Scars PDF
Scars PDF
Scars PDF
s the demand for less invasive, highly effective cosmetic procedures grows, plastic surgeons must explore and develop new treatment options. Patients request skin treatments to
rejuvenate photoaging, abnormal pigmentation
or vascularity, textural problems, rhytides, and laxity caused by chronological aging. We have numerous methods today to tighten skin, such as
laser resurfacing and deep peeling.15 However,
these treatments are ablative and tighten the skin
From the Klinik fur Plastische, Hand- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover; Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Groote
Schuur Hospital; and Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California.
Received for publication November 17, 2006; accepted February 28, 2007.
Copyright 2008 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
DOI: 10.1097/01.prs.0000304612.72899.02
Fig. 1. The Environ Medical Roll-CIT (made by Vivida-SA cc, Renaissance Body Science Institute, Cape Town, South Africa).
Lax Skin
51.9 12.1
41.7 10.3
49.7 10.1
49 15.5
2.9 1.3
3.1 1.4
3.2 1.6
3 15.5
Fig. 3. (Above) Schematic image of the procedure. (Below) Intraoperative view of a needled forehead.
Fig. 4. (Left) Preoperative histologic photomicrograph of the abdomen. (Right) Histologic photomicrograph of
the abdomen obtained 1 year postoperatively. Hematoxylin and eosin staining shows that, at 1 year postoperatively, the stratum corneum is normal and the epidermis shows no signs of any abnormality and is of normal
thickness, with regular rete peg formation.
Fig. 6. A 47-year-old woman with wrinkles of the forehead preoperatively (above) and 1 year postoperatively (below).
corneum, thickened epidermis (40 percent thickening of the stratum granulosum), and normal
rete ridges at 1 year postoperatively (Figs. 4, left,
and 5, below).
Fig. 5. (Above) Preoperative histologic photomicrograph of the
face. (Below) Histologic photomicrograph of the face obtained 6
months postoperatively. Van Gieson stain shows that, 6 months
after needling, there is a considerable increase in collagen and
elastin deposition, and the collagen appears not to have been
laid down in parallel bundles but is rather in the normal lattice
Postoperatively, all treated patients were able
to return to normal daily life after 1 week. No
patient required postoperative analgesia, and all
continued to apply vitamins A and C twice daily on
an ongoing basis.
Van Gieson staining showed a considerable
increase in collagen deposition at 6 months postoperatively. The collagen also appears to have
been laid down in a normal lattice pattern, rather
than in parallel bundles as seen in scar tissue.
Similarly, elastica staining showed an increase in
elastin at 6 months postoperatively. Hematoxylin
and eosin staining demonstrated a normal stratum
Patient Satisfaction
In 50 patients treated in Germany (15 cases
with scars and stretch marks and 35 with wrinkles),
patient satisfaction was evaluated prospectively before percutaneous collagen induction and 12
months postoperatively by the patient themselves
using a visual analogue scale (0 absolutely dissatisfied and 10 completely satisfied). In group
I (wrinkles), the average preoperative score was
4.5 (range, 2 to 5), which improved significantly to
8.5 (range, 7 to 10) postoperatively. Group II
(scarring) also improved significantly from 3.0
(range, 1 to 5) to 7.5 (range, 7 to 8); and so did
group III (lax skin/striae), from 3.5 (range, 2 to
5) to 8.0 (range, 7 to 9) (Table 2).
In the 15 cases with scars and stretch marks
treated in Germany, the Vancouver Scar Scale
was compared with two reliable, objective, and
universal methods for assessing scars: the Vancouver Scar Scale, and the Patient and Observer
Scar Assessment Scales. The Vancouver Scar Scale
has been described to provide a descriptive terminology for the comparison of scars and assessing the
results of treatments.2729 It considers four parameters: vascularity, height (thickness), pliability, and
pigmentation. Each variable is scored for severity
Fig. 7. A 41-year-old woman with wrinkles of the face preoperatively (left) and 9 months postoperatively (right).
Fig. 8. A 24-year-old woman with chickenpox scars preoperatively (left) and 1 year postoperatively (right).
Fig. 9. A 51-year-old woman with lax skin abdomen preoperatively (above) and 1 year postoperatively (below).
were treated successfully with acyclovir. Some patients reported swelling and bruising for up to 7 to
10 days. No patients reported scarring, hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation, or photosensitivity postoperatively.
Rationale for Using Topical Vitamins A and C
The necessity for using vitamins A and C for
percutaneous collagen induction has been well
described by Fernandes.19 Vitamin A, a retinoic
acid, is an essential vitamin (actually a hormone)
for skin. It expresses its influence on 400 to 1000
genes that control proliferation and differentiation of all the major cells in the epidermis and
dermis.30 38 It may control the release of TGF-3
in preference to TGF-1 and TGF-2 because, in
general, retinoic acid seems to favor the development of a regenerative lattice-patterned collagen
network rather than the parallel deposition of scar
collagen found with cicatrization.39,40 Retinyl esters are the main form of vitamin A in the
skin,19,41,42 and for these reasons, we have elected
to apply vitamin A in its ester forms (retinyl palmi-
Preoperative score
Postoperative score
Lax Skin
*VSS, Vancouver Scar Scale; POSAS, Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scales.
Finally, we should question why we destroy
the epidermis to achieve smooth skin. The epidermis is a complex, highly specialized protective layer, even though it is only approximately
0.2 mm thick. We should only destroy the epidermis for medical reasons, never for aesthetic
ones. The first step to a healthier skin is to
restore the natural levels of photosensitive vitamins (e.g., vitamins A and B12), antioxidants
(e.g., vitamins C and E), and carotenoids, which
all become depleted after exposure of the skin
to light each day.45,46
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