Chemistry: Its Significance in Daily Life: Element in The Human Body

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Chemistry: Its significance in daily life

Prof: Sardar Bux Abro

Department of Chemistry

Everything is made of chemicals. Many of the changes we observe in the

world around we see that caused by chemical reactions. Chemistry is very
important because it helps us to know the composition, structure&
changes of matter. All the matters are made up of chemistry. In our every
day like various chemical are being used in various from, some of those
are being used as food, some of those used clanging etc.
1. Element in the Human Body:
Body is made up of chemical compounds, which are combinations of
elements. Probably know body is mostly water, which is hydrogen and
2. Health Care and Beauty:
The diagnostic tests carried out in laboratories, the prognostic
estimations, medical prescriptions, pills, the vaccines, the antibiotics play
very vital role in health monitoring, control of diseases and in alleviating
the sufferings of the humanity. Right from birth control to enhancement of
life expectancy- all have been made possible using the unequivocal
services of Chemistry. From simple sterilization surgical instruments with
antiseptic solution to Chemotherapy and Genome sequencing are all
nothing but applications of Chemistry. Injecting cows, buffaloes, goat and
sheep with bovine some towrope Increases milk-production but it is
indiscriminately being used by sportspersons to un-ethically enhance
performance. Aging- a chemical change can only be checked chemically.
Most beauty products are produced through chemical synthesis to clean,
nurture and protect skins. However their certain ingredients are hazardous
to our health in the long run.
3. Industries and Transport:
From cloth mills, lather factories, petro-chemical industries and refineries
to metal industries- all use numerous fuels for power generation and
chemical products for processing their product and improve the equality
and simultaneously produce pollution. Now-a-days chemical effluent
treatment plants use chemicals to control or neutralist he hazardous
impact of pollutants produced by the industries. Aviation and shipping
industries generate power through power plants which burn fuels. Petrol
and diesel emit out green house gases dangerous for the survival on earth
which damage the ozone layer that protects us from UV rays. As a result

global warming has taken place which is a destroyer of the planet earth.
But again Chemistry paves the way with bio-fuels.
4. Food Security and Agriculture:
The famous green revolution to increase agricultural produce so as to
ensure food security was triggered by the advent of inorganic fertilizers.
Since then fertilizers are extensively used by farmers to restore the
fertility of soil in the fields. Pesticides are used to protect the crop during
farming and preserve the grains from pests, rats and mice during storage.
Genetically modified seeds which are used to enhance production and
earn profits through export of food grains are agricultural applications of
Bio-chemistry. Whereas refrigeration system for cold storage of vegetables
and raw meat uses Poly Urethanes Foam (PUF) and the chemical
properties of gases, the preservatives in packaged food products are
known to have adverse impact on our body.
5. Science and Technology:
The destructive effects of Atom Bombs dropped on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki? Generations in Japan have suffered the devastation and there
has-been no solace. The threat of weapons of mass-destruction (WMDs)
like the Nuclear, Chemical and Biological weapons looms large on the
Humanity. Terrorists are using RDX and other explosives to run currents of
fear down the spines across the globe. Nuclear reactors which are going to
serve the future generations through power generation leave us with the
problem of Nuclear Waste Management. Whereas the destructive power is
generated through chains of chemical reactions, we remain assured that
Chemistry has facilitated the chain of counter measures too in the form of
safety suites and NBC resistant bunkers. Forensic science- the
comprehensive scientific analysis of material evidence in the context of
the law uses principles of chemistry to facilitate crime investigation. Telecommunications, Information Technology and Space Missions- all bank on
the chemistry of semi-conductor sand nano-tubes.
Chemistry explains how food changes as we cook it, how it rots, how to
preserve food, how our body uses the food eats, and how ingredients
interact to make food.
Part of the importance of chemistry is it explains how cleaning works. We
use chemistry to help decide what cleaner is best for dishes, laundry,
yourself, and your home. We use chemistry when use bleaches and
disinfectants and even ordinary soap and water. How do they work? That's

It is very need to understand basic chemistry so that we can understand
how vitamins, supplements, and drugs can help or harm us. Part of the
importances of chemistry lies in developing and testing new medical
treatments and medicines.
9.Environmental Issues
Chemistry is at the heart of environmental issues. What makes one
chemical a nutrient and another chemical a pollutant? How we can clean
up the environment? What processes can produce the things our need
without harming the environment? We're all chemists. We use chemicals
every day and perform chemical reactions without thinking much about
them. Chemistry is important because everything you do is chemistry!
Even our body is made of chemicals. Chemical reactions occur when we
breathe, eat, or just sit there reading. All matter is made of chemicals, so
the importance of chemistry is that it's the study of everything.

