Writers Program - Summer 2016 Catalog
Writers Program - Summer 2016 Catalog
Writers Program - Summer 2016 Catalog
Writers Program
Upcoming Workshops
How to Become a Professional Film
and TV Writer TODAY
August 13, 2016, 10am-1pm
UCLA Campus
Publishing and Promoting Your Work
and Youin the Age of Social Media
November 5, 10am-1pm
UCLA Campus
Reg# 263424CA
Registration is now open for both.
Page 151.
Creative Writing
Choose the right course for you. For advisement on on-site creative writing courses, call
Sarah Lim at (310) 825-9416 or Katy Flaherty
at (310) 206-0951. Many creative writing
courses also are offered online; see page158.
General Interest:
Beginning & Novice Writers
These basic creative writing courses are for
students with little or no prior writing experience. Instruction is exercise-driven; the process of workshopping, where students are
asked to share and offer feedback on each
others work with guidance from the instructor, is introduced. These courses may be used
to fulfill Creative Writing certificate requirements; contact the Writers Program at (310)
825-9415 for details.
General Interest:
Special Subjects & Themes
Unless otherwise noted in the description,
courses in this section are open to students
of all levels who want to focus on a specific
area of study. These courses may be used to
fulfill Creative Writing certificate requirements; contact the Writers Program at (310)
825-9415 for details.
Reg# 264053CA
Through Mar 7: $419 / After: $460
Westwood: 320 1010 Westwood Center
Thu 11am-2pm, Apr 7-May 26, 8mtgs
No refund after Apr 11.
Steven Wolfson, MFA, award-winning playwright, and
founding member of The Mark Taper Forums Mentor
Playwrights Project. Mr. Wolfsons latest play, The
Absence of Wanting, premiered in Portland in 2012,
followed by its European premiere in Berlin. A WGA
member, Mr. Wolfson is the recipient of UCLA Extensions Outstanding Instructor Awards in both Creative
Writing and Screenwriting.
Creative Writing:
Weekend Courses
Finding Your Unique Voice:
A Writing Workshop
Writers Program151
Writers Program
Publication Party
The featured readers are Writers Program instructors who have published
work within the past year.
Reg# 264039CA
Through May 11: $295 / After: $320
UCLA: 2278 School of Public Affairs Bldg.
Sat & Sun 9:30am-5pm, Jun 11 & 12, 2mtgs
No refund after Jun 10.
Mara Amparo Escandn, bestselling bilingual fiction
writer whose first novel, Esperanzas Box of Saints
(Santitos in Spanish), has been translated into 21 languages and made into a Sundance Festival Awardwinning film produced by John Sayles. Ms. Escandns
latest novel is Gonzlez & Daughter Trucking Co.
A free course celebrating the 50th anniversary of the
Writers Program.
Everyone has a storyand many people have multiple
rich, juicy, unique stories to tell. Pulitzer Prize-winning
author Wallace Stegner said that talent is more common than we think, that it is all over the place, and
almost everyone has some degree of it, and this UCLA
Extension Writers Program course gives you the inspiration and tools to tap into yours! Learn how to identify
and embrace your own creative process; find inspired
story ideasboth by delving inward and looking in
unexpected places; disempower that inner voice bent
on discouraging you; and engage in stimulating, fun,
and freeing exercises that just might be the start of a
piece of fiction, a poem, screenplay, or memoir. Open
to aspiring writers of all genres; bring a pen and paper
or laptop to participate in the writing exercises. Enrollment limited; no enrollment at the door.
Reg# 263196CA
Fee: $0
UCLA: 121 Dodd Hall
Sat 10am-1pm, Mar 5, 1 mtg
Enrollment deadline: Mar 4
Steven Wolfson, for credits see page 150.
A free course celebrating the 50th anniversary of the
Writers Program.
