Moody LF Paper 1944

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The paper discusses friction factors for pipe flow and presents charts to help engineers estimate these factors. It reviews past work in this area and developments that helped create a more complete understanding.

The paper is about providing engineers a simple way to estimate friction factors to compute head loss in pipes and conduits with steady flow.

Friction factors (f) represent the coefficient in the Darcy formula used to calculate head loss due to friction in pipes. They are dimensionless and depend on the relative roughness of the pipe surface and the Reynolds number.

Friction Factors for Pipe .

The object of this paper is to furnish the engineer
with a simple means of estimating the friction factors
to be used in computing the loss of head in clean new
pipes and in closed conduits runuing full with steady
flow. The modern developments in the application of
theoretical hydrodynamics to the fluid-frictjon problem
are impressive an4, scattered through an extensive literature. This paper is not intended as a critical snrvey of
this wide field. .For a concise review, Professor Bakhineteff' s (1) 2 sman book on the mechanics of fluid flow is
an excellent reference. Prandtl and Tietjeris (21 and
Rouse (3) have also made notable contributions to the
subject . . The author does not claim to offer anything
particularly new or original, his aim merely being to
embody the now accepted conclusions in convenient
form for engineering use.

N the. present pipe-.flow study, the friction factor, denoted by

fin. the accompanying charts,.is the coefficient in the Darcy

L V2


in which h1 ii;! the loss of head in friction, in feet of fluid column

of the fluid flowing; L and D the length and internal diameter of
t~pe:-in-feet; V. the mean velocity of flow in feet per second;
and g the acceleration of gravity in feet pei.: second per second
(mean value taken as .32.16). The factor j is .a dimensionless
quantity, and at ordinary velocities is a function of tw'o, and only
two, other dimensionless quantities, the relative roughlless of the

i, (e being a linear quantity in: feet representative of the

absolute roughness), and the Reynolds number R = VD (v being

" .
the- coefficient of kinematic viscosity of the fluid in. square feet
per second).. Fig. 1 gives numerical values' off as a function of


Ten years ago R. J. S.. Pigott (4) published a chart for the s~e
. ,friction factor, usmg the same co-ordinates as in 'Fig. 1 of this
paper. His chart has proved to be, :inost useful and practical
.and has been reproduced in.a numb~r of texts (5). The Pigott
chart was based upon
am\}ysis of some 10,000 experiments
from various sources (6), but did not have the benefit, in plotting
or fairing the curves, of later developments in functional forms of

the curves.
In the same year Nilrufadse (7) published his experiments on
artificially roughened pipes. Based upon the tests of Nikuradse
and others, von Karman (8) and Prandtl (9) developed their
theoretical analyses of pipe flow and gave us suitable formulas


with numerical constants for the case of perfectly smooth pipes

or those in which the irregularities are small compared to the
thickness of the laminar boundary layer, and for the case of rough
pipes where the roughnesses protrude sufficiently ts> break up the
laminar layer, and the flow becoines completely turbulent.
The analysis did not, however, cover the entire field but left a
gap, namely; the transition zone between smooth and rough pipes,
the region of incomplete turbulence. Attempts to fill this gap
by the use of.Nikuradse's results for artificial roughness produced
by closely packed sand grains, were not adequate, since the re-:
sults were clearly at variance from actual experience for ordinary
surfaces encountered in practice. Nikuradse's curves showed a
sharp drop followed by a. peculiar reverse curve, 3 not observed
with commercial surfaces, and nowhere suggested by the Pigott
chart based on many tests.
Recently Colebrook (11), in collaboration with C. M. White;
developed a function which. gives a practical form. of traruiition
curve to bridge the gap. This function agrees with the two extremes of roughness and gives values ill very satisfactory agreement with actual measureinents on most forms of commercial
piping and usual pipe surfaces. Rouse (12)" has shoWn. that it is a
reasonable and practically adequate solution and has plotted a
chart. based. upon it. In order to .simplify the plotting, Rouse
adopted co-ordin~tes inconvenient for ordinary engineering use,
since f is implicit in both co-ordinates, and R values are represented by curved Co-ordinates, BO that interpolation is trouble-:
.The author has drawn up a new chart, Fig. 1, in the more conventional form used by Pigott, taking advantage of the functional relationships established in recent years. Curves of f
versus R are plotted to logaritpmic scales for various constn.nt
values ofrelahlve roughness


N DTE: Statements and opinions advanced in

and to permit easy selection of

-;,, an accompanying chart, Fig. 2, is given from which

can pe

read for any size.of pipe of a given type of surface.

In order to find the friction loss fa a pipe, the procedure is as

Find the appropriate

De from

Fig. 2, then follow the

corresponding line, thus identified, in Fig. 1, to the value of

the Reynolds number R corresponding to the velocity of flow.
The factor f is thus found, for use in the Darcy formula


1 Professor, Hydraulic Engineering, Princeton University.

Numbers in parentheses refer to the Bibliography at the end of
the paper.

Contributed by the Hydraulic Division and presented at the

Semi-Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 19-22, 1944, of THE



L V2


In Fig. 2, the scales at the top and bottom give values of the
diameter in both feet and inches. Fig. 1 involves only dimensionless quantities and is applicable in any system of units.
To facilitate the calculation of R, auxiliary scales are shown at
the top of Fig. 1, giving values of the product (VD") for two
fluids, i.e., water and atmospheric air, at 60 F. (D" is the inside
diameter in inches.) As a further auxiliary,. Fig.. 3 is given, from
which R can be quickly found for water at ordinary temperatures,
for any size of pipe and mean velocity V. Dashed lliles on this
chart have been added giving values of .the discharge or quantity
of fluid flowing, Q = AV, expressed in both cubic feet per second
and in U. S. gallons per minute.

papers are to be
understood as individual expressions of their authors and not those
of the Society.


Rouse, reference (3), p. 250; and Powell, referen,ce (10), p. 174.









. 'l









. -.._






j eqbooJ I

40,000 60,000 ICJ0,000


,...... ...


,.... ,...










... _


..... ,__

... ..........


...... :--.







~ .....

- "'-' ,"'.... r... ;::::r...

. ...







.. I"














... ..........



200') 3

4 5 6


s .6 a 10s

_200 51 ~. ~


s a 10s

2(10~) 3


REYNOLDS NUMBER R,:; .Y.Q_ ' (\i1N. Ff. =_ [) IN FT. V IN FT. ). .

.., - V . _ .
. SEC. .. .






ss s

.. 000,01


D'"".ooo,ooro ...oo,oos



FIG. i




"f'3~- ~- - ------.... 0



:::-- ....





~ :::;:::


.0008 ..J
. I.LI
a:: .


r... .... I">,.

... ~~ r---












,... >-...









-- -..._















.ooa we



~ ...



-..... _


o .02



.. ,..,s









MU Gli FI l'ES

TU ~Bl LE N<~E


....... ~


r-;: ,i-.








L ~~




l1 edoo.Jio

4000 6000




\ I



l I









. /,I


.' '


u , ....






40 (.60 !.100.
: . 200
. 400 600


C\ ,







-- ......





.:- --

_,c.., ',,.::::;:,-_:-:' .. --



... __

---"'-'"- ....z-.~=---_;._,--,-.---




__ ~_


__ ;;.



.3 ~ 5 .1 s I ,13 I





1'- .



. I'











' "' "' ,. 1 ....K.."






'" ..


' " "A




'' ' ,i...










.~ l.S"I


.ooop6 "'~

. "'



" 1'1






l<c I?.









. 20 30 q) J

3 4 'q6 8 IO


~ [',

' l'\







' ,;











" "''' ~~

6<. .



.016 . :::>

'' '






'" c




.... ,....







I'\ ,...

' ' ....'

" .02









' f'\. -





.025 (!)






" '\ ....


..J :000,00


















"'... I'\

J: ,.0003

. :::>


'" 1'-




- '








.006 l'\l" 1'f'\.
.005 '";' ,,
.004 '
1'1.I'\. "










3 4 51 ~

' 1'-

' ,,










Reference (13) andreference (5).

