The Three-Dimensional Structure of Cassiopeia A
The Three-Dimensional Structure of Cassiopeia A
The Three-Dimensional Structure of Cassiopeia A
C 2010.
The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
Department of Physics and Engineering, West Virginia Wesleyan College, 59 College Avenue, Buckhannon, WV 26201, USA;
2 Astronomy Department, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA;,
3 Mount Holyoke College, Department of Astronomy, 206 Kendade, 50 College Street, South Hadley, MA 01075, USA;
4 Ritter Astrophysical Observatory, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606, USA;
5 Spitzer Science Center, California Institute of Technology, MS 220-6, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA;,
6 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, NE80, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA;,,
7 School of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University, Queens Building, The Parade, Cardiff CF24 3AA, UK;
8 Department of Cosmosciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan;
Received 2009 August 11; accepted 2010 October 20; published 2010 December 3
We used the Spitzer Space Telescopes Infrared Spectrograph to map nearly the entire extent of Cassiopeia A
between 5 and 40 m. Using infrared and Chandra X-ray Doppler velocity measurements, along with the locations
of optical ejecta beyond the forward shock, we constructed a three-dimensional model of the remnant. The structure
of Cas A can be characterized into a spherical component, a tilted thick disk, and multiple ejecta jets/pistons and
optical fast-moving knots all populating the thick disk plane. The Bright Ring in Cas A identifies the intersection
between the thick plane/pistons and a roughly spherical reverse shock. The ejecta pistons indicate a radial velocity
gradient in the explosion. Some ejecta pistons are bipolar with oppositely directed flows about the expansion center
while some ejecta pistons show no such symmetry. Some ejecta pistons appear to maintain the integrity of the
nuclear burning layers while others appear to have punched through the outer layers. The ejecta pistons indicate
a radial velocity gradient in the explosion. In three dimensions, the Fe jet in the southeast occupies a hole in
the Si-group emission and does not represent overturning, as previously thought. Although interaction with the
circumstellar medium affects the detailed appearance of the remnant and may affect the visibility of the southeast
Fe jet, the bulk of the symmetries and asymmetries in Cas A are intrinsic to the explosion.
Key words: infrared: ISM ISM: individual objects (Cassiopeia A) ISM: supernova remnants X-rays: ISM
Online-only material: animation, interactive PDF
The three-dimensional structure of core-collapse supernova
explosions is of considerable interest, with implications for the
explosion mechanisms (e.g., Akiyama et al. 2003; Wang et al.
2007), the role of rotation (e.g., Moiseenko & Bisnovatyi-Kogan
2007), pulsar natal kicks (e.g., Scheck et al. 2004), and for the
subsequent interaction of ejecta with the circumstellar medium/
pre-supernova wind (Schure et al. 2008). Asymmetries in the
explosion and subsequent fallback have implications for mixing
and the subsequent progression of explosive nucleosynthesis
(Joggerst et al. 2009). Jet-induced scenarios may play a role
in forming supernova remnants such as Cassiopeia A (Cas A)
(Wheeler et al. 2008), and at their extreme, jet-dominated
explosions may be responsible for gamma-ray bursts (e.g.,
Zhang et al. 2004; Mazzali et al. 2005). There is plentiful
evidence for asymmetric supernova explosions from structural
and spectral data (Wang et al. 2002) and from spectropolarimetry
(e.g., Wang et al. 2001; Tanaka et al. 2008).
Cas A provides a unique opportunity to study the threedimensional supernova explosion structure because of the high
velocities of its clumpy ejecta, seen both through Doppler and
proper motions. It is the result of a core-collapse supernova
approximately 330 years ago (Fesen et al. 2006) and is bright
across the electromagnetic spectrum. The brightest emission
in Cas A is concentrated onto the 200 diameter Bright Ring
where ejecta from the explosion are illuminated after crossing
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the north the centroid of the Fe-rich ejecta appears behind the
Si-rich ejecta perhaps identifying another overturning region. A
higher spatial resolution (1 ) analysis using the Chandra ACIS
1 Ms data set plus two archival 50 ks data sets also shows the
same optical ring structures in Si-rich emission and shows the
strong Fe-K regions as dynamically distinct (Stage et al. 2004;
Davis et al. 2005). A more recent analysis using Chandra High
Energy Transmission Grating (HETG) spectra of the Si-He
triplet showed that, on 1 spatial scales, the Si-rich ejecta has
a great deal of substructure that is reminiscent of the variations
seen in the optical data (Lazendic et al. 2006).