No matter what kind of story burns within you, no matter if you want to see it on the screen or on the page,
it needs a strong central concept, three-dimensional
characters, a plot that keeps the audience wondering
What happens next?, and a vivid sense of the world
your characters inhabit. This course introduces you to
these key elements of storytelling, shows you how to
infuse your story with a combination of individual personal experience and universal truths, and provides you
with opportunities to experiment and experience the
thrill of giving voice to your vision through short inspiring writing exercises. Bring your passion and leave with
a mini tool kit of writing insights and strategies! Open
to aspiring writers of all genres. Enrollment limited; no
enrollment at the door.
Reg# 263424CA
Fee: $0
Westwood: 204 Extension Lindbrook Center
Sat 10am-1pm, May 21, 1mtg
Billy Mernit, MFA, screenwriter and novelist; WGA
member who is a story analyst for Universal Pictures
and the author of Writing the Romantic Comedy
(Harper/Collins) and Imagine Me and You (Shaye Areheart/Random House). Mr. Mernit is a recipient of the
UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award and the
Outstanding Instructor Award in Screenwriting. He is
also a contributing author to Cut to the Chase (Gotham
Whats the difference between the prose poem and a
piece of short fiction? When should the poetic line give
way to the poetic sentence? These are just some of the
questions that are answered in this workshop on the
prose poem. Other topics include imagery, metaphor,
repetition, rhyme (yes, there could be rhyme in a prose
poem), surrealism, and prose poem as fable. These give
you a new understanding of the prose poem and a tool
kit to draw upon for continued writing. Throughout the
day, you put your new insights into action as you
receive writing prompts from which to write your own
prose poems in class. Practitioners of the art are discussed: Charles Baudelaire, Charles Simic, Nin
Andrews, Pierre Reverdy, Peter Johnson, and Russell
Edson, to name a few. You also receive a bibliography
of prose poem books to guide your continued engagement in the form. Enrollment limited to 20; advance
enrollment required.
Reg# 264049CA
Through Mar 9: $155 / After: $165
UCLA: 2325 School of Public Affairs Bldg.
Sat 9:30am-5pm, Apr 9, 1mtg
Rick Bursky, MFA, poet and author of the poetry collections Im No Longer Troubled by the Extravagance
(BOA Editions, forthcoming in 2015); Death Obscura
(Sarabande Books); The Soup of Something Missing,
which won the Dorothy Brunsman Prize; and The Invention of Fiction. Mr. Burskys work has appeared in
American Poetry Review, Iowa Review, Harvard Review,
Black Warrior Review, and Prairie Schooner.
Fiction I
Courses in this section are recommended for
students with some writing experience.
Instruction is a mix of lecture and workshopping. Under the instructors close guidance
and in a supportive environment, students
share and offer feedback aimed at assessing
their works strengths and areas for
improvement and fostering creative growth.
Those new to writing might consider courses
listed under General Interest: Beginning and
Novice Writers.
Reg# 264320CA
Through Feb 28: $615 / After: $675
Downtown Los Angeles:
109 UCLA Extension DTLA, 261 S. Figueroa St.
Mon 7-10pm, Mar 28-Jun 13, 12mtgs
(nomtg 5/30; 1mtg to be arranged)
No refund after Mar 30.
Michael Buckley, MFA, fiction writer and author of the
short story collection, Miniature Men. Mr. Buckleys
work has appeared in Alaska Quarterly Review, The
Best American Non-Required Reading, The Southern
California Review, Rip Rap, Watermark, and Spot Literary Magazine, among others. He has been nominated
for a Pushcart Prize twice.
Reg# 264319CA
Through Feb 29: $615 / After: $675
Westwood: 208 Extension Lindbrook Center
Wed 6:30-9:30pm, Mar 30-Jun 15, 12mtgs
No refund after Apr 1.
