Indigenization of Psychology PDF
Indigenization of Psychology PDF
Indigenization of Psychology PDF
Indigenisation of Psychology:
The Concept and its Practical Implementation
John G. Adair
University of Manitoba, Canada
Le concept, souvent mal compris, de psychologie indige`ne est examine dans
une perspective de meta-discipline, quautorise une etude de psychologie
sociale interculturelle. On discutera de laccent mis sur un aspect comme
etant inexact dans les faits, theoriquement trompeur et politiquement
The often misunderstood concept of indigenous psychologies is examined
from the meta-discipline perspective afforded by a social-psychological study
of the science. Motivation underlying the indigenisation movement, semantic
difculties with the concept, and models for indigenisation of the discipline
are examined. The commonly accepted building-block approach is of
increasing numbers of indigenous contributions leading to an emerging
indigenous psychology. An alternative, but often overlooked approach, is of
autochthonous discipline development leading to increasing numbers of
seasoned researchers creatively pursuing culturally relevant research. Both
approaches are intertwined and necessary for a more encompassing
denition and understanding of the indigenisation process. An overview of
the required elements for this broader denition indicate the need for
simultaneous pursuit of research in the local culture and autochthonous
discipline development, demands that can place the researcher in an essential
An objective of international psychology is to encourage the spread and
development of the discipline of psychology into as many countries as
Linguistic Approaches
The linguistic approach was exemplied by the works of Enriquez (1993)
and Ho (1993). Primary attention is paid to concepts within the native
language that capture the essence of thought, values, or behaviours within
the culture. Rather than an emphasis on their empirical validity,
identication of key indigenous concepts within the language is followed
by their semantic elaboration and emphasis on their cultural and
linguistic distinctiveness. Such an approach is often accompanied by a
more visible rejection of Western researchits terms and models, its
philosophy and methods, its etic possibilities, and of the English language
in which its research is promulgated.
Empirical Approaches
Empirical approaches, documenting the cultural distinctiveness of indigenous values, concepts, and behaviours, contrast sharply with the
linguistic approach. Although differing language may be involved, the
emphasis is on empirical testing and demonstrating a concepts cultural
distinctiveness. This approach is exemplied by D az-Guerreros (1977,
1993) ethnopsychology and his empirical search for verbal afrmations
(called historic-sociocultural premises) that typify the losoa de vida of
persons within Mexico. In a second example, Choi, Kim, and Choi (1993)
assessed the differential connotation of the words woori (Korean) and we
(English) to determine the indigenous meanings of social relationships in
Korean society. Documented differences in meaning by persons from the
native and Western cultures underscore their cultural uniqueness.
Applied Approach
Research that contributes to the resolution of national social problems is
indigenous in the sense that it focuses the discipline on the local context.
Although indigenisation may be thought to be an incidental consequence
of applied research, problem-focused research has been urged as an
intentional strategy (Ardila, 1993; Berry, 1993). For example, Berry (1993)
advocated a research focus on Canadian social problems: on multiculturalism, immigrant adaptation, aboriginal issues, second-language
learning, or Canadian identity. The greater similarity of Canadian culture
and language to that of the US may preclude the need to search for
indigenous concepts, and channel calls for indigenisation onto research
addressing national social problems.
Similar emphases are found in Latin America (Ardila, 1993), but for
different reasons. Although linguistically different from the US, the
historically substantial Western inuence on the Latin American culture
(Balan, 1983) may somewhat narrow the scope for indigenous developments. Promoting a substantial focus on the local culture through social
problem solution is readily seen as an appropriate indigenisation strategy.
who develop the theories and set the trends that others follow, and all the
others; the majority of psychologists within the country who will produce
the incremental research that forms the basic character of the discipline.
J.B.P. Sinha (1993), in making this distinction, referred to the former as the
front of psychology; the latter he called the bulk. I nd this to be a
useful conceptualisation for understanding the indigenisation process,
although I prefer more descriptive labels.
As a rule it is the cutting-edge researchers who search for indigenous
conceptualisation, and whose work promises to contribute to the
advancement of the discipline, both at the national and at the international
levels. The contributions of the late Durganand Sinha of India, Rogelio
D az-Guerrero of Mexico, and Michael Bond in Hong Kong, exemplify the
front of psychology in their respective countries. They assessed the
deciencies of the discipline applied to their culture, and perceptively
devised and promoted indigenous concepts and approaches. Although
slow to develop, these pioneering efforts are leading to an indigenous
psychology movement in developing countries. More than calls for
indigenous psychologies are required. For the task of insightful cultural
analysis, and conceptual and theoretical development, cutting-edge
researchers must pursue certain indigenisation strategies.