In this paper, we present a Doppler analysis of Cas As
ejecta using infrared data from the Spitzer Space Telescope
(Ennis et al. 2006) and X-ray data from the archival Chandra
ACIS 1 Ms observation plus two other 50 ks observations
(Stage et al. 2006; Davis et al. 2005). For the first time, we
combine multiwavelength data into a full three-dimensional
reconstruction of Cas A. To this model, we add previously
published X-ray results from Lazendic et al. (2006) and the
jets and outer optical knots from Fesen (2001) and Fesen &
Gunderson (1996). Based on this model, we draw conclusions
about the multiple kinematic components and several major
asymmetries in Cas As explosion.
The Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) was used on 2005
January 13 to spectrally map nearly the full extent of Cas A
with portions of the outer structures missing from some slits
as shown in Figure 1. Low-resolution spectra (resolving power
of 60128) were taken between 515 m (shortlow module,
SL) and 1538 m (longlow module, LL) with each module
including two orders of wavelength. The long-wavelength
(1538 m) spectra were taken in a single large map with 4
91 pointings, using a single 6 s ramp at each position. To achieve
the spatial coverage with the short-wavelength (515 m) slit, a
set of four quadrant maps were made, two with 4 87 pointings
and two with 3 87 pointings, using a 6 s ramp at each position.
The mapped area ranged from 6. 3 5. 9 (SL) to 11. 0 7. 8 (LL),
with offsets between the maps produced in each of the two orders
in each module of 3. 2 (LL) and 1. 3 (SL), along the slit direction.
The effective overlap coverage of all modules and orders is
4. 9 5. 8. The data used here were processed with the S12
version of the IRS pipeline, using the CUBISM package (Smith
et al. 2007a) to reconstruct the spectra at each slit position,
subtract the sky background, and create three-dimensional data
cubes as described in Smith et al. (2009). The statistical errors at
each position in the data cube are calculated using standard error
propagation of the BCD-level uncertainty estimates produced by
the IRS pipeline.
2.1. The Bright Ring and Diffuse Interior Emission
There are a number of bright infrared ionic emission lines in
Cas A from elements such as Ar, Ne, Si, S, Fe, and the 26 m
blend of Fe and O. For the most part, images made in these
emission lines bear a close resemblance to optical images that
primarily contain S and O emission (Ennis et al. 2006). In order
to characterize the Bright Ring, we have chosen the 6.99 m
[Ar ii] line and the 12.81 m [Ne ii] line. The [Ar ii] line is
relatively bright everywhere, even in Ne and O bright regions,
and it is relatively isolated from other emission lines except
for very weak 6.63 m [Ni ii] and possibly 6.72 m [Fe ii],
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Figure 1. Slit positions for the Spitzer/IRS mapping overlaid on the Chandra broadband X-ray image. The wavelength ranges in microns are indicated for each of the
shortlow (SL) and longlow (LL) orders.
Note that the 26 m line is bright in the interior and on the Bright Ring. We
now know from the high-resolution Spitzer spectra that in the interior, the
26 m line is [O iv], however, on the Bright Ring, there is emission from both
[Fe ii] and [O iv] (K. Isensee 2009, private communication).
and [Si ii] lines. We have chosen to use both the 33.48 m [S iii]
line and the 34.82 m [Si ii] line to map the interior emission.
These lines are not entirely free of contamination from nearby
linesthere is a small probability of [Fe iii] at 33.04 m and
a reasonable probability of [Fe ii] at 35.35 m. However, these
potentially contaminating lines lie on opposite sides of the [S iii]
and [Si ii] lines, making it easier to detect their presence. The
[O iv] line is less suitable for mapping the remnant because,
although [O iv] dominates in the interior, on the Bright Ring
there is the possibility of contamination from [Fe ii] emission.
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Figure 2. Left: 6.99 m [Ar ii] image and center: 12.81 m [Ne ii] image showing the Bright Ring. Right: 34.8 m [Si ii] image showing the Diffuse Interior Emission.
For reference, the location of the central compact object (CCO) is denoted by the crosses. The [Ar ii] spectrum in Figure 4 was extracted from the small box region on
the southwest Bright Ring. The [Si ii] spectrum in Figure 4 was extracted from the central box near the CCO.