Stephen Cooper, PhD, MFA, NEA Fellow whose short
stories have appeared in Watershed, .Cent, American
Fiction, Hot Type, and The Threepenny Review, among
other publications. A professor of English at Cal State
Long Beach, Dr. Cooper is the author of Full of Life: A
Biography of John Fante and editor of The John Fante
Reader, both included among the Los Angeles Times
Best Books of the Year.
Novel Writing I:
Introduction to Novel Writing
Writers Program
The Writers Program has been an essential
andintegral part of my growth in becoming a
writer, allowing me to take chances and learn
different forms and styles. Most importantly,
my instructors and classmates have offered
encouragement and criticism to create the
stories Ive always dreamed of writing.
Jake Gerhardt, Writers Program student
and author of Me & Miranda Mullaly and
Me & My Future Ex-Girlfriend (Viking
Books for Young Readers, forthcoming)
Fiction II
These intermediate-level courses are designed
for students who have fulfilled the prerequisites stated in each description. Instruction
includes lectures as appropriate, but focuses
on workshopping. Students continue to share
and offer feedback as they move to deeper
levels of reflection and mastery.
Novel Writing V:
A Continuing Writers Workshop
Fiction III
Jake Gerhardt
Novel Writing II
Creative Nonfiction I
Courses in this section are recommended for
students with some writing experience.
Instruction is a mix of lecture and workshopping. Under the instructors close guidance
and in a supportive environment, students
share and offer feedback aimed at assessing
their works strengths and areas for
improvement, and fostering creative growth.
Those new to writing might consider courses
listed under General Interest: Beginning and
Novice Writers.
Creative Alchemy:
Finding and Writing Life Stories
You Were Meant to Tell
Writers Program153
Reg# 264329CA
Through Mar 4: $485 / After: $530
UCLA: 1264 School of Public Affairs Bldg.
Mon 7-10pm, Apr 4-Jun 13, 10mtgs
(nomtg 5/30)
No refund after Apr 6.
Antonia Crane, MFA, author of the memoir Spent and
senior editor of The Citron Review and Word Riot. Ms.
Cranes writing has appeared in The New York Times,
Playboy, Cosmopolitan Magazine, The Rumpus, Salon,
and The Heroin Chronicles, and on CNN.com, among
many others. She is a two-time winner of The Moth
Slam, and has appeared on This Is Life with Lisa Ling
and the WTF with Marc Maron podcast.
Available for
UCLA Transfer Credit
Creative Writing: Short Story
Page 151.
Creative Writing: Short Story
Page 151.
Creative Writing: Poetry
To be announced
Page 154.
Creative Writing: Short Story m
Page 156.
Page 157.
Writers Program
Creative Nonfiction II
Creative Writing: Poetry
Whats the difference between the prose poem and a
piece of short fiction? When should the poetic line give
way to the poetic sentence? These are just some of the
questions that are answered in this workshop on the
prose poem. Other topics include imagery, metaphor,
repetition, rhyme (yes, there could be rhyme in a prose
poem), surrealism, and prose poem as fable. These give
you a new understanding of the prose poem and a tool
kit to draw upon for continued writing. Throughout the
day, you put your new insights into action as you
receive writing prompts from which to write your own
prose poems in class. Practitioners of the art are discussed: Charles Baudelaire, Charles Simic, Nin
Andrews, Pierre Reverdy, Peter Johnson, and Russell
Edson, to name a few. You also receive a bibliography
of prose poem books to guide your continued
How to Write a Million-Dollar
Proposal: A Two-Saturday Workshop
Reg# 264333CA
Through Mar 9: $295 / After: $320
Westwood: 407 1010 Westwood Center
Sat 9:30am-5pm, Apr 9 & 16, 2mtgs
Kristin Loberg, New York Times bestselling writer and
editor specializing in proposals and book collaboration.
Ms. Lobergs titles include Payback Time (Crown), Mom
Energy (Hay House), The Fiber35 Diet (Free Press), The
Water Secret (Wiley), No Matter What (Grand Central),
The Vitamin D Solution (Hudson Street Press), and The
End of Illness (Free Press), among numerous others.
