Flight To Power Dream Book

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Flight to Power Dream Book Pub.

by FuFuttams Religious Shop

Fast becoming the most popular religious store in this area Fu Futtams Religious
Store located at 301 West 149th Street in NYC, carries a complete line of oils, incense,
candles and religious goods to satisfy the most discriminating.
Owned by Miss Dorothy Hamid, this leading store features Egyptian Sweet Air
Incense, All Purpose Luxor Baths, which is adopted from a formula used by Cleopatra in
her bath in the old Roman days, Lotus Flowers, all purpose drawing oils, Lotus
Perfumes, floor wash and 10 different colors of incense.
Two of Miss Hamids outstanding publications are Fu Futtams New Dream
Book, introducing The Twin Ray, universally known with and startling facts, widely
used as a formula for solving problems.
Her latest book is entitled "Flight to Power" which contains ancient and modern
psychology information for a high, rich, healthy and happy life.
Fu Futtams articles and Miss Hamids books are obtainable and for sale at
religious, drug, stationery, grocery and newsstands or can be purchased at her store or
ordered direct by mail plus postage.
Miss Hamid will gladly send anyone who may desire a price lint of the various
items she carries.
From the New York Age, Saturday April 8, 1950 page 10

Bishop Hamid Weds Legally After All the Shooting Dies

Mme. Fu Futtam, Numbers Expert, His BrideHer Predecessor in Jail
WASHINGTON. April 21 (UP).Bishop Sufi Abdul Hamid, Harlem's latest rival to Father Divine, and Madame Fu
Futtam, spiritualist and author of popular treatises on methods of winning at the
numbers game, were married on April 15, it was learned today.
The bishop, whose real name is Eugene Brown, was legally married this time, at
the County Clerk's office.
In August, 19S6, he "married" Madame Stephanie St Clair, the policy queen, by
contract, but as New York State does not recognize such agreements, he had no
"difficulty taking Madame Fu Futtam (nee Dorothy Matthews) as wife No. 2.
The true love of Bishop Hamid and Madame Fu Futtam did not run at all smooth,
for last January 18 Madame St Clair, a formidable woman who openly defied Dutch
Schultz when he tried to take over the policy racket, learned about it and reacted by
shooting Bishop Hamid.
That incident painful as it was to Bishop Hamid, removed the only obstacle to his
marriage to Madame Fu Futtam, for on March 14 Madame St. Clair was sent away for
two to ten years for assault.
Madame Fu Futtam in the marriage license gave her age as thirty-two and her
address as 20 West 129th Street. She said she was a publisher, which indeed she is, for
her little green books on the more esoteric aspects of the policy game are widely
circulated and esteemed in Harlem.
Her latest work bears the title Daily Names: Vibrating Hunch Number
Calculations, Compiled by Madama Fu Futtam.
Bishop Hamid recently opened the Universal Holy Temple, of Tranquility at 103
Morningside Avenue.
NEW YORK POST, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1938: page 11.

Archival and Unpublished Materials

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Microform. Federal Writers Project
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Federal Writers Project. 1939. Microform. Schomburg Library
Spingarn, Arthur B., letter to Walter NAACP, 16 Nov. 1934. August Meiers
Papers. Box 17. Folder 93. Schomburg Library. Telegram Copies.
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Schomburg Library
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Writers Project 1936: Microform. Schomburg Library
Dade, Clarence: Year: 1940; Census Place: New York, New York, ; Roll:
T627_2665; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 31-1721.
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Roach, Nettie: Year: 1930; Census Place: Manhattan, New York, New York; Roll:
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Bettman, Stephanie St. Clair Hamid in Custody 1938, CorbisImages, New York,
CorbisImages.com; April 1, 20014
Historical Images: Sufi Abdul Hamid n.d.
Gado: Sufi Abdul Hamid and Wife, 1938; Getty Images, New York, getty.com.
Photo. 24 May 2014.
Silk, George, Harlems Madame Fu Futtam, running a superstitious store. Time
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Have Been Apart 4 Week, Afro-American (1893-1988); Dec 4, 1937; ProQuest Historical
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CHANGED OVER The New York Amsterdam News (1922-1938); Jan 29, 1938;
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Newspapers: New York Amsterdam News (1922-1993), pg. 15

Matthews, Ralph, Afro-American (1893-1988); Aug 6, 1938;
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Minimum Term Now Up for Mme. St. Clair, Afro-American (1893-1988); May 25,
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Pisano, Dominick. The Airplane in American Culture. Ann Arbor: University of

Michigan, 2003. 126-29. Print

Fu Futtams Books (1905-1985)

Madame Fu Futtams magical, spiritual dream book; interpretations of dreams,
fortune telling, horoscopes and things everyone should know 1937.
Hermon Pete dream book ... / compiled thru the art of numerology by Mme. Fu
Futtam. c1937 -Sho-Pop, a dream book ... / compiled thru the art of numerology by Mme. Fu
Futtam. c1937
Mirror-guide / compiled thru the art of numerology by Mme. Fu Futtam. 1936?
The 5 & 7 race magical, spiritual dream book, by Madame Fu Futtam, 11Apr33.

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