Figure 3. First moment map for [Ar ii] showing the major Doppler structures
that define the Bright Ring. Note that in locations with more than one Doppler
component, the color represents a brightness-weighted average velocity.
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Figure 5. High-resolution [Si ii] spectrum (green) from same region as the
right panel of Figure 4 showing two primary Doppler components with smaller
velocity structures extending to the center of the remnant. The low-resolution
spectrum is plotted in black for comparison and the low-resolution line centroids
are indicated by the vertical dashed lines. The vertical dotted line denotes the
rest wavelength of [Si ii].
Figure 4. Top: Gaussians plus continuum fit (solid line) to the [Ar ii] emission
in a region on the Bright Ring (see Figure 2) with two line-of-sight Doppler
components (dashed red and blue lines). Bottom: joint Gaussians plus continuum
fit to the [S iii] and [Si ii] emission in a region near the center of the remnant
(see Figure 2), each with two line-of-sight Doppler components. The velocities
of the blue (vb ) and red (vr ) components are indicated with 1 statistical errors.
The rest wavelengths of the [Ar ii], [S iii], and [Si ii] lines are indicated by the
vertical dotted lines. The wavelength range plotted in Figure 5 is indicated at
the bottom of the plot.
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the shock evolution along with the NEI evolution, we would still
have had to model multiple plasmas along the line of sight to
decouple for instance Si-dominated ejecta from overlapping and
dynamically distinct Fe-dominated ejecta. Multiple-component
plasma models often have essentially unconstrained line fits
which can lead to artifacts that plague automated fitting routines
such as the linear structures found in the analysis of Yang
et al. (2008). Using Gaussians essentially unties the elements
to allow for multiple Doppler shifts and allows for modelindependent Doppler shift determinations. The joint best-fit
Gaussian component centers were recorded for each line in
each sky region and used to create FITS images of the fitted line
centers for each line.
Given that the Si He line is the brightest emission line in
the X-ray data, it is the natural choice for Doppler analysis.
However, we found significant variations between the velocities derived from the ACIS data and the velocities derived from
the 2001 HETG observation for the 17 regions measured by
Lazendic et al. (2006) at high spectral resolution. As shown in
Figure 6, there were large velocity variations (1500 km s1 )
between the data sets as well as both a systematic velocity scaling and offset. The ACIS data are plotted using a rest wavelength
of 6.648 corresponding to the Si xiii He resonance line that
should dominate the spectrum (note that the forbidden line is at
6.740 so that the expected weighted average rest wavelength
should be between the resonance and forbidden lines). In order
for the ACIS data to match the HETG data, a rest wavelength of
6.6169 is required and the ACIS velocities must be scaled by
1.67. The velocity discrepancies between the HETG and ACIS
data might possibly be the result of ACIS energy calibration
issues near the Si xiii line (G. Allen 2009, private communication), although a follow-up analysis is required to confirm this
hypothesis. We will revisit the ACIS Si data in Section 4.1 to
further demonstrate the unsuitability of these data for our study.
We did not pursue the analysis of the S, Ar, or Ca emission lines
from the Si group of elements because they would likely have
the same velocity issues. Since the X-ray Si-group emission
traces out the same Bright Ring structures as the infrared [Ar ii]
emission (Ennis et al. 2006) and the gross Doppler structure of
the X-ray Si emission is the same as for the optical emission
(Hwang et al. 2001; Willingale et al. 2002; Stage et al. 2004;
Davis et al. 2005), we feel that the Bright Ring is well sampled
without the ACIS Si (or Si-group) data.
We therefore chose to focus on the Fe-K line as a complement
to the infrared lines. It is distributed differently than the Sigroup and O/Ne emission (Hwang et al. 2004) and is a separate
dynamical component from the other X-ray ejecta (Willingale
et al. 2002, 2003). The Fe-K is preferable to the three Fe-L
lines from our Gaussian fitting because it is not contaminated
by nearby Ne or O lines nor any other lines in the Fe-L forest.
The energy calibration near the 6.6 keV Fe-K line should also be
quite accurate due to the 5.9 keV and 6.4 keV Mn-K emission
from the onboard energy calibration sources mounted in the
Science Instrument Module on Chandra.