Writers Program155
Online Courses
Choose the right course for you. For advisement on online creative writing courses call
Phoebe Lim at (310) 825-0107, or Nutschell
Windsor at (310) 794-1846. For online screenwriting courses call Jeff Bonnett at (310) 2061542, or Chae Ko at (310) 206-2612.
Creative Writing
General Interest:
Beginning & Novice Writers
These basic creative writing courses are for
students with little or no prior writing experience. Instruction is exercise-driven; the process of workshopping, where students are
asked to share and offer feedback on each
others work with guidance from the instructor, is introduced. These courses may be used
to fulfill Creative Writing certificate requirements; contact the Writers Program at (310)
825-9415 for details.
Reg# 263773CA
Through Mar 27: $395 / After: $435
Apr 27-Jun 1
Tantra Bensko, MFA, fiction writer, poet, and awardwinning author with hundreds of creative writing publications, four chapbooks, a Slipstream novella from ELJ
Publications, and two full-length fiction books. She is a
graduate of the Iowa Writers Workshop.
The Program did more than help me become a
better writer. It also taught me about the industry and the realities of trying to be a writer in a
highly competitive business.
Online creative writing student Jacqui
Lipton, whose YA novel, Inside the Palisade
(written as K.C. Maguire), was published by
Lodestone Books. She was also accepted into
the MFA Program in Writing for Children
and Young Adults at the Vermont College
of Fine Arts, and her short stories and f lash
fiction have won awards at Writers Type and
Delta Women Magazine.
You too can achieve your writing goals.
Jacqui Lipton
General Interest:
Special Subjects & Themes
Unless otherwise noted in the description,
courses in this section are open to students
of all levels who want to focus on a specific
area of study. These courses can be used to
fulfill Creative Writing certificate requirements; contact the Writers Program at (310)
825-9415 for details.
Writers Program
Writing Fantasy m
Fiction I
Courses in this section are recommended for
students with some writing experience.
Instruction is a mix of lecture and workshopping. Under close guidance by the instructor
and in a supportive environment, students
share and offer feedback aimed at assessing
their works strengths and areas for
improvement, and fostering creative growth.
Those new to writing might consider courses
listed under General Interest: Beginning and
Novice Writers.
Introduction to Short
Fiction Writing m
Novel Writing I:
Introduction to Novel Writing m
Fiction II
These intermediate-level courses are designed
for students who have fulfilled the prerequisites stated in each description. Instruction
includes lectures as appropriate, but focuses
on workshopping. Students continue to share
and offer feedback as they move to deeper
levels of reflection and mastery.
Novel Writing II m
Fiction III
A manuscript submission is required for these
advanced-level workshops. At this level,
courses are primarily workshop-driven. It is
recommended that students take courses at
the Fiction II level prior to submitting their
work to an advanced-level course. For
instructions on submitting a writing sample,
see page152.
Writers Program157
Advanced Speculative
Fiction Writing m
Creative Nonfiction I
Creative Nonfiction II
Introduction to Writing
the Memoir m
Course Icons
m Online course
& Textbook required
C UC credit; may be
transferable to other
colleges and universities
Writers Program
Special Topics for Film
& Television Writers
Writing Your Feature Film from the
Story Analysts POV m
Writing Coverage: Story Analysis for
Film and Television m
Reg# 264072CA
Through Mar 6: $555 / After: $609
Apr 6-Jun 8
Steven Schwartz, screenwriter/producer, WGA member, and Spirit Award nominee for his screenplay for the
Sidney Lumet-directed movie Critical Care, starring
James Spader, Kyra Sedgwick, Helen Mirren, and Albert
Brooks. His TV credits include The Practice and 100
Centre Street. He has written scripts and pilots for Fox,
ABC, FX, Disney, NBC, Universal, Lionsgate, HBO, and
many others.
