Onions: The Talmud Further Elucidates The Benefits of Onions With Regard To The Treatment of Wounds

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While onions appear to have little or no nutritional In another experiment, rats that were fed onions, showed
value, both ancient Talmudic writings as well as modern significantly lower blood pressure than rats not fed onions.
scientific research prove that this vegetable has numerous In addition, scientists have recently discovered that onions
physiological benefits and can be used in the treatment of suppress the production of angiotensin II, a chemical that
various ailments. constricts arteries, and increase the availability of nitrous
Onions are indeed an age-old food. Images of the layered oxide, a chemical that dilates arteries, to the heart. The
root vegetable are illustrated n ancient Egyptian drawings, combined effect of reducing platelet-derived atherosclerosis
and references to the onion appear in the documents of and decreasing blood pressure leads to the onion’s beneficial
the Ur civilization. Onions have been utilized throughout effects on the heart [4].
history by a vast array of civilizations across the globe [1]. The Talmud further elucidates the benefits of onions
According to the Babylonian Talmud, onions are with regard to the treatment of wounds. It states: “To treat
beneficial to the heart. The Talmud writes that one may a wound, one applies moch, translated as cotton or lint, and
vow that he will not eat onions “because they are injurious sponge, as well as garlic and onion peels, which are secured
to the heart.” Then he is told that this is not an accurate with a thread” (Tosefta Shabbat 5:3-4). Not surprisingly, a
assumption, since “the wild onion is good for the heart.” He recent clinical study suggests similar conclusions regarding
is therefore “permitted to partake of wild onions, and not the ability of a gel derived from onion extract to reduce the
only of the wild onions, but of all onions.” Indeed, “such a appearance of post-operative scars. The scars in the control
case happened before R. Meir, and he gave absolution in group appeared to be redder, bumpier, and significantly
respect of all onions” (Nedarim 66a). more marked than the scars of those subjects who applied
Thousands of years following the compilation of the the onion extract. [5].
Talmud, science has reached similar conclusions regarding
onions. Nutritional research has recently released findings
to corroborate the statements made in the Talmud. For The Talmud further elucidates the
example, onions are beneficial to the heart. Onions are
also sources of dietary flavanoids which have been proven benefits of onions with regard to
to reduce the risk of heart disease and, in addition, they
decrease the risk of blood clots. Onions further reduce the
the treatment of wounds.
risk of heart disease by increasing the HDL, high-density
lipoproteins or “good” cholesterol in the bloodstream; while Although the Sages of the Talmud and modern scientists
decreasing LDL, low-density lipoproteins or the “bad” enumerate the many beneficial effects of onions on the
cholesterol [2]. Furthermore, onions lower the risk of a heart human body, there are several instances where both sources
attack or stroke. This has been confirmed by a recent study assert that onions can be harmful and should therefore be
done in the University of Wisconsin. Based on an animal avoided under some conditions. For example, the Babylonian
model involving eleven dogs with malfunctioning coronary Talmud (Avodah Zara 29a) states that eating onions after
arteries, medical researchers demonstrated that onions bloodletting may be hazardous. Another source in Taanit
inhibited platelet aggregation, a major factor contributing (25a) records the story of a man who ate an onion after
to atherosclerosis (the build-up of plaque on arterial walls) bloodletting and fainted.
which often leads to heart disease [3]. Why should this be? According to some scientists,
The consumption of onions is also correlated with due to their anti-platelet effect, onions are not a wise food
preventing atherosclerosis by lowering blood pressure. choice after one has lost excessive amounts of blood. Blood

Derech HaTeva 23
loss can lead to a decrease in blood volume, which in turn It certainly seems as though the many benefits ascribed
may decrease blood pressure. When blood pressure drops, to onions thousands of years ago by the Sages in the Talmud
the body reacts by increasing platelet aggregation to prevent have recently been rediscovered by modern science. While
further blood loss. However, since onions inhibit platelet Science and Torah corroborate on the health gains of onions,
aggregation, blood does not clot, which leads to loss of blood the Talmud mentions one advantage that is not mentioned
volume, and ultimately to the decrease in blood pressure in contemporary scientific research. The Talmud states
[6]. Onions, can therefore be quite unsafe for someone who that the consumption of onions may be helpful in inducing
has lost a significant amount of blood. menstruation: “The consumption of garlic or onions or the
Another Talmudic source (Nedarim 26b, 66a) further chewing of peppers can bring forth bleeding in some
states that that one should be careful with onions, as they women” (Niddah 63b). Though this has yet to be proven
can be injurious to the stomach. It is wise for one to avoid scientifically, the Physicians Desk Reference notes that many
eating onions when suffering from stomach pains. This women throughout the 20th and into the 21st centuries ate onions
is corroborated by recent research showing that although in order to bring about the onset of menstruation [8].
onions do not induce acid reflux (heart burn), their ingestion Onions play an important role in our life and are
does exacerbate already existing reflux symptoms. Patients beneficial for the heart, healing of wounds, and perhaps
suffering from acid reflux who ate onions on a regular basis even the induction of menstruation. More than that, current
suffered from more severe symptoms compared to those research elucidates the biological processes and chemistry
who did not eat onions. Once again, science agrees with behind why onions have so many health benefits. Onions
what the Sages of the Talmud advised long ago: if one is are just one of many natural beneficial substances which
experiencing stomach pains due to acid reflux it is wise to science has come to confirm what our ancestors knew many
avoid onions [7]. centuries ago.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank my parents for all their support, Uncle Ozzie who is always there for me when
I needed help, and Dr. Babich for providing resources for this article.

[1] Vannithone, S. (2006), The Oxford Companion to Food. Eds. T. Jaine and A. Davidson. New York: Oxford UP,
[2] “Health Benefits of Onions and Garlic.” Disabled World - Health and Disability Community News. 20 Jan. 2009
[3] Briggs, W.H., Folts, J.D., Osman, H.E., and Goldman, I.L..(2001). Administration of raw onion inhibits
platelet-mediated thrombosis in dogs. J. Nutr. 131:2619-622.
[4] Yamamoto, Y., Aoyama, S., Hamaguchi, N., and Rhi. G.-S. (2005).Antioxidative and antihypertensive effects of
Welsh onion on rats fed with a high-fat high-sucrose diet. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 69: 1311-1317.
[5] Draelos, Z. D. (2008). The ability of onion extract gel to improve the cosmetic appearance of postsurgical scars.
J. Cosmet. Dermatol. 7:101-104.
[6] Osmont, K.S., Arnt, C.R., and Goldman, I.L..(2003). Temporal aspects of onion-induced antiplatelet activity.
Plant Foods Hum. Nutr. 58:27-40.
[7] Allen, M.L., Mellow, M.H., Robinson, M.G., and Orr, W.C. (1990).The effect of raw onions on acid reflux and
reflux symptoms. Am. J. Gastroenterol. 85::377-80.
[8] Physician’s Desk Reference (2004). PDR, NY, NY.
[9] Preuss, J. (1995). Biblical and Talmudic Medicine. Ed. F. Rosner, Jason Aronson, Inc., Northvale, NJ.

24 Derech HaTeva

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