Englsih Mass
Englsih Mass
Englsih Mass
Anuranjitarai teernneedam
Navamoru peedamorkkeedam
Guruvin snehamodee yagam
Thiru munpake anacheedam.
Anna pesaha
CEL: (Celebrant)
Athyunnathamam swarlokathil
Sarvesanu Sthuthi geetham.
Bhoomiyilengum marthyanu saanthi Prathyasayumennekum.
ALL: Amen.
ALL: Amen.
CEL: (Celebrant)
Anna pesaha tirunalil
Kartavaruliya kalpana pol
Thirunamathil chernneedam
Orumayodee bali arpikkam.
CEL: Glory to God in the highest.
(Select according to the liturgical calendar).
(Period of Annunciation & Nativity)
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(Period of the Dedication of the Church)
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(Period of the Dedication of the Church)
(Psalm 148)
CEL: My Lord, You are truly the one who raises our
bodies. You are the savior of our souls / and the preserver
of our lives. We are bound always to thank, adore, and
glorify You, / the Lord of all, forever.
ALL: Amen.
Paripavananam sarvesa
Paripavananam belavane
Paripavananam amarthyane
Nin kripa njangalkekaname
: ,
: ,
, .
READER: Brothers and sisters, be seated and listen attentively. A reading from the book of ...
: ,
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: ,
ALL: Diwyathmaavin
CON: Amen.
READER: Brothers and sisters, a reading from
the letter of St. . to the ...
ALL: Diwyathmaavin
READER: (Bowing to the celebrant) Bless me, my Lord.
CEL: Nithya pithavinnum
Suthanum Roohaaykkum
ALL: Diwyathmaavin
SER: (At the end of the pre-gospel hymn) Let us stand and listen attentively to the Holy Gospel.
Nalloraasaya menmanathaaril
Vannu niranju thulumpeedunnu
CEL: The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, proclaimed by St. ..
Thaathanumathupol Suthanum
Parisudhathmaavinum Sthuthiyuyaratte
Halleelooyaa Padeedunnen
Halleelooyaa, halleelooyaa
(Period of Annunciation)
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(Period of Nativity)
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(Period of the Dedication of the Church)
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(Period of Annunciation)
(Period of Nativity)
SER: Jesus, You came as the promised savior / to redeem the fallen ones, due to Adam's sin. Come Lord Jesus / to purify us and save us from sins.
(Period of Epiphany)
(Period of Lent)
(Period of Resurrection)
SER: Let us all stand in joy and excitement and pray:
"Lord, hear our prayer."
(Period of the Apostles)
SER: Let us all stand in joy and cheerfulness and pray:
"Lord, hear our prayer".
ALL: Lord, hear our prayer.
SER: Lord, bless the sick, the afflicted, and the ones
who are being persecuted for righteousness. Give us the
grace / to run the good race to protect the faith / keeping
in mind Your glorious resurrection / and indescribable
heavenly bliss. We pray to you, O Lord.
CEL: Lord, who sent your Holy Spirit / to fill the apostles with the Spirit of the Holy Gospel, bless this congregation / with the gifts of Your Holy Spirit / so that we all
may bear witness to You as missionaries. Bless us to
grow in mutual love and unity, and to live a life proper to
your followers.
ALL: Amen
ALL: Amen
(Period of the Summer)
SER: With strong faith and love, let us proclaim, "Lord,
we pray to you."
ALL: Amen
(Please turn to page 14)
(Period of the Dedication of the Church)
SER: Contemplating on the future glory of the Church,
let us pray "Lord, make us partners in Your glory."
ALL: Make us partners in Your glory.
SER: You promised to be with us / till the end of the
world. Lord, who lives with Your Church / and leads her
to eternal salvation.
ALL: Make us partners in Your glory.
SER: Lord, who lead the Church safely to the heavenly
Jerusalem / through the apostles and their successors.
ALL: Make us partners in Your glory.
SER: Lord, who sacrificed Himself to keep the Church /
to be His pure and spotless bride.
ALL: Make us partners in Your glory.
SER: Lord, who called us to take our daily cross and
follow You, enabling us to share / in the glory that was
Yours / even before the creation of the world.
ALL: Make us partners in Your glory.
SER: Let us commend ourselves and one another / to
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
ALL: Lord, Our God, we commend ourselves to You.
