Linsenmeier Robert CV
Linsenmeier Robert CV
Linsenmeier Robert CV
November, 2015
Robert A. Linsenmeier
Mailing address
Biomedical Engineering Department
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Rd.
Evanston, IL 60208-3107
Biomedical Engineering Department
Neurobiology Department
Ophthalmology Department (Courtesy appointment as of 1/08)
Associate Professor
9/89 - 9/95
Biomedical Engineering Department
Department of Neurobiology and Physiology
Assistant Professor
9/83 - 9/89
Biomedical Engineering Department
Department of Neurobiology and Physiology
Northwestern University (50% appointment in each department)
Member, Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Neuroscience, Institute for Neuroscience,
and Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program
Associate Director
Northwestern University Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program (NUIN)
10/09 9/11
Visiting Professor
Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology
9/97 8/02
9/93 - 12/96
9/79 - 6/83
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, 1978
M.S., Biomedical Engineering, 1975
Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
B.S., Chemical Engineering, 1972
9/77 - 9/79
9/72 - 9/77
9/68 - 6/72
Member, Awards Committee, Biomedical Engineering Division, American Society for Engineering
Education, 2012 2013
Honorary President, Innovating for Continence: The Engineering Challenge, April 2013
External reviewer, Ohio State University Biomedical Engineering Department, March 2013
Chair, Cross-Network Policies Working Group, CIRTL, 2013
Member, Ethics Committee, Biomedical Engineering Society, 2011 2014
Invited speaker, Ocular Physiology, Illinois Eye Review (annual week long course for senior
ophthalmology residents), University of Illinois at Chicago, 2011- 2016
Co-chair (wih David Uttal), Integrating Cognitive Science with Innovative Teaching in STEM Disciplines:
Spatial Learning in STEM, Evanston, IL September, 2015
Co-Editor in Chief, Current Eye Research, 2008Chair, Education Advisory Board, North Carolina A&T NSF Engineering Research Center, 2011Member, Advisory Board, Bioengineering Department, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2013
Leader at Northwestern of the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning,
( 2012 Member, Fellows Selection Committee, Biomedical Engineering Society, 2013
Peer Review
Member, Fellowship Review Panel of the Fight for Sight Research Division of the National Society to
Prevent Blindness, 1994-1996
Reviewer for National Science Foundation
Member, "Special Emphasis Panels" of National Institutes of Health Study Sections (Visual Sciences B
and C), 1992, 1993
Ad Hoc Reviewer, NIH Visual Sciences C Study Section, 1997, 2002
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Special Emphasis Panel, NIH Nutrition and Metabolism Study Section, 1998
Member, Special Emphasis Panel on Diabetic Complications, NIH Nutrition and Metabolism Study
Section, 1999
Member, Special Emphasis Panel, NIH Center for Scientific Review (Research Resource Application),
Member, Editorial Board, Documenta Ophthalmologica, 1995 2002
Guest Editorial Board Member, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 1999
Member, Editorial Board, Current Eye Research, 2001- 2008
Grant Reviewer, The Wellcome Trust, 2001
Member, Special Emphasis Panel on Surrogate Endpoints for Diabetic Microvascular Complications, NIH,
August, 2002
Ad hoc Reviewer, Biology and Diseases of the Posterior Eye Study Section, NIH, 2004, 2005
Member, Special Emphasis Panel on Retinopathy, NIH, July, 2005
Ad Hoc Reviewer, NIH, 2008
Grant Reviews, NSF, 2007 2008, 2013
Grant Review, Veterans Administration, 2007
Grant Review, Chicago Biomedical Consortium, 2008
Grant Review, Veterans Administration, Neuroscience (NURC) Study Section, 2012
Grant Review, Emerging Technologies and Training in Neuroscience (ETTN) Study Section on Sensory
Technologies, February, 2013
Grant Review, Paracelsus Medical University (Salzburg, Austria) Research Fund, 2011Reviewer for:
American Journal of Physiology, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, ASEE Proceedings, Clinical
Vision Sciences, Current Eye Research, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing,
Documenta Ophthalmologica, Experimental Eye Research, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual
Science, International Journal of Engineering Education, Journal of Applied Physiology, Journal of
General Physiology, Journal of Neurochemistry, Journal of Neurophysiology, Journal of
Neuroscience, Journal of Physiology, Microvascular Research, Nature Scientific Reports,
Optometry and Visual Science, Physiological Measurement, Vision Research, Visual Neuroscience
BME 403
Spring, 2001
40. Padnick, L.B., Linsenmeier, R.A. and Goldstick, T.K. (1999) Perfluorocarbon emulsion improves
oxygenation of the cat primary visual cortex. J. Applied Physiol. 86: 1497-1504.
41. Padnick, L.B. and Linsenmeier, R.A. (1999) Properties of the flash visual evoked potential in the cat
primary visual cortex. Vision Research 39: 2983-2840
42. Linsenmeier, R.A. and Padnick-Silver, L. (2000) Metabolic dependence of photoreceptors on the choroid
in the normal and detached retina. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 41: 3117-3123.
