Lichtenstein's Comic Book Painting

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The Smithsonian Institution

Modern Romance: Lichtenstein's Comic Book Paintings

Author(s): Bradford R. Collins
Source: American Art, Vol. 17, No. 2 (Summer, 2003), pp. 60-85
Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of the Smithsonian American Art Museum
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BradfordR. Collins

Roy Lichtenstein, Hopeless,1963.

Oil, 44 x 44 in. Collection of
Peter and Irene Ludwig, on loan
to Offentliche Kunstsammlung,
Kunstmuseum, Basel

The simplisticview that all Pop art is relentlesslyobjectiveand distant seemsmyopicnow ....
[W]e are increasinglycoming to understand the private and subjectivesignificance of the
"publicsigns"of the Pop artists, most of which were loaded with highlypersonal and charged
-Paul Schimmel
"The Faked Gesture: Pop Art and the New York School" (1993)

Between 1961 and 1965 Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997) produced a series of

paintings based on scenes from love and
war comic books (frontispiece).Although
these works have become synonymous
with his name, they stand apart thematically from the rest of his mature production, which was dedicated to high-art
subjects and the purging of content
in favor of minimalist formal valuessimplicity, clarity, fluidity, flatness, and
unity. Most scholars maintain that these
paintings only appear inconsistent, and
that Lichtenstein chose comic sources
simply as another means to explore his
late modernist aesthetic.1
Lichtenstein encouraged this view.
Throughout his careerhe insisted that he
had no interest in the narrative content
of the comic book scenes, and said he had
turned to them in 1961 only because of
their "possibilities for painting." In his
first published interview in 1963, for
example, he commented that the comic
book artist "intends to depict and I


intend to unify.... I use [comic book

scenes] for purely formal reasons."2
But at the end of the interview Lichtenstein appeared to contradict his own
claim by acknowledging that the comic
book paintings do entail "a stylistic intensification of the excitement which the
subject matter has for me."3 This singular avowal might be overlooked but for
the fact that it perfectly articulates what
the viewer sees. The artist's adjustments
to the comic book scenes so effectively
sharpen their essential content that it is
difficult to justify them solely in terms
of his interest in color, line, and spatial
relationships-the formal means of
painting. The melodrama of adolescent
romance is more pronounced and the
macho violence of war more exaggerated
in Lichtenstein's interpretations than in
his comic book sources. The paintings
themselves are primary evidence that
Lichtenstein did care about subject matter.
His oft-repeated claims of indifference to
depiction bring to mind the character in

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Shakespeare'sHamlet who "doth protest

too much."
Lichtenstein'sexceptional admission of
concern should perhaps be considered a
classic Freudian slip. This was an emotionally difficult time for him, professionally and personally. He was on the
verge of a breakthrough in his long quest
for artistic success and, as he much later
acknowledged, "in the middle of a divorce."4 The dates of the comic book
paintings correspond precisely with his
marital breakup. He and his first wife
separatedin 1961 and divorced in 1965.
Interviews that I conducted in the 1990s
with Lichtenstein, Letty Eisenhauer-the
graduate student he lived with while
negotiating his divorce-and some of his
colleagues from the early 1960s indicate
that the correspondence between his
personal romantic turmoil and his choice
of themes was more than coincidental.
A contextual analysis of the comic book
paintings suggests that their themes
presented him with an opportunity to
play out subconsciously a series of satisfying fantasies, which apparently helped

him to cope psychologically with the

hopes and disappointments of this tumultuous time.
Before examining these paintings and
the events they addressed, however, we
must look afresh at the early development of Lichtenstein's pop art. Only in
that context can the essential continuities
and discontinuities contained within the
comic book paintings be fully understood. One major thread of continuity
was the artist's tendency to choose subjects that offered precise if veiled parallels to his professional circumstances.
Before he turned to love and war comics,
he was in the habit of identifying with
the vernacular characters in his art.

Lichtenstein's Early Pop Art

Lichtenstein became a pioneer of American
pop in 1961 at the age of thirty-seven
when he copied a bubble gum wrapper
given to him by one of his sons. When
later asked what precipitated LookMickey
(fig. 1), he responded: "Desperation.

Roy Lichtenstein, Look Mickey,

1961. Oil, 48 x 69 in. Dorothy
and Roy Lichtenstein, Gift of
the Artist, in Honor of the 50th
Anniversary of the National
Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.


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Roy Lichtenstein,DonaldDuck,
1958. Indiaink on paper,19 3/4 x
24 ? in. Privatecollection

There were no spaces left between [second-generation abstract expressionists]

Milton Resnick and Mike Goldberg."5
Lichtenstein had long wanted a place in
the forefront of mainstream art, and he
hoped to win it with something radically
His previous career gambits had all
failed. In the late 1950s he had tried to
gain the art world's attention by cleverly
marrying the ascendant painterly style
practiced by Resnick and Goldbergwhat critic Clement Greenberg in an
influential 1955 essay called "Americantype" painting-with prototypically
American subject matter, such as Disney
cartoon characters Donald Duck and
Mickey Mouse.6 Although Lichtenstein
destroyed these paintings after they failed
to generate interest, he kept some of the
preliminary drawings (fig. 2).
The determined artist tried another
tack in late 1959 or early 1960 when he
subscribed to the cooler, "post-painterly"
approach being championed by Greenberg


as the logical step "beyond" abstract expressionism. When Lichtenstein arrived

on the Rutgers University campus in
New Brunswick, New Jersey, in the fall
of 1960 to teach in the art department,
he brought along a dozen or so decorative stripe paintings in the general mode
of Morris Louis and Kenneth Noland,
Greenberg's designates as the heirs of
Jackson Pollock, Barnett Newman, et al.
in an evolutionary purification of modern art.7
Lichtenstein found Greenbergian purity to be particularly ill-suited to the
intellectual climate at Rutgers. The art
department was then staffed and attended
by a host of young men-including
Robert Watts, George Brecht, Lucas
Samaras,George Segal, Robert Whitman,
and Geoffrey Hendricks-determined
to take contemporary art toward ordinary life, not away from it. The leading
theoretician of this loosely affiliated
group was Allan Kaprow, who in 1958
had published "The Legacy of Jackson

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Roy Lichtenstein, Popeye,1961.

Oil, 42 x 56 in. Private collection

Pollock," his assessment of abstract expressionism's historical thrust. Inspired

by composer John Cage's belief that art
ought to celebrate life as it is rather than
offering escape or criticism, Kaprow tried
to convince a disbelieving art world that
Pollock's emphasis on the act of painting
and willingness to use ordinary materials
had brought avant-garde artists to "the
point where we must become preoccupied with and even dazzled by the space
of our everyday life . .. [a]n odor of
crushed strawberries,a letter from a friend
or a billboard selling Draino [sic]."8
Lichtenstein's new colleagues encouraged him to participate in their Cageian
turn. The peer pressure became particularly intense when they discovered his
drawings with Disney characters. He
finally overcame his reluctance to give
up high art for low life owing to two factors: the lukewarm response his stripe
paintings had received from avant-garde
dealers, and Kaprow's timely reminder
that "artdoesn't have to look like art."


