Global Issues
Global Issues
Global Issues
Environmental Issues
South Africa
Environmental issues are defined as problems with the planet's systems (air,
water, soil, etc.) that have developed as a result of human interference or
mistreatment of the planet.
Environmental issues also affect the political, economical, social and cultural of
a particular country or region.
Political:It examines the relationship between global political forces and environmental change,
with particular attention given to the implications of local-global interactions for environmental
management as well as the implications of environmental change for the world politics.
Contributions to the journal come across the disciplines including political science, international
relations, sociology, history, human geography, public, economics, law, etc.
Social:It refers to the immediate physical and social setting in which people live or in which
something happens or develops.
Many social and other environmental factors have been cited as contributing to the onset and
maintenance of substance use to relapse. However no one factor has been shown to be either
necessary or sufficient for use or relapse to occur. Thus, like other influence in the context of a
complex, dynamic multi-factor system.
Cultural:In this way the role of culture can be seen in light of other aspects of
this set of relationships. It is, therefore, not claimed that culture is the only
relevant consideration although it is claimed that it is a central and
inescapable one.
Over the past few years culture-environment relations have been among the
most active and lively areas of environment-behavior studies (EBS). Not only
has this topic been prominent at meetings of the Environmental Design
Research Association (EDRA), but there are two series of conferences devoted
specifically to this topic. This is also the case in other fields where the role and
effects of culture, previously unrecognized, neglected, or minimized, have
become influential.
This is the case in areas as diverse as developmental disorders, sport,
employment, development policies, language development, medicine and
medical practice, and psychology (with cross-cultural psychology as a major