Maharshi Patanjali Institute For Yoga Naturopathy Education & Research
Maharshi Patanjali Institute For Yoga Naturopathy Education & Research
Maharshi Patanjali Institute For Yoga Naturopathy Education & Research
3] C.Y.Ed.
Sr. No.
Issue Date:
1] To be filled by the applicant in BLOCK LETTERS.
2] Incomplete forms are liable to be rejected.
3] Provide attested copies of the certificates where necessary
4] Last date of receiving this form
01] Full Name :______________________________________________________________
Fathers / Husbands name
02] Present Address :__________________________________________________________
03] Permanent Address:________________________________________________________
04] Date of Birth:__________________________05] Place of Birth :____________________
06] Age ( on 30.06.02):_____________________07] Marital Status:____________________
08] Nationality :____________________
(i) If not Indian, Whether from SAARC Country?_______________
(ii) Name of the Country___________________________________
09] Guardians Name (Absence of Father / Husband) :________________________________
10] Guardians Relation with applicant (if any):_____________________________________
11] Name of the Institution attended Lastly :________________________________________
12] Academic Carrier :
Sr. Name of Examination
with Seat No.
Board /
Marks Obtained
Indemnity Bond
In the case of getting an admission for ____________________ course. I hereby solemnly
affirm that the rules and regulations regarding administration of the hospital and college,
prevailing at present and those which will be amended hereafter shall be abiding me and
during the course of my study, I shall not be engaged directly or indirectly whatsoever in any
kind of activities, which are against the rules, regulations and discipline of the institution. I
shall remain regular in presence and punctual in allotted duties and work.
Date : _______________
Place: _______________
Signature of the Applicant
Parental Bond
I hereby affirm that my Son / Daughter / Guarded ___________________________________
shall regularly remain present and participate in educational activities strictly follow the rules
and regulations of the institution and his / her behavior shall remain according to the discipline
and prestige of the institution.. If his / her behavior happens to be going against the
disciplinary norms, I will be responsible for all actions which would be taken against his / her.
Date : _______________
Place: _______________
Signature of the Applicant
For office use Bond
Form Received on_________________________________ by _________________________
Original Certificates verified____________________________________________________
Admission eligible / Not eligible.
GAU Student
GAU Staff / Family
Open Category
Foreigners Students