Reg# 264076CA
Through Mar 6: $555 / After: $609
Apr 6-Jun 8
Ronald Raley, screenwriter; WGA member whose
credits include Edge of Sanity, Dorian, Cupid and Cate,
The Runaway, and The Locket, for which he received a
Camie Award. Mr. Raley has worked as a development
executive for Cannon Pictures and Hallmark Hall of
Fame Productions, and has developed screenplays for
Glenn Close, Vanessa Redgrave, Chuck Norris, Anthony
Perkins, Malcolm McDowell, and others.
Writers Program159
Television Writing:
Beginning Courses
Beginning Writing for the
1-Hour Spec Drama: Building the
Story and the Outline m
Television Writing:
Intermediate Courses
Writing the 1-Hour Spec
Drama Script m
Television Writing:
Advanced Courses
Advanced Pilot Writing
Boot Camp m
Writers Program
Going to AWP16?
Well See You There!
The Writers Program will be one of more than 700 writing programs,
bookstores, publishers, and writing-related businesses at the 2016 AWP
Bookfair and Conference, the largest literary event in the U.S.
Visit us at booth #1423 in the Bookfair Exhibit Hall to spin the prize
wheel, learn more about our writing courses and programs, or attend
one of our 2 informative panels featuring Writers Program instructors,
all of whom are published authors or industry professionals.
Living Fictions: Writing in L.A.
Instructors Noel Alumit, Francesca Lia Block, Maria Amparo Escandon,
Jim Gavin, and Marisa Matarazzo discuss L.A.s inf luence on fiction.
Page Meets Screen: The Mercurial Marriage of Fiction and Film
Instructors Chrysanthy Balis, Billy Mernit, Nancy Nigrosh, and
Michael Weiss discuss the types of literary bestsellers that make it onto
the big screen.
AWP16 Bookfair and Conference
Los Angeles Convention Center
March 30April 2, 2016
Choose the right course for you. For advisement on screenwriting courses call Chae Ko
at (310) 206-2612 or Jeff Bonnett at (310)
Many screenwriting courses also are offered
online; see page158.
Reg# 264355CA
Through Mar 7: $485 / After: $530
UCLA: 2278 School of Public Affairs Bldg.
Thu 7-10pm, Apr 7-Jun 9, 10mtgs
No refund after Apr 11.
Laurel Ollstein, MFA, award-winning playwright whose
play Cheese was published by Original Works Publishing. Ms. Ollsteins work has been produced around the
country, including Esthers Moustache, Blackwells
Corner, Insomniac, and The Dark Ages, among others.
Her essays have been published by Freshyarn.com and
Tiny Lights: A Journal of Personal Narrative.
Reg# 264358CA
Through Mar 7: $395 / After: $435
Westwood: 121A Extension Gayley Center,
1145Gayley Ave.
Thu 7-10pm, Apr 7-May 12, 6mtgs
No refund after Apr 11.
Lisa Medway, screenwriter; WGA member whose
credits include Silver Spoons, Duet, The Nanny, Baby
Talk, and pilots for NBC, Fox, and Disney Channel. Ms.
Medway has written in numerous comedy genres,
including animation, feature films, and humorous prose,
and is the co-author of ME 101 (Warner Books Publishing). She is a recipient of the UCLA Extension Outstanding Instructor Award in Screenwriting.
Reg# 264336CA
Through Mar 7: $485 / After: $530
UCLA: 1343 School of Public Affairs Bldg.
Thu 7-10pm, Apr 7-Jun 9, 10mtgs
No refund after Apr 11.
Dan Vining, screenwriter and novelist; WGA member
whose feature film credits include Black Dog for Universal Pictures and Plain Clothes for Paramount. Mr.
Vining has written screenplays for Walt Disney Pictures,
MGM, Paramount, and Showtime, and his novels
include The Quick; The Next; and his latest, Among the
Living (Penguin-Putnam). He is a contributing author to
Cut to the Chase (Gotham Books/Penguin).
