC Supply

50 F

Fig. 7. Set-up for the DC current component method and DC superimposed method.

3.3 Measuring the insulation resistance

The method is applicable to a distribution system with a grounding potential transformer GPT
(Fig. 8). A DC source of about 50 V is connected between the neutral point and the ground
through a blocking coil and switches for applying the negative DC voltage to an AC cable
without turning off the AC. The measuring system is mainly composed of a measuring circuit for
the resistance and a device for discriminating the stray ground current. The resistance value
measured with this method has close correlation with the insulation resistance obtained by
measuring the DC leakage current as a conventional method [6].
High voltage distribution line





Fig. 8.



Measuring circuit of insulation resistance in the field.


Dielectric respose as diagnostic tool for power cable systems

3.4 Measurement of dielectric dissipation factor and DC component

Combined measurements of DC leakage current and dielectric dissipation factor give an
accurate diagnosis of insulation deterioration. The diagnostic system was designed to consist of
three separate units, measurement section, charging current detection section, and circuit breaker
section (Fig. 9). [7]
High-voltage lead
Control and computing
DC component
measurement section
Tan measurement

6kV XLPE Cable
Detecting box
DC component


Grounding lead


Voltage divider
interrupting circuit
Circuit breakers

Fig. 9. Schematic circuit of dielectric dissipation factor and dc component measurement.

3.5 Method of locating water treeing deterioration in XLPE cable insulation

Presently, there is no tool for locating the place of water tree in the cable. However, the
philosophy of detecting the water tree position may be to study the link between water tree
development and partial discharge ignition at the tip of water tree. The philosophy will work on
the condition that PD actually occurs at the tip of water tree after a sufficiently high voltage (few
times the nominal voltage).
Such attempt has been advocated by the Instrument manufacturing company under the
directorship of Professor Matthew S. Mashikian. There was a strong criticism on this method.
Some researchers have tried to use it in the laboratory and found it destructive rather than nondestructive. In addition, it is doubtful if all water trees actually lead to PD.

Dielctric response as diagnostic tool for power cable systems


4 Commercial dielectric response measuring systems

4.1 Insulation diagnostic system IDA 200
Insulation Diagnostic System IDA 200 is a system measures the complex impedance of a
cable at a variable voltage and frequency (capacitance and tan at 0.0001-1000 Hz). A digital
signal processing unit (DSP) generates a test signal with the desired frequency (Fig. 10).




Real(Ch 0)

Imag(Ch 0)

Real(Ch 1)

Imag(Ch 1)





Principle of the sine correlation technique.

Schematic block diagram of the IDA 200-system.

Fig. 10. Schematic block diagram of the IDA 200-system and the principle of the sine
correlation technique.
The signal is amplified with an internal amplifier and then applied to the cable. The voltage
over and the current through the specimen are measured with high accuracy using a voltage
divider and an electrometer.
For the measuring input, IDA 200 uses a DSP unit that multiplies the input (measurement)
signal with a reference sine voltage, and then integrates the results over a number of cycles. With
this method, noise and interference is rejected-allowing IDA 200 to work with voltage levels up
to 200 V and still achieve high accuracy and detail of analysis. (Programma).

4.2 Cable diagnostic system KDA 1

The Cable diagnostic instrument KDA 1 (Seba-dynatronic) is based on the measurement of
the depolarisation current. The cable under test is charged at 1kV DC for 30 minutes. Then the
cable is short-circuited for 5 seconds, and the depolarisation currents are measured for the
fooling 30 minutes (Fig. 11). The measured data are saved and processed with Isothermal
Relaxation Current (IRC) analysis.
The depolarisation current measured is described as the sum of three experimental functions
given by

i (t ) = I 0 + a j e t / i
i =1

where parameters aj, i are strongly correlated with the material properties. The time constant 3 is
related to water tree degradation of the cable insulation.