CEL: Jesus, who sacrificed Yourself at Calvary / to
keep Your bride, the Church immaculate, be pleased in
this congregation, which is being nourished by Your body
and blood. As You are united with your Father / in the
love of the Holy Spirit, help us to be united with You.
Grant us the grace of perseverance / to those who are
awaiting for the eternal life.
ALL: Amen
CEL: Thathanu mathupol athmaja-num
Divya ruhaykum sthuthiyennum,
Knaya mariyathe
Pavana mee baliyil.
ALL: Adiyilepol Ennannekum
Suthanude preshithare
Ekaja Snehithare
Santhi labhichiduvan
Ningal Prarthippin.
CEL: Sarvaru monnai padidatte
Mar Thomayeyum
Nina sakshikaleyum
Baliyithil Orthidam.
ALL: Nammude Koode Balavanakum
Rajavam Daivam
Yakobin Daivam
Nammude Thunayennum.
CEL: Cheriyavarellam valiyavaroppam
Kathu vasikkunnu
Mrutharellarum nin
Mahitho thanathil
Saranam thedunnu
ALL: Thirusannidhiyil Hrudayagathangal
Nompum prarthanayum
Thritwhathe modal
Nitham vazhthidam.
CEL: Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy
Spirit. Let there be the commemoration of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, Mother of God at this holy altar.
CON: From the eternity and forever, Amen. Apostles
and friends of / the only begotten Son of God, pray for
peace in the world.
CEL: Pray for me, brothers and sisters, that this Qurbana
may be fulfilled through my hands.
CON: May God the Lord of all, / strengthen you to fulfill His Will. May He accept this Qurbana / and be
pleased with the sacrifice / You offer for yourself, for us,
and for the whole world. Amen.
(The celebrant says the following prayer in a low voice.)
Lord God, Jesus Christ! Regard not the multitude of our
sins, nor anger at the depth of our evilness. Sanctify this
sacrifice in your ineffable great mercy that we may find
mercy and grace in Your holy presence and be made worthy
to sing your praises with the heavenly hosts when You appear at the end of time in our human nature that You assumed. Grant it strength to wipe away our transgressions.
(Of Saints Addai and Mari, the disciples of St. Thomas the
apostle, venerated as the teachers of the East.)
CEL: (Recites the First G'hantha prayer with closed palms and
bowed head.)
CEL: Lord of all, the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit! The adorable name of your most Blessed Trinity /
is worthy of honor from every mouth, thanksgiving from
every tongue, and praise from every creature. For, in
Your great kindness / You created the world and everything in it, and showed humanity Your immense mercy.
Multitudes of heavenly hosts / and thousands upon thousands of holy angels / and hosts of spiritual ministers of
fire and spirit / bow down and adore You, O Most High!
And they glorify Your name / and offer You worship /
together with the holy Cherubim and Seraphim.
(The celebrant kisses the altar. Subsequently, he raises his
hands and sings or says).
: ()
If there is no song).
CEL: For the honor and glory of all the prophets, disciples, martyrs, confessors and all the just and holy fathers /
who have found favor in your presence, Lord, receive this
CON: Lord, graciously receive this Qurbana.
CEL: For all those who suffer and are in distress, the
poor and the oppressed, the sick and the afflicted, for all
those who have departed from us in your name, for this
Your people who await Your mercy with great hope, and
for me Your unworthy servant, Lord, receive this Qurbana.
hands) He
CON: Amen
CEL: Whenever You gather together in my name, do
this in memory of me.
(All bow in reverence)
CEL: Lord, as You have commanded us, we Your humble, weak, and distressed servants / are gathered together
in Your presence. You have showered upon us such great
blessings / for which we can never thank You enough. To
make us share in your divine life, You assumed our human nature, restored us from our fallen state, and brought
us from death to life eternal. Forgiving our debts, You
sanctified us sinners, enlightened our minds, defeated our
enemies, and glorified our frail nature by Your immense
CEL: We give You glory and honor, thanksgiving and
adoration / for all Your favors and graces / You have
granted us. (Celebrant signs the mysteries) Now, + always, and
CON: Amen
SER: Pray in your hearts. Peace be with us.
CEL: (Extending his hands) For the Supreme Pontiff in
Rome, the ruler and head of the universal Church, Pope
Benedict, for the Major Archbishop, the head and Father
of our Church Mar Varkey
, Our Bishop Mar Jacob,
Archbishop Mar Mathew and Bishop Mar Joseph, for the
entire holy Catholic Church, for priests, rulers, and all
those who are in authority, Lord, Mighty God, receive
this Qurbana.