/ . .il ...




Fm. 2.

For other fluids, the Kinematic viscosity v may be found from

Fig..4, which with. Prof. R, L. Datigherty's kind permission has
been reproduced. 4 .To enable R to be qmckly found for various
fluids, Fig. 4 includes an auxiliary diagram constructed by Dr. G.
F., which gives R for various values of the product
VD" shown by the diagonal lines. - For any value of v in the lefthand diagram, by following a horizontal line to the appropriate
diagonal at the right, the correspo:ilding R may be. read at the top
of the auxiliary graph.

/Over a large part of Fig. ~. an approximate figure for R is
sufficient, since f varies only slowly with changes in R; and in
the rough-pipe zone.j is independent of R. From the last consideration, it becomes ppssible to show, in the right-hand margin
of Fig. 2, values of f for rough pipes and. complete turbulence.


If it is seen that the conditions of any problem clearly fall in th~

zone of conwlete turbulence abo've and to the right of the dashed
line in Fig. 1, then Fig. 2 will give the value off directly without.
'further reference to t;he other qharts.




Example 1: To estimate the lo;s of head in 200 ft of 6-in.'

asphalted cast-iron pipe carrying water with a mean velocity of
6 fps: In Fig. 2, for 6 in. diam (bottom.scale), the diagonal for
"asphalted cast iron" gives


0.0008 (left-hand margin).


Fig. 3, for 6 in. diam (left-hand margin), the diagonal for V = 6

fps gives R = 2.5 (10') (bottom scali:) {or, instead of using Fig. 3,
compute VD" = 6 X 6 = 36). In Fig. 1, locate from the right-




have to get along with descriptive terms to specify the roughness;

and naturally this' leaves much latitude. The lines in Fig. 2
might be more graphically represe~ted by broad bands rather
than single lines, but. this is not practical due to overlapping.
Even with this handicap, however, fairly reasonable estimates
of friction loss can be made, and, fortunately, engineering problems rarely require mcire than this. It will be noted from the
charts that a wide variation in estimating the roughness affects f
to a :much smaller degree. In the rough-pipe region, for the
reasons just explained, the values. off cannot be relied upon within
a range of the order of at least 10 per cent.
The charts apply only to new and clean piping, since the rapidity of deterioration with age, dependent upon the quality of the
water or fluid and that of the pipe material, can only be guessed
in most cases; and in addition to the variation in roughness there
may be, in old piping, an appreciable reduction in effective diameter, making an estimate of performance speculative.
Although we have no accepted method of direct measurement
of the roughness, in any case where we have a sample of pipe of
the same surface texture available for test in the laboratory or in
the field, then from a test of such a pipe in any size we can, by
aid of the charts, find the absolute roughness corresponding to its
performance. Thus we have a means for measuring the roughness hydraulically. The scale of the absolute roughness e used in
plotting the charts is arbitrary, based upon the sand-grain diameters of Nikuradse's experiments.
The fi~ld covered by Fig. 1 divides itself into four areas repre~
senting distinct fl.ow characteristics.. The first is the region of
laminar fl.ow, up to the critical Reynolds number of 2000. Here
the fl.ow is fully stabilized under the control of viscous forces
which damp out turbulence, permitting a completely rational
.. b ya smg
1e curve, ! 6
solution. The values of/ are here given
= 4

hand margin the curve for D = 0.0008 and follow this curve to a
point above R = 2.5 (10 6) on the bottom scale (or below VD' =
36 on the top scale). This point gives f = ().02 (left-hand mar
gin); then

L V2
(200) (6) 2 .
211. = 0.02 (O. 5) 64 _3' = 4.5 ft friction loss

=f D

Example 2: To _estimate the loss of head per 100 ft in a 15-in.

new cast-iron pipe, carrying water With a mean velocity of 20 fps:
In Fig. 2, for l5 in. diam (bottoi scale), the diagonal for "cast

iron" gives~ = 0.0007 (left-hand margin). In Fig. 3,.for 15 in.

.diam (left-hand margin), the diagonal for V = 20 fps gives R =

2 (10 6). (or, instead of using Fig. 3, compute. VD" = 20 X 15

300). In Fig. 1, the _curve for D = 0.0007 (interpolating between

0.0006 and 0.0008, right-hand margin), at. a point above R =
2 (lQ&) (bottom scale) (or below VD" = 300, top scale) gives f =
0.018 (left-hand margin). In this case the point on Fig. 1 falls
just on the bqundary of the. region of "complete turbulence; rough
pipes." Here R or VD' need only he approximated sufficiently
to see that the point falls in the complete turbulence region, and f
can then be found directly from the right-hand margin in Fig. 2
without further reference to Fig. 1; then
L V2

h, =

115 2

= o.01

(100) (20)2
3 ci.25y 64:3
= 8.95 or, say, 9 ft friction loss

It must be recognized that any high degree of accuracy. in de~

termining f is not to be expected. With smooth tubing, it is true,
good degrees of accuracy are obtainable; a probable variation inf
within about ==5 per cent (14), and for commercial steel and
wrought-iron piping, a variation within about ==10 per cent.
But, in the transition and rough-pipe regions, we lack the primary
. and obvious essential, a technique for measuring the roughness of
a pipe mecl;ianically. Pntil such a technique is developed, we


11.1 30





,, i...





c v..

., l









I/ I







,, I.I


,, /



















I .1




















3 '4 5 6 8





3 4 56








3 4 56 8

Fm: 3










-a.a a::

'0.6 I.LI



o.5 ::!!


-0.4 <(






' ,v

QI 5


R =".J. FOR WATER AT 60F ( v INS~.;





3 4 56 8








v 2






,,y ... v.;

,, 1.1






















.,,,,., I.I



c ,




;; 9.

,, /


,, .I




,, /



























0 20












independent of roughness, representing the Hagen-Poiseuille law.

Between Reynolds numbers of 2000 and 3000 or 4000,. the conditions depend upon the initial turbulence due to such extraneous
factors as sudden changes in section, obstructions, or a sharp- _
edged entrance. corner prior to the reach of pipe considered; .




v =1.216(10- 5);

3 4 56 8.

R. ~.6850 vo)



I< 1 I

1 I

1 I

I I I _



< I

< I

'' I

''< I

' "I




' <I











'C I




'" '




" ~1


I I I I. I

I 1111 l~U\\fnl 111111 LttL


>L '~, "1. '\J. 'i >i.


'\t "~, "sL >k





; """"''


I I N I I I I I I11 "'1inll\I\.<


IMlmJK, is,

'j 'j 'j

s. s< s.

'4sk1. '4s::t:'4s '33 '~











~ :-1 ~



z ~




1 I I I I I -I I --I
--I 1 --

I I --I I -I I -I I --I I I =1:--;:__


.> " -I

'\ < -I

), < I....

'< ':_ )\\:

Fra. 4

), < I

), < I-

IN::c.. X

' \ I(

) 4\'. -I


< I-




\: I.








and the conditions are probably also 'a.ffected by pres~ure waves .

initiating instability. This region has been called a critical zone,
and the indefiniteness of behavior in this region has been indicated
by a hatched area without definite f lines. The minimum limit.
for f values is the dotted continuation of the laminar-flow line,
corresponcling to very smooth and steady initial flow. When .
there is distinct turbulence in -the entering fluid, the flow in the
~j.. H-J--++"'k"~~;..;r:;"'!-k-+--H-+-J-+.,Fc':+l'':::rn+:.''=i"':..:w+""::._'-i::!'::::J":::""':+":..:v.\-t-1--l
' ' ,.._-i.:..,
J Galvanitodmm
critical zone is likely to be pulsatbg (2)rather than steady. The
effects of strong initial turbulence may even extend into the
laminar-flow zone, raising the f values somewhat, as far as to a
Reynolds number of about 1200.
Above a Reynolds number of 3000 or 4000, conditions again
Roughlaw _ .--become reasonably determinate. Here we find two regions,
namely, the transition zone and the rough-pipe zone. The
transition zone extends upward from the line for perfectly smooth
pipes, for. which the equation is


1 D


FIG. li

Rv/ orl/v/=2log
R v/-0.8
' '
(Kii.rman, Prandtl, Nikuradse) to the
upper limit, plotted from the relation

v'J =



~ ~-

line indicating its


~ r:. . .