Lichtenstein later said, "I knew that, but

it helps to have a nudge."9 Both men
would have understood the strategic usefulness of making this leap. That the
most significant breakthroughs in the
history of avant-garde art, from Manet
to Pollock, had all seemed shocking at
first was a cliche in postwar discussions
of modern art.
Lichtenstein's excited uncertainty that
Look Mickey (see fig. 1) might have just
the "promising despicability" called for
in the current artistic climate is inscribed
in the painting itself. The irrepressible
Donald has caught his own coat while
casting, and the heavy tug on his line
must mean that he's "HOOKED A BIG
ONE!!" Mickey looks on amusedly,
stifling a laugh that might embarrass his
accident-prone friend or cut short the
prospect of the more hilarious denouement suggested by Donald's precarious
situation at the pier's edge. Lichtenstein
recognized in the scene the embodiment
of his own professional situation. "The

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theSchools,1855. Lithograph
publishedin Le Charivarino. 2
(April24, 1855)

subjectof the painting,"he admitted,

"is me." Each characterpersonifiesa
side of his ambivalenceabout the
prospectsof his artisticexperiment.
Donald representshis egoisticexhilaration about the possibilitythat he has
finally"hooked"the "bigone," the
breakthroughapproachthat had for so
long eluded him. Mickey figuresthe
soberinginternalresponseof the superego that such buoyantoptimism is
merelyself-delusional-a recognition
implicit, of course,in his identification
with Donald. In short, Lichtensteinwas
laughingat himself, and thus protecting
himself from the painful prospectthat
his high hopes would turn out to be
as foolish as Donald's.Accordingto
SigmundFreud,this is the defensiveor
"liberating"effect of humor,especially
when self-directed.10
Lichtensteinalso humorouslyemployed children'scartooncharacters
to play out his professionalhopes in
Popeye(fig. 3), anotherpaintingfrom
1961. The scene of Popeyedeliveringa
knockoutpunch to his archrivalBluto
surreptitiouslyenactsa successfantasy.


"I chose the scene,"Lichtensteinsaid,

"becauseit remindedme of Daumier's
Battleof the Schools(fig. 4)," which illustratesthe confrontationbetweenrepresentativesof the competingromantic
(left) and academic(right)camps in
were ideal stand-insfor their contemporaryartisticcounterparts.Bluto was a
ready-madecaricaturefor the abstract
expressionistpaintersand their supporters, famousfor their swaggeringand at
times bullyingmasculinity.Becauseof his
name and popularcultureorigins,Popeye
effectivelyrecalledthe realmto which
Lichtensteinwas moving-a realm
opposed by the abstractexpressionists.
Lichtensteincould also identifywith
Popeyebecauseof a physicaland psychologicalresemblance:both artistand cartoon characterwereslight and ordinarily
saw in the scene, then, a battleof the
schools in which he led the victorious
side-a satisfyingif childishconceit, as
his framingof it acknowledges.11

The Marriageof Pop and Minimalism

Lichtensteinsaidhe alsowas attractedto
the formalqualitiesof the Popeyecartoon, "thestrong,simple clarityof its
contoursand colors, the way the blue
looked on the orangeand red ground."
The image does have the same powerful,
immediateimpact on the eye that Popeye, the spinach-eatingsailor,is shown
delivering.The depictedscene underscoresthe purelyvisualpop of the style.
To cultivatethis nascenttaste for the
aestheticappealof ordinaryimagery,
Lichtensteinturnedto the richerterrain
of commercialadvertisement.His first
painting to demonstratethis new emphasiswas Girlwith Ball (fig. 5), inspiredby a newspaperad for a resort
in Pennsylvania's
Pocono Mountains
(fig. 6). Ratherthan merelycopy his


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source, Lichtenstein developed its classical

stylistic potential. The single idealized
figure in a graceful, visually coherent pose
participates in a tradition of Western art
inaugurated in ancient Greece and preserved in the work of a long line of artists
from Raphael to Ingres. By cleaning,
strengthening, and elegantly reshaping
the contours of the woman's upper torso,
Lichtenstein converted his low-art source
into a worthy example of the most venerable kinds of high art. His adherence to
classical design principles is also evident in
the way he tightened the composition in
the front plane by cutting the figure at the
waist, shortening her arms, and cropping
the top of the ball.
In Girl with Ball, Lichtenstein realized
a modernist brand of pop, a marriage
of Mondrian and advertising; the painting could be subtitled Compositionwith
Red, Yellow,and Blue. Unlike the commercial artist who wished to suggest the


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Roy Lichtenstein,GirlwithBall,
1961. Oil, 60 /4 x 36 14 in.
Museum of ModernArt, New
York,Gift of Philip Johnson

Advertisementfor MountAiry
Lodge,Mount Pocono, Pennsection
sylvania,in the "Travel"
of the New YorkTimes,1961

Roy Lichtenstein,Composition
1964. Oil and Magna,68 x 56 in.
Museumflir ModerneKunst,

appearance of three-dimensional forms

in space, Lichtenstein sought a radically
two-dimensional effect. The telescoping
of the figure, insistent outlines, and unmodulated colors effectively flatten the
female against the ground. The rhyming
between the body contours and the edges
of the scalloped waves, which Lichtenstein
added, integrate the figure into that
ground, creating what Greenberg elsewhere praised as the "fuliginous flatness"
toward which he thought modernist art
aspired in its will to withdraw into itself
and away from a tarnished world.12
Lichtenstein's idiosyncratic participation in the enterprise that Greenberg was


then describing and promoting is also

apparent in the way he minimized or
eliminated other facets of the ad'shuman
content. Most obvious is the omission
of the text that establishes the woman's
identity as someone either on holiday or
honeymooning at a particular resort in
the Poconos. More importantly, the artist
treated her hair, skin, and mouth in ways
that subtly shift attention from representation to form. Eschewing the simplified
naturalism commercial artists use to suggest hair, Lichtenstein opted for shapes
so stylized that depiction nearly gives
way to abstraction. He achieved a similar
result in her skin. Minuscule Benday
dots are used in newspaper ads in varying
densities to create the illusion of modeling in light and shadow. Lichtenstein
enlarged them and applied them uniformly-a feature that would grow more
exaggeratedin subsequent work. What
appears as skin from across the room
becomes a fine texture of red spots at
normal viewing distance. By rhyming
the red and white curved sections of the
woman's open mouth with those of the
ball above, Lichtenstein also made this
facial feature simply another area of form
and color. This effect could only occur
because Lichtenstein emotionally emptied his subject. Whereas the woman
in the ad is genuinely happy, her smile
its expressive vehicle, Lichtenstein's counterpart is merely going through the motions. Her stare is vacant and her mouth
merely open.13
Two related series begun in 1962
suggest that Lichtenstein wished sophisticated viewers to understand his commitment to a type of Greenbergian
minimalism. In one, he chose commercial designs with well-known modernist
counterparts. A prime example is
CompositionI (fig. 7), a mural-sizedcopy
of an ordinary marbleized notebook
cover. The combination of scale and
design invokes the "all-over"painterly
style characteristicof abstract expressionism, especially the work of Jackson Pollock


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Roy Lichtenstein,FemmedYAlger,
1963. Oil, 80 x 68 in. Eli and
EdytheL. BroadCollection,
Los Angeles