Beginning Courses
Writing the First Screenplay I
Writers Program161
Intermediate Courses
Feature Film Writing Workshop:
Outline and Act I
Reg# 264366CA
Through Mar 12: $605 / After: $665
UCLA: 3129 Rolfe Hall
Tue 7-10pm, Apr 12-Jun 14, 10mtgs
No refund after Apr 14.
Billy Mernit, MFA, screenwriter and novelist; WGA
member who is a story analyst for Universal Pictures
and the author of Writing the Romantic Comedy
(Harper/Collins) and Imagine Me and You (Shaye Areheart/Random House). Mr. Mernit is a recipient of the
UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award and the
Outstanding Instructor Award in Screenwriting. He is
also a contributing author to Cut to the Chase (Gotham
Advanced Courses
A script submission is required for these
advanced-level workshops which are primarily workshop-driven. It is recommended that
students take courses at the intermediate
level prior to submitting their work to an
advanced-level course.
Instructions for Submitting to an Advanced-Level
Submit your work for advanced-level courses at uclaextension.edu/wpsubmit. You will be asked to send the
following materials electronically: an application form,
your writing sample, and a cover letter.
The submission deadline for spring quarter is February
29 at midnight (Pacific Time). All applicants will be
notifed regarding their enrollment at least two weeks
prior to the first day of class. If you are accepted, you
will be required to enroll at that time; full payment
of course fee is due upon acceptance. The Writers
Program is not responsible for submissions lost due
to Internet or mechanical failure. No comments or
critiques are provided on student submissions.
Occasionally submission deadlines are extended;
contact the Writers Program office at (310) 825-9415
for the most up-to-date information.
Television Writing
Beginning Courses
Beginning Writing for the One-Hour
Spec Drama: Building the Story and
the Outline
c UC credit
m Online course
& Text required
Writers Program
Reg# 264377CA
Through Mar 4: $485 / After: $530
UCLA: 1323 School of Public Affairs Bldg.
Mon 7-10pm, Apr 4-Jun 13, 10mtgs
(nomtg 5/30)
No refund after Apr 6.
Danny Kallis, showrunner/television writer/director;
WGA member who has created many shows including
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, Suite Life on Deck,
and Smart Guy. Mr. Kallis has served as the executive
producer on series such as Lifes Work, Phenom,
Hangin with Mr. Cooper, and Whos the Boss? His other
writing credits include Mamas Family, Silver Spoons,
The Love Boat, and Taxi, among many others.
Reg# 264374CA
Through Mar 9: $485 / After: $530
Downtown Los Angeles:
104 UCLA Extension DTLA, 261 S. Figueroa St.
Sat 10am-1pm, Apr 9-Jun 11, 10mtgs
No refund after Apr 12.
Eunetta T. Boone, television writer/executive producer,
WGA member who created and executive-produced the
UPNs comedy series One on One. Ms. Boone served
as co-executive producer for My Wife and Kids and The
Hughleys. She also was a supervising producer on the
The Parent Hood; a producer on Living Single; and a
story editor/consultant on The Fresh Prince of Bel Air,
Roc, and Getting By.
Intermediate Courses
Writing the One-Hour Spec
Drama Script
Writers Program163
UCLA Extension classes are my go-to recommendation for anyone looking to take writing
classes. Their instructors know what the hell
theyre talking about and in 10 weeks you get
a very real crash course on what to do and
what not to dowhich is invaluable. Its
because of instructors like Joel Thompson
that I was able to write a solid script and
ultimately land a manager at Art/Work
Christina Strain, Writers Program
Student and 1st Place Winner of the
UCLA Extension Pilot Writing
Christina Strain
Advanced Courses
Writing the Half-Hour Comedy Pilot:
Advanced Workshop
Course Icons
m Online course
& Textbook required