CON: Lord, graciously receive this Qurbana.
CEL: We offer glory and honor, thanksgiving, and worship to Your living, holy, and life-giving name. Now,
(+The celebrant blesses the mysteries) always and forever.
CON: Amen
: (
(The celebrant kisses the altar, with his hands held to his
chest in the form of the cross. He raises the Host and says)
The Sacred Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ is signed with
His propitiatory Blood. In the name of the Father, + and of
the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
(Holding both pieces of the divided Host together over the
chalice, he says)
These glorious, life-giving, holy, and divine mysteries have
been set apart, sanctified, perfected, commingled and united
with each other in the adorable and exalted name of the most
glorious Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Lord, our God, through these holy mysteries, may the holy
Church here and everywhere and all of us obtain remission
of debts, forgiveness of sins, hope for resurrection, and new
life in the kingdom of heaven. Now, always, and forever.
(The celebrant places the two halves on the paten one upon
the other cross-wise so that the broken end of the particle
below faces the chalice, and the particle above, the priest.
Then he bows and with his right thumb makes the sign of the
cross on his forehead. Then he unfolds the veil, which is
wrapped around the sacred mysteries and says:)
(The celebrant bows, he crosses himself and says the following prayer in a loud voice.)
CEL: May the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ who gives
us life, be made perfect in us + through His mercy. (+ The
celebrant blesses the people).
CON: Christ, Our Lord! O Adorable King / You triumphed over death / through Your passion! Son of God,
You have promised us a new life / in the Kingdom of
heaven! Banish all evil from us. May peace and blessings / flourish in our land. May we find life / in Your
presence / on the day of your glorious manifestation. May
we receive You with honor / in accordance with Your
will, and praise Your name singing "Hosanna" / for the
mercy You have shown our race. For, great is the mercy
You have shown us. Your love dawned on us mortals. In
Your mercy, You wiped away our sins. Praise to Your
name for all your grace! Lord, forgive our debts in Your
mercy! Blessed be this gift from on high! In Your mercy,
may all of us be found worthy / to offer thanksgiving /
and adoration to Your divinity. May we always sing
praises / to You our Lord. Amen.
(On ordinary Days)
Lord, our God! It is right and just at every moment / and in all seasons to offer praise, worship, and
thanksgiving to Your Glorious name. In Your great compassion, though we are weak, You made us worthy, to
relish the sweetness of Your life-giving and divine words,
to glorify Your name with the angels, to partake in these
holy mysteries You have given us, and to sing constantly
hymns of praise and thanksgiving to You, Most High.
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Lord of all, forever.
CON: Amen, Bless us, O Lord!
CEL: Christ who is our Lord and God, King, and Savior, and Life-Giver, in His mercy has made us / worthy to
receive His sanctifying and precious Body and Blood.
May He bless us, so that we may please Him / through
our thoughts, words, and deeds. Lord! In Your immense
mercy, may the covenant we have received from You / be
for the remission of debts / and for the forgiveness of
sins, great hope for the resurrection of the dead / and new
life everlasting in heaven / with all those who found favor
in Your presence. Lord of all, forever.
CON: Amen.
(On ordinary days)
CEL: Lord, Our God! In your mercy, You have given
us these glorious, holy, life-giving, and divine mysteries
for the forgiveness of sins. We are bound to offer Your
Most Blessed Trinity everlasting praise and honor,
thanksgiving and adoration for this gift. Lord of all, the
Father, the Son, and, the Holy Spirit, forever.
CON: Amen. Bless us, O Lord!
CEL: Christ, hope of mankind! You have forgiven our
debts, sins, and offences through this glorious, holy, life
giving, and divine mysteries. May this adorable gift from
on high be blessed! Lord of all, forever.
CON: Amen.
Final Blessing
(On Sundays, Feast Days ,and days of commemoration)
CEL: (In a low voice) Praise to you, altar of sanctification! Praise to you, the sepulcher of Our Lord! May the
Holy Qurbana / that I have received from you, be for me
unto the forgiveness of my debts / and the remission of
my sins. I know not, whether I shall come again to offer
another sacrifice.
(The celebrant kisses the altar).