These clirv'es are. asymptotic at one end to the smooth pipe line
a.Rd at tlie other to the horizontal lines of the rough-pipe zone.
Actually, :the curves converge rapidly to these limits, merging
with1the smooth pipe line at the left, and at the right, beyond the
dashed line, becoming indistinguishable from the constant f lines
for rough.pipe.
.. : THE CoLEBR~ox: FifficTION
The basis of the Colebrook functibn may be briefly outlined.
Von Karman had" shown that, for completely turbulent flow in
rough pipes, the eipression 1/vJ"'- 2.log (D/2e) is equal to S:
. 3.7D
constant (1.74), or,. . as expressed by Colebrook,
2 log -e.
- 1/ vf is equal tozero; ' In the transition regim1. of incomplete
turbulence van Kannan's expression is not equal to a constant
but to'some function of the ratio of the size of the roughnesses to
the thickness of the laminar boundary lay~r. Accordingly,
Nikuradse had represented his experimental results on artificially
roughened pipes by plotting 1/vf- 2 log (D/2E) .versus E/O,
in which o is the laininar layer thickness. By .this method of
plotting, the results for all types of flow and degrees of roughness
were shown to fall on a single curve. . Using logarithmic scales,
the smooth-pipe curve becomes an inclined straight line, and the
rough-pip!) curves m,erge in a single horizontal line.
Colebrook (11), using equivalent co-ordinates, plotted in his
Fig. 1, here reproduced as Fig. 5, the results of many groups of
tests on various types of commercial pipe surfaces. He found
that each class of commercial pipe gave a curve of the same form,
and while these curves are quite different from Nikuradse's sandgrain results, they agree closely with each other and with a curve
representing his transition function ..

'/'CJ may be expressed in alternative forms as proportional to


V*k .
or top
m which v;* =. ";'
being the shearing stress at the pipe wall, p the mass density of the
fluid and its absolute or dynamic viscosity.







~ K~-""

(E/D . 2.51 )
1/v'/ =~~log 3.7 + R-vl

. hich r = DI2, k = e;
r/k lil w


(following . the corresponding line in Rouse's chart, reference 12).

In the trarisition zone the curves follow the Colebrook function


~ K"- ~~c = '








FIG. 6

Rouse "(12), also using equivalent co-ordinates, has plotted in:

his Fig. 6, here reproduced as Fig. 6, a large number of points
each of which represents a series of tests on a given size of commercial pipe, together with the Colebrook curVe. As he. points
out, the deviation of the points from. the Colebr~ok curve "is
evidently not i'nuch greater. than the e:iqierimental scatterof the
, fudividual measurements in any one series."
.Whentlie thickness of the laminar layer,, which decreases with
increasing Reynolds number, becomes so small, compared to the
surface irregularities, th_ab_ the laminar flow is broken up inbo
. turbulence, the flow conditions pass over into the zone ;>f ''rough
pipes," with complete turbulence established practically throughout the flow; Viscous forces then become negligible compared to
inertia forces, and f ceases to be a function of the Reynolds number and depends only upon the relativ~ roughness, giving.horizontal lines of constant fin the chart. These lines agree with the
von Kannan rough-pipe formula


~ 2 I~g (:i~}

or 1/vf -

1~74 - 2 log(~)

Since ! depends upon the relative roughness, the ratio of the

absolute roughness to the pipe diameter; even a fairly rough surface in a very large pipe gives a small relative roughness. Thus
Colebrook plots the results obtained on the penstocks of the
Ontario Power Compan;v.; where metal forms and specially laid
concrete produced a very smooth example of concrete surface.
This in combination with the large diameter gave a, relative
roughness comparable to drawn brass tubing, with/ values falling
practically on the "smooth pipe" line of Fig. 1. Such specially
fabricated welded-steel pipe lines as those of the Colorado aqueduct system would probably give values along the same curve .
On the other hand, at very high velocities in drawn tubing of


small diameter, even the smaJl absolute roughness is sufficient to
brea}!: up the laminar boundary layer, and the tubing becomes in
effect a "rough pipe." Very few experiments have carried the
velocities and Reynolds numbers high enough to permit a close
estimate of e for drawn brass, copper, or similar tubing; but by
applying the Colebrook function to the available data_ (14, 15),
for the smoothest surfaces reported upon, e was .estimated as of
.the order of 0.000005; and a line corresponding to this value has
been drawn in Fig. 2, serving as a minimum limit for surfaces
likely to be encountered in practice.

Pipe friction factors have sometimes been applied to openchannel flow; and more commonly the friction losses in large
pipes and other closedfconduits have been computed from openchannel formulas. The Chezy formula for open channels is V =
ClmS in whil'h Vis the mean velocity; m the hydraulic mean
depth or "hydraulic radius," the sectionhl area divided by the
wetted per!meter; S the slop~, the loss of head divided by.length
of channel, and C a coefficient. . The Chezy formula is equivalent
to the Darcy formula for pipes, the Cliezy coefficient C being convertibl.e f by the relation f =



D = 4m = 4 (
Sectional area )
. Length of perimeter
Since civil engineers usually classify surface roughness by the
Kutter .and M11nning roughness factor n, it would be helpful in
selecting a value of e for such variable surfaces as concrete, if we
could correlate e and n. P. Panagos 6 has applied the Colebrook function to the test data collected by Scobey (16) and finds
the following values of e correspondirig to the Kutter n ratings
given by Scobey, which may be at least tentatively utilized:
Kuttern ....... 0.0105
Absolute roughness ........ 0.00015













Accordingly, on the basis of Scobey's data the lines given in

Fig. 2 for concrete may be somewhat more definitely described. as


O. 0115 {Highest practical of concrete. Surface and i oint~

0. 0125
0. 014
Concrete surface with slight form marks, fairly smooth.
joints or rqughly troweled
0. 016
Prominent form marks or deposits of stones on bottom

It should be considered,

however, that the Chezy coefficients have'been derived principally

from observations on relatively wide and shallow channels of
large area and rough bottoms, far from circular in shape, and that
they involve a free water surface not present in closed conduits,
so that; even when theflow is uniform, the problem is highly
complex. Consequently, .such formulas as Manuing's are recommended for open channels in preference to the use of .values of C
derived from the pipe friction factors.
Open channels dealt with in engineering practice -are usually
rough;surfaced and of large cross section, corresponding to large
Reynolds numbers and falling in the zone of complete turbulence,
so that the friction factors are practically independent .of Reynolds number. The presence of a free surface, however, with
surf~ce waves or disturbances, introduces a consideration not
involved in closed-conduit flow. It is therefore the author's
view that while, for open channels, we can drop the Reynolds
number as an index of performance, we should replace it by a new
criterion, the Froude number relating the velocity head and
. l
depth, whi ch can b e expressed as - - or _ / ; or more stnct y

v_; in which
o denotes t~e average dep~h or . sectional area


divided by the surface breadth; the latter form representing the

ratio of mean velocity to the gravitational critical velocity or
velocity of propagation of surface waves.
This proposed criterion defines whether the flow falls in the
"tranquil,'' "shooting,'' or critical state. The neglect of this
factor may at least partially accourit for inconsistencies between
various open-channel formulas; and between open-channel and
pip~friction formulas, and casts partiCular doubt on accepted
formulas for open-channel friction in the critical or shooting-flow
regions. These considerations suggest the plotting of openchannel friction factors as a function of the relative roughness
and the Froude number, in similar manner to the plotting off as a
function of the relative roughness and the Reynolds number for
closed conduits.
For the foregoing reasons, Fig. 1 is not reco=ended with
much confidence for general application to open channels, for
which 'a formula such as Manning's better represents the available
information. The charts can however be applied, at least as an
approxiri:iation, to noncircular closed conduits of not too eccentric
a form or not too different from a circular.section, by using ab
equivalent diameter

1 "The Mechanics of Turbulent Flow,",by B. A. Bakhmeteff,
Princeton University Press, 1936.
2 "Applied Hydro- and Aeromechanics," by L. Prandtl and
0. G. Tietjens, Engineering Societies Monographs, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1934.
3 "Fluid Mechanics for Hydraulic Engineers," by H. Rouse,
Engineering Societies Monographs, McGraw-Hill Book. Company,
Inc., New York, N. Y., 1938.
4 "The Flow of Fluids in Closed Conduits," by R. J. S. Pigott,
Mechanical. Engineering, vol. 55, 1933, pp. 497-501, 515.
5 "Hydraulics," by R. L. Daugherty, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1937.
6 ''A Study of the Data on the Flow of Fluid in.Pipes," by
E. Kemler, Trans. A.S.M.E., vol. 55, 1933, paper Hyd-55-2, pp. 7-32.
7 "Stromungsgesetze in Rauhen Rohren," by J. Nikuradse,
V .DJ. Forschungsheft 361, Berlin, 1933, pp. 1-22.