Dielectric respose as diagnostic tool for power cable systems


Cable jacket









2: Discharging

1: DC Charging

3: Measurement

Fig. 11. Basic measurement circuit for the IRC-Analysis.

An empirical ageing factor (A-factor) is calculated to classify the ageing condition of the
cable. This factor is calculated from depolarisation current ID at time constants 3 and 2 as

I D ( 3 ). 3
I D ( 2 ). 2

4.3 Cable diagnostic system CD30/31

The Cable Diagnostic System CD30 is for evaluation of the ageing degree and the damage
condition of 1 kV to 30 kV PE and XLPE cables. The model CD31 is for oil-paper cables. The
devices base upon measurement of return voltages at different charging voltages (Fig. 12).
The tested cable is charged with DC voltages (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2U0) for 5 minutes (switch S1).
Then, the high voltage source is turned off and the switch S2 closed for two seconds to discharge
the cable capacitance over a resistor RD. (Hagenuk)
Test Cable


Fig. 12. Block diagram of the return voltage method.


Dielctric response as diagnostic tool for power cable systems


After this time the return voltage is measured for 10 to 40 minutes, depending on the cable
length. For that, the cable is connected to the high input impedance measurement receiver U
(switch S1). The measured value of return voltage is digitised and forwarded to the PC.
The maximum values of the return voltages are plotted as a function of the charging voltage.
This relationship can be linear or non-linear. The linearity factor is calculated as the ratio
between the maximum values of the return voltage at 2U0 and U0 and used as an indicator of the
ageing condition. The factor grater than 2 is considered as a non-linear response and signifies
ageing of the cable and the factor 3 indicates a strongly aged cable.

4.4 Cable testing and diagnostic system PHG TD

The instrument PHG TD measures tan at different sine voltage levels maintained at 0.1 Hz.
The tan at 2U0 and the difference between 2U0 and U0 values are used as diagnostic criteria. A
tan value larger than 1.2 10 3 at 2U0 or the difference of tan at 2U0 and U0 larger
than 6 10 4 signifies water tree deterioration. If the cable is very long, it is possible to reduce the
measuring frequency to 0.01 Hz in order to reduce the capacitive current generated by the high
voltage source. However, as a consequence the measuring time will increase. (Baur)

5 Examples of measurement of dissipation factor in

function of frequency
Three oil impregnated paper insulated cables were measured in laboratory. Measurement of
dissipation factor as a function of frequency was performed with IDA-200 measuring system.
T a n D e lta C a b le 1

T a n D e lta

P has e-A
P has e-B
P has e-C





F re q u e n cy / Hz

Fig 13. Dissipation factor as a function of frequency of cable 1.



Dielectric respose as diagnostic tool for power cable systems

Cable 1 is a 20 kV single-phase cable with aluminium conductor and sheath. Phase A contained a joint. Phases B and C were without joints. Samples of cable were removed from service
due to external mechanical failure. During the measurement of the dielectric response of the cable, its metallic sheath was connected to ground. Voltage supply and measurement was connected to the phase conductor. Current measurement was connected to the ground conductor.
Guard connector of the IDA-200 termination box was left open. (Fig 13).
All three phases of cable 1 show different responses. Comparing the responses of phase A to
the phases B and C one will notice the influence of the joint that is present in phase A. The main
difference between response of phases B and C is that the response of phase B is shifted slightly
towards higher frequencies.
The minimum value of the response is believed to carry information about the moisture
content in the cable. In this regard for phase B and C the tan minimum can be seen to occur at
50 Hz and 10 Hz, respectively. For phase B the magnitude of tan is slightly lower than that for
phase C. Based on this finding one may conclude that phases B and C are practically under the
same condition in terms of moisture content.
On the other hand, the minimum of tan measured in phase A is not clearly indicated. The
presence of a joint in this phase is the most likely factor that is affecting the response measured
on this phase. It would be interesting to see the contribution of the joint on the measured result
before taken decision on the condition of the cable especially on phase A.

