The Truth About The Original Sin
The Truth About The Original Sin
The Truth About The Original Sin
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Dr. Abdullah H. AI-Kahtani
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Abdullah AI-Kahtany
P.O. Box: 541, Khamis Mushait,
Saudi Arabia.
Second Edition
Rabea the Second, 1417
August, 1996.
I. Introduction
Issues related to belief might seem to be sensitive to
handle. However, with the advancesin communication and
the breaking up of cultural barriers, it becomes necessary
that beliefs be investigated objectively and with an open
mind. Ail concerned religious scholars and believers need to
give a sympathetic ear to alternative positions or beliefs
offered by people from distant cultures seeking answers to
resolve or at least clarify vaJ;ious issues of a universal
nature, especially, if such beliefs are exported to other
nations side by side with all types of merchandise. As
governments set quality standards on imports of all types, I
think it is important to test such common values and beliefs
as well. In particular, our relation with the Christian world
bas become so close that we both need to get acquainted with
what each party has to contribute to the understanding of
such pressing issue.
Since the concept of "The Original Sin" in Christianity
forms the cornerstone out of which a cluster of beliefs like
the godship of Jesus (PBUH)(I),crucifixion and salvation
have emerged, therefore, it singles itself out as a good
candidate to be studied.
TIle methodologythat will be followed in this analysis of
'The Original Sin" involves two types of evidence.
1. pauli stands for peace and blessings of Allah be upon him (or
them for plural.)
TPeTT1I~ a601lt~e or;P1lJl1 silt
to crucify him and put the thorns on his head; and showed
the fear of death. Then, he started saying:
"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachtani?
Which means, "My God, My God, why have you
forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46).
These words according to Christians were spoken so that
the Devil will not know that he was "God" or "the son of
God". Satan wants to take his soul to the hell fire as he did
to Noah, Abraham, Moses and other prophets (PBUT) and
believers. Therefore, God wiil argue against Satan by
saying, "For what reason did you take my soul'!" Satan
would reply, "Because of your sin". Then god's human side
would reply: "I have no sins like other prophets. They had
sins by which they deserve that their souls be thrown in hell
fire." They (the Christians) also say that in this way God
was able to establish a pretext (evidence) to punish Satan.
Therefore, it became permissible for god to punish Satan
and save the children of Adam from Hell-fire.
Such claims are full of falsity in relating injustice to God
the Almighty. Who dares to speak about God in such away?
This has indeed terribly rebuked the knowledge of God, His
wisdom and justice in an unprecedented manner. God says
in the Holy Qur'an: [Qur'an 18: 109]
say that he did not know that this man represenled the
human side of God; and God had permitted him to take Ihe
children of Adam to hell. This (Jesus) was one of them. I
had no knowledge that you had been incarnated with him.
Had I known that. I would have glorified him. Therefore, I
am excused in doing thai, so do nol practise injustice
against me.
We could assume that Satan mighl say Ulercin; "Oh my
God! This is the only human that I have mistakenly laken his
soul. However, I have the right tu take UlCsouls of people
after him (Christ) as I had it before him, due to either their
father's sin or their own sins". If what the Christians say is
true, then God would need another prelext to hold Satan
responsible for what he has done.
Xllo Conclusion
To summarize, this book presents some of the possible
logical arguments concerning the idea of the "Original Sin"
as the most important belief in Christianity on which
believes like crucifixion and salvation have been built. We
conclude by summarizing all theological possibilities in
regard to Christian beliefs around the idea of 'The Original
1) The first position assumes that God does what ever
He wants with no wisdom, rationality or justice. Just like
what the determinists say.
2) The second position assumes that God performs
justice which is required of people (using people's
standards); as it is the claim of the fatalists.
3) The third position assumes that God is all Just and He
is free from committing all forms of injustice. However,
His justice differs from that of His creation.
Based on the three assumptions mentioned above, we
will examine the Christians' belief regarding the idea of the
"Original Sin" the crucifixion of Christ (PBUH) and
21. Isma'il al.Faruqi. Towards a Critical World Theology.
Towards Is!amaizatioo of Disciplines. (The International
Institute oflslamic Theology, 1989) p. 443.
putting Satan in charge oftaking his soul. Therefore, three
arguments will be advanced to account for these claims.
a. If we follow the first assumption, then God has the
right to give Satan the power over the children of Adam and
persecute them all without any sin that they might have
committed. So, there is no need to scheme a pretext for
b. If we take the second a~sumptioninto consideration,
we know if one realizes that one of his servants had
commanded another person to commit a sin that the master
dislikes, it would be just for him to persecute both the one
who commanded and the one who obeyed. It would not be
just to empower the unjust (the commanding one) to punish
the commanded one. It is nol just either to empower the
unjust commander to transgress against the offsprings of the
commanded one who did not participate in their father's sin.
If we say that he has the right to enslave them because their
father had obeyed him, then he should have the righlto hold
the ancestors and the offsprings accountable. Therefore, it
is not right to withdraw his right by deceiving him. Ifhas
the right to make them responsible for their father's sins,
then he is free to punish them both, the forefathers and the
If it is said lhat after Satan had taken the human side of
Jesus (PDUH), he was then prevented from taking Adam's
progeny thereafter. If it were so, this sin of Satan would be
the least of all his sins, because he had not known that he
(Jesus (PDUH), according to the Christian believe, was
TVe T11ltfruMut tie Ori,t{w/ sin
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