Pablo Picasso, Les Femmesd5Alger,

1955. Oil, 51 /4x 38 1/8in.


and Franz Kline. While raising the commonplace to the level of high art, this association also emphasizes Lichtenstein's
commitment to simplified form. Whereas
the marks of Pollock and Kline are profoundly subjective, Lichtenstein's were
anonymously designed and then copied.
The absence of a name on the notebook
further underscores his repudiation of
the personal. The cover is new, pristine,
unsullied. 14
In the second, related series begun in
1962, Lichtenstein began to produce
"commercialized"versions of renowned
modernist paintings. Femme dYAlger
(fig. 8), for example, is based on Pablo
Picasso's own revision (fig. 9) of a
nineteenth-century masterpiece, Eugene
Delacroix's Womenof Algiers (1834).
Here Lichtenstein adopted not only
the minimalist aims identified with
Greenberg and his critical followers but
their recommended procedure as well,


which was to pursue the artistic goals

initiated but left unfinished by avantgarde forbears.15In his painting, Lichtenstein took up the task started by
Picasso in 1955-the transformation
of a romantic icon into classical form.
Lichtenstein advanced the process by
flattening and equalizing all forms. The
navel becomes a small circle at the intersection of two planes; the breasts, now
considerably more abstract, bear even
less relation to their natural referents.
Art historian Donald Kuspit argues
that Picasso's engagement with the
Delacroix painting was part of a strategy
to lessen the power women had in his
life-to wrestle, if not subdue, a troubling subject into the manageable materials of art.16The extent of Lichtenstein's
effort to de-eroticize the subject suggests
his sympathy with this aspect of the
Spaniard'swork. Not content to merely
complete the emptying and abstracting

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10 Roy Lichtenstein.Mr. Bellamy,

1961. Oil, 56 1/4x 42 1/8 in. Modern
Art Museumof FortWorth,

of the odalisquebegun by Picasso,

Lichtensteinbelittledher, turningan
eroticparadigminto a laughablecaricature-an effectparticularlyvisiblein
her face,left arm,and rightbreast.The
comic book paintingsconfirmthe suspicion that Lichtenstein,like Picasso,had
personalreasonsfor depreciatingthe
themeof woman.By the time of Femme
they had becomecentralto his


The Love Comic Paintings

Betweenmid-1961 and late 1965 Lichtensteinworkedon threesubjectareas:modernistmasterpieces,commercialdesigns,
and the comics.His paintingsin the latter
areaareby far the most numerousand,
from an art-historicalperspective,the
most complex.While the earliestof these
(seefigs. 1 and 3) constitutea preludeto
his minimalistwork in other areas,the
comic strip-inspiredpicturesfromlaterin
1961 representan antitheticalshift in his
art.They generallyobservethe formal
standardsof other periodproduction,
but violate its insistentlyanti-romantic
One of the firstindicationsof this curiis Mr. Bellamy
ous counterdevelopment
(fig. 10),
Sundaynewspaperserialthat relatedthe
adventuresof big-citynewsphotographer
Steve Roper.The paintingshows an
archetypalmale hero-cool, handsome,
granite-jawed,and much decoratedwalkingthroughan officecomplexto see
a Mr. Bellamy,whom he has nevermet.
On the way he wonderswhat the man is
like. To the casualobserverthis scene
may seem an odd choice, offeringlittle
of aestheticor even narrativeinterest.But
Lichtensteinselectedit becauseof its
professionalresonance.In 1960 Richard
Bellamyhad openedan uptowngallery,
the GreenGallery,sympatheticto those
workingon themesfromeverydaylife.
Lichtensteinhad been consideringtaking
some of his new workto Bellamyfor possibleexhibition.The paintingwas producedwhile he, too, waswondering"what
furtheridentifywith the characterbecause
he, too, had brieflytrainedas a pilot at
the end of WorldWarII. The propplane
in the upperleft, a detailthe artistadded,
suggeststhat Lichtenstein'salterego
belongs to that era.17As in the case of
Popeye,he used the scene to play out a
masculinefantasy.One can understand
the possibleart-worlduses of such a


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11 Roy Lichtenstein, The Engagement

Ring, 1961. Oil, 67 3/4x 79 1/2 in.
Collection of Ronnie and Samuel
Heyman, New York

steeling daydream,yet it seems more appealing for Lichtenstein the man than the
aspiring artist. In this respect, the picture
paves the way for the dramatic war paintings he began the following year.
The EngagementRing (fig. 11) inaugurates the other major theme of the early
1960s-love. For this image Lichtenstein
appropriatedthe concluding scene of one
week's installment of "Winnie Winkle"
(fig. 12), Martin Branner'slong-running
serial of the everydaytrials and tribulations
of a glamorous but sensible working girl.
This episode involves the ill-advised infatuation of Winnie's younger brother, Perry,
for an exotic dancer. In the chosen scene,
Winnie registersher troubled hope that the
piece of jewelry Perryplans to give the
dancer is not an engagement ring. Lichtenstein said he picked the subject as part
of his preoccupation with materials usually excluded from high art: "I had the idea
of taking a single frame out of something


that implied a story ... in contrast to the

prevailing aesthetic disdain for literary
content." His aim was not to contest those
standardsbut to assimilate another foreign
substance into the modernist canon, one
considered even more intractable-and
thus more challenging-than advertising.
According to Lichtenstein scholars, the
artist realized his aim in works such as
this; he changed a storytelling mode
into a "style"that could "rivalthe art of
museums." 18

Yet the adjustments Lichtenstein made

to Branner'soriginal strengthen narration
instead of redirecting our focus from story
to form, as in Girl with Ball (see fig. 5).
His preference for a tighter focus contributes to the creation of a compelling
image with greater emotional intensity.
Expressively squeezed between the lamp
and his sister's hair, the man now reacts
more uneasily to her query. His body and
mouth seem to tighten at her words, his

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12 MartinBranner,panelsfrom
"WinnieWinkle,"in the Chicago
Tribune,Sunday,July 16, 1961

reaction underscored by the sharp, nervous rhythms that Lichtenstein added in

his necktie. The situation is more, not
less, romantic, because the male character
is no longer recognizable as Perry.He has
darkerhair, a thinner face, and smaller facial features.What had been a mildly dramatic confrontation between Winnie and
her brother in the comic strip now seems
a mysteriously tense moment in our heroine's love life.
Subsequent work in this vein, inspired
by teen romance comic books, matches
up better with the standard interpretation
of Lichtenstein'sformal achievement, but
storytelling remains an essential and underappreciated facet of his production.
One of the best examples is Drowning Girl


(fig. 13), derived from a 1962 DC Comics

book entitled SecretHearts (fig. 14). In
the original scene a sad-faced young man
clinging to an overturned sailboat watches
helplessly while a grief-strickenyoung
woman suffering from a leg cramp decides
she would rather drown than call for his
help. Lichtenstein said the scene reminded
him of Katsushika Hokusai's famous
woodblock print, The Great Waveoff
Kanagawa (fig. 15), which was the popular art of its own era in Japan. He suspected that the Hokusai-elevated to
high-art status by nineteenth-century
European cognoscenti-had inspired the
cartoon artist: "But the original wasn't
very clear in this regard-why should it
be? I saw it and then pushed it a little