Positive and Negative Impact of Cell Phones

Prof. Raham Ali Ansari
Department of Physics

Cell phones or mobile phones have become a very important part of our
daily lives. It is very difficult to imagine our live without a cell phone as
most of our work is done using cell phones. Everything has its pros and
cons and mobile phones too has its positives and negatives. If you are
wondering what positives and negatives can be of cell phones, you are at
the right place as today we will share these with you.

Positives of cell phones


The very first positive point of mobile phones is communication. With

mobile phones you can communicate with anyone from anywhere at any
time. Now days, the smartphones which are coming are small in size and
light in weight which makes it very easy to carry them. You dont need to
sit beside the receiver as your mobile phone is not attached with

Mobile phones have become a source of unlimited entertainment. The

things which we never thought would be present in a mobile phone are
now possible. Smartphones have come into existence which not only help
you in making calls but also help you to stay entertained by allowing you
to play games, listen to music and do lots of other stuff.
Mobile phone even come with special apps for kids to increase their
brainstorming which is pretty good.
Beneficial in studies

If you are using a smartphone, you can take advantage of it in your

studies or your business. The smartphones which come with Android,
Apple iOS and Windows Phone operating system come with educational
apps which can be used while you are in college. If you are into business
you can install applications like Skype which will help you in
communicating with your clients on the go.

Negative impact of cell phones

Lets have a look at negative impact of cell phones.

Bad impact on studies

It is true that mobile phones can help students in studies but only if they
use them wisely. Most of the students become additive to mobile phones
and are found playing games, chatting with their friends and watching
movies and other stuff. If students are busy keeping their eyes on their
mobile phones at all times they wont get time for studying which would
lead to poor grades.
Heath issues and accidents

Mobile phones lead to a lot of accidents. A lot of people do their daily

work, drive while taking on mobile phones. There is high risk of accident if
you are talking on the mobile phone and driving as you are giving your
half attention to the mobile call and are having half attention on the road.
Research studies have also claimed that mobile phones have a negative
impact on health of an individual. If you are using mobile phone for long
hours daily it might lead to serious health issues.
These were the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones. In the
end, it all depends on our usage. Cell phones are the most personal device
to us and we should make an optimal use of them.

How Technology Effects our Society?

Prof. Nisar Ahmed Sheikh
Department of English

The technological growth taking place in the world today is doing so very
rapidly and there are new advancements being made with each passing
day and this is possible owing to the large number of extensive
programmes of technological research currently being done by a large
number of researchers working within non-profit research organizations,
business and universities. The developments being made today are very
strong and are very pervasive forces in the business environment today.
Technology can easily be referred to as the scientific knowledge to the
practical problems we are experiencing in the world today. There is no
denying that the impact of technology in the world today is huge and can
be categorized into how it affects our society today and how it influences
the business activities and operations.

Impact of technology on society:

Technology has without doubt an impact on society. As a matter of fact,
we experience this effect in our daily lives. It has an effect on the growth
of the economy, our culture and our living standards. It is however
important to note that the benefits are a double-edged sword with some
being detrimental and other being beneficial. One should be very careful
and get to know how the effects on society get to affect the business
activities and operations.
Positive impact of technology:
Technology impacts on our daily lives. Our environments are all so full of
technology to the point that most of the time we take it for granted and
never actually notice the level of impact that it has on us until when we
have no telephone, transport, water or electricity. Advancements in
technology have greatly increased our living standards. Despite the fact
that we are currently experiencing very high inflation rates and the rates
of unemployment are very high, generally, people are feeding better, are
dressing better and are as a matter of fact living more comfortable lives.
Technology also has a great impact on all the fundamental aspects of all
our cultures including laws and how they are enforced, language, art,
health care, mobility, education and religion. For instance the great
technological improvements in health care have given a chance to doctors
to treat their patients in an environment that is virtual through the use of
mediums such as video conferencing which has also greatly benefited the
legal environment as it allows the judges to still listen to the cases of hard

