Non Structural Components - Elements

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Nonstructural Components

In addition to the structural framing and the floor and roof systems, buildings include
many components and systems that are not structural in nature but that can be
damaged by earthquake effects.
The types of nonstructural components covered by the NEHRP Recommended Seismic
Provisions include:
Architectural features such as exterior cladding and glazing, ornamentation, ceilings,
interior partitions, and stairs;
Mechanical components and systems including air conditioning equipment, ducts,
elevators, escalators, pumps, and emergency generators;
Electrical components including transformers, switchgear, motor control centers,
lighting, and raceways;
Fire protection systems including piping and tanks; and
Plumbing systems and components including piping, fixtures, and equipment.
The design and construction requirements contained in the Provisions are intended to
ensure that most of these components are adequately attached to the supporting
structure so that earthquake shaking does not cause them to topple or fall, injuring
building occupants or obstructing exit paths.
For those pieces of equipment and components that must function to provide for the
safety of building occupants (e.g., emergency lighting and fire suppression systems),
the Provisions provides design criteria intended to ensure that these systems and
components will function after an earthquake.
The Provisions also includes recommendations intended to ensure that nonstructural
components critical to the operability of essential facilities such as hospitals can operate
following strong earthquake shaking.
With the development and implementation of performance-based earthquake
engineering, harmonization of performance levels between structural and non-structural
elements becomes vital. Even if the structural elements of a building achieve a
continuous or immediate occupancy performance level after a seismic event, failure of
architectural, mechanical or electrical elements can lower the performance level of the
entire building system. This reduction in performance caused by the vulnerability of nonstructural elements has been observed during recent earthquakes in Italy and
worldwide. Moreover, non-structural damage has limited the functionality of critical
facilities, such as hospitals, following major seismic events. The investment in non-

structural elements and building contents is far greater than that of structural elements
and framing. Therefore, it is not surprising that in many past earthquakes, losses from
damage to non-structural elements have exceeded losses from structural damage.
Furthermore, the failure of non-structural elements can become a safety hazard or can
hamper the safe movement of occupants evacuating buildings, or of rescue workers
entering buildings. In comparison to structural elements and systems, there is relatively
limited information on the seismic design of non-structural elements. Basic research
work in this area has been sparse, and the available codes and guidelines are usually,
for the most parts, based on past experiences, engineering judgment and intuition,
rather than on objective experimental and analytical results. Often, design engineers
must start almost from square one after each earthquake event: to observe what went
wrong and to try to prevent repetitions. This is a consequence of the empirical nature of
current seismic regulations and guidelines for non-structural elements.

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