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18 September 2005

2 P.M.

5 P.M.


This questionnaire consists of fifteen (15) numbers

contained in nine (9) pages. Read each question very
carefully. Answer legibly, clearly and concisely. Start each
number on a separate page; an answer to a sub-question
under the same number may be written continuously on the
same and immediately succeeding pages until completed.
Do not repeat the question.






- I -

(1.) Distinguish the following from each other:

a) Complex crime under Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code;

b) Special complex crime; and
c) delito continuado.


(2.) Under Article 27 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended

by Republic Act (RA) No. 7959, reclusion perpetua shall be from 20
years and 1 day to 40 years. Does this mean that reclusion perpetua
is now a divisible penalty? Explain. (2%)

(3.) Distinguish pecuniary penalties from pecuniary liabilities.


(4.) Taking into account the nature and elements of the felonies
of coup d etat and rape, may one be criminally liable for frustrated
coup d etat or frustrated rape? Explain. (2%)

(5.) Distinguish malum in se from malum prohibitum. (2%)

- II -

(1.) Belle saw Gaston stealing the prized cock of a neighbor

and reported him to the police. Thereafter, Gaston, while driving a
car saw Belle crossing the street. Incensed that Belle had reported
him, Gaston decided to scare her by trying to make it appear that he
was about to run her over. He revved the engine of his car and drove
towards her but he applied the brakes. Since the road was slippery
at that time, the vehicle skidded and hit Belle causing her death.

What is the liability of Gaston? Why? (4%)

(2.) DD was engaged in the warehouse business. Sometime in

November 2004, he was in dire need of money. He, thus, sold
merchandise deposited in his warehouse to VR for P500,000.00. DD
was charged with theft, as principal, while VR as accessory. The
court convicted DD of theft but acquitted VR on the ground that he
purchased the merchandise in good faith. However, the court ordered
VR to return the merchandise to the owner thereof and ordered DD to
refund the P500,000.00 to VR.

DD moved for the reconsideration of the decision insisting that

he should be acquitted of theft because being the depositary, he had
juridical possession of the merchandise. VR also moved for the
reconsideration of the decision insisting that since he was acquitted
of the crime charged, and that he purchased the merchandise in good
faith, he is not obligated to return the merchandise to its owner.

Rule on the motions with reasons. (5%)

- III -

(1.) Harold was convicted of a crime defined and penalized by a

special penal law where the imposable penalty is from 6 months, as
minimum, to 3 years, as maximum.

State with reasons whether the court may correctly impose the
following penalties:

a) a straight penalty of 10 months;

b) 6 months, as minimum, to 11 months, as maximum;
c) a straight penalty of 2 years.


(2.) E and M are convicted of a penal law that imposes a

penalty of fine or imprisonment or both fine and imprisonment. The
judge sentenced them to pay the fine, jointly and severally, with
subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency.

a) Is the penalty proper? Explain.

b) May the judge impose an alternative penalty of fine or

imprisonment? Explain.


(3.) The accused was found guilty of 10 counts of rape for

having carnal knowledge with the same woman. In addition to the
penalty of imprisonment, he was ordered to pay indemnity in the
amount of P50,000.00 for each count. On appeal, the accused
questions the award of civil indemnity for each count, considering that
the victim is the same woman.

How would you rule on the contention of the accused? Explain.


- IV -

(1.) Maganda was charged with violation of the Bouncing

Checks Law (BP 22) punishable by imprisonment of not less than 30
days but not more than 1 year or a fine of not less than but not more
than double the amount of the check, which fine shall not exceed
P200,000.00, or both. The court convicted her of the crime and
sentenced her to pay a fine of P50,000.00 with subsidiary
imprisonment in case of insolvency, and to pay the private
complainant the amount of the check. Maganda was unable to pay
the fine but filed a petition for probation. The court granted the
petition subject to the condition, among others, that she should not
change her residence without the court s prior approval.

a) What is the proper period of probation?

b) Supposing before the Order of Discharge was issued by the

court but after the lapse of the period of probation, Maganda
transferred residence without prior approval of the court. May the
court revoke the Order of Probation and order her to serve the
subsidiary imprisonment? Explain.


(2.) DD purchased a television set for P50,000.00 with the

use of a counterfeit credit card. The owner of the establishment had
no inkling that the credit card used by DD was counterfeit.

What crime or crimes did DD commit? Explain.


- V -

Paz Masipag worked as a housemaid and yaya of the oneweek old son of the spouses Martin and Pops Kuripot. When Paz
learned that her 70 year-old mother was seriously ill, she asked
Martin for a cash advance of P1,000.00 but Martin refused. One
morning, Paz gagged the mouth of Martin s son with stockings;
placed the child in a box; sealed it with masking tape and placed the
box in the attic. Later in the afternoon, she demanded P5,000.00 as
ransom for the release of his son. Martin did not pay the ransom.
Subsequently, Paz disappeared.

After a couple of days, Martin discovered the box in the attic

with his child already dead. According to the autopsy report, the child
died of asphyxiation barely three minutes after the box was sealed.

What crime or crimes did Paz commit? Explain. (5%)

- VI -

Candido stabbed an innocent bystander who accidentally

bumped him. The innocent bystander died as a result of the
stabbing. Candido was arrested and was tested to be positive for
the use of shabu at the time he committed the stabbing.

What should be the proper charge against Candido? Explain.