43. Kang Derwent, J. and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2000) Effects of hypoxemia on the a- and b-waves of the
electroretinogram in the intact cat retina. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 41: 3634- 3642.
44. Kang Derwent, J. and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2001) Intraretinal analysis of the a-wave of the
electroretinogram in the dark-adapted intact cat retina. Visual Neuroscience 18: 353-363.
45. Ahmed, J., Pulfer, M. and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2001) Measurement of blood flow through the retinal
circulation of the cat during normoxia and hypoxemia using fluorescent microspheres. Microvascular
Research 62: 143-153.
46. Kang Derwent, J. and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2001) Hypoglycemia increases the sensitivity of the cat retina to
hypoxemia. Visual Neuroscience 18: 983-993.
47. Hoang, Q.V., Linsenmeier, R.A., Chung, C.K., and Curcio, C.A. (2002) Photoreceptor inner segments in
monkey and human retina: mitochondrial density, optics and regional variation. Visual Neuroscience, 19:
48. Padnick-Silver, L and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2002) Quantification of in vivo anaerobic metabolism in the
normal cat retina through pH measurements. Visual Neuroscience, 19: 793-806.
49. Padnick-Silver, L and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2003) Effect of acute hyperglycemia on oxygen and oxidative
metabolism in the intact cat retina. Invest. Ophthalmol. Visual Sci. 44: 745-750.
50. Wangsa-Wirawan, N. and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2003) Retinal oxygen: fundamental and clinical aspects.
Archives of Ophthalmology, 121: 547-557.
51. Linsenmeier, R.A.. (2003) What makes a biomedical engineer? IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Magazine, 22(4): 32-38.
52. Troy, J.B. and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2003) Optimizing the delivery of content in physiology education. IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 22(4): 80-87.
53. Birol, G., Budzynski, E., Wangsa-Wirawan, N., and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2004) Hyperoxia promotes
electroretinogram recovery following retinal artery occlusion in cat. Invest. Ophthal. Visual Sci. 45:
54. Birol, G.B., Budzynski, E., Wangsa-Wirawan, N.D., and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2005) Retinal arterial occlusion
leads to acidosis in the cat. Exp. Eye Res. 80 (4): 527-533 2005
55. Budzynski, E., Padnick-Silver, L., Wangsa-Wirawan, N.D., Hatchell, D.L., and Linsenmeier, R.A.
(2005) Intraretinal pH distribution in diabetic cats, Current Eye Research 30: 229-240.
56. Padnick-Silver, L and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2005) Effect of hypoxemia and hyperglycemia on pH and
anaerobic metabolism in the intact cat retina. Archives of Ophthalmology 123:1684-1690.
57. Kolikant, Y.B-D., Gatchell, D.W., Hirsch, P.L. and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2006) A Cognitive-ApprenticeshipInspired Instructional Approach for Teaching Scientific Writing and Reading, J College Science
Teaching 36 (3): 20-25.
58. Kang Derwent, J.J., Padnick-Silver, L., McRipley, M., Giuliano, E., Linsenmeier, R.A. and Narfstrm, K.
(2006). The electroretinogram (ERG) components in Abyssinian cats with hereditary retinal
degeneration, Invest. Ophthalmol. Visual Sci., 47: 3673-3682.
59. Padnick-Silver, L., Kang Derwent, J.J., Giuliano, E.Narfstrm, K.N., and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2006)
Retinal oxygenation and oxygen metabolism in Abyssinian cats with a hereditary retinal degeneration,
Invest. Ophthalmol. Visual Sci., 47: 3683-3689.
60. Wang, S. and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2007) Hyperoxia improves oxidative metabolism in the detached
feline retina. Invest. Ophthalmol. Visual Sci. 48: 1335-1341.
61. Chung, C.K, and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2007) Effect of carbogen (95% O2 /5% CO2) on retinal oxygenation
in dark-adapted anesthetized cats. Current Eye Research 32: 699-707
62. Birol. G., Wang, S., Budzynski, E. Wangsa-Wirawan, N.D., and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2007) Oxygen
distribution and consumption in the macaque retina. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 293: H1696-H1704.
63. Budzynski, E., Smith, J., Birol, G., Bryar, P., and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2008) Chronic effects of
photocoagulation on PO2 in the cat retina. Invest. Ophthalmol. Visual Sci., 49: 380-389
64. Linsenmeier, R.A., Kanter, D.E., Smith, H.D., Linsenmeier, K.A. and McKenna A.. (2008) Evaluation of a
Challenge-Based Human Metabolism Laboratory for Undergraduates. Journal of Engineering Education,
97(2): 213-222.
65. Crosson, L., Kroes, R.A., Moskal, J.R., Linsenmeier, R.A. (2009) Gene expression patterns in
normoxic, hypoxic and post-hypoxic adult rat retina with special reference to the NMDA receptor and its
interactome. Molecular Vision 15: 296-311.