8 "Mechanische .Ahnlichkeit und Trirbuleiiz," by Th. van

Karman, Nachrichten von der GBfJellschaft der Wissemchaften pu
Gottingen, 1930, Fachgruppe 1, Mathematik, no. 5, pp. 58-76.
("Mechanical Similitude and Turbulence," Tech. Mem. N.A:C.A..,
no. 611, 1931.)

9 "Neuere Ergebnisse der Turbulenzforschung," by L. Prandtl,

Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher IngenimJre, vol. 77, 1933, pp.105-114.
10 "Mechanics of Liquids," by R. W. Powell, The Macmillan
Company, New York, N. Y., 1940.

11 "Turbulent Flow in Pipes, With Particular Reference to the
Transition Region Between the Smooth and Rough Pipe Laws," by
O. F. Colebrook, Journal of the Institution of Civil Enf}ineers
(London, England), vol:11, 1938-1939, pp. 133-156.
12 "Evaluation of Boundary Roughness," by H. Rou~e. Proceede Assistant in Mechanical Engineering, Princeton University,
Prinqeton, N. J.



ings Second Hydraulic Conference, University of Iowa Bulletin. 27,

. "
13 "Some Physical Properties of Water and Other Fhnds, by
R. L. Daugherty, Trans. A.S.M.E., vol. 57, 1935, pp. 193-196 .
14 "The Friction Factors for Clean Round Pipes," by T. B. Drew,
E. C. Koo, and W. H. McAdams, Trans. American Institute of
Chemical Engineers, vol. 28,)932, pp. 56-72.
. _
15 "Experiments Upon the Flow of Water in Pipes and Pipe Fittings," by J. R. Freeman, published by THE AMEmoAN SOCIETY OF
16 "The Flow of Water in Concrete Pipe," by F. C. Scobey,
Bulletin 852, U.S. Department of Agriculture, october, 1920.

R. L. DA~GHERTY. 7 The writer has nothing but commenda.tion for this excellent paper. The author has presented the
latest theory combined with the available experimental data in a
manner which makes it more convenient for use than has been
the case heretofore. His evaluation of relative. roughness for
different types and sizes of pipes is a step forward.
While this paper deals primarily with pipe friction it is interesting to note the suggestions made concerning the treatment of
the flow in open channels. The latter has not been given the
attention from the standpoint of rational analysis that has been
devoted in the past to pipes. It is to be hoped that developments
in this field may be made along the lines suggested by the author.
The author calls attention to the well-known fact that in the
transitfon zone the Nikiiradse curves for his artificial sand-grain
roughn~ss are quite different from those obtained with commercial pipes. The writer would like to know if the author has any
explanation to offer for this marked difference.
C. W. HUBBARD. 8 This paper is of interest to.engineers who
must estimate fluid-friction loss closely for certain types of problems. Ordinarily the Manning type of formula is preferred,
since the roughness value may be determined from the type of
surface of the wall as contrasted to the Darcy formula where the
roughness coefficient varies with the size of pipe and is difficult to
estimate. The author's Fig. 2 allows a quantitative wall roughness estimated from the type of wall to be used.
During some recent tests made to select a protective paint for
steel which would also have a low friction loss, it was found that
several coatings, partfoularly those consisting of certain bitumastic constituents which required them to be applied thickly to the
wall, gave low flow-resistance values. The tests, made in 3-in.
pipes, which were split longitudinally to allow proper application of the coating, showed roughness values of the order of those
obtained with drawn-brass tubing. However, the appearance
of the coating was not as smooth as drawn tubing. The writer
had previously experienced this effect with similar coatings.
There seems to be little published material on the friction loss
produced by various protective paints .and coatings on pipe walls,
particularly on small pipes when the flow is likely to occur in the
transition range where the friction loss is dependent upon Reynolds number. Apparently the roughness of such surfaces is of
the wavy type which cannot be evaluated on the same basis as
the same magnitude of roughness which is of the granular type.
A. T. !PPEN.9 The author has ably satisfied the object of his
paper stated in the beginning with an extremely timely and practical summary of the latest information available on pipe friction. Academic research in this field over the last 30 years conProfessor of Mechanical Engineering, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, Calif.
Lieutenant Co=ander, U.S:N.R. Mem. A.S.M.E.
Assistant Professor, Hydraulic Laboratory, Lehigh University,
Bethlehem, Pa.


ducted on a fundamental basis has finally yielded a satisfactory

explanation of the nature of the laws of pipe friction and has
cleared up the concepts of energy dissipation in conduits and
The evidence for the adoption of the methods for. determining
the pipe friction factor as presented by Colebrook is rather astcmishing. Some experiences in this connection may be contribut~d here. The writer has computed two comprehensive
sets of data .on ,pipe friction, one by John R. Freeman and another by L. H. Kessler. The former completed his experiments
during the years 1889 to 1893 and hi~ data were published by
this Society in a special volume (15) 10 1941. The second set
of data was obtained from pipe-friction experiments at the Wisconsin Experimental Station, the results of which were published
in 1935, Both experimenters performed tests on 1/4 in- to 8 in-
diam wrought-iron pipes in new condition covering the maximum range in Reynolds numbers possible under their experimental conditions. After plotting these results ev~ry one of their.
rtuis shows essentially the f versus R curve indicated by Colebrook
and e values calculated for all the various sizes come out very
close to the average value stated for wrought-iron pipe in the
present paper. It must be remembered that Kessler's data were
obtained 40 years after those of Freeman and that it can hardly
be assumed that manufacturing processes remained identical
during that period.
Another fact of importance to the practical engineer from this
analysis of Freeman's and Kessler's data is worth mentioning.
Rolise and Moody in their f versus R curves terminate the transition range from smooth- to rough-pipe flow along a line corresponding to a ratio of absolute :roughness eto the laminar boundary-layer thickness a of 6.08. Kessler's and Freeman's data
do not give a single value that liigh in all their runs; their highest

values obtained were about


= 2.5. Under practical co~dition8

of use therefore the flow of water in pipes occurs well in the

transition range from smooth- to rough-pipe flow.
This fact easily explains why a final solution of the pipe-friction problem was possible only after the concepts of "smoothpipe" and "rough-pipe" flow had been established separately.
While Nikuradse's results on uniformly sand-coated pipe were
helpful in this respect, they also resulted in more complicated
transition curves than are obtained from tests with the statistical
roughness patterns encountered on most commercial pipe surfaces. The Colebrook universal function seems to fit the better
in this transition range; the more the roughness irregularities are
statistically distributed as far as size and shape are concerned
and vice-Versa, the more regular the size and pattern of the irregularities the closer Nikuradse's transition curves are approached,
where finally the critical velocity for all roughness bodies is the
same in the ideal case of completely uniform size.
The fainiliar functions for the pipe_friction factor f may be

written in the following form

VJ= 1.74-2logRVt ... : .......... [1]



Vt= 1.74-2 log; ......... , ..... [2]

for rough-pipe flow

~~ =

0.282 ~ .............. : ... [3]

for laminar boundary-layer thickness.

