Meta Analysis

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Clinical Care/Education/Nutrition



LowGlycemic Index Diets in the

Management of Diabetes
A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials



OBJECTIVE The use of diets with low glycemic index (GI) in the management of diabetes
is controversial, with contrasting recommendations around the world. We performed a metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials to determine whether low-GI diets, compared with
conventional or high-GI diets, improved overall glycemic control in individuals with diabetes, as
assessed by reduced HbA1c or fructosamine levels.
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Literature searches identified 14 studies,
comprising 356 subjects, that met strict inclusion criteria. All were randomized crossover or
parallel experimental design of 12 days to 12 months duration (mean 10 weeks) with modification of at least two meals per day. Only 10 studies documented differences in postprandial
glycemia on the two types of diet.
RESULTS Low-GI diets reduced HbA1c by 0.43% points (CI 0.72 0.13) over and above
that produced by high-GI diets. Taking both HbA1c and fructosamine data together and adjusting for baseline differences, glycated proteins were reduced 7.4% (8.8 6.0) more on the low-GI
diet than on the high-GI diet. This result was stable and changed little if the data were unadjusted
for baseline levels or excluded studies of short duration. Systematically taking out each study
from the meta-analysis did not change the CIs.
CONCLUSIONS Choosing low-GI foods in place of conventional or high-GI foods has a
small but clinically useful effect on medium-term glycemic control in patients with diabetes. The
incremental benefit is similar to that offered by pharmacological agents that also target postprandial hyperglycemia.
Diabetes Care 26:22612267, 2003

long with obesity, prevalence of diabetes is increasing in all parts of

the world. With it comes an urgent
need to identify the most cost-effective
strategies of management. The benefits of
improving glycemic, blood pressure, and
lipid control on risk of complications are
now confirmed (1,2). Whereas pharma-

cological therapies are clearly effective,

the diabetes prevention trials in Finland
and the U.S. remind us that nutrition and
lifestyle approaches can be more effective
in delaying onset of the disease (3,4). For
those already diagnosed, however, the
optimal diet remains controversial, par-

From the 1Human Nutrition Unit, School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences, University of Sydney,
Sydney, Australia; the 2Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia;
and the 3Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, Australia.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Professor J. Brand-Miller, Human Nutrition Unit, School
of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences, University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Australia. E-mail: j.brandmiller@
Received for publication 9 December 2002 and accepted in revised form 19 March 2003.
Abbreviations: GI, glycemic index; UKPDS, U.K. Prospective Diabetes Study.
A table elsewhere in this issue shows conventional and Syste`me International (SI) units and conversion
factors for many substances.
2003 by the American Diabetes Association.

See accompanying editorial, p. 2466.


ticularly with regard to the glycemic index (GI) of foods (5).

Current dietary recommendations
emphasize the quantity rather than the
quality of carbohydrate, despite the fact
that carbohydrate source and nature profoundly influence postprandial glycemia
(6,7). Research on GI indicates that even
when foods contain the same amount of
carbohydrate (i.e., carbohydrate exchanges), there are up to fivefold differences in glycemic impact (8). In addition,
several prospective observational studies
have found that the overall GI and glycemic load (GI g carbohydrate) of the
diet, but not total carbohydrate content,
are independently related to the risk of
developing type 2 diabetes (9,10), cardiovascular disease (11), and some cancers
(12,13). However, not all studies are in
agreement, and further research is needed
Although logic suggests that low-GI
diets should improve glycemic control,
the findings of randomized controlled trials have been mixed; some studies have
shown statistically significant improvements (15,16) whereas other studies have
not (17,18). As a result, the issue of the GI
has been fraught with controversy and
has polarized the opinions of leading experts (19,20). The American Diabetes Association acknowledges that use of
low-GI foods may reduce postprandial
hyperglycemia but asserts that there is not
sufficient evidence of long-term benefit
to recommend their use as a primary
strategy (5). In contrast, the European Association for the Study of Diabetes recommends the substitution of low-GI foods
for high-GI foods (21).
To help resolve this controversy and
provide a more objective basis to guide
dietary recommendations, we conducted a standard retrospective metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials
comparing high- and low-GI diets in the
management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The findings provide evidence
that low-GI diets improve glycemic
control over and above that obtained by