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13 Roy Lichtenstein,DrowningGirl,
1963. Oil and Magna,67 5/8 x
66 3/4 in. Museumof Modern
Art, New York,PhilipJohnson
Fundand Gift of Mr. and Mrs.
14 TonyAbruzzo,panelfrom"Run
for Love!" in SecretHearts, no. 83

15 KatsushikaHokusai,TheGreat
Waveoff Kanagawa, 1823-29.

Colorwoodcut, 10 x 14 3Ain.
Private collection


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further until it was a referencethat most

people [in the art world] will get." An essential aim, then, was to reveal the unsuspected aesthetic correspondence between
high art and low art, and to demonstrate
how easy the more sophisticated comic
book illustratorsmade it "to transform a
cartoon style into an art style."19In this
painting, little is actually transformedaside
from the formatting. Lichtenstein brought
out the high-art reference by zooming in
on the area of water around the girl and
by making a few minor adjustments to
the original, the most obvious being the
way the water'sedge now more gracefully
washes across the girl's shoulder.
In his pursuit of form, however, Lichtenstein did not neglect narrative. He
made two changes in the girl's thought
balloon: he tightened it by removing the
reference to her cramp and, as Kirk
Varnedoe and Adam Gopnik perceptively
observed, he changed the protagonist's
name "fromwhat was, for his purposes,
the wrong cliche-the peculiar 'Mal'-to
the right cliche, the nifty 'Brad."'20The
scholar pair are convinced that these
"purposes"were essentially stylistic, but
in reality the name change is a matter
of content. By altering the boy's name,
Lichtenstein actually preservesthe essential story line. In the original, we can see
that the protagonist is "nifty";it doesn't
matter what his name is. Only by improving the name could Lichtenstein ensure the fundamental integrity of the
plot. Left on its own, "Mal"-which in
French and in English prefixes means
"bad"-would falsely suggest that the
young man for whose love our heroine is
willing to drown is wrong for her, that
they will not in the end patch things up
and live happily ever after. "Brad"reassures us that she will not drown, except
figuratively in his perfect embrace, that
her love for him is right, and that the
story line will proceed in the expected
fashion. Lichtenstein sacrifices the specific
story of Mal and the girl who considers
herself unworthy of his notice for the


more essential one that stands behind

it-the metanarrative.
Most love comics tell a variation of the
same formulaic story, that of a beautiful
young white girl who meets and falls in
love with an equally white and handsome
young man. A serious problem of some
kind arises to threaten their relationship,
and the heroine is briefly devastated
before its happy resolution. Each variation
is also told from the girl'svantage point.
By focusing on emotionally distraught
young beauties, Lichtenstein captures and
communicates the essence of this literary
tradition. Perhapshis most effective encapsulation is Oh Jeff. . . I Love You,Too
. . . But (1964), which depicts a beautiful
blonde speaking those words into the telephone. Girl and boy have met, have fallen
in love, and have just encountered the
classic "but"that will, as we know, only
temporarily postpone the inevitable, thus
raising the emotional stakes and sweetening the adolescent female reader'sdeferred
Lichtenstein'spaintings address a different audience, of course-sophisticated
adults for whom these stories open a retrospective vista on love usually at odds
with their idyllic promise. Most grownups
find these paintings mildly humorous, as
they apparentlyare meant to be. Lichtenstein often chose moments when the behavior of his heroines is laughable, such
as the girl'sdecision to risk drowning
ratherthan call her beloved for help. Even
Winnie's question-"It's not an engagement ring. Is it?"-sounds like the punch
line of a dumb blonde joke. But the mature viewers may be smiling at their own
attraction to the story line, not simply at
the behavior of the comic book characters
and their naive teenaged devotees. Looking at these paintings, it is difficult not to
recall one's own adolescent expectations
about romance. Few among us ever completely give up on the dream of perfect
love, as the popularity of romantic comedies such as Sleeplessin Seattle (1993) or
Notting Hill (1999) should attest. Each

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yearHollywoodproducesa crop of adult

love storiesthat followessentiallythe same
courseas the teen love comicsand address
the samefundamentaldesire.
The only scholarlypublicationto reccriticalengagement
with the myth of love is a 1966 articleby
the GermancriticOtto Hahn. According
to Hahn, Lichtenstein's
partof a widespreadphenomenonin postwarartand literatureto disabuseWestern
cultureof its most cherishedmythsand
attaina morerealisticunderstandingof
"thehumancondition."21The specificsof
romanticlife at the time
suggesta morepersonalmotivation.
The PrivateDimension of the
LoveComic Paintings
In 1949 the twenty-six-year-old
LichtensteinmarriedIsabelWilson,the co-director
of the Cleveland,Ohio, art gallerythat
showedhis work.Afterhe was denied
tenureat Ohio StateUniversityin 1951,
the couple movedbackto Cleveland
wherehe pursueda varietyof art-related
jobs, and she becamea successfulinterior
decorator.Their two sons wereborn in
1954 and 1956. Then in the fall of 1957
the familymoved to Oswego,New York,
whereRoy Lichtensteintook a position as
assistantprofessorat the state university.
By the time the family moved to New
Jerseyin the summerof 1961, Isabel
Lichtensteinhad become an alcoholic,
a condition that affectedboth her social
behaviorand parenting,accordingto a
numberof accounts.By the end of 1961
the painterdemandeda trialseparation.
He brieflymovedhis residenceand studio
to New YorkCity. In the summerof
1962 he returnedto the family home,
largelyto be with his sons, but the reconciliationwas unsuccessful.That winter
the couple separatedpermanentlyand
Lichtensteinmoved to a loft in lower
Manhattanwith LettyEisenhauer,a master's student who worked part-time in his


departmentaloffice.The pairlived togetherfor almosttwo yearsduringthe

time the Lichtensteinswerenegotiating
the termsof theirdivorce,which was
finalized in 1965.22

Becausethis was the periodin which

the artistproducedthe bulk of his comic
book paintings,Eisenhauerobservedfirsthand the relationshipbetweenthatwork
and his life. Now a counselingand forensic psychologist,she concludedthat the
paintingsand the divorcewere"intimately
connected,althoughRoywas much too
guardedeverto admitit." Both facetsof
othercolleaguesfromthis era.Kaprow,for
example,commentedthat "everyoneat
the time thoughtthe paintingswereabout
his personallife, but you couldn'task
aboutsensitiveissueslike that. He'droll
his eyesand makea joke."Eisenhauer
insistedthat the connectionwas not a
simpleone, however:
I believethe workswereintendedto express
hispessimismabout "thelovestory."He consideredit hopeless,
as he ironicallystatedin
oneof those"crying
piece].He wasnot disappointed
divorce,however,butaboutlove.His cynicismwasintensifiedbytheshort,unhappy
loveaffairhe had had earlyin 1962 witha
. . . whorenews-magazine
jectedhim. He wasdeeplyhurtbyher,but
he couldn'tcry.Thewomenin thesepaintingsarecryingforhim, expressing
whathe couldnot express
directly.But they
arealsocryingoverhim. Roywantedsome
beautifulBreckGirlto lovehim the way
remarksopen to understandingthe curious"doublenessof feeling" these paintingsseem to express,
simultaneouslyridiculingand embracing
found it necessaryto trivializethe myth of
love not just out of disappointment-to
rationalizehis failuresto attaintruelovebut becausehe was so attractedto it.