Numbers in parentheses throughout the discussion refer to the

Bibliography at the end of the author's paper.




According to Colebrook, Equ~tions, [1] and [2] are combined
into the following universal function

' ~:

_ 1r,. = l.74-2log ( 18.6

_ r;.


.. I.


i ,



+- ......... .... [4]


This function reverts to either Equation [1] or Equation [2], if

either the influence of the relative roughness disappears or when
the viscous influence becomes insignificant. By use of .Equation
[3 ], the Colebrook function may be written in the alternative



v f

= 1.74-2

materials and the low value of Reynolds number. In the last

case, the values off did show a tendency to become constant, the
value of e/ D being quite large.
The writer has not conducted a sufficient number of tests on
pipes and is far from a pundit on this subject. At some time in
the future, he will attempt to work into the "complete turbulence
zone," if such there is, even if he must use a bit of 4-in. turberculated cast-iron pipe. '
Mr. Pigott in his discussion has mentioned my insistence on
the fact that the coefficients of Venturi meters become constant.
This coefficient may be approximated by the formula

l~g:r (1 + 0.282 ~) ......... [5]

c-- ~ 1-~
4 + K

This equation clearly brings out the dependence of the pipe

friction phenomena upon the thickness of the laminar boundary
layer, i.e., on the viscosity of the :fluid. It will be found in practical calculations that this influence is very seldom absent, The

prop~sed ultimate value of .R. rv'/e j = 400 is equivalent to a value

of~ of 6.08.

in which
loss in

is the diameter ratio rh/ d1 and K is the coefficient of

h = K

W. S. PARDOE. 11 In the following tests on pipes of various

diameters and materials, the exponent n in the exponential formula

varied from 0.535 to 0.546, thus checking Williams' and Hazen's

V = 1.318 Owro.oaso.54





very closely. The maximum value of R was about 1,250,000

for 8-in. Neoprene dock-loading hose (very smooth) which is
much below the "complete turbulence zone." The tests mcluded:

6-in. Italite cement-asbestos pipe (predecessor of Transite)

4-in. Ruberoid cement-asbestos. extruded pipe
4-in. fiber conduit
6-in. and 8-in. Neoprene dock-loading hose for E. I. du Pont de
2-in. to 12-in. steel pipe
8-in. rubber dock-loading hose with 1-in. X 1/8-in. helical metal band
on inside

In no case except the last dj.d the e:ll."J>Onent n show even a

tendency. of decreasing, let alone approaching a value of 0;5 or
complete turbulence. This must be due to the smoothness of the

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pennsylvania,

Philadelphia, Pa.



The value of Kon the fiat part of tests of 85 cast-iron Venturi

meters approximates

It is evident that aging of pipes under varying conditions of use

will result i new values of absolute roughness which at present
are not easily' predicted. From experiments on galvanized steel
pipe of 4 fu. diam at the Hydraulic Laboratory of Lehigh University, an initial average value of e = 0.00045 ft was obtained.
This value of e was doubled within 3 years as a result of the change
. in surface conditions with aging under moderate conditions of
use. It must be remembered here that this change in e represents only about a 20 per cent increase in the Darcy-Weisbach
factor /, since the e value is a much more sensitive indicator of
pipe roughness than the factor f.
In conclusion, it_ may be hoped that this paper will bring the
general adoption of this relatively easy and reliable method of
determining pipe friction and thereby establish a standard procedure in practice which is based upon sound analytical and experimental evidence.



(d2 ")0,25

As the absolute roughness is constant, the proportional roughness varies inversely as the diameter or the coefficient increases
with the diameter. The tests ran to quite high values of Reyn-

thu~ fu.dicating there is such A


olds number in terms of V rhP,


thing as complete turbulence.



Solving. the foregoing expression





Hence a constant value of c gives a constant K, or~ varies as V 2

This is of course arguing from the writer's experience with
Ventilri meters to make up for his lack of adequate experimental
knowledge of the subject under discussion.
Professor Moody says f is a function of "two and only two',
dimensionless quantities e/D and VDp. The writer has found in

his work on Venturi meters a variation of qver 1 / 2 per cent, due

to the effect of the ambient temperature. 12
As a variati~n of 1/2 per cent inc requires a variation of 25 per
cent in k it seems to the writer the effect of a difference of temperature of 20 deg Fon/ at low value of R might be considerable.
This effect is brought about by a change in the boundary shear;
fpV 2



If Q is kept constant dv/dy will also be constant, and . corresponds to the temperature of the inside wall of the pipe, which
will lie between the ambient temperature and that of the water.
It. will decrease as the velocity increases as a. result of the heat
being conducted away more rapidly. This the writer will check
in future experiments; it may throw some light on the upper
limit of the critical or unstable zone. The effect is a function of
Reynolds and Pra'.ndtl's or Nusselt's numbers, and the w:riter is
not certain "what the price :of cheese in Denmark does to effect


12 "Effect of High Temperatures and Pressures on Cast-Steel

Venturi Tubes," by W. S. Pardoe, Trans. A.S.M.E., vol. 61, 1939, p.




Professor Moody is to be congratulated on producing a very

usable plot of friction factors which in due time may replace the
Pigott and Kemler curves which have. to date been extensively
quoted and used by engineers. Thus do we progress.

at which the friction factor becomes a constant quantity.

writer finds that the expression



3500 =

.R. J. S. PrGoTT. 13 This study of friction factor in pipes is

particularly interesting to the writer, as it is a valuable further
rationalization of a situation which has been unsatisfactorily
At the time the writer's own correlation (4) was presented
(1933) there was almost complete lack of uniformity between
various formuiations ill general use, wandering all the way from
Kutter, Hazen, and Williams tables, to Aisenstein's averaged
There was great need to prepare a formulation that would work
satisfactorily for all kinds of conduit, from brass tubing to brick
ducts, and for all fluids.
Dr. Kemler, then on the writer's staff, did the laborious part of
the job, in correlating the results of all the experiments published
up to that time, culling all those with incomplete data (6). The
writer summarized this work, in form for direct application generally, introducing the roughness effect by rather strong-arm
empirics, but at any rate the resulting chart worked well and
has been growing in use.
.The great value of the author's study is that it puts the roughness effect, at last, on a much better justified basis. For example, Buckingham (Fig. I, reference 5) drew the lines for different
sizes of steel pipe curved as they approached the viscous region,
the same as tb.e author now shows them; Stodola (Fig. 1, ref. 5)
shows them straight and in'terceptiiig. , , .

The later material used by the autbpr shows that they are
curved. Another important point settled by the author is that
the lines for all roughnesses iinally reach a constant value. The
point at which this condition obtains is plainly shown to be a
function of relative roughness, and so solves a difficulty Dr.
Kemler and the writer had, in correlating some of the test material. Some of the experimental results showed rather flat coefficients that were unexpected in regions of moderate roughness.
But this constant value of f is confumed by Professor Pardoe's
findings on Venturi discharge coefficients. He has been pointing
out for years that the coefficient reaches a constant value at some
Reynolds number that increases with size. Si.rice most Venturis
above rather small sizes are made with cast approach cones and
the losses are substantially represented by pipe friction, this
situation corresponds to fiat final value of f at complete turbulence, and a decrease of the value off with decrease of roughness.
Some engineers may be interested in the flow of queer materials like. grease13, muds, cement slurries, etc., that have thixotropic properties (quoted from the rheologists), that is, they
have plasticity mixed in with viscosity. All these materials have
apparent viscosities which decrease with increase of shear rate,
but, when they finally reach turbulent flow, behave like true
liquids of rather low viscosity. Such activities as oil-well drilling,
cement-gun and grouting operations, automotive greasing equipment, an:d ball bearings involve such materials. In food industries, one gets tomato ketchup and pea soup; glue and soap solu~
tio:ils, paint and varnish operations, and various queer mate~
rials in the 'rayon and plastics industries. For those interested,
a paper 14 by the writer presents more or less a rational solution
that has been quite satisfactorily supported by tests.
In Fig. 1, the author has drawn his dotted line of complete
turbulence somewhat in advance of the Reynolds number values
1a Chief Engineer, Gulf Research 'and Development Company,
Pittsburgh 30, Pa. Fellow A.S.M.E.
" "Mud Flow in Drilling," by R. J. S. Pigott, Drilling and Production: Practic. A.P.I., 1941, pp. 91-103.