T a n D e lta C a b le 2

T a n D e lta

P has e-A
P has e-B
P has e-C





F re q u e n cy / Hz

Fig 14. Dissipation factor as a function of frequency of cable 2.


Dielctric response as diagnostic tool for power cable systems


Cable 2 is a 20 kV three phase cable with aluminium conductors. All phases have own aluminium sheaths and outer jackets. Phases are combined inside one outer jacket. The cable was
taken to measurements from store-house. During the measurements, metallic sheaths were connected to ground. Voltage supply and measurement was connected to phase conductor under the
test. Guard connector of the IDA-200 termination box was connected to the other phases. Current measurement was connected to the ground conductor.
The main difference between response of phases of cable 2 is that the response of phases B
and C is shifted slightly towards higher frequencies (Fig.14). The minimum of the response on
phase A show up at 25 Hz. For phases B and C the minimum values show up practically at the
same frequency 35 Hz, and their magnitudes are also practically equal. A slightly higher tan
value minimum can be seen on phase A.
The phases B and C of cable 2 are in the same condition with respect to the moisture content.
However, phase A may have a slightly higher moisture content.
Cable 3 is a 20 kV three phase cable with aluminium conductors. All phases are inside of one
lead sheath. The phases have no separate metallic sheaths. The cable does not contain outer
jacket. During the measurement, all phases were connected together. The lead sheath was connected to the ground. Voltage supply and measurement were connected to the phases. Current
measurement was connected to the ground conductor. Guard connector of the IDA-200 termination box was left open.
The minimum of the response on cable 3 occurs at about 4 Hz (Fig. 15). The magnitude of
this minimum tan is almost equal to that measured on phase B and C of cable 2.
TanDelta Cable3


Phase A+B+C






Frequency / Hz

Fig 15. Dissipation factor as a function of frequency of cable 3.



Dielectric respose as diagnostic tool for power cable systems

Fig 16 presents a combined measurement result on three different cables. In view of the
preliminary result of tan measurements performed in the laboratory the following remarks can
be made.
Generally, the minimum values of tan in cable 2 and cable 3 are lower than that of cable 1.
This can be interpreted in term of moisture contents. The moisture contents in cable 2 and cable
3 appear to be lower that of cable 1.
It was observed in this preliminary investigation that the minimum values of cable response
do not generally occur at 50 Hz. In the cases studied the minimum value at 50 Hz was observed
only in one phase of one cable. In all the other cases this minimum values occur at different
frequencies below 50 Hz.

T an D e lta

C 1, P A

T an D elta

C 1, P B
C 1, P C
C 2, P A
C 2, P B
C 2, P C

C 3, P AB C






F req u en cy / H z

Fig 16. Dissipation factor as a function of frequency of cables 1, 2 and 3.

C1, PA: Cable 1, phase A; C1, PB: Cable 1, phase B; C1, PC- Cable 1 phase C.
C2, PA: Cable 2, phase A; C2, PB: Cable 2, phase B; C2, P: Cable 2 phase C.
C3, PABC: Cable 3 phases ABC.