Low glycemic index diets in diabetes

Table 1Characteristics and outcomes of the studies included in the meta-analysis

Type 1 subjects
Gilbertson et al. (16)
Giacco et al. (15)
Lafrance et al. (17)
Fontvieille et al. (29)

Study design
(GI of high versus
low-GI diet)*

Subjects (n)

Duration on each
diet (weeks)

Outcome HbA1c
or fructosamine

low GI


8.0 (1)
8.6 (0.9)
2.9 (0.6)
8.3 (1.4)
3.41 (0.42)
2.17 (0.68)
10 (1.2)
10.7 (5.8)

8.6 (1.4)
9.1 (1.4)
3.1 (0.3)
8.3 (1.5)
3.88 (0.95)
2.77 (0.59)
9.8 (1.5)
14.6 (5.0)


8.3 (1.4)
3.41 (0.42)
10.97 (1.55)
3.22 (0.5)
6.7 (1.3)
3.47 (0.72)
3.2 (1.43)
3.17 (0.46)
4.56 (1.3)
7.0 (1.2)
7.6 (1.4)
2.98 (0.45)

8.3 (1.5)
3.88 (0.95)
11.15 (2.02)
3.28 (0.55)
6.9 (1.3)
3.56 (0.75)
3.6 (1.43)
3.28 (0.58)
5.12 (1.42)
7.9 (20)
7.8 (1.98)
2.95 (0.45)


Parallel (79 vs. 77)

Parallel (90 vs. 70)
Crossover (99 vs. 63)
Crossover (90 vs. 53)


Fontvieille et al. (44)

Collier et al. (24)


Crossover (84 vs. 65)

Crossover (82 vs. 69)


Type 2 subjects
Fontvieille et al. (29)

Crossover (90 vs. 53)

Komindr et al. (26)

Luscombe et al. (18)
Jarvi et al. (27)


Crossover (106 vs. 70)

Crossover (88 vs. 60)
Crossover (83 vs. 57)


Frost et al. (25)

Wolever et al. (28)
Wolever et al. (32)
Brand et al. (30)
Jenkins et al. (31)


Parallel (82 vs. 77)

Crossover (87 vs. 60)
Crossover (86 vs. 58)
Crossover (90 vs. 77)
Crossover (91 vs. 67)


high GI

Data are n or means (SD). *Mean GI on each diet using bread as the reference food (GI 100). If glucose was used as the reference food, the value was multiplied
by 100/70; HbA1c in % units and fructosamine in mmol/l; Fontvielle et al. (30) presented combined results for 12 subjects with type 2 diabetes and 6 subjects with
type 1 diabetes; glycated albumin (GSA) in % units is an older measure of fructosamine.

conventional or high-GI diets. The incremental benefit is clinically significant and similar to that offered by newer
pharmacological agents.
Identification and selection of
A detailed protocol was developed in advance. The question to be answered was
whether low-GI diets, compared with
conventional or high-GI diets, improved
overall glycemic control in individuals
with diabetes, as assessed by reduced
HbA1c or fructosamine levels. The low-GI
diets were defined as those containing
most carbohydrates from low-GI sources,
such as beans, peas, lentils, pasta, pumpernickel bread, bulgur, parboiled rice,
barley, and oats. High-GI diets were essentially standard diabetic diets and contained potato, wheat meal and white
bread, and high-GI varieties of breakfast
cereals and rice. Changes in HbA1c or
fructosamine levels, rather than fasting
blood glucose level, were used as the out2262