core criminals who cannot be allowed to get into the court rooms due to
security reasons.
Negative impacts of technology:
With every advancement that is made in the technological world, creative
destruction results. For example, television impacts negatively on the
movies and synthetic fibers impact the cotton fibers negatively. The
coming in of new types of technology also results in a negative impact on
the growth of the economy at times; television at times consumes all the
productive hours that a man has in a day. Every new form of technology
gets into the market together with long term consequences that are most
of the time not foreseeable. For instance is there really a justification for
nations coming up with bombs, nuclear weapons and missiles to maintain
Despite the fact that we cannot really ignore that there are a number of
ways in which technology negatively impacts our society, for the better
part it has greatly helped to make out lives better. Technology has greatly
helped us to become more efficient thus increasing our productivity. It has
also helped us a great deal to be able to save on many resources such as
time and money and these are great benefits that cannot be ignored. It
has also worked well in bringing unity into the world by turning it into a
global village which has in turn helped people to more easily overcome
their cultural, racial and continental barriers.

Solar Power: Basics & Advantages

Prof. Hafizullah Dahar
Head of Chemistry Department

Solar energy is the new source of energy used in most of the developed
countries. The solar system technology has started to gain popularity in
developing countries too. Use of gasoline and other natural resources as
sources of energy are harmful for the environment; therefore, developed
countries are trying to put more reliance on solar energy for industrial
usage in general and domestic usage in particular. Use of solar energy for
industrial and domestic purpose is likely to increase in the future due to its
benefits and multipurpose usage.
When your electricity bills escalate, power outages become frequent and
you are looking for alternatives, then solar power can indeed come to your
Solar power
Solar power is energy from the sun. "Solar" is the Latin word for "sun" and
it's a powerful source of energy. Without it, there will be no life. Solar
energy is considered as a serious source of energy for many years
because of the vast amounts of energy that is made freely available, if
harnessed by modern technology.
It is considered 'Renewable Energy' because...

The technology used to convert the sun's power into electricity does
not produce smoke (carbon dioxide and other air pollutants).

Tapping the sun's energy does not usually destroy the environment.

Unfortunately, the sun does not available in the night, and in some days,
clouds and rains and other natural conditions prevent the sun's powerful
rays from reaching us. This means that it is not always available. This is
why we cannot rely on solar energy alone.
What are Solar panels?
Solar panels are devices that convert light into electricity. They are called
"solar" panels because most of the time, the most powerful source of light

available is the Sun, called Sol by astronomers. Some scientists call them
photovoltaics which means, basically, "light-electricity."
A solar panel is a collection of solar cells. Lots of small solar cells spread
over a large area can work together to provide enough power to be useful.
The more light that hits a cell, the more electricity it produces.
How does a solar cell turn sunlight into electricity?
Solar (or photovoltaic) cells convert the suns energy into electricity.
Whether theyre adorning your calculator or orbiting our planet on
satellites, they rely on the photoelectric effect: the ability of matter to
emit electrons when a light is shone on it.
Silicon is what is known as a semi-conductor, meaning that it shares some
of the properties of metals and some of those of an electrical insulator,
making it a key ingredient in solar cells. Lets take a closer look at what
happens when the sun shines onto a solar cell.
Sunlight is composed of miniscule particles called photons, which radiate
from the sun. As these hit the silicon atoms of the solar cell, they transfer
their energy to loose electrons, knocking them clean off the atoms. The
photons could be compared to the white ball in a game of pool, which
passes on its energy to the coloured balls it strikes.
Freeing up electrons is however only half the work of a solar cell: it then
needs to herd these stray electrons into an electric current. This involves
creating an electrical imbalance within the cell, which acts a bit like a
slope down which the electrons will flow in the same direction.
Creating this imbalance is made possible by the internal organisation of
silicon. Silicon atoms are arranged together in a tightly bound structure.
By squeezing small quantities of other elements into this structure, two
different types of silicon are created: n-type, which has spare electrons,
and p-type, which is missing electrons, leaving holes in their place.
When these two materials are placed side by side inside a solar cell, the ntype silicons spare electrons jump over to fill the gaps in the p-type
silicon. This means that the n-type silicon becomes positively charged,
and the p-type silicon is negatively charged, creating an electric field
across the cell. Because silicon is a semi-conductor, it can act like an
insulator, maintaining this imbalance.
As the photons smash the electrons off the silicon atoms, this field drives

