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International General Certificate of Secondary Education



Paper 6 Alternative to Practical May/June 2007
1 hour
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
No Additional Materials are required.


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs, tables or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions.

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. For Examiner's Use
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part
question. 1


This document consists of 16 printed pages and 4 blank pages.

IB07 06_0653_06/3RP
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3 For
1 (a) A student placed a leaf on the bench with the lower surface facing upwards. The leaf is
shown in Fig. 1.1.

Fig. 1.1.

(i) Draw the leaf in the space below. Using the letter T, label on your diagram a
structure involved in the transport of substances through the leaf.


(ii) The student compared the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf and observed that
the lower surface was lighter in colour than the upper surface.

Suggest an explanation for this.


(b) The student then immersed the leaf in hot water. She observed bubbles coming only
from the lower surface.
Explain the observation.


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4 For
(c) The following is an example of a key to identify different arthropods. You will be
required to construct a key for identifying leaves.


fewer than 5 pairs of legs 5 or more pairs of legs

4 pairs of legs 3 pairs of legs many similar large variation

legs on body in leg structure

arachnid insect myriapod crustacean

Fig. 1.2 shows four different leaves.

ash holly horse-chestnut willow

Fig. 1.2

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5 For
Using visible features construct a key for the leaves. Use the example of a key given
opposite to help you. Check that the key would enable all of the leaves to be identified


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6 For
2 A student uses a ray box to direct a beam of light towards a plane mirror. The beam of light
is reflected. A line at right angles to the mirror (the normal) is drawn on a piece of paper
placed underneath. A metre rule is placed on the paper parallel to the mirror. The normal
meets the metre rule at the 50 cm mark. This is shown in Fig. 2.1.

reflected beam

mirror parallel
to metre rule

incident beam

ray box

metre rule

lying on bench

Fig. 2.1

Experiment 1.
The student notes the places where the mid-points of the incident and reflected beams
cross the metre rule and records them in Fig. 2.2.
He calculates and records the distances x and y.

Experiments 2 and 3.
The student moves the ray box so that each time the beam crosses the metre rule at a
different place but meets the mirror at the same point as before.

mid-point of mid-point of
incident beam distance x /cm reflected beam distance y /cm
crosses at /cm crosses at /cm

1 76.5 26.5 24.0 26.0

Fig. 2.2

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7 For
(a) The incident and reflected beams crossing the metre rule for experiments 2 and 3 are
shown in Fig. 2.3.

(i) Read the scales and record the results in Fig. 2.2. [2]

(ii) Calculate the distances x and y for experiments 2 and 3. [2]

metre rule

10 15 20 80 85

reflected beam incident beam

experiment 2

metre rule

40 45 55 60

reflected beam incident beam

experiment 3

Fig. 2.3

(b) Explain how the results illustrate the laws of reflection at a plane mirror.


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8 For
(c) The student places a parallel-sided glass block in the path of a beam of light.
Complete Fig. 2.4 to show the path of the beam through and out of the glass block. [2]

beam of light

glass block

Fig. 2.4

(d) The student places a convex lens in the path of a beam of light. The lens has a focal
length of 5 cm. Fig. 2.5 shows the actual size of the beam.
Complete Fig. 2.5 to show the path of the beam through and out of the lens. [2]

beam of light

Fig. 2.5

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Turn to page 10 for Question 3

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10 For
3 This question is about magnesium and two of its compounds. Fig. 3.1 shows how the
magnesium compounds are formed.
Be careful to use the correct scientific words when you write the answers.

burn in white react with colourless

magnesium magnesium magnesium
metal air oxide powder sulphuric acid sulphate crystals

Fig. 3.1

(a) A student burns a piece of magnesium ribbon in air.

(i) Explain how he can safely carry out this experiment.


He adds the white powder he has made to a test-tube half-filled with water. He shakes
the tube. The mixture is cloudy.

(ii) What does this tell him about magnesium oxide?


He adds Universal Indicator to the mixture from (i). The mixture turns blue.

(iii) What does this tell him about the mixture?


(b) The student half-fills a small beaker with dilute sulphuric acid. He warms the acid. He
adds a spatula-full of magnesium oxide to the warm acid and stirs the mixture. The
white powder disappears into the clear sulphuric acid.

(i) What does this tell the student about magnesium oxide?


The student adds more magnesium oxide to the acid. The mixture of acid and
magnesium oxide turns cloudy, like the mixture in (a)(i).

(ii) Why does the student add magnesium oxide until the mixture is cloudy?


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11 For
(iii) Draw a diagram to show how the student obtains clear aqueous magnesium
sulphate from the mixture in the beaker.


(c) The student places the aqueous magnesium sulphate in a dish on top of a beaker half
full of water. He heats the water so that it boils. After a few minutes there is still a liquid
in the dish, but no solid has formed.