The left panel of Figure 7 shows an image of the Fe-K
emission in Cas A made using spectral tomography as described
in DeLaney et al. (2004). The spectral tomography technique
is designed to separate overlapping spectral structures and
to spatially visualize the spectral components. The technique
involves taking differences between images from two different
energies with a scale factor chosen to accentuate features of
interest: M(f ) M(67) f M(46) , where f is the scale factor
and M(f ) is the residual image at that scale factor. The two input
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Figure 7. Left: spectral tomography image showing the Fe-K emission as positive brightness. The spectra from regions A12 and A13 of Hwang & Laming (2003) are
shown in Figure 8. Right: effective Doppler map showing the fitted Gaussian line centers measured in Angstroms. The approximate velocity range is 4000 km s1 ,
however ionization effects are not accounted for. The contours represent brightness levels on the spectral tomography image.
Figure 8. X-ray spectra for regions A12 and A13 of Hwang & Laming (2003)
(marked in Figure 7) showing the Fe-K and Ni-K emission lines. The higher
ionization age of region A12 results in an apparent blueshift in the spectrum. The
rest wavelengths of the dominant Fe-K and Ni-K He forbidden (dashed line)
and resonance (dotted line) lines and Ly lines (dot-dashed line) are indicated.
At the bottom of the plot, we show that a shift of 0.017 corresponds to an
apparent Doppler shift of 2746 km s1 .
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Figure 9. Doppler velocity vs. projected radius for [Ar ii] in red and [Si ii] in
gray. The mean velocity errors and spatial resolution are indicated by error boxes
at the bottom of the figure. The red semicircle represents the best-fit spherical
expansion model. The black semicircle represents the reverse shock and the
projected radius of the forward shock is also indicated. Note that the center of
the spherical expansion model is not at zero velocity.
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Figure 10. Doppler velocity vs. projected radius for Fe-K in green and HETG
Si xiii in black. Different symbols are used to represent the north (open square),
west (filled triangle), and southeast (filled circle) Fe-K distributions. The mean
velocity errors and spatial resolution are indicated by error boxes at the bottom
of the figure. The red semicircle represents the best-fit spherical expansion
model from Figure 9, but scaled appropriately for the decelerated X-ray ejecta.
The black semicircle represents the reverse shock in this decelerated reference
frame. The forward shock projected radius is indicated at 153 . A few Doppler
fingers that are due to ionization effects are identified. These correspond to
fingers 13 in Figure 14.
as thin as the infrared [Ar ii] shell. The blueshifted Fe-K ejecta
in the southeast of the remnant are distributed quite differently.
Rather than a thin, shell-like structure, the blueshifted ejecta
extend as a column, approximately 70 long, and at an angle of
27 out of the plane of the sky.
We also show in Figure 10 the X-ray HETG Si xiii data from
Lazendic et al. (2006). With only 17 small regions, the Si xiii
data sparsely populate the Bright Ring shell. However, since the
velocities of the Si xiii data are determined through dispersed
HETG spectra, they are completely independent of the ACIS FeK data. Therefore, the HETG Si xiii data provide confirmation
that the rest wavelength used to calculate the Fe-K Doppler
velocities is correct.
In Figure 11, we show the Doppler velocity versus projected
radius for the full X-ray ACIS Si data and the X-ray HETG
Si xiii data from Lazendic et al. (2006). The ACIS data are
plotted using a rest wavelength of 6.6169 that was derived
from Figure 6 by forcing the best-fit straight line to cross the
diagonal line at 0 km s1 . In addition, the ACIS velocities have
been multiplied by 1.67 to scale them to the HETG velocities
based on Figure 6. Just like the ACIS Fe-K data, the ACIS
Si data show extended Doppler fingers both toward negative
velocities and toward positive velocities even beyond the top
of the plotted area. This is unexpected because the Si xiii He
line complex was fit with a separate Gaussian component from
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Figure 13. Three-dimensional projections of the infrared [Ar ii] emission (red), X-ray Si xiii emission (black), the fiducial reverse shock (sphere), and the CCO (cross).