represents, as closely as can be determined' from the small-scale

diagram, the point at which the friction factor becomes absolutely
constant. It is curious and probably only accidental "that the
value 3500 corresponds about to the upper limit of the critical
HUNTER RousEJ. 15 Important results of laboratory research
frequently do not reach the hands of practicing engineers untii
many years after the original papers have been published. -_A
salient case in point is the discovery by Blasius in 1913 of the
dependence of the Darcy-Weisbach resistance coefficient f upon
the Reynolds number R, which did not come into general engineering use until perhaps a decade ago. It often happens, however, that once engineers have accepted a new idea they are loath
to modify it in any way. The paper under discussion is a very
commendable endeavor to make recent experimental findings
immediately useful to the engineer, but the writer feels that it
still caters to a regrettabie degree to the engineer's innate con
If the writer's belief is correct; this paper is intended to fulfill
the same purpose as that which prompted the writer fo present a
somewhat similar paper {12) and resistance chart at the Second
Hydraulics Conference in 1942. The author claims that in this
chart, which is reproduced herewith in slightly modified form, is
the writer adopted co-ordinates inconvenient for ordinary engineering use. Such criticism resulted from the writer's deliberate
advancement beyond the now familiar Blasius f-versus-R notation in the belief that both greater convenience and greater significance would be attained thereby. Since these two papers of
identical purpose thus differ in their basic method of approach, !!-.
criticism of the one point of view must necessarily involve a de. fense of the other.
Although Blasius' original dimensional analysis of the variables involved led to his adoption of the form VD/11 as the most
significant grouping of terms upon which f should depend, it
must be realized that the following three different combinations
of the same variables are all equally valid for the basic case of a
smooth pipe;17

f = 2gh
LV 2

. . 2gh1



_ 2gh,D _

!- LV -:-




(VD) =



Da) "'.' cp2'(Rv_;-;f)



(2g~Q 3)


- cpa (Rf )

The combination now most familiar to the engineer, of course, is

the first, although it has long since been proved that it Will .yield
a linear plot on logarithmic paper for only the laminar zone. The
second, on the other hand, is the basis of the Karman-Prandtl
analysis of the turbulent zone, the general functional relationship
simply-being written in. the specific form
1 Director, Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, University of
Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.
1 ' "Elementary Mechanics of Fluids," by Hunter Rouse; John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York,'N. Y. (in Press).
11 "Solving Pipe Flow Problem With Dimensionless Numbers," by
A. A. Kalinski, Engineering News-Record, vol. 123, 1939, p. 23 ..


Cast iron
Wood stave
Riveted steel




LL-LLLl--1--1-..l_-l--..:+--1-+-Hrl--l+--l--l--+--f"l~\El:bt-:+1- 0.009

11 L~2 =:I:;::;::I2 :::::=J:=:[:4 :::.I:_J,_J...-!JJ--'-_J_'--'-;zl--L.:-1-'-4l--L.Js.-Lta-L1=~4L-Lh..i~z~-:-L:--1-;4~~s:-Lta~~~5 l-'-:Lw..iz----'--'-~~~.-'-:t-'"8-l



= D12gh,


= 8 R!/ti 2gS

FIG. 7

1/Vf =

B log (R y'j)

the parameters 1/Vfand log .(RVJ) were seiected by the writer

for the primary ordinate and abscissa scales, the alternative
Despite the author's indication to the contrary, f is not inabscissa parameter log R is necessarily representi:id by .curved
extricably embodied in the second term of this relationship,
lines over a portion of the writer's chart. Had log f and log R
as may be seen from the identity RVf =
(2gh,tD 3/Lzi 2). If
been chosen as the primary parameters, log (R
would still
the Kii.rman-Prandtl parameters are chosen as the basis of a
have required sloping lines in the grid; such choice therefore in.semilogaritlucic chart, as in the accompanying figure, not cinly'
volves no particular advantage over the writer's but rather dewill the smooth-pipe relationship plot as a straight line, but
the writer's purpose owing to the accompanying distortion
an transition curves from the smooth to the rough relationship feats
of the entire system of transition curves. The author's graph,
will be geometrically similar. It would appear to the writer
of course contains no secondary grid system simply because it
that this combines ease in interpolation (and hence convenience)
permits drrect solution for only one of the several variables.
with greater significance than the Blasius plot will permit. This,
Brief mention might .be made of the. third possible combination
therefore, is .one of the writer's two reasons for continuing to
of variables which is evidently applicable to problems in which
recommend the .newer type of chart in preference to that of the
the diamet~r is the unknown quantity. So long as the pipe is
smooth, such a plot will be of use, but the adoption of a similar
The writer's second reason will be evident after further inspecfunction for the case of rough surfaces will still require a trial-andtion of the foregoing functional relationships. The first relationerror solution unless the graph is made hopelessly complex, owship will be directly useful in graph form only if the velocity or
ing to the .fa~t that for a given boundary material the pipe dirate of flow is known; otherwise the desired coefficient may be
ameter must be known. before the relative roughness may be
evaluated from the graph only through the inconvenient process
evaluated. Solution by. trial might therefore proceed just as
of trial and e;ror. If the velocity or rate of flow is not known,
well from either of the other two functional relationships conon the other hand, a graph of the second functional relationship
tained in the writer'-s diagram. .
will make the desired coefficient imnietliately available. In
The writer commends the author's presentation in graph form
order to provide a single chart which would satisfy both sets of
of the values of absolute roughness given ill the writer's paper,
requirements, the writer supplied ordinate scales of both f and
but notes with interest that this plot is consistent with the writer's
(the latter being proportional to th!! Chezy C) and abscissa rather than the author's .choice of basic parameters. Such a
= V2gh,/L n'f.,,. Since graph would therefore have its greatest .value when prepared as
scales of both R = VD/v and