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16 Roy Lichtenstein,Masterpiece,
1962. Oil, 54 x 54 in. Private


These scenes enabled him to both mock

and indulge that attraction.
The conflicted appeal that the love
story retained for him is evident in an
underappreciatedsubgroup of the love
comic paintings, scenes of his own invention that feature a painter.Masterpiece
(fig. 16) is the most revealingof these. It
featuresa classic blonde who looks away
from the painting she has been examining
to comment to its slightly smug and handsome maker-her darling Brad-that the
work is a "masterpiece,"one that will "soon
... have all of New Yorkclamoring for your
work." Lichtenstein produced the canvas
for initial exhibition at the prestigious Leo
Castelli Gallery-at a time when he, too,
was contemplating the possibility of finally


having the New York art world clamor

for his masterpieces.The concocted scene
nicely illustratesFreud'sconception of the
modern artist as one who "allowsfull play
to his erotic and ambitious wishes."25
Pondering a professional triumph, Brad
alreadyhas been blessed with the ultimate
erotic success, chiseled good looks and a
glamorous, admiring girlfriend. On the
eve of the Castelli show, Lichtenstein created an indulgent fantasy of transformation, from plain, loveless, professional
failure to handsome and adored leader of
the avant-garde-from Roy to Brad.
Eisenhauerassertsthat Brad was his alter
ego, "the strong, cool, good-looking
WASP that [this slight Jewish man] had
always envied and wanted to be."

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was groundedin an astute,

if subconscious,understandingof the
consequencesof the kind of successa
Castelliexhibition might reasonably
achieve.Art, as Freudnoted and history
attests,is a vehicle not only for the expressionof the male artist'sdesiresbut
also for their realization:the successful
male artistmay "achievethroughhis fantasywhat previouslyhe had achieved
only in his fantasy-honor, power,and
the love of women."By producinga
the artistmay achieveac"masterpiece,"
tual mastery"toarrangethings according
to his desires";he may "becomethe hero,
king, creator, favorite he desired to be."26

CriticArthurDanto considersMasterpieceto be "ahighly ironic statement"

about the possibilitythat this and other
Lichtensteinpop paintingsmight deserve
the nomination."Somethingdrawnand
coloredin that [comicstrip]style,"he
notes, "isso distantfrom what we areaccustomedto terming'masterpieces'
it is a joke to think of it in the termsthat
applyto, say,LasMeninasor TheNight
Watch"-celebratedworksby Velazquez
and Rembrandt.27But this analysis
missesthe painting'spsychologicalcomplexity.Danto is correctin sayingthat
Lichtensteinwould answer"obviously
not" if askedwhetherhis piece is a masterpiece.But we would be naiveto take
the artistat his word. What creatordoes
not secretlyhope that his workswill be
More importantly,
judged masterpieces?
Danto'sobservationmissesmuch of the
objectof Lichtenstein's
joke. If the paintclaim
is laughing's
able, then so is the entirefantasyscene
of which that claim is but one part.
Lichtenstein'sintention to mock the daydreamexpressedhere is suggestedby his
approachto it as somethingstraightout
of a love comic-a juvenileillusion.
The paintingallowedLichtensteinsimultaneouslyto indulgein the exciting
promiseof finallyattainingfame and its
desirousconsequenceswhile laughingat
himselffor doing so-much as he did in


Look Mickey (see fig. 1). While giving

free reign to his desires, he framed them
in a way that acknowledges their fanciful
essence. This protected him from the
emotional price that a full commitment
to these unlikely, if not impossible, scenarios might require. In an inner struggle
between the competing voices of his adolescent and adult selves, Lichtenstein
managed a finely tuned equilibrium-or
"doubleness." In the battle that we all
must fight between what Freud called
the Pleasure Principle and the Reality
Principle, Lichtenstein cleverly and
sanely met the demands of both.28
A contextual analysis of Masterpiece
supports the thesis that Lichtenstein used
public materials for subjective purposes
in his love comic paintings, and that his
interest in these illustrated narrativeswas
more than purely formal. The characters
drawn from or inspired by love comics
figured the emotional hopes and disappointments of a turbulent, transitional
time in the artist's life. In effect, these
paintings were subconsciously designed
to help him achieve the kind of emotional mastery or "cool" demonstrated
by the painter in Masterpieceand the
pilot in Mr. Bellamy (see fig. 10).
The war comic paintings that he
produced at the same time were equally
important to this life strategy. They
allowed him to manage another of the
powerful emotions triggered by his

The War Comic Paintings

Lichtenstein began working on scenes
from war comics in 1962. A representative example of the genre is Whaam!(fig.
17), which was based on a scene from
"StarJockey"in the January-February
1962 issue of AllAmerican Men of War
(fig. 18). As he had done elsewhere in his
work, Lichtenstein subjected the source
image to his classicizing taste. He eliminated peripheraldetails, clarified and

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17 Roy Lichtenstein, Whaam!, 1963.

Oil and Magna, two panels, each
68 x 83 in. Tate Gallery, London
18 Irv Novick, panel from "Star
Jockey,"in All American Men of
War,no. 89 (January-February


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strengthenedlines and shapesthroughout,

beautifiedmanyof the contours,and flattened the actionin the foregroundplane.
He also alignedthe deadlyrocket,and
thus the entirescene,on the horizontal
axis,and balancedthe compositional
weightsof the two planes-an effectreinforcedby his placementof the planeson
These changeswere meant to please
the artist'sand his viewer'saesthetictaste,
but they do not eliminatenarrativecontent as many have claimed.Instead,some
of the alterationsstrengthenthe story.


The more beautifulflamesof the exploding plane in Lichtenstein'spainting,for

example,arenot "strictlyornamental"
but a function of the story.29The comic
book recounts the futuristic fantasy of
World War II pilot Johnny Cloud, a
Native American who is mercilessly
hunted by a pack of enemy fighters after
having been separated from his squadron.
Finally he steels his nerve, turns his jet
around, and bravely defeats his pursuers
in a scene of blazing action. As the lead
pursuer'splane explodes, he satisfactorily
observes to himself, "The enemy has