66. Landsberg, L, Young, J.B., Leonard, W.R., Linsenmeier, R.A., Turek, F.W. (2009) Is obesity associated
with lower body temperature? Core temperature: a forgotten variable in energy balance. Metabolism
Clinical and Experimental 58: 871-876.
67. Wang, S., Birol, G., Budzynski, E., Flynn, R. and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2010) Metabolic responses to light
in monkey photoreceptors, Current Eye Research 35(6): 510-518.
68. Lee, C.J., Smith, J.H., Kang-Mieler, J.J., Budzynski, E. and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2011) Decreased
circulation in the feline choriocapillaris underlying retinal photocoagulation lesions. Investigative
Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 52:3398-3403.
69. Hoffmann, M.E., Rodriguez, S.M., Zeiss, D.M., Wachsberg, K.N., Kushner, R.F., Landsberg, L., and
Linsenmeier, R.A. (2012) 24-Hour Core Temperature in Obese and Lean Men and Women, Obesity 20
(8): 1585-1590 doi: 10.1038/oby.2011.380.
70. Lau, J.C.M. and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2012) Oxygen distribution and consumption in the Long-Evans rat
retina. Exp. Eye Research 102: 50-58
71. Aksenov, D., Eassa, J.E., Lakhoo, J., Wyrwicz, A. and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2012) Effect of isoflurane on
brain tissue oxygen tension and cerebral autoregulation in rabbits. Neuroscience Letters 524(2): 116118.
72. College of Fellows of American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (R.A. Linsenmeier,
principal author) (2013) Medical and biological engineering in the next 20 years: the promise and the
challenges. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 60(7): 1767-1775.
73. Lau, J.C.M., Kroes, R., Moskal, J., and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2013) Diabetes Changes Expression of
Genes Related to Glutamate Neurotransmission and Transport in the Long-Evans Rat Retina.
Molecular Vision, 19:1538-1553. PMCID: PMC3716414
74. Lau, J.C.M. and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2014) Increased intraretinal PO2 in short term diabetic rats. (2014)
Diabetes, 63(12):4338-4275. PMCID: PMC4238003
75. Song, W., Wei, Q., Liu, W., Liu, T., Yi, J., Sheibani, N. Fawzi, A.A., Linsenmeier, R.A., Shuliang, J. and
Zhang, H.F. (2014) A combined method to quantify retinal metabolic rate of oxygen using
photoacoustic ophthalmoscopy and optical coherence tomography, Scientific Reports, Oct 6; 4:6525.
doi: 10.1038/srep06525. PMCID: PMC4185377
76. Yi, J., Liu, W., Chen, S., Backman, V., Sheibani, N., Sorenson, C.M., Fawzi, A.A., Linsenmeier, R.A.,
and Zhang, H.F. (2015) Visible light optical coherence tomography measures retinal oxygen metabolic
response to systemic oxygenation. Light Science and Applications. 4:e334;
doi:10.1038/lsa.2015.107. Published online 25 September 2015
77. Scarinci, F., Jampol, L. Linsenmeier, R.A. and Fawzi, A. (2015) Diabetic macular ischemia is
associated with outer retinal disruption on optical coherence tomography, JAMA Ophthalmology
(formerly Arch Ophth). 33(9):1036-44. PMID: 26158562
78. Werkmeister, R.M., Schmidl, D., Aschinger, G., Doblhoff-Dier, V., Palkovits, S., Wirth, M., Garhofer, G.
Linsenmeier, R.A., Leitgeb, R.A, and Schmetterer, L. (2015) Retinal oxygen extraction in humans.
Scientific Reports, accepted for publication.
79. Baiduc, R.R., Linsenmeier, R.A., and Ruggeri, N. (2015) Mentored Discussions of Teaching: An
Introductory Teaching Development Program for Future STEM Faculty. Innovative Higher Education,
in press.
80. Linsenmeier, R.A., Aksenov, D.P., Faber, H.M., Makar, P. and Wyrwicz, A.M. (2016) Spontaneous
Fluctuations of PO2 in the Rabbit Somatosensory Cortex. Chapter 39 in Elwell, C.E., Leung, T.S.,
Harrison, D.K. editors, Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXVII. (Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. Vol. 876),
81. Liu, W., Li, H., Shah, R.S., Shu, X., Linsenmeier, R.A., Fawzi, A.A., and Zhang, H.F. (2016)
Simultaneous optical coherence tomography angiography and fluorescein angiography in rodents with
normal retina and laser-induced choroidal neovascularization. Optics Letters, in press.
82. Dmitriev, A.V., Henderson, D., and Linsenmeier, R.A. (2016) Light-induced pH changes in the intact
retinae of normal and early diabetic rats, Experimental Eye Research, accepted.
Book Chapters
1. Steinberg, R.H., Linsenmeier, R.A. and Griff, E.R. (1985) Retinal pigment epithelial cell contributions to
the electroretinogram and electrooculogram. Progress in Retinal Research. Vol. 4, ed. Osborne, N. and