a marginaJ eXtension of the writer's resistance chart, for then no the normal state may be. described as "semiturbulent flow,"
relative-roughness computations would have to be made.
which may be visualized as a turbulent core in the center and a
So far as the author's discussion of open-channel resistance is laminar envelope near the periphery. The thickness of the
concerned, the writer takes exception to two points of fundamen~ laminar envelope may vary between wide limits. The change
tal importance: First, the author states that such relationships from turbulent to laminar flow or the reverse takes place in a
as the Manning formula used in open-channel computa- short tube so gradually that the intermediate stage usually
tions in preference to values derived from pipe tests, implying covers the whole practical region.
that the familiar empirical open-channel formulas are inherently
Of course, in both long and short tubes, turbulent flow is promore valid. It is known, however, that the .Manning formula moted by high flow velocity, large tube size, curvatiire of the
(not to mention those of Bazin and Kutter) is not in accordance tube, divergence of the tube, rapid changes in direction and crosswith the logarithmic -law of relative. roughness upon which tlie sectional area of the tube. Laminar flow is promoted by hlgh
author's paper is based. So far as the writer can ascertain, the liquid viscosity, lamiiiar approacn, rounded entrance to the tube,
only reason pipe tests could not generally be used in evaluating slight convergence of the tube, absence of curvature and disturbopen-channel resistance lies irl the fact that few open-channel ances.
Irrespective of the length of th~ tube an originally turbulent
boundary surfaces are suitable to testing in pipe form. Aside
from the moot question of the effect of cross-sectional shape flow'will remain turbulent, if its Reynolds number R = vd/,; is
. (which the empirical open-channel formulas in no way answer), greater than the critical Reynolds number; Conversely, an
it would appear to the writer that a general resistance graph for originally laminar flow will remain laminar if R is lower than the
uniform open channels should differ little from that for pipes, ex- number.
cept in that the familiar parameters C and S might conveniently
If the flow at the entrance is turbulent but its Reynolds Ii.umbe included in the co-ordiate scales; this has been done in'the ber in the tube is lower than the critical, the flow will ttl.rn purely
present form of the writer's chart.
laminar if the tube is straight, reasonably smooth, and sufficiently
The writer's second objection to the author's closing section is long. If the flow at the entry of the tube is laminar but its Reyn. in regard to his implication that the Froude number should re- olds number is above the critical, it is hard to predict the characplace the Reynolds number as the fundamental resistance pa- ter of the ensuing flow. If the entry is smooth and rounded and
rameter for open-channel flow. So far as boundary resistance is the tube free .from disturbances and irregularities, the flow will
remain laminar even at Reynolds numbers 20 as high as 15,000.
concerne~, the writer can see no possibility of the Froude number
playing a comparable role. It is true that viscous shear is of
In a complete absence of all disturbance's, a laminar flow proba-
little significance in comparison with boundary roughness in most ply never turns turbulent, no matter how . high its Reynolds
open-channel problems, but it is also true that the effect of sur- number, but the slightest disturbance will ultimately tnrface waves upon the internal resistance to flow has not yet been bulence if the Reynolds number is above the critical. The
ascertained. The open-channel problem is, in fact, quite analo- higher the Reynolds number the greater the disturbance, the
gous to that of ship resistance, in which the matter of surface drag shorter the tube travel necessary for turbulence to set in.
is considered wholly independent of the Froude number. If, to
In a short tube the critical Reynolds number is not the one
be sure, the phenomena of slug flow, atmospheric drag, and air above which the flow generally or in a particular case is turbulent.
entrainment prove to govern the resistance in the comparatively The flow is frequently laminar at Reynolds numbers above the
infrequent case of supercritical flow in open channels, then the critical and it may be turbulent or semiturbulent at Reynolds
Froude number may well become an appropriate resistance number below the critical.
criterion, as it already is for cases of channel transition. But to
The critical Reynolds number is the one below which, in a
impiy that it should replace the Reynolds number as a resistance straight long cylindrical tube,. disturbances in the flow will damp
parameter whenever free surface exists seems rather untimely out. Above the critical Reynolds number disturbances (apto the writer, in that it could lead to serious misinterpretation proach, entry, etc.) never damp out, no matter how long the
of those few principles of boundary resistance which have been tube is. . The critical ReynolclS number so defined was found by
S~hiller 21 to be approximately 2320.
definitely established.
In short tubes, or nozzles, the length is not nearly enough for
P. H. SCIIWEITZER. 18 . Lest the author's charts, presented in the flow to assume a stable condition. Under the circumstances,
delightfully handy forms, be used indiscriminately, it is perhaps a Reynolds number higher than critical will have 1dendency toin order to add one note of caution. Most of the statements, ward turbulence and vice versa, but it may take a tube travel of
formulas, and charts are valid only for "long" pipes. For short 60 times diameter before a stable velocity distribution is depipes, the rules controlling turbulence are different, and Reyn- veloped. The actual flow in the nozzle will be influenced conolds number is not the sole or deciding criterion for the state of siderably by the state of flow before the orifice and the disturbflow.
ances fu the approach and within the IJiOZzle. The (lombination
If the velocity of flow in a long tube is. deci:eased below the of these factors in addition to the Re:Ynolds number will de~er
"critical" value, a change from turbulent to laminar flow takes mine the state of turbul~nce at the exit of the short tube. For
place rather abruptly. The author sets the indeterminate region a given short tube or nozzle; the influence of the nozzle factors
between 2000 and 4000 Reynolds number. Even that represents can be considered the same; therefore the Reynolds riumber
a rather narrow strip in the total range covered by the flow of alone will determine the character qf the flow.
such liquids as water or light oil. Outside of this indeterminate
With decreasing Reynolds number, the thickness of the lamiregion, the flow is either completely laininar or decidedly turbu- nar layer increases and the turbulent inner portion decreases
lent, ignoring the rather thin laminar-boundary layer.
until it :finally disappears. It is peculiar to nozzles or short tubes
While this is true of relatively long tubes, for short tubes or that the change from turbulent to laminar flow (or vice versa)
nozzles it is not. In a short tube, as was shown by the writer, 10

Professor of Engineering Research, The Pennsylvania State

College, School of Engineering, State College, Pa. Mem. A.S.M.E.
1 "Mechanism of Disintegration of Liquid Jets," by P. H. Schweitzer, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 8, 1937, pp. 513-521.

With a convergent tube of 10-deg cone angle Gibson (Proceedings of the Royal Society of London; vol. A83, 1910, p. 376), observed,
laminar flow at R = 97,000.

21 "Untersuchungen 1lber lamina+e und turbulente Stromung," by

L. Schiller, V.DI. Forschunusarbeiten, vol. 248, 1922.



takes place gradually rather than abruptly. The semiturbulent
state extends over a wide range of Reynolds numbers, differing
only in the relative thickness of the turbulent core and laminar



The paper was intended for application to normal conditions

of engineering practice and specifies a number of qualifications
limiting the scope of the charts, si,rnh as their restriction to round
(straight) new and clean pipes, running full, and with steady fl.ow.
" un:der such conditions it was stated, as noted by Professor Par:
doe, that the friction factor f 'iS a dimensionless quantity, and at
ordinary velocities is a function of two, and only two, other
dimensionless quantii'ies,-the relative roughness of the surface
and the Reynolds number.''
Under abnormal conditions f could of course be affected by
other dimensionless criteria. In closed conduits at very high
velocities or with rapidly varying pressures it depends .on the
Mach or Cauchy number introducing the acoustic velocity. In
open channels, as pointed out, free surface phenomena, gravity
waves, make it logically dependent on Froude's number. At
very. low velocities in shallow open troughs it would conceivably
be controlled also by the Weber number for surface tension and
capillary waves. Capillary forces while important to insects, as
to a fly on flypaper, are negligible to us in problems of engineering
magnitude. Under usual conditions of pipe fl.ow only the two
dimensionless ratios mentioned need be considered, and it is possible to present the relations between the factors in a chart such as
Fig. 1.
The discussions have brought out a number of other departures
from normal conditions and further limitations to the scope of
the charts. Professor Pardoe reminds us that a considerable
temperature difference between the fluid and pipe wall may have
a measurable effect on the shear stresses, due to ambient currents
which would increase the momentum transfer in similar manner
to turbulent mixing. , This effect would probably be of importance only at ,the lower Reynolds numbers and with material
temperature differences.
Mr. Pigott reminds us truit the scope js limited to simple fluids
and does not cover "queer materials like greases, muds, cement
slilrries" and mixtures with suspended solids. Professor (now
Commander) Hubbard and Professor Pardoe mention some unusual forms of pipe surfaces. The author thinks that most of
these, including paint coatings, will follow the lines of the charts
closely enough for practical purposes if the proper roughness
figures are determined; but the rubber dock-loading hose with
helical internal band will probably follow a curve similar to curve
V in Fig. 6, which Colebrook and White obtained for spiralrivet.ed pipe.
Dr. Ippen mentions the rate of increase of roughness from
corrosion and gives some useful test information. Colebrook
found that corrosion usually increases the value of eat substantially a uniform rate with respect to time. Professor Schweitzer
calls attention to the point that the pipe must be long, with an
established regime of fl.ow, and that the charts do not apply to
the entrance or "smoothing section" which require separate
allowances. Fortunately we are seldom concerned with close
estimates offriction loss in short tubes, where friction is a minor
element in the total l~ss of head. .
Dr. Ippen's discussion admirably summarizes the basic structlll'.e of the charts and gives supporting evidence. His own
studies of the problem had, the author believes, led him independently to conclusions similar to Colebrook's.
The Colebrook function has given us a practically satisfactory
formulation bridging the previous gap in our. theoretic structure,