More members of the discipline, the contributors to normal science,
need to be involved in the indigenisation process. The seeds for theoretical
and conceptual development are generally sown by the front, however,
for the discipline to develop, it is necessary that these seeds fall on fertile
ground; that the mass, or contributors to normal science, be both
receptive and capable of researching and applying these concepts to
develop a broad base of indigenous knowledge. For the fertile soil and
development of an appropriate psychology, the mass needs strategies
that are adequately engaging and promote their growth and development.
and increasingly this work began to focus and have impact on Canadian
national issues ageing, family, and women at workand on topics that
were of uniquely Canadian concernmulticulturalism, immigration,
acculturation, bilingualism, stereotypes, and prejudice. This was facilitated
by the national granting agency targeting funding for some of these topic
As a rst step in addressing the need for Canadian textbooks and
supplementary teaching material, edited books of readings were produced
that brought together examples of Canadian research on culturally
relevant issues. Concurrent with developing research personnel, the
infrastructure for the discipline developed: two new journals were added,
a code of ethics was drafted and adopted (Canadian Psychological
Association, 1986), CPA began to assess and accredit its own clinical
training programmes, ultimately in joint site visits and accreditations with
the APA (Dobson & Dobson, 1993), and a national ofce independent of
any university was established for the Canadian Psychological Association
and manned by a full-time Executive Director.
The culmination of the Canadianisation process I mark by the
publication of a Canadian-authored textbook (Alcock, Carment, &
Sadava, 1988) that highlighted Canadian research as part of the world
literature in social psychology. The signicance of this publication is the
realisation that volumes of research had accumulated; enough Canadian
research to compile and distil into the core knowledge of a textbook, and
for the lecture halls of Canadian universities. In Canada, the number of
researchers and the quality of the research had increased greatly over the
three decades. We have contributed much to the understanding of
Canadian society, as well as to the universal understanding of behaviour.
That there is a distinctively Canadian psychology to market commercially afrms the vitality and relevance of the discipline that we teach.
Today we have an indigenous, autochthonous, mature, and independent
The Canadian discipline had to develop to the point where we had (a) a
critical mass of researchers, (b) a number of whom had developed into
condent scholars capable of independent problem-centred research, and
(c) had become aware or sensitive to thoughts and behaviours unique to
their culture. These scholars included (d) the culturally appropriate
variables in their research, and/or (e) researched topics of importance to
society. Over time we had (f) made a number of original research
contributions to local thought and behaviour and to national social issues
(as well as to universal knowledge), that (g) were then compiled and
described in locally edited/authored textbooks, and (h) could be utilised in
more culturally relevant curricula and classroom teaching. We had also (i)
developed graduate training programmes that made the discipline selfsustaining and no longer dependent on foreign training.
In conclusion, the goal of developing a culturally appropriate
psychologya psychology of Canadawas achieved through the dual
processes of making the research more culturally sensitive and relevant,
and developing the discipline into a mature, autochthonous psychology.
Both processes were essential for the indigenisation of Canadian
psychology. Similar processes and stages will likely need to be followed
by disciplines in countries seeking to develop indigenous psychologies.
The foregoing has implications for the denitions of indigenous psychology
and of indigenisation that were discussed at the outset. The two aspects
described earlier need to be included in our denitions and understanding
of these concepts. The goal of an indigenous psychology remains the same:
to create a psychology that is appropriate for the culture; but there are two
aspects or subgoalsmaking the research more culturally sensitive and
appropriate, and making the discipline autochthonous.1 By autochthonous
is meant a psychology of the country that is independent of its imported
origins, and which stands on its own in addressing local problems and in
providing its own local training and textbooks.
These processes are intertwined. Culturally sensitive contributions are
necessary for stimulating investigators indigenous research and for
providing models of what it can achieve and how to proceed. Discipline
development, on the other hand, strengthens the base of researchers who
will conduct this research. Within a new discipline, there are a greater
I credit my Latin American collaborators (I cannot recall whether it was Rolando D azLoving or Jose Salazar) who have translated my talks into Spanish, with suggesting this term.
They proposed it to distinguish a psychology of aboriginals, psicolog a indigenista, from a
psychology appropriate to the culture, psicolog a autoctona. This terminology led me to
introduce the concept of an autochthonous psychology.
number of new graduates and researchers who are learning the science, i.e.
developing their skills. They need feedback, and models for research to
shape their work. They need the advice of seasoned researchers to guide
their development. As researchers gain condence and sophistication, they
are able to see problems that require solution rather than problems that
might t textbook methods. The more developed the discipline, the more
scientists of this sort will be available to focus on their own cultures
problems. Hence culture sensitivity and autochthonous development are
This conceptualisation has important implications for the development
of indigenous psychologies. There will be no short-cuts to their
development. Rather than prescriptive models for action, indigenous
research developments will come about primarily from hard investigative
work on mature psychological explanations of behaviour that are found to
be typical within each country. Formulation and testing of indigenous
concepts or methods should still be encouraged. They serve useful
functions as indigenous contributions. However, greater attention needs
to be given to making the discipline autochthonous. An indigenous
psychology then can be conceived as a mature, self-sustaining scientic
discipline addressing the needs of the culture or country.
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