Dielctric response as diagnostic tool for power cable systems


6 Discussion
A degraded insulation system shows increase of losses and decrease of dielectric strength.
Dielectric response in its all appearance is a tool which can indicate the degradation and hence
condition of electrical insulation of any kind.
Water trees initiate and grow under electric field after water has penetrated into polymeric
insulation. Water trees have long time been recognised as the most hazardous factor in life of
XLPE distribution cables and the major cause of insulation failure.
Water trees increase the tan and capacitance and decrease the electric strength of polymerinsulated cable. In addition, water and water trees modify leakage currents, DC absorption
current, polarisation and depolarisation current as well as discharge voltage decay and return
voltage. Field measurements of some of these parameters have proven to be a suitable means to
detect degradation and presence of water trees. However, many measurement techniques have
disadvantages, which have prevented their widespread application. For instance, tan
measurement gives overall condition of the cable system and not that of the deteriorated part of
the cable. Also leakage current in joint and termination appear in the leakage current of the cable
system. [24].
The existing methods for cable diagnosis such at the measurement of the DC leakage current
and or tan require an interruption in electrical service and needs extensive installation work. For
these reasons, in Japan some on-site on-line diagnostic methods such as the DC component
current method and the DC superposition method, are used to detect water tree deterioration.
Accuracy of the DC component current method and the DC superposition method is
compared. As a conclusion the on-line diagnostic methods are considered as efficient as the DC
leakage current method. However, the method based on the DC superposition may not be
applicable to all cables on-site. This is because with a low voltage (< 100 V), water tree can be
detected in some cable, while in others superimposed voltage of 10 kV or more is necessary. At
these relatively high DC voltages one must expect breakdown.
Combination of the measurement of tan and the total harmonic distortion in the loss current,
is a new method for diagnosis of power cable systems. However, this method is still on the
laboratory level. Moreover, the significance of the relative values of tan and the total harmonic
distortion current in the insulation is not yet understood.
Results of accelerated ageing studies show that tan and water trees of polymeric cable
increase with acceleration time and voltage, which both are important. However, as an example,
acceleration at 16 kV for 2000 h increased tan more than acceleration at 20 kV for 1000 h.
Even with 2000 h acceleration at 12 kV, the water treeing is more pronounced than with 1000 h
at 20 kV [14].
The tan and capacitance of water-treed cable (e.g. at 70 oC), measured at power frequency
(50 Hz) but variable voltage seems to decrease with increasing voltage. This is mainly due to
heating of water in the trees due to long lasting measuring voltage (hand balanced Schering
bridge). Reason for this is that relative permittivity of water decreases with temperature (r = 80
at 20 oC and e.g. 60 at 60 oC), and long lasting measuring voltage application heats the water.
Thus, this effect is not real but result of measuring conditions, and it is reversible. Also the water
tree canal diameters decrease due to heating thus dicreasing the capacitance and tan.
Independent of conditions, tan and capacitance have very good correlation. [14, 22, 23].


Dielectric respose as diagnostic tool for power cable systems

Many researh groups have carried out measurement of dielectric response of oil-paper
insulation systems either in time domain or frequency domain. The dielectric response in both
domains provides novel diagnostic methods for quality control of medium and high voltage
cables. However, the information obtained in frequency and time domain is equivalent only if
the insulation system is linear. In addition, dielectric response measurements in both domains
indicated that measurement of non-linearity in the dielectric response could become the basis for
diagnosis of water tree degradation in cable. Non-linearity in the dielectric response has been
subject of study in many doctoral theses [9, 18-20].
Measurement of loss angle of oil-paper cables as a function of frequency is normally
performed using a low voltage power supply. Higher moisture content of insulation will increase
loss angle. Anyhow, this behaviour is not so clearly seen through whole frequency range. Loss
angle curves representing different moisture contents can cross each other. The loss angle has a
minimum value which tends to increase with higher moisture content. This means that the
assessment of insulation condition for different mass impregnated cables regarding its moisture
content can be based on the minimum of loss angle.
Polarisation (charging) and depolarisation (discharging) currents of oil-paper insulation will
increase with moisture content. In addition to dielectric response function, the time domain
measurement of polarisation and depolarisation currents allow for estimation of the conductivity
of the test object. Increase in moisture content will increase conductivity. It is important to
observe that the conductivity of oil paper system is strongly dependent upon the temperature.
Without knowledge of temperature no simple criterion based upon the conductivity can be used
to estimate the moisture content.
Dielectric response gives an overview of average condition of the insulation system under
study, but no localisation of the possible deteriorated areas. Predicting the remaining life of the
insulation system based on DR and/or other measurements requires still further research work.

Dielctric response as diagnostic tool for power cable systems



M. Kuschel et al. 1995 Dissipation Factor Measurement at 1 Hz as a Diagnostic Tool for

Service aged XLPE- Insulated Medium Voltage cables. 9th ISH Graz Austria, paper 5616.