come measures because both reflect overall glycemic control. HbA 1c reflects
average glucose levels over the preceding
6 12 weeks and has been correlated with
future risk of complications in both the
Diabetes Control and Complications Trial
(DCCT) (22) and U.K. Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) (1). Fructosamine
level reflects glycemic control over the
preceding 2 4 weeks (23) and may provide a better measure of diabetes control
than HbA1c level in shorter trials.
The studies met the following strict
inclusion criteria: published in full in English between 1981 and 2001, properly
randomized cross-over or parallel experimental design, at least 12 days duration,
type 1 or type 2 diabetic patients as subjects, HbA1c or fructosamine level as outcome measures of glycemic control, and
modification of at least two meals per day
(or 50% total carbohydrate) to constitute a high- or low-GI diet. Relevant studies were identified by Medline and
internet searches using the key words
glyc(a)emic index and diabetes.
These criteria resulted in inclusion of
14 studies (listed in Table 1) in the meta-

analysis. All of these studies included the

words glyc(a)emic index in the title and
keywords. In four studies (15,16,24,25),
the low-GI diet was specifically compared
with standard dietary advice. In the case
of Gilbertson et al. (16), this advice was
measured carbohydrate exchanges. In
Giacco et al. (15) and Collier et al. (24),
the low-GI diet was higher in fiber than
the high-GI diet. A total of 10 of the 14
studies documented a lower postprandial
glucose profile on the low-GI diet versus
the high-GI diet (15,17,24,26 32). In a
study by Gilbertson et al. (16), low-GI dietary instruction was associated with
fewer episodes of hyperglycemia. Two
studies did not meet the inclusion criteria.
Calle-Pascual et al. (33) was excluded because lunch was the only meal that was
modified, and consequently 20% of the
total carbohydrate was exchanged. The
study by Jenkins et al. (34) included only
healthy subjects.
The steps used to execute the metaanalysis were drawn from Petitti (35). A
fixed-effects model was implemented
rather than a random-effects one. A fixedeffects model assumes that the inference is

Brand-Miller and Associates

conditional on the studies actually performed, whereas a random-effects model

assumes that the studies used in the analysis are a random sample of a hypothetical
population of studies.
None of the studies gave standard deviations of individual low-GI to high-GI
differences; however, Brand et al. (30)
provided a graph from which raw data
could be read. Therefore, the variance for
each study was calculated under two assumptions: first, the two values for each
person were independent; and second,
the two values for each person were dependent with a correlation of 0.34, which
was the value in Brand et al. (30). The
studies were then weighted by the reciprocal of the variance. The overall effect
estimate and 95% CIs were then computed using these weights. The hypothesis of homogeneity of effect was tested,
and where it was rejected, a sensitivity
analysis was conducted by removing individual studies one by one.
RESULTS Altogether, 14 studies
were included in the final analysis, comprising a total of 356 subjects (203 with
type 1 diabetes and 153 with type 2 diabetes). The general characteristics and
outcomes of the studies, including number of subjects, study design, mean GI,
and duration of each dietary intervention,
are shown in Table 1. The average GI of
the high- and low-GI diets was 83 and 65,
respectively, on the bread scale, but the
difference between the two varied from
study to study (mean difference 22 GI
units, range 237). One study included
104 children with type 1 diabetes, making
it one of the largest randomized dietary
intervention studies to be conducted in
this patient group (16). The biggest study
in type 2 diabetic subjects had 50 subjects
(25). Many studies, however, involved
less than 25 subjects and were of short
In the eight studies in which HbA1c level
was determined, the analysis showed no
evidence of heterogeneity among the
studies. The mean difference in end point
values between the low-GI and high-GI
diets (i.e., low GI high GI) was 0.40
absolute percentage points (95% CI
0.66 to 0.14), assuming dependence,
or 0.43 ( 0.72 to 0.13), assuming independence. If final HbA1c values were
adjusted for baseline values, the mean difDIABETES CARE, VOLUME 26, NUMBER 8, AUGUST 2003

Figure 1A meta-analysis was performed using either the end point HbA1c or fructosamine data
in all 14 studies. Because these factors have different units of measurement, the difference between
the two diets has been expressed in percentage terms. Points to the left of the vertical line indicate
that the low-GI diet reduced values by x% over and above that seen with the high-GI diet. When
final values were adjusted for differences at baseline, the mean difference was 7.4% (8.8 to
6.0) in favor of the low-GI diet, assuming independence.