them along in an orderly manner, providing the electric current to power

calculators, satellites and everything in between.
In basics about solar power and solar electricity we will talk about the
basic things behind this power. Here are the main things you need to
know: AC-DC system, Volt, Current (Ampere), Power (Watt), Resistance,
Series and Parallel connecting.
AC-DC system
Ac stands for Alternative Current. Alternative current is almost that we
found in wall outlet or electric outlet. DC stands for Direct Current. In solar
panels it is used 12 volt dc system. DC is that current we can find in cells,
batteries, and using adapters or regulators.
Voltage is the electromotive force (pressure) applied to an electrical circuit
measured in volts (E).
Current is the flow of electrons in an electrical circuit measured in
amperes (I).
Power is the product of the voltage times the current in an electrical
circuit measured in watts (P).
Resistance is the opposition to the flow of electrons in an electrical circuit
measured in ohms (R). Increased resistance gives higher voltage and
higher power(watt).
Parallel Connecting - 12V System
Parallel Connecting solar panels gives higher current. And voltage will
remain the same. Parallel Connecting is best. Because we do not need
high voltage. Normal battery is 12v. And by selecting high voltage require
higher voltage charge controller. To connect solar panels in parallel we

have to connect plus + to plus and minus - to minus.

Solar Power and its Advantages

Over the years, solar power has turned to be very economical with
advances in the technology behind it. Sunlight available, of course,
decides the amount of solar electricity generated. But, with novel
innovations taking place on the technology side, it is possible to harness
enough electricity from the sun even when the sky is cloudy!

Solar power can be described as an inexhaustible source of energy as

there is never a day without the sun shining. On bright days, you may
even be able to generate enough and more energy left to sell.

Solar energy is associated with no emissions into the atmosphere, while

thermal and hydroelectric sources of electricity cause pollution.
Setting up solar power equipment is relatively flexible. The huge number
of solar panels needed to heat up the whole of your house can be
mounted on roofs. Relatively lesser number of solar panels is needed for
Solar power can not only be used for homes, but also for running
industries. Solar energy is becoming more economical and practical by the
day and even solar-powered cars have been manufactured.
Where there are no running power lines, as in remote areas, solar power is
ideal. Also, governments are offering tax exemptions to homeowners for
installation of solar power equipment.
Thus, we are advancing towards novel sources of energy. This is not only
economical, but also contributes to safeguarding our environment from