M Sturm and R Porzel 1995. Progresses By the Computing Dielectrical Diagnostic of

High Voltage Insulation. 9th ISH Graz Austria paper 5624.


G. Hoff and H. G. Kranz 1999. Correlation between Return Voltage and Relaxation
Current Measurement on XLPE Medium Voltage cables. High Voltage Engineering
Symposium, IEE Conference Publication No. 467 paper 5.102.514


M. Beigert et al. 1993. Computer-Aided Destruction free Ageing Diagnosis for Medium
Voltage Cables. 8th ISH Yokohama, Japan paper 67.11.


M. Kuschel et al. 1997. Dielectric response-a Diagnostic Tool for High Voltage
Apparatus. 10th ISH Montreal, Quebec Canada paper 393-396.


K. Soma et al. 1986 Diagnostic Method for Power Cable Insulation. IEEE Transactions
on Electrical Insulation Vol. EI-21, No. 6, pp. 1027-1032.


S. Yamaguchi et al. 1989 Development of A New Type Insulation Diagnostic Method for
Hot-Line XLPE Cables. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 4, No. 3,
pp. 1513-1520.


M. Hotta et al. 1995. A Consideration of the Efficiency of Hot-Line Diagnostic Methods

for XLPE Power Cables. 9th ISH Graz 1995 paper 5635.


S. Hvidsten 1999. Nonlinear dielectric Response of Water Treed XLPE cable Insulation.
Dr Ing thesis, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, ISBN 82-471-0433-4.

[10] S. Hvidsten et al. 2000. Condition Assessment of water treed service Aged XLPE Cables
by Dielectric Response Measurements. Cigre 2000 Paris, paper 21-201.
[11] M. Muhr et al. 1997. Investigations of 30 kV Polyethylene-Cables with the Discharge
Current Method. 10th ISH Montreal, Quebec, Canada, pp. 409-412.
[12] E. Nemeth 1999. Measuring Voltage Response: A non-destructive Diagnostic Test
Method of HV Insulation. IEE Proc.-Sci. Meas. Technol., Vol 146, No. 5, pp. 249-252.
[13] A. T. Bulinski et al. 2000. Measurement of the Harmonic Distortion of the Insulation
Loss Current as a Diagnostic Tool for High voltage Cable insulation. IEEE Power
Engineering Society, Winter Meeting, Singapore, pp. 1615-1620.
[14] P. Romero et al. 1991. The Influence of Water Trees on Loss Factor and Capacitance of
Medium Voltage Cables. 7th ISH, Dresden Germany, paper 23-07.
[15] M. Kuschel et al. 1998. Investigation of the Non-linear Dielectric Response of Water
Tree-Aged XLPE Cables in the Time and Frequency Domain. IEEE International
Conference on Conduction and Breakdown in Solid Dielectrics, pp. 85-88.
[16] M. Nagao et al. 1990. New Approach to Diagnostic Method of Water Trees. Conference
record of the IEEE International Symposium on electrical insulation. Toronto Canada, pp.
[17] Y. Yagi et al. 1998. Study on Diagnostic Method for Water Treed XLPE Cable by Loss
Current Measurement. 0-7803-5035-9/98, 1998 IEEE, pp. 653-656.