ference was reduced to 0.33 units

(0.59 to 0.07), assuming dependence, or 0.34 units (0.64 to 0.05),
assuming independence. Because zero
fails to lie in the 95% CIs (assuming either
independence or the same level of dependence), evidence of significant differences
exists between end point HbA1c values.
In the 10 studies that documented
changes in fructosamine level, the mean
difference (in favor of the low-GI diet)
was 0.17 mmol/l (95% CI 0.30 to
0.04) using the dependent assumption
and 0.18 mmol/l (0.33 to 0.02) using the independent assumption. When
we adjusted for baseline values, the differences were larger: 0.19 mmol/l (0.32
to 0.06) dependent and 0.2 mmol/l
(0.35 to 0.04) independent. In each
case, there was no problem with heterogeneity among the studies.

HbA1c and fructosamine data

A meta-analysis was performed using either the HbA1c or fructosamine data in all
14 studies. When both outcomes were reported, fructosamine was favored if the
duration was 6 weeks. Because the units
of measurement differ between these two
indexes of glycemic control, the primary
outcome was the mean difference between the two diets, expressed as a percentage of the final value on the high-GI
diet [(low GI high GI) 100/high GI].
The mean difference was 6.8% in
favor of the low-GI diet (95% CI 8.1 to
5.5) assuming dependence or 6.8%
(8.2 to 5.4) assuming independence.
If final values were adjusted for differences at baseline, the difference was
7.3% (8.6 to 6.0) in favor of the
low-GI diet assuming dependence and
7.4% (8.8 to 6.0) assuming independence. If the three shortest studies

Low glycemic index diets in diabetes

were excluded (17,27,28), then the difference (baseline-adjusted) was even

greater: 8.4% (9.9 to 6.8) assuming
dependence and 8.4% (10.0%,
6.8%) assuming independence. Because zero does not lie within the 95%
CIs, there are significant differences favoring the low-GI diet. The results of the
full combined analysis are illustrated in
Fig. 1.
Because there was evidence of heterogeneity in this combined analysis, a
sensitivity analysis was performed. Systematically removing each study resulted
in changes in the difference and the CIs;
however, none of the CIs changed enough
to include zero, and hence, no single
study made a major impact on the overall
Type 1 versus type 2 diabetes
Differences in outcomes between subjects
with type 1 and type 2 diabetes were explored in the combined analysis. In the six
studies of subjects with type 1 diabetes,
the mean difference in favor of low-GI diets was 10.6% (12.7 to 8.6) assuming dependence, and 10.2% (12.4 to
8.1) assuming independence. In the
nine studies that included subjects with
type 2 diabetes, one of which (29) included both types of diabetes, the mean
difference was 5.9% (7.5 to 4.3) assuming dependence and 6.1% (7.8 to
4.3) assuming independence. All differences were adjusted for baseline values.
CONCLUSIONS M a n y o f t h e
studies included in the meta-analysis involved only small numbers of subjects
and were of short duration. Nonetheless,
the findings suggest that there are clinically useful benefits of using low-GI diets
in the management of diabetes, over and
above those produced by conventional or
high-GI diets. After an average duration of
10 weeks, subjects with type 1 and type 2
diabetes who were following low-GI diets
had HbA1c levels 0.4% points (CI 0.1
0.7) lower than those ingesting a high-GI
diet. Over a shorter period (4 weeks),
fructosamine levels were 0.2 mmol/l
lower (0.04 0.35). A total of 14 randomized controlled trials comprising 356 subjects (203 with type 1 diabetes and 153
with type 2 diabetes) enrolled for periods
ranging from 12 days to 12 months were
included in the meta-analysis. Only those
trials that assessed HbA1c or fructosamine
level as outcome measures and modified