Sufi Murad Faqeer Zangejo: Life and Selected Poetry

Prof. Tariq Hayat Lashari
Department of English
The land of Sindh has seen many notable figures that left deep impact on the
society socially, morally and religiously. Among them, Sufi Murad Faqir was one
of the gems who professed love and fraternity through his poetry. His exact date
of birth is still not known due to unavailability of reliable documents. But it is
assumed that he was born in 1743. He came from Baloch tribe Zangejo and
was originally an inhabitant of Umerkot. In his life he made his living by serving
in court of Kalhora rulers along with his cousin Rohal Faqeer who also attached
with the royal court as a treasurer. Both of them became the renowned Sufi
poets of Sindh in Hindi, Sindhi and Seraiki.
Rohal Faqeer and Mureed Faqeer during their official visits travelled extensively
to Barmer, Jaisalmir, Jodhpur, Jaipur and many other places. In the prime of age
when Rohal Faqeer renunciated the worldly affairs and became disciple of Sufi
Izzatullah Shah of Jhoke Sharif. At that time Murad Faqeer accompanied his
cousin. Sufi Murad Faqir happened to be the first person who was influenced by
Rohal Faqeers spiritual teachings.
Murad Faqir also took the same path and name of his own. Murad Faqir was ten
years younger than Rohal faqir. Later both were instructed by spiritual guide to
move from Umerkot to Northern side. Talking of Sufi Murad Faqeers becoming a
Sufi, It was Rohal, however, who throughout Murad Faqeers life, urged and
guided his irrepressible power and divine quest. Eventually just like his cousin,
Murad Faqeer also renounced all worldly pleasures and possessions and
wandered in quest of his Divine Charmer.
After the end of Kalhora rule, they both along with their family members
migrated to Kotli in District Khairpur. It is a rugged, hilly region where they step
up their houses. The turning-point in Murads life came when once some cattle of
a neighbouring Syed (religious preceptor) trespassed in Murads lands repeatedly
even after Murad had brought this to the Syeds notice. He then complained to
Rohal saying that in case the Syed would not arrange to stop that nuisance, he
(Murad) would curse the Syed which would indeed be deplorable for a
descendant of the Holy Prophet. Thereupon, Rohal exclaimed that speaking to
the Syed would not avail; better he who was excited by anger should, slay his
self. These words pierced Murads consciousness like a sharp-pointed spear.
There and then, covering himself with a sheet of cloth, this wounded one lay
down till he was blessed with the Sufis mystic vision of Oneness with his Maker
and His Creation. His death is believed to have taken place in 1796 A.D. His
poetry, unlike that of Shah Latif, is tinged with an unadulterated Sufi touch. His
Sindhi and Seraiki poetry was published in a book Kandiri Waran Jo Kalam. His
Hindi poetry in form of Doha, Chand, Choupai, Hori has not been published yet.
His works in Persian go under the name of Diwan-i-Murad.

Translation of selected poetry of Sufi Murad Faqir

I have neither the features, nor the colour, nor have I any sense;
Neither have I smeared the rouge, nor have I applied the antimony;
Neither have I rubbed, nor have I braided the hair.
Neither have I parted my hair, nor have I laboured,
But the One, who is beloved of her Lord, she is, Oh Murad, a real bride.
The lovers came to sell themselves in the market of love;
Buoyant within, Oh Murad, they ramble about without like languishing birds.
None but he who has felt the pinch can value the wounds of the wounded.
The candy or the eater thereof alone knows the taste of the candy.
The pill of pain, administered by the physician, Love, leaves not a speck of
Not the slight illness remains within, it drowns all doubt and suspicion;
It tears the veil. It shows the Real to the eyes
Murad, the Beloved is beside the heart, only if you would peep within.
Know the I, that you may have Me, because I reside in the I;
Do not look for Me in the deserted places but meet Me in the I;
I am in you and you in Me; do live thus; give up thy doubts;
The man, Oh Murad, thou must know and in Me and to Me you must bow.
Dont carry thy head with yourself if you want to meet the Beloved;
Divest yourself of reason and then step in;
Renounce all the dirty desires of self and rule it into obedience;
No place is there for the living, Oh Murad, for the dead alone can enter.
If union be your goal, make haste to meet,
Place your foot in the field before others enter;
None but the headless * can enter the bargain
To die alive, Murad, is useful. All else is useless.
Everyone styles himself a lover, but to be a lover is not easy,
The first symptom of love is to die when alive and then live,
To drink draught divine from the hands of the Cup-bearer every breath of your
Then alone is it befitting, Murad, to call oneself a lover.
Where the necked ones set their love, there exists naught but nothing;
These divines divulge not the secrets to any one;
Those that escape understanding they do not lisp through the mouth;
They alone please their God in their souls
who have, O Murad, taken up the rosary of silence.

1. Sabir, Shams (October 2007). "Kandri Je Kabiley Ja Shair". World Peoples
Review 1 (8): 10.
2. Muhammad, Sufi Taj (1999). Sartaj-e-Kandiri. Lahore: Aijaz Publishers, Urdu
3. Hamayoni, Niaz (2007). Aao Kanga Kar Galh. Jamshoro: Sindh Adabi Board.

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