a region in which the majority of engineering problems fall. It

has the further useful property of covering in a single formula the
whole field of pipe fl.ow above the laminar and critical zones; and
throughout the field agrees with obse:rVations as closely as can be
reasonably demanded within the range of accuracy available in
the measurements, particularly in the evaluation of the boundary
Referring to a question raised by Professor Daugherty, the inconsistency between Nikuradse's tests in .the transition zone and
those from commercial pipe is usually attributed either to the
close spacing of the artificially applied sand grains, such that one
particle may lie in the wake behind another, or to the uniformity
of Nikuradse's particles in contrast. to the usual commercial surface, which is probably a mixture of large and small roughnesses
distributed at random~ The latter explanation seems particularly plausibl~, since a few large protuberances mixed with
smaller ones could project far enough into the laminar boundary
layer to break it up, while a uniform layer of projections of average size would all rElmain well Vljthin the same thickness of
layer. Thus Nikuradse's curve clings closely to the smooth pipe
line much farther thari the curve for commercial surfaces. At
any rate the artificial character of Nikuradse's surfaces weighs
agairist the use 9f his values in the region where the discrepancies
Mr. Pigott reviews the progress in charting friction factors.and
gives evidence supporting the laws adopted. At the end of his
discussion he brings up an interesting question, the form .and
location of the dashed line in Fig. 1 marking the boundary of the '
rough pipe zone for complete turbulence, beyond which the friction factors become practically horizontal. With his gift for
detecting relationships he arrives at a modified equation for this
Referring to Figs. 5 and 6 it will be noted that Nikuradse's
experiments on artificial roughness gave a curvffwhich dropped
below the "rough pipe" line and then approached it from below,
while ordinary commercial pipes give points which approach the
rough pipe line from above, and that both sets of points seem to
merge with the. rough pipe line at about



= 400, which

Rouse accordingly adopted as the equation of the boundary of

the rough pipe zone, the dashed line shown in Fig. 1. If, however, we adopt the Colebrook furiction for the transition region
to the left of this boundary curve, strictly speaking the Colebrook
curves never completely merge with the constant f lines but are
asymptotic to them; so that on the basis of the Colej:Jrook function there is no definite boundary to the rough pipe region.
Practically however the Colebrook function converges so
rapidly to the horizontal! lines that beyond Rouse's dashed curve
the differences are insignificant. Considering the practical
difficulties of measurement and consequent scatter of the test
points, and the fact that the Colebrook function is partly empirical and merely a satisfactory approximation, it seems .hardly
justifiable to draw fine distinctions from an extrapolation of this
function. If the fui:iction coilld be accepted as completely
rational it would be more logical to locate the boundary curve so
that it would correspond to some fixed percentage of excess inf
over the f for complete turbulence.
Prompted by Mr. Pigott's suggestion, the author has analyzed
the Colebrook equation from this point of view. Calling f the
value of the friction factor according to Colebrook, and f k
the value for complete turbiilence according to von Karman, the
Colebrook equation can be expressed

. r
1/ V fk -

. ;-,

1/ V f = 2 log



+ e/D R VJ .


2 51
3 7
= x





a small quantity compared to 1 (of

the order of 0.05 or less in the region of the boundary curve) then
log (1

+ x) can be expanded i.n :a series giving

0.4343 ( x -

2" + 3 -:. . .);and neglecting x


1/.VJ,.-1/ VJ=

and higher powers


If now we denote by s the proportional change inf, that is s =

f- f k



1, s being small compared to 1, then.


11v'!k-11v'f = 11 v'!(v'111k-1)


which, expanding by the binomial formula, is very nearly

1/ v'J (1 +s/2 -

l} = s/2



- ;0.8686 x 3.7 x 2.51

s/2 v j = 0.8686x =
e/D R VJ
; and 8 =



ia the proportional change inf' caused by the Colebrook function.

In plotting Fig. 1, the author, instead of continuing indefinitely
with the insignificant effect of the small term, and favor.iilg the
view that f should become substantially constant .in the rough,
pipe zone, adopted the compromise ofignorii).g the variation when
it fell below about one half of one per cent; and beyond this point
the f lines were drawn horizontally at the Karman value. That
is; the chart applied the. Colebrook formula only to the transition
Putting B = .005 = e/D R' we haye R = e/D , practically con-

firming Mr. Pigott's deduction. If we adopt a one per cent variation off as a reasonable allowance, the boundary curve could be
plotted from



It might be more logical, to be con-

sistent' with the Colebrook function, to use tills formula for the
bound!Y'Y curve instead of Rouse's form. The two curves differ
but little, and the choice seems more_ a matter of academic preference than practical importance; the scatter of test observations
obscures a final amiwer.

As noted in nlimerous references the paper the author has
been indebted to Professor Rouse for his contributions to the subject, particullUly his valuable paper ~t th\) I9wa Hydraulic Con.,
filrence. Professor Rc:illiie's inclusion in hiS discussion of his
chart, Fig. 7, from the_ latter paper; is a useflll addition to the
material here collected. The co-ordinates selected for this chart
brlng out the functio~l relationships in a simple manner; and
those who prefer to adopt this form of chart now have it at hand.
. The author still considers it less convenient for usual engineer. ing problems than his Fig. 1. While the horizontal scale of Fig. 7
can be expressed in terins of the frictional loss of head in place of J,
this is of no help where the velocity is given and the friction loss
is to be found, nor is it of much help in usual engine~ring problems



where the total head is given and the velocity is to be found.

The total head almost always includes not only the friction loss
in a pipe system; but also the exit loss, and the losses at entrance
and in fittings, bends, and changes in section; and we can seldom
assign in advance the value of the friction head or slope of the
hydraulic gradient; so that successive approximations or trial~
and-error solutions are still required. While Rouse's chart is.
easier to construct, for the reasons explained the author adopted
the form of Fig. 1as easier to use.
Regarding the author's suggestions as to openchannels, the
questions raised by Professor Rouse are probably due mainly to
the omission of fuller e'xplanation in the paper. It was not theintention to imply that at low velocities in relatively smooth
open channels the friction loss would be independent of Reynolds
number, and it may well be found that in this region the logarithmic laws may continue to apply, at least in modified form,
and that, as Professor Rouse states, ''a general resistance graph for
uniform open channels should differ little from that for pipes."
The author was speaking of another region, "open channels
dealt with in engineering practice ... usually rough-surfaced and
of large cross section, corresponding to large Reynolds niimbers
and falling in the zone of complete turbulence." With fairly
high velocities, corresponding to large Reynolds numbers, in thepresence of a free surface, dimensional considerations require us
to include the Froude number as a criterion; and iri the region of
complete turbulence we can fortunately afford to omit the Reynolds number as a controlling factor so that we do not have toomany variables to handle. The author did not intend to imply
that the Froude number "should replace the Reynolds number as
a resistanceJactor whenever a free surface exists" but only in the
region described, ~hich however is within the range of ordinary

Professor Rouse recogclzes that free-surface phenomena comprise a factor in the problem; his objection to :b:icludirig the
Frm1de number is merely that "the effect of surface waves upon
the internal resistance tO fl.ow has not yet been ascertained-".
which calls on us to investigate the effect rather than to ignore it.
Certalnly wave-making resistance is a very real factor both in
ship resistance, and in open channel fl.ow in the region of the
gravitational critical velocity, Even in tranquil .flow it. still
may have. a measurable effect; the location of the maximum
velocity point below rather than at the surface suggests an influence of this factor.

The !l-Uthor' is confident that Professor Rolise will a:~ee with

his belief tha~ further research on open channel friction is much
needed; and he commends such a project particularly to the
civil engineers. N ei_ther the f versus R. charts nor such _formulas
as Manning'!3, Kutter's or Bazin's are believed to take. into accoillit all ofthe m~jor controlling factors, and a statistical analy~ of available data along the lines suggested, supplemented by
further experiments, may yield working charts or formulas of
great val11e to engineers.
, .
It is regretted that Professor (now Major) Colebrook, who has
. been serving in the British Army since 1939,. was un.Sble to submit a discussion. The author wishes to tha:nk all of the disciussers
fortheir useful contributions, and also to thank Mr. Richard B.
Willi for his able present~tion of the paper_ at the Pittsburgh
meeting on behalf of the author.

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