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become a flaming star!"Although Lichtenstein removed the words, he maintained

the idea in his handling of the event.
Lichtenstein'schoice of this scene as
well as his reductive approach to its definition demonstrate a sensitivity to the basic
narrativeof the war comic. The genre features a single aspect of warfare,the struggle of the individual warrior to defeat his
enemy or enemies. The metanarrativeis
that of a young man forced from the
safety of home into the killing business to
defend the United States against the unprovoked aggression of a cruel and ruthless enemy. Although America'sblameless
goodness is always implicit in these tales,
an essential feature of their story line is
also the metamorphosis of an unsure boy
into a heroic man, as in the case of "Star
Jockey"-a development consummated
in the just destruction of the enemy. By
stripping the scene of all anecdotal and
physical detail and placing the antagonists
on separatepanels, Lichtenstein provides
the viewer of Whaam!with the essence of
the war comic genre.
The question, again, is why this story
interested Lichtenstein at this time. What
context might explain it? One theory is
that the series was part of a venerable
modern protest tradition that included
works such as Picasso'sGuernica(1939).
Lichtenstein, it is argued, meant to belittle
the romantic conception of war promoted
by Hollywood films of the era, thus pioneering the antiwar sentiment that would
engulf America as a result of the Vietnam
War. But he began work on the theme in
1962, at a point when U.S. involvement
in Vietnam was still limited and not yet
a critical issue. He dropped the subject in
1965 at the moment when opposition to
the war was beginning to burgeon.30
A better answer is that Lichtenstein
produced the war comics in the context
of his own private war with his wife. Like
many divorces, theirs was characterized
by mutual resentment and anger-hers
for his desire to end the marriageand his
both for the behavior that forced him to


seek a divorce and for what he saw as her

greedy approach to the divorce settlement.
Fearing that Isabel Lichtenstein would use
his relationship with Eisenhauer to pecuniary advantage, the artist tried to keep
it secret. He asked Eisenhauer to leave
when his children visited, and did not
allow her to answer the telephone. When
she forgot the rules one day and picked
up the telephone, he became angry with
her. Eisenhauer believed the real object
of his anger was Isabel: "Roy was angry
with her all the time, although he rarely
allowed himself to express it," she said.
According to Eisenhauer,the war paintings provided a vehicle for his anger; "Roy
was playing out his revenge fantasies"in
them. Lichtenstein could easily identify
with Johnny Cloud-not just because he
had also been a pilot, however briefly, but
because this was Johnny's revenge fantasy!
Although Lichtenstein may have found
a degree of emotional satisfaction in the
American fighting man'sjust violence
against an evil adversary,the paintings
suggest that he also understood the childishness of his own fantasies.War comics
cater to the desires of pre-adolescent boys,
an even more immature audience than
the readersof love comics. By framing
his fantasies as he did, Lichtenstein could
indulge a normal psychological needas in his love comic paintings-while
laughing at it or, more precisely,at the
boy within. He could harmlesslyvent his
anger while keeping it in a mature, adult

The End of the Comic Book Paintings

As Lichtenstein's anger at his wife waned,
so too did his interest in themes of war.
By 1965 the couple had arrangeda divorce settlement and their relationship
was no longer intensely antagonistic.
While Lichtenstein continued to work on
war topics, in a sculptural series as well
as paintings, the new works appear quite
different. They focus only on individual

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19 Roy Lichtenstein, FrightenedGirl,

1964. Oil and Magna,48 x 48 in.

Collection of IrvingBlum,
New York

explosions.In the absenceof eithera protagonistor evidenceof what, if anything,

is being destroyed,the narrativeelement
virtuallydisappears.In placeof a story
we havean emphasison form.31
The love paintingsof late 1964 and
1965 aresimilarlychanged,as a comparison of FrightenedGirl(fig. 19) with
Hopeless(see frontispiece)attests.In the
subservientto narrative.FrightenedGirl
reversesthese terms.The largerBenday
dots, the broad,dynamicrhythmsin the
hair,and the bold contrastof light and
darkcolorsthroughoutproclaimthe work
to be the productof an artist,not an illustrator.They directour attentionaway
from the comics to theirremakerand his
taste.A perceptualtension is established
in FrightenedGirlbetweenthe signs of
her sorrow-slack mouth, downcastgaze,
and tears-and the vivid patternsthat
almostmaskthem. That tension, and


not the young woman'ssorrowand its

probablecause,is now the content of
the work. As in the case of the late war
works,the critics'claim that Lichtenstein
was most interestedin the aestheticencounterbetweena cool formalismand a
hot subjectmatter-and not narrativefinallycoincideswith the visualevidence.
This changein his late love comic
paintingsis also best understoodas a factor of developmentsin his personallife.
In the fall of 1964, while still livingwith
Eisenhauer,he met Dorothy Herzka,an
assistantat a Manhattangallery.They
begandatingsoon afterwardand married
in 1968. Accordingto one magazineaccount, Herzka"waswidely consideredto
be the reigningbeautyof the New York
art scene. Furthermore,she bore an uncannyresemblanceto the seductive,fullfeatured,emotionallyintensewomen he
had portrayedin his romance-cartoon
paintings."32By the beginningof 1965,
Lichtensteinwaslivingthe fantasyfigured
in Masterpiece(see fig. 16). New York
collectorswere "clamoring"
for his works,
and he had won the love and devotion
of a glamorouswoman.
By the autumnof 1965 he was able to
leavebehind the imagerythat had served
his conflictingpsychologicalneedsin the
turbulentperiodof the early1960s and
to returnto high-artsubjects.The first
indicationsof this coursewerethe Big
Brushstrokepaintingsin which the signaturegesturalistpaint stroke-with all its
connotations of subjectivity, spontaneity,

and passion-is tamedinto something

cool, controlled,and formallyelegant.
Ironicallya comic book scene inspired
the firstof the series(fig. 20). Brushstrokes,
trulya watershedwork, markedboth the
end of one phaseand the beginningof
another.The sourceimagecomes from
"The Painting"in the October 1964
issue of StrangeSuspense
Stories(fig. 21).
The storyconcernsJakeTaylor,a talented
young artistwhose self-doubtsprevent
him from showing his work publicly.
Althoughhis teachers,friends,and even

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20 Roy Lichtenstein, Brushstrokes,

1965. Oil and Magna, 48 x 48 in.
Private collection

the occasional art dealer encourage him

to exhibit, he demurs, insisting to all that
he is not quite ready.The real cause of his
refusals,however, is a lack of confidence:
"What if the world doesn't like them?
That would kill me!" In the midst of
this torment he is "possessed"to paint
a portrait of a man who turns out to be
the personification of his conscience.
The man berates him for his cowardice
and encourages him to face his fears and
let the world see and judge his art. Angrily he refusesand covers the portrait. In
order to pay his bills he resorts to "painting portraits of anyone who would pay
his price!" But when alone, "Jakecould
not resist uncovering the sinister painting!
And each time he did so, that face was


there to torment him." In a fit of anger

and despair,Jake finally stops the voice by
painting out the man's face. Lichtenstein
chose the following scene, when Jake's
torment ceases.
He may have selected this scene because it caricaturesthe famously troubled
abstract expressionist painter and his
quest to get in touch with his deeper self.
But Lichtenstein's tendency to identify
with his comic book characterssuggests
that he also may have seen himself in it.
Like Jake, he produced a representational
art form that suited the buying tastes of
the wealthy bourgeoisie. Lichtenstein too
had to endure constant and no doubt
painful criticism for producing such an
art. The guardians of high taste deplored

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21 Anonymous panels from "The

Painting," in StrangeSuspense
Stories,no. 72 (October 1964)

his earlypop work as anathemato high

art. In March1962 criticMax Kozloffaccused Lichtensteinof providing"apretty
slap in the face [to] both philistinesand
cognoscentialike."Lichtenstein,he went
on to imply,was responsiblefor the distressing"invasion"of art galleries,once
sacredhavensfrom bourgeoisculture,
"bythe pin-headedand contemptible
styleof gum chewers,bobbysoxers,and
... delinquents."At a 1962 symposium
on pop art at the Museum of Modern
Art, critic Hilton Kramerpressuredart
historianLeo Steinbergto admit that
paintingswerenot simply
"a low form of art," but a "failed"one.