Dielectric respose as diagnostic tool for power cable systems

[18] A. Helgesson 2000. Analysis of dielectric Response Measurement Methods and Dielectric
Properties of Resin-Rich Insulation During Processing. Doctoral thesis, Kungliga
Tekniska Hgskolan, Department of Electric Power Engineering, Electrotechnical design
Stockholm, Sweden. TRITA EEA-0002, ISSN 1100-1593, 210 p.
[19] R. Neimanis 2001. On Estimation of Moisture content in Mass Impregnated distribution
Cables. Kungliga Tekniska Hgskolan, Department of Electric Power Engineering,
Electrotechnical design Stockholm, Sweden. TRITA EEK-0101, ISSN 1100-1593, 195 p.
[20] Vahe Der Houhanessian 1998. Measurement and Analysis of Dielectric Response in OilPaper Insulation systems. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Science,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Diss. ETH No. 12832, 108 p.
[21] G. Kaul et al. 1993. Development of a Computerized loss Factor Measurement System for
Different Frequencies, Including 0.1 Hz and 50/60 Hz. 8th ISH Yokohama, paper 56.04.
[22] S. Phler 1989. Dissipation Factor Measurements on Water Treed and Non-Water Treed
XLPE Insulating Material. 6th ISH New Orleans, LA, USA, paper 13.28.
[23] A. Paximadakis et al 1991. Drying and Refilling of Water Trees in Medium Voltage
Cables. 7th ISH, Dresden Germany, paper 23-05.
[24] G. Bahder et al. 1977. "In Service Evaluation of Polyethylene and Crosslinked
Polyethylene Insulated Power Cables Rated 15 to 35 kV." IEEE Transactions PAS-96,
No. 6, pp. 1754-1766.



Return Voltage

Return voltage is measured after a period of charging and

discharging the cable.
DC test voltage is applied between the conductor and
insulation shield of a cable and the current that flows on
application of test voltage is measured.
Ac test voltages are applied between the conductor and
insulation shield of a cable, and dielectric dissipation factor or
each application of test voltage.
(0.1 Hz) but variable voltage.
voltage but variable frequency (1mHz - 1kHz).

DC Leakage

0.1 Hz
Capacitance and
DC Leakage
current and
Current, Return


Commercial equipment

Test duration


CD30/31 Manufacture

1 h/phase

AC voltage up to
the rated lineground voltage


Schering bridge

AC 24 kV (rms)


PHG TD Manufacture by
IDA 200 Manufacture by

10 min/phase

KDA 1 Manufacture by

1 hour/phase

DC up to 24 kV
DC 2-10 kV

AC 20 kV (peak)

A DC voltage is applied to the cable in step for some time and

dc leakage current is measured at each stage.
The cable is charge or polarise with a dc voltage. Then
grounded or circuited for short period. During the grounding,
discharging or depolarisation current is measured.
The cable is charge or polarise with a dc voltage. During the
charging the charging or polarisation current is measure.
The cable is charge or polarise with a dc voltage. During the
charging the charging or polarisation current is measure.
Then grounded or circuited for short period. During the
grounding, discharging or depolarisation current is measured.
Then open circuited, during this time return voltage is


30 min/phase





Dielectric response as diagnostic tool for power cable systems

Annex 1. Measurement of Dielectric Response

Not Available




Total Harmonic
Distortion in the
Loss Current at
50/60 Hz
Distortion in the
Loss Current at
50/60 Hz.
DC Component
in AC Charging

Component in
AC Charging



Commercial equipment

In this method the total harmonic distortion in the insulation

loss current is measured at a power frequency.

AC 35 kV


distortion in loss current are carried out. Both parameters give
information about cable ageing.

AC 35 kV


High AC voltage is applied to cable insulation. For a short

period dc component of current can be detected if the cable
has water tree. The magnitude of this dc component and its
polarity is use to judge deterioration of the cable insulation.
A DC-superposed voltage is imposed over the normal ac
operating voltage. The dc superposition current is obtained by
calculating the difference between two current values
measured with a superposed voltage of different polarity.
DC leakage current and dielectric dissipation factor are
measure for the purpose of diagnosing XLPE cables for
insulation deterioration. Combined measurements of these
parameters give an accurate diagnosis of insulation
deterioration. The diagnostic system was designed to consist
of three separate units, measurement section, charging current
detection section, and circuit breaker section.

AC operating voltage


Developed and used in

Japan. Availability not

DC voltage


Developed and used in

Japan. Availability not

Operating voltage


Test duration

Dielectric response as diagnostic tool for power cable systems


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