at least two meals per day (or 50% total

carbohydrate) were considered. A total of
10 of the 14 studies documented differences in the postprandial glucose profile
between the two types of diet.
It is not likely that the meta-analysis
has overestimated the effect of a low-GI
diet. The mean incremental benefit in
HbA1c units of 0.4 was smaller than that
observed in the largest and longest randomized controlled trial, the study by Gilbertson et al. (16), in which the difference
was 0.6 HbA1c units. Studies of more than
8 weeks duration have a greater chance of
demonstrating the full effect of an intervention on HbA 1c level, whereas the
meta-analysis included several short
studies. In those instances, fructosamine
level provides a better estimate of overall
glycemic control. Taking HbA1c level in
the longer studies (6 weeks) and fructosamine level in the shorter studies (6
weeks), the combined meta-analysis suggests that low-GI diets will reduce glycated proteins by an additional 7 or 8%
over and above that seen with high-GI diets. This equates to an incremental benefit
of 0.6 HbA1c units if the end point HbA1c
level is 8.0%. The UKPDS found that in
patients with type 2 diabetes, a 1% point
reduction in mean HbA1c level resulted in
a reduction of 21% in any diabetesrelated end point, 21% for diabetesrelated death, 14% for myocardial
infarction, and 37% for microvascular
complications (36). Because the relationship was continuous, any reduction in
HbA1c level, no matter how small, improves prognosis.
The high-GI diets in the metaanalysis were, on the whole, representative of standard diabetic diets. Their
average GI of 83 (using the bread scale) is
comparable to the mean GI of 82 in the
EURODIAB study of 2,800 people with
type 1 diabetes (37) and the mean GI of
85 in individuals with type 2 diabetes
(38). In some cases, the low-GI diets were
designed to maximize differences in GI
between the two diets, but there was a
wide range, varying from as little as 2 to
15 GI units in one-half of the studies
(Table 1).
Although most studies proved differences in postprandial glycemia on profile
days, dietary compliance is still debatable
because the subjects were all free-living
individuals. Investigators often provided
the key carbohydrate foods for each diet,
but in only one case were all foods pro-

vided (27). Dietary records were also used

to verify nutrient composition and calculate the average GI. In the study by Gilbertson et al. (16), the prescribed diets
differed in GI but the childrens food diaries did not reveal a significant difference
at 12 months. The high prevalence of under-reporting suggested that their dietary
data were unreliable. Self-blood glucose
monitoring revealed more frequent hyperglycemia among children on the exchange diet and their end point HbA1c
levels were 0.6% points higher than in
those given low-GI advice.
The findings of the meta-analysis are
also consistent with large-scale observational studies. The EURODIAB study of
2,800 people with type 1 diabetes in 31
clinics throughout Europe reported that
the GI of the diet was positively and independently related to HbA1c level (37).
Compared with the highest GI quartile,
adjusted HbA1c level in the lowest GI
quartile was 11% lower in patients from
southern Europe and 6% lower in patients from the remaining parts of Europe.
This implies that self-selected low-GI diets, not simply those used in a research
setting, are associated with better metabolic control.
The incremental improvement in glycemic control afforded by a low-GI diet
can be compared with that achieved with
other medical interventions. Diets high in
monounsaturated fat have been found to
produce desirable effects on the lipid profile but not HbA1c or fructosamine level
(39). New insulin preparations such as
insulin lispro and insulin aspart, which
specifically target postprandial glycemia,
produce small improvements in comparison to soluble human insulin, typically a
decrease of 0.1 0.2 HbA1c units (40,41).
Acarbose therapy, which also targets
postprandial glycemia, produced a decrease of 0.5% points in the UKPDS (42).
The end point difference between the
metformin group and the conventional
group in the UKPDS was 0.6 HbA1c units
One of the potential effects of low-GI
diets is to reduce insulin secretion in patients with type 2 diabetes and to reduce
daily insulin requirements in patients
type 1 diabetes. Wolever et al. (38) observed a 30% reduction in urinary Cpeptide levels in subjects with type 2
diabetes on a low-GI diet, indicating reduced endogenous insulin demand.
However, in the five of the six studies perDIABETES CARE, VOLUME 26, NUMBER 8, AUGUST 2003