Steinbergcould only respondthat he

could not "yetsee the artfor the subject
By movingawayfrom his
comic sources,Lichtensteinmay have
hoped to allow Steinbergand others
to see the painterlyqualitieshe selfconsciouslystruggledto attain,thus
But the voice in the sourceimageis
that of the artisthimself,which suggests
that Lichtensteinmay havesharedsome
of the attitudesand reservationsof his
critics.He had turnedto popularsubjects
not becauseof a Cageiancommitmentto
underminethe aestheticvaluesof high


artbut out of a desireto remakepopular

imageryinto somethingcompatiblewith
those lofty standards.Although later
scholarsinsist that he did so, criticsat the
time saw neitherhis achievementnor his
goal.Their collectiveverdictmight well
havepromotedself-doubts.The critical
voice Lichtensteinmay havemost hoped
to silencein Brushstrokes
could havebeen
his own.
Finally,of course,Lichtensteincould
have selectedthe scene to expresshis
reliefat the cessationof the disquieting
innervoicesthat had drivenhis interestin
comic book themes over the past several
years.Whateverthe case, Lichtenstein's
choicereflectedhis renewedcommitment
to a purifiedclassicism,one from which
the human voice had been cleansed.
Besidesmakingthe brushstrokesmore
fluid and compositionallymore stable,
Lichtensteinalso eliminatedthe words
of both narratorand artist.His painting
achievesthe perfectsilence to which the
comic book scene only alludes.
Havingresolvedthe troublingissues
that had unconsciouslyfound expression
in his work for the past severalyears,
Lichtensteinwas able to returnto the
aestheticallymore congenialpath on
which he had embarkedin Girlwith Ball
(fig. 5) and had continuedintermittently
to pursuein workssuch as Composition
(fig. 7) and Femmed4Alger
(fig. 8). Except
for the occasionalforayinto commercial
or non-Westernart, he would spend the
restof his careerexploringthe conceptual
tensionsbetweenhis commerciallyderivedstyle and subjectsdrawnfrom the
historyof modernpainting,and enjoying
the way those tensionsreducedthese
heavilyfreightedworksto pure,sanitized
form. In effect,Lichtensteindid to modern artwhat he had done to the subject
in Girlwith Ball:he cleanedand emptied
it. Greenbergshouldhavebeen pleased.

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This article was supported by a SPAR
Research Grant from the University of
South Carolina.

Two views of the comic book paintings

characterizethe Lichtenstein literature.
The first contends that Lichtenstein
chose comic book themes simply to
conceptualize the antithetical facets of
his modernist aesthetic. Material that is
culturally low, emotionally hot, and archetypally literary is transformed into
something culturally high, emotionally
cool, and preeminently formal. See, for
example, John Coplans, Roy Lichtenstein
(New York: Praeger, 1972), pp. 14-26;
Lawrence Alloway, Lichtenstein (New
York:Abbeville, 1983), pp. 9-10 and
23-24; and Kirk Varnedoe and Adam
Gopnik, High and Low: Modern Art
and Popular Culture (New York:Abrams,
1990), pp. 197-208. The second view
holds that Lichtenstein was also interested, if peripherally, in the gendered
roles of the characters in this literature.
See Diane Waldman, Lichtenstein (New
York: Rizzoli, 1993), pp. 93-106, and
Cecile Whiting, "Borrowed Spots: The
Gendering of Comic Books, Lichtenstein's
Paintings, and Dishwasher Detergent,"
American Art 6 (spring 1992): 8-35.
See Alan Solomon, "Conversation with
Lichtenstein," Fantazaria (July-August
1966), reprinted in Coplans, Roy Lichtenstein, p. 85. Gene Swenson, "What is
Pop Art? Interviews with Eight Painters,"
Art News (November 1963), reprinted in
John Russell and Suzi Gablik, eds., pop
art redefined(New York: Praeger, 1969),
p. 93. See also his remarks to Elizabeth
Richardson in note 4 below.

Swenson, "What is Pop Art?," p. 94.

In 1993 an interviewer asked Lichtenstein why so many of the women in his

love comic paintings are weeping: 'Well,
I was in the middle of a divorce. I don't
know if that had an effect, but it might
have,' he says, and it is clear from the
way he says it that he's inclined to believe that it didn't." Lichtenstein then
proceeded to offer the standard explanation: "Because the paintings were done
in a mechanical way, it would be more
of a statement since the method is so
dispassionate and the content is so passionate, and I like that conflict." See
Elizabeth Richardson, "Those Lichtenstein Women," Harper'sBazaar 3383
(October 1993): 236.


John Coplans, "An Interview with Roy

Lichtenstein," Artforum (October 1963),
reprinted in Coplans, Roy Lichtenstein,
p. 51.

Clement Greenberg, "'American-Type'

Painting," Partisan Review (spring 1955):

For an example of Lichtenstein'spaintings

of this type, see Waldman, Lichtenstein,
fig. 13. On "the crisis of abstract expressionism" and Greenberg's campaign at
the end of the 1950s to promote Louis
and Noland as the new leaders of the
historical avant-garde, see Bradford R.
Collins, "Clement Greenberg and the
Search for Abstract Expressionism's Successor: A Study in the Manipulation
of Avant-Garde Consciousness," Arts
Magazine 61 (May 1987): 36-43. When
I asked Lichtenstein in our 27 April
1995 interview if he read Greenberg or
attended any of his lectures in New York
at this time, he replied that he "kept up."

Allan Kaprow, "The Legacy of Jackson

Pollock," Art News 57 (October 1958):
56-57. Kaprow had recently taken a
class from the iconoclastic music theorist
at the New School for Social Research in
New York. For more on the subject and
the general situation at Rutgers around
1960, see Joan Marter, ed., Off Limits:
Rutgers Universityand the Avant-Garde,
1957-1963 (New Brunswick, N.J.:
Rutgers Univ. Press, 1999).
Late in 1960 Lichtenstein showed the
stripe paintings to Leo Castelli, New York's
leading avant-garde dealer, and his wife,
Ileana Sonnabend, who owned a gallery
in Paris, but neither was interested. See
Waldman, Lichtenstein, p. 23. Information on the interaction between Lichtenstein and his colleagues is from the
author's interview of 27 April 1995. Unless otherwise noted, all further Lichtenstein quotes are from this interview.