(i) Why does the student heat the aqueous magnesium sulphate in this way?


After a while, about 20 cm3 of the aqueous magnesium sulphate is left in the dish. The
student stops heating and allows the dish to cool down to room temperature.
Crystals of magnesium sulphate begin to form.

(ii) Explain why the crystals now begin to form.


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12 For
4 Scientists use bicarbonate indicator to show changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide
gas in air. In normal air the indicator is coloured orange. If the level of carbon dioxide
increases it turns yellow. The indicator is purple if the level of carbon dioxide is lower than
in normal air.

A student set up three tubes, as shown in Fig. 4.1. He put tube A in bright sunlight, tube B
in the dark, and tube C was left in normal daylight. After a few hours the tubes were
examined. The results are shown in Fig. 4.2.

drawing pin


bicarbonate bicarbonate
indicator indicator

tube A tube B tube C

Fig. 4.1

(a) Complete Fig. 4.2 with full explanations for the results.

tube colour of indicator explanation

A purple

B yellow

C orange

Fig. 4.2 [6]

(b) What was the purpose of tube C?


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13 For
(c) The student decided to adapt the apparatus to study the effect of small invertebrates,
for example woodlice, on the concentration of carbon dioxide in air. In the space below
draw how he could do this.


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14 For
5 The teacher showed the class experiments using two compounds, X and Y. The
compounds were metal oxides. They were both black powders.

Experiment 1
He put 10 cm3 of hydrogen peroxide, a colourless aqueous solution, into a test-tube fitted
with a delivery tube, shown in Fig. 5.1. He added a small amount of compound X. After a
few minutes, the amount of gas collected in a graduated tube was noted.
Then the experiment was repeated using compound Y.

10 cm3
hydrogen gas
peroxide collected

metal oxide


Fig. 5.1

(a) Read the graduated tubes shown in Fig. 5.2 and record the volumes of gas given off.




compound X compound Y

Fig. 5.2

compound X cm3

compound Y cm3 [2]

(b) The teacher told the class that the gas collected in each tube was probably oxygen.
Suggest how he can prove that the gas is oxygen.


result [2]

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15 For
(c) The teacher told the class that both of the black compounds acted like enzymes,
decomposing hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.
He filtered off the black compounds from the mixtures in (a). Then he dried them and
added each of them to another 10 cm3 of hydrogen peroxide using apparatus identical
to that shown in Fig. 5.1.

(i) Will the volumes of oxygen given off be smaller than, larger than, or the same as
the volumes shown in Fig. 5.2?


(ii) Explain your answer to (i).


Experiment 2
The teacher placed about 5 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid in a test-tube. He added a little
of black compound X and then warmed the tube. After the mixture had cooled down he
added aqueous sodium hydroxide until there was no further change.
He repeated the experiment using black compound Y.
Fig. 5.3 shows the observations made by the class.
observation using observation using
compound X compound Y
black compound Y
black compound X
warm with dilute dissolves
hydrochloric acid a gas is given off that
a blue solution is made
bleaches litmus paper

add aqueous sodium

a light blue precipitate a dirty white precipitate

Fig. 5.3

(d) (i) Suggest the identity of the gas that bleaches litmus paper.


(ii) Black compound X dissolved giving a blue solution. Suggest the name of the ions
that cause it to be blue.


(iii) Explain how you would use aqueous ammonia to confirm the presence of the
named metal ion in the blue solution.


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16 For
6 A student sets up the circuit shown in Fig. 6.1. Two lamps are in series.

lamp 1 lamp 2

Fig. 6.1

(a) He closes the switch and reads the ammeter.

Read the ammeter dial shown in Fig. 6.2 and record the current, I, in Fig. 6.3. [1]

0 1.0

Fig. 6.2

current I through the

circuit / A

voltage across lamp 1 / V

voltage across lamp 2 / V

Fig. 6.3

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17 For
(b) The student reads the voltage across lamp 1 using the voltmeter shown in Fig. 6.1.
Then he re-connects the voltmeter to show the voltage across lamp 2.
Read the voltmeter dials shown in Fig. 6.4 and record the values in Fig. 6.3. [2]

1.0 1.0
0 2.0 0 2.0


lamp 1 lamp 2

Fig. 6.4

(c) Use the equation R = V and the values you have recorded in Fig. 6.3 to calculate the
resistances of lamp 1 and lamp 2. Give the units of resistance.

resistance of lamp 1 =

resistance of lamp 2 =

name of the unit of resistance = [3]

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18 For
(d) The student thought it was possible to increase the brightness of both the lamps by
rearranging the circuit shown in Fig. 6.1.

(i) Draw a circuit diagram to show how this might be done. Do not include the
voltmeter in your circuit.


(ii) Explain why the lamps would be brighter using the circuit you have drawn.


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