Brand-Miller and Associates

formed in subjects with type 1 diabetes,

the differences in HbA1c or fructosamine
level were not related to differences in insulin dose at the end of the study period
or to changes in insulin dose over time. In
only one study were daily insulin needs
reduced (by 6%) on the low-GI diet
(44). In separate studies of patients on
continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion, the GI was found to be helpful in the
prediction of prandial insulin requirements (45), but in subjects on basal-bolus
regimens, the GI did not affect premeal
insulin requirements (46).
The strength and limitations of this
meta-analysis should be considered. A
rigorous appraisal of the evidence was undertaken according to strict principles:
a prospective protocol, comparable definitions of outcomes, quality control of
data, and a total sample large enough to
provide reliable results. The trials were
randomized, but the adequacy of randomization can only be verified by checking the data of individual patients.
Published trials often do not include outcomes of withdrawals after randomization. Results of negative trials may not
have been published (publication bias),
and a meta-analysis of small trials with
nominally significant P values will tend to
overestimate the difference between the
two diets. However, controversy surrounding the GI may mean that negative
studies are more, not less, likely to be
published. The present analysis included
several large studies involving 50 100
patients, in which the effect of intervention was greater than that determined by
the meta-analysis.
Any difference in glycated proteins
between two diets may be confounded by
differences in energy intake or weight
loss. In most studies, body weight, calories, protein, fat, and carbohydrate and
fiber intake were generally held constant.
In two studies (15,24), the low-GI diet
was found to contain substantially more
fiber, and it is not possible to separate the
effects of the fiber per se from that of the
low-GI foods. However, the mechanisms
by which viscous fiber exerts its beneficial
effects on glycemic control may be similar
to those of low-GI foods, by slowing the
rate of carbohydrate absorption. Indeed,
the classic studies that demonstrated the
beneficial effects of high-carbohydrate diets on glycemic control were so high in
fiber that they were probably de facto
low-GI diets (47,48). Alternative strateDIABETES CARE, VOLUME 26, NUMBER 8, AUGUST 2003

gies that slow absorption of carbohydrate

from meals, including use of acarbose
therapy (42) and supplements of viscous
fiber (49), also produce improvements in
glycemic control.
Limitations of the meta-analysis include the small number of subjects in
many of the studies, their relatively short
duration, and the doubt surrounding dietary compliance that compromises any
free-living study. These factors tend to reduce rather than increase the chance of a
significant finding. Finally, because the
meta-analysis is retrospective, it is subject
to the limitations of any form of retrospective research.
Taking these limitations into account,
the meta-analysis provides objective evidence that targeting postprandial hyperglycemia via choice of low-GI foods has a
small but clinically useful effect on
medium-term glycemic control in diabetes. Nutrition and lifestyle approaches to
diabetes prevention and treatment should
be given at least as much attention as drug
therapies. Low-GI dietary advice seems to
improve glycemic control to the same or
greater extent as newer pharmacological
agents, such as the short-acting insulin
analogs. This gives patients a choice as
well as reduces the size of the health care
budget. Only large long-term randomized, controlled trials will determine
whether low-GI diets decrease the risk of
complications as well. The wider implementation of a low-GI diet will depend on
the continuing identification of low-GI
foods. This requires GI testing of local
products according to standardized in
vivo methodology (50) to expand the list
of low-GI foods so that dietary variety and
palatability are not compromised.
ADDENDUM Since the completion of the meta-analysis, Heilbronn et al.
(51) published a study of 45 subjects with
type 2 diabetes. Inclusion of their data
does not change the CIs: in the combined
analysis, the mean difference becomes
7.20% (8.56 to 5.85); in the HbA1c
analysis, the difference is 0.34 (0.61
to 0.07).

Acknowledgments J.B.M. and S.C. are coauthors of a series of books about the glycemic
index (The New Glucose Revolution. New York,
Avalon, 2002). J.B.M. is the director of a nonprofit glycemic index testing service at the

University of Sydney (Sydney University Glycemic Index Research Service, SUGIRS).

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