10 The phrase "promising despicability" is

from Tom Lubbock, "Dotting the Eyes,"
Modern Painters 6 (winter 1993): 44.
Lubbock's discussion was prompted by
the artist's observation about his initial
pop paintings: "It was hard to do a
painting that was despicable enough
that no one would hang it.... The
one thing every one hated was commercial art." Lichtenstein commented that
the subject of the painting "is me" after
I asked if the figure of Donald was a

parodyof the abstractexpressionist

painter,whom HaroldRosenbergin his
Painters"(1952) had describedas someone fishingin the depthsof consciousness for the true self. For the defensive
function of humor,see SigmundFreud,
"Humour"(1927), in JamesStrachey,
ed., TheStandardEditionof the Complete
of SigmundFreud,vol. 9 (London:
HogarthPress,1959), p. 164.
11 In my 1995 interviewwith Lichtenstein,
he admittedthat Popeyewas not only
the pop artistbut "perhaps"
A numberof scholarshave noted his
resemblanceto Popeyeand Bluto'sresemblanceto the popularconception
of the abstractexpressionist.See, for
example,PaulSchimmel,"The Faked
Gesture:Pop Art and the New York
School,"in RussellFerguson,ed., HandPaintedPop:AmericanArt in Transition,
1955-62 (New York:Rizzoli, 1993),
p. 46.
12 ForGreenberg's
quote,see "ThePresent
Prospectsof AmericanPaintingand
Sculpture,"Horizonno. 93-94 (Oct.
1947): 26. The most importantstatement of his position was his first,
and Kitsch"(1939),
Art and Culture
reprintedin Greenberg,
(Boston:BeaconPress,1962), pp. 3-21.
13 Lichtenstein'sself-consciousawareness
of the two sides of his aestheticenterprise-the purgingof humancontent in
favorof classicalform-is evidentin another paintingfrom 1962, TheRefrigerator.The work is basedon a scene from
the backof an Arm & HammerBaking
Sodabox that depictsa happyhomeIn Lichtmakercleaningher refrigerator.
enstein'spainting,the woman'sactivities
wittily call attentionto the parallelones
of the artist,for Lichtensteindid to
the scene what she is doing in it. He
cleanedthe forms of the originaland
emotionallyemptiedthe housewife.See
figs. 58 and 59.
14 The commercialimagesthat Lichtenstein began to collect in 1961 were kept
in notebooksof this type, all of which
includedhis name on the cover.See the
illustrationin Milton Esterow,"Conversation: Roy Lichtenstein,"Art News 90
(May 1991): 86.
15 On Picasso'simportancefor postwar

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the unrealizedPicasso... who became

the importantincentivefor Americans
like Gorky,de Kooningand Pollock,all
threeof whom set out to catch . .. some
of the uncaughtharesthat Picassohad
started."See "'American-Type'
(1955), reprintedin Greenberg,Art and
Culture,p. 212. On the "requirement"
of the modernistpainterto grapplewith
the unresolvedissuesof his forbears,see
33 (autumn 1964): 648.
16 Donald Kuspit,reviewof the Roy
Lichtensteinexhibitionat the Gagosian
Gallery,Artforum26 (May 1988): 142.
17 Informationon the workwas provided
by the artistin my interviewwith him.
For Lichtenstein'spilot training,see
p. 365.

22 This informationis compiledfrom three

pp. 9
and 365-71; the recollectionsof Leo
in Martin Filler,"Pop'sGranddad,"
VanityFair (August1993): 152; and the
author'sinterviewwith LettyEisenhauer
on 28 July 1995. IsabelLichtenstein's
alcoholismis attestedto by severalsources,
includingFillerand Eisenhauer.According to Filler,she was laterinstitutionalized for her condition and died in 1980.
Unlessotherwisenoted, subsequentinformationon Lichtenstein'sdealingswith
Isabeland his personalinvestmentin his
comic book paintingsis from the 1995
interviewwith Eisenhauer.
23 Kaprow'squote is from author'stelephone interviewwith Kaprow,19 January 1995. For more on Lichtenstein's
emotionalreticence,see Filler,"Pop's
Granddad,"p. 150. Blockquote is from
author'sinterviewwith Eisenhauer,28
July 1995.

18 PhyllisTuchman,"Pop!:Interviewswith
GeorgeSegal,Andy Warhol,Roy Lichtenstein,JamesRosenquistand Robert
Indiana,"Art News73 (May 1974): 27.
Greenbergand his criticalfollowersat
artwith literaryimplicationsor associations.The bestaccountof Lichtenstein's
of a "storypurported"transformation"
tellingmode"into an "avant-garde
is offeredin Varnedoeand Gopnik,
High and Low,pp. 197-208. The
referenceto museum art is from Peter
Schjeldahl,"LuckyStrokes,"New Yorker
(19 November2001), p. 87.

24 The phraseis fromAdamGopnik, "The

Wise Innocent,"New Yorker
(8 November
1993), p. 120. Gopnikwas referringto
attitudetowardthe style
of the comics, not theircontent.
25 A photographof Lichtensteinseated
next to Masterpiece
at the CastelliGallery
appearedin Life52 (15 June 1962),
p. 120. Since the paintingis dated to
1962, it must have been paintedjust
beforethe Castelliexhibition,which
opened on February10. Sigmund
Freud,"The Pathsto the Formation
of Symptoms,"in JamesStrachey,ed.,
The CompleteIntroductory
(New York:W. W. NorPsychoanalysis
ton, 1966), pp. 376-77.

19 Forother specificcomic sources,which

date from the late 1940s to the early
1960s, see Whiting, "BorrowedSpot,"
p. 34, and Varnedoeand Gopnik, High
and Low,pp. 197-203. For the quote,
see John Coplans,"Talkingwith Roy
Lichtenstein,"Artforum(May 1967),
reprintedin Coplans,RoyLichtenstein,
p. 91.
20 Varnedoeand Gopnik,High and Low,
pp. 199-200.
21 Otto Hahn, "RoyLichtenstein,"Art International10 (summer1966), translated
by ArnoldRosin and amendedby James


Fitzsimmonsin Coplans,RoyLichtenstein,
p. 142.

26 SigmundFreud,"Psychopathic
on the Stage,"in JamesStrachey,ed.,
SigmundFreud,vol. 7 (London:Hogarth
Press,1959), p. 305, and Freud,"FormulationsRegardingthe Two Principles
in MentalFunctioning,"in General

Theory(New York:Collier,
1963), pp. 26-27.
27 ArthurDanto, "ShirinNeshat'sRapture,"
TheMadonnaof theFuture(New York:
Farrar,Strausand Giroux,2000), p. 403.
28 The contradictorynatureof the materials
held in suspensionin theseworkssuggests that Lichtensteinwas not fully
consciousabout the implicationsof his
work. Only in primary(e.g., dreams)or
secondaryprocess(e.g., artisticinspiration) thinkingcan such oppositesbe
tolerated.Denial is the classicdefense
which would
againstfull self-awareness,
forcethe subjectto choose one of the
29 See, for example,Varnedoeand Gopnik,
High and Low,pp. 199-201. Waldman,
p. 105.
30 Waldman,Lichtenstein,
p. 93. The smallscale antiwarmovementof the early
1960s was aimed at the possibilityof
a nuclearwar,not the kind of conventionalwarfareLichtensteindepictsin his
Lichtensteinwas politicallyconservative
and ambivalentaboutthe VietnamWar
and those who protestedit.
31 Forexamples,see Waldman,Lichtenstein,
figs. 244 and 245.
32 Filler,"Pop'sGranddad,"p. 153; see
p. 133 of Filler'sarticlefor a photograph
of Dorothy Herzka.For more on the
circumstancesof their meeting, see
p. 9. According
to Eisenhauer,Lichtenstein's
with Herzkaprecipitatedtheirseparation
at the end of 1964.
33 For the Max Kozloffquotes,see "'Pop'
Culture,MetaphysicalDisgust,and the
New Vulgarians,"
Art International
(1962), reprintedin Kozloff,Renderings
(New York:Simon and Schuster,1968),
p. 221. On Kramerand Steinberg,see "A
Symposiumon PopArt,"ArtsMagazine
37 (April1963): 40.


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