Locations where the [Ne ii]/[Ar ii] ratio are high are indicated in blue. The lines in the top left and bottom left panels identify an apparent symmetry axis for the
Ne-rich regions. The inferred CCO proper motion direction is indicated in the top left panel. Major structures discussed in Section 4.3 are indicated. The individual
views are: top left, from Earth; top right, from the north; bottom left, 60 rotation to the east; bottom right, 120 rotation to the west. These same four projections will
be used for all subsequent three-dimensional figures.
thus likely not velocity structures, but rather regions where the
ionization state of the X-ray gas is higher (blueshifted) or lower
(redshifted) than the average ionization state of the X-ray Fe
ejecta as a whole. We corrected for these Doppler fingers in
the southeast Fe-K complex (fingers 14) by simply collimating the datai.e., we shifted the data composing the Doppler
fingers, and only the Doppler fingers, in velocity until they
were between the dotted lines in Figure 10. We did not correct
any other Doppler fingers in the Fe-K distribution (i.e., only
the southeast Fe-K was collimated). We show in Figure 15 the
three-dimensional Fe-K distribution after ionization correction.
As we noted in Section 3, the Fe-K emission is localized
to three locationsthe west, the north, and the southeast. In
the west and the north, the Fe-K forms a partial shell on the
spherical surface that defines the fiducial reverse shock, but in
the southeast, the Fe-K emission forms a jet-like structure that
extends outward from the reverse shock sphere. The three strong
Fe-K regions do not fit easily into a bipolar structurethe north
and west regions are 90 from each other and the southeast
extension points back to the center of Cas A and not to either
the north or west regions.
4.5. Ejecta Pistons and Piston Rings
Figure 16 shows the shock heated Si/Ar/Ne rings plotted
with the Fe-K emission. We can immediately see that the three
Fe-K regions are circled by rings of [Ar ii] ejecta. While the
[Ar ii] ring to the north is complete, to the west and southeast
there are only partial [Ar ii] rings. Contrary to reports by
Willingale et al. (2002, 2003) the Fe-K emission does not appear
behind the higher ejecta layers (Si/Ar) to the northrather the
Fe-K emission is ringed by the [Ar ii] emission. Similarly, the
southeast Fe-K extension, which has been interpreted as an
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Figure 14. Three-dimensional projections of the X-ray Fe-K emission (green) with the reverse shock (sphere) and CCO (cross). Regions 15 in the upper right panel
identify red- and blueshifted Doppler fingers that result from ionization effects. The Doppler fingers in the southeast Fe-K complex (14) were collimated to lie along
the 27 line.
Figure 15. Three-dimensional projections of the ionization corrected X-ray Fe-K emission with the reverse shock (sphere) and CCO (cross).
jets and their orientation close to the plane of the sky. (Kamper
& van den Bergh 1976; Fesen & Gunderson 1996; Fesen 2001;
Fesen et al. 2006). The number of detected outer optical ejecta
knots has grown considerably since the first detection of the jet
region by Minkowski (1959). The current count stands at 1825
knots of varying compositions of O, S, and N (Fesen et al. 2006;
Hammell & Fesen 2009). Of these, only a small subset (135)
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Figure 16. Three-dimensional projections of the infrared [Ar ii] (red), high infrared [Ne ii]/[Ar ii] ratio (blue), X-ray Si xiii (black), X-ray Fe-K (green), outer optical
ejecta (yellow), fiducial reverse shock (sphere), and CCO (cross). The fastest moving outer optical ejecta defining the northeast Jet and southwest Counterjet may have
moved as much as 12 in the intervening years, which is about twice the size of the plotting symbols.
Figure 17. Cross-section of a simple ejecta piston model in which the layering of
the progenitor star has been preserved. At the intersection between the wedgeshaped piston and reverse shock, shock-heated Fe is enclosed by a ring of
shock-heated Ne/O and Ar/Si emission. Interior to the reverse shock, the Fe
sits within a hole in the unshocked Si distribution. The center of the piston is
moving faster than the edges of the piston accounting for the Fe layer having
crossed the reverse shock in the center while the Ne/O and Ar/Si layers are just
now reaching the reverse shock at the edges. All of the ejecta currently crossing
the reverse shock have velocities of 5000 km s1 .
(their Figure 8) and Ennis et al. (2006) (their Figure 9). These
regions are also illuminated by optical O emission (Fesen 2001)
and distinguished by their distinct lack of X-ray Si emission
(Ennis et al. 2006). Smith et al. (2009) showed that these two
strong Ne regions are approximately symmetric around the
kinematic center of the remnant (Thorstensen et al. 2001) and
the position of the CCO. The symmetry axis is quite close to
the direction of the natal kick inferred by Fesen et al. (2006).