- VII -

Jose employed Mario as gardener and Henry as cook. They

learned that Jose won P500,000.00 in the lotto, and decided to rob
him. Mario positioned himself about 30 meters away from Jose s
house and acted as lookout. For his part, Henry surreptitiously
gained entry into the house and killed Jose who was then having his
dinner. Henry found the P500,000.00 and took it. Henry then took a
can of gasoline from the garage and burned the house to conceal the
acts. Mario and Henry fled, but were arrested around 200 meters
away from the house by alert barangay tanods. The tanods
recovered the P500,000.00.

Mario and Henry were charged with and convicted of robbery

with homicide, with the aggravating circumstances of arson, dwelling,
and nighttime.

Mario moved to reconsider the decision maintaining that he was

not at the scene of the crime and was not aware that Henry killed the
victim; hence, he was guilty only of robbery, as an accomplice. Mario
also claimed that he conspired with Henry to commit robbery but not
to kill Jose. Henry, likewise, moved to reconsider the decision,
asserting that he is liable only for attempted robbery with homicide
with no aggravating circumstance, considering that he and Mario did
not benefit from the P500,000.00. He further alleged that arson is a
felony and not an aggravating circumstance; dwelling is not
aggravating in attempted robbery with homicide; and nighttime is not
aggravating because the house of Jose was lighted at the time he
was killed.

Resolve with reasons the respective motions of Mario and

Henry. (7%)

- VIII -

Pete, a security guard, arrived home late one night after

rendering overtime. He was shocked to see Flor, his wife, and
Benjie, his best friend, completely naked having sexual intercourse.
Pete pulled out his service gun and shot and killed Benjie. Pete was
charged with murder for the death of Benjie. Pete contended that he
acted in defense of his honor and that, therefore, he should be
acquitted of the crime.

The court found that Benjie died under exceptional

circumstances and exonerated Pete of the crime, but sentenced him
to destierro, conformably with Article 247 of the Revised Penal Code.
The court also ordered Pete to pay indemnity to the heirs of the victim
in the amount of P50,000.00.

a) Is the defense of Pete meritorious? Explain.

b) Under Article 247 of the Revised Penal Code, is destierro a

penalty? Explain.

c) Did the court correctly order Pete to pay indemnity despite

his exoneration under Article 247 of the Revised Penal Code?


- IX -

Allan, the Municipal Treasurer of the Municipality of Gerona,

was in a hurry to return to his office after a day-long official
conference. He alighted from the government car which was officially
assigned to him, leaving the ignition key and the car unlocked, and
rushed to his office. Jules, a bystander, drove off with the car and
later sold the same to his brother, Danny for P20,000.00, although
the car was worth P800,000.00.

a) What are the respective crimes, if any, committed by Allan,

Danny and Jules? Explain.

b) What, if any, are their respective civil liabilities? Explain.


- X -

During a PNP buy-bust operation, Cao Shih was arrested for

selling 20 grams of methamphetamine hydrochloride (shabu) to a
poseur-buyer. Cao Shih, through an intermediary, paid Patrick, the
Evidence Custodian of the PNP Forensic Chemistry Section, the
amount of P500,000.00 in consideration for the destruction by Patrick
of the drug. Patrick managed to destroy the drug.

State with reasons whether Patrick committed the following


Direct bribery;
Indirect bribery;
Section 3(e) of RA 3019 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices
Obstruction of Justice under PD 1829;


- XI -

On July 1, 2004, Jet Matulis, a pedophile, gave P1,000.00 to

Sherly, an orphan and a prostitute, and brought her to a motel. He
inserted a rusty and oversized vibrator into her vagina with such force
that she bled profusely. Jet panicked and fled. Sherly was brought to
the hospital and died a few days later because of shock caused by

a) What crime or crimes did Jet Matulis commit? Explain.

b) If Sherly were a minor when she died, would your answer be

the same? Explain.


- XII -

Don Gabito, a philanthropist, offered to fund several projects of

the Mayor. He opened an account in the Mayor s name and regularly
deposited various amounts ranging from P500,000.00 to P1 Million.
From this account, the Mayor withdrew and used the money for
constructing feeder roads, barangay clinics, repairing schools and for
all other municipal projects. It was subsequently discovered that Don
Gabito was actually a jueteng operator and the amounts he deposited
were proceeds from his jueteng operations.

What crime/s were committed? Who are criminally liable?

Explain. (6%)

- XIII -

Obie Juan is suspected to have in his possession an

unspecified amount of methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu .
An entrapment operation was conducted by police officers, resulting
in his arrest following the discovery of 100 grams of the said
dangerous drug in his possession. He was subjected to a drug test
and was found positive for the use of marijuana, another dangerous
drug. He was subsequently charged with two crimes: Violation of
Section 11, Article II of RA 9165 for the possession of shabu and
violation of Section 15, Article II of RA 9165 for the use of marijuana.

a) Are the charges proper? Explain.

b) So as not to be sentenced to death, Obie Juan offers to

plead guilty to a lesser offense. Can he do so? Why?


- XIV -

Al Chua, a Chinese national, filed a petition under oath for

naturalization, with the Regional Trial Court of Manila. In his petition,
he stated that he is married to Leni Chua; that he is living with her in
Sampaloc, Manila; that he is of good moral character; and that he has
conducted himself in an irreproachable manner during his stay in the
Philippines. However, at the time of the filing of the petition, Leni
Chua was already living in Cebu, while Al was living with Babes Toh
in Manila, with whom he has an amorous relationship. After his direct
testimony, Al Chua withdrew his petition for naturalization.

What crime or crimes, if any, did Al Chua commit? Explain.


- XV -

In an interview aired on television, Cindee uttered defamatory

statements against Erika, a successful and reputable

What crime or crimes did Cindee commit? Explain. (3%)


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