In the bottom panels of Figure 13, we can now also see that
these Ne/O regions are symmetric around the CCO along the
line of sight. While this might appear to be tantalizing evidence
that the Ne-crescents contributed significantly to the natal kick
experienced by the CCO, Smith et al. (2009) determined that
there is not enough mass/energy in the Ne-crescents to affect the
CCO motion. In the context of the Figure 17 schematic, the Necrescents would reflect the passage of a slower-moving piston
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Figure 18. Three-dimensional projections of the infrared [Si ii] emission (gray), fiducial reverse shock (sphere), and CCO (cross). There are two populations of [Si ii]
ejectaa shocked population that resides on the Bright Ring and an unshocked population that is physically interior to the reverse shock.
through the reverse shock, where only the Ne/O layer has been
illuminated so far. While the Ne-crescents have not caused the
CCO motion, they may perhaps arise due to the same dynamical
asymmetries that led to the CCO motion.
All of the ejecta pistons discussed thus far, whether bipolar or
not, all lie in the same broad plane. Even the outer optical knot
distribution, which forms a giant ring at or beyond the forward
shock with a thickness that is about the same as the distance
between the front and back sides of the [Ar ii] emission, is
roughly oriented along the same plane as the ejecta pistons. In
the next section, we define this broad plane using the infrared
[Si ii] emission.
4.7. The Tilted Thick Disk
Some of the [Si ii] data in Figure 9 map onto the same shell
where the [Ar ii] is found, but most of the [Si ii] is found interior
to the [Ar ii] shell. There are two reasons why the [Si ii] data
might appear interior to the [Ar ii] data: (1) the [Si ii] emission
is spatially interior to the [Ar ii] emission or (2) the [Si ii] is
spatially coincident with the [Ar ii], but decelerated. We reject
the latter explanation because we find no evidence that the
interior [Si ii] is shocked. The freefree absorption seen in
the radio suggests that the interior [Si ii] is cool (1000 K;
Kassim et al. 1995). The 18.7 m/33.48 m [S iii] line ratio
suggests a low density (ne upper limit of 100 cm3 ; Smith
et al. 2009) in the interior and there is no associated X-ray
emission that traces out the same interior structure as the infrared
[Si ii]. These interior conditions are in contrast to the conditions
on the Bright Ring where the temperatures are much higher
(500010,000 K; Arendt et al. 1999), the densities are much
higher (ne 104 cm3 ; Smith et al. 2009), and there are
spatially coincident but decelerated X-ray ejecta (DeLaney et al.
2004). Furthermore, the assumption of free expansion for the
[Si ii] ejecta results in a smooth connection between the interior
ejecta and the Bright Ring features at the spherical reverse shock
shell. In order to achieve this same smooth connection with a
decelerated population of [Si ii], we would have had to adopt
a range of distance-to-velocity scale factors with some [Si ii]
even more decelerated than the X-ray ejecta. Therefore, we
believe that there are two populations of [Si ii] ejecta in Cas
Aa shocked population that resides on the Bright Ring and an
unshocked, photoionized (Hamilton & Fesen 1998) population
that is in free expansion and is physically interior to the reverse
shock. While we believe that the [Si ii] ejecta are indeed in free
expansion, the model reconstruction is highly dependent on this
In Figure 18, we show four projections of the threedimensional [Si ii] distribution including the CCO and the reverse shock. The [Si ii] emission is concentrated onto two concave, wavy sheetsone front and one rear. The distribution of
the [Si ii] is not spherically symmetric nor is it centered on zero
velocity. Most of the [Si ii] maps interior to the fiducial reverse
shock with portions extending out onto the Bright Ring. For
comparison, the average three-dimensional radius of the [Ar ii]
ejecta is 110 while the average three-dimensional radius of
the [Si ii] ejecta is 91 . The two sheets are separated by a series of holes around the edges. The plane containing the holes
is not exactly in the plane of the sky, but is oriented with an
25 rotation about the NS axis and an 30 rotation about the
EW axis. Our reconstruction shows that the two [Si ii] sheets are
separated by a much lower density region, where only a little
emission is seen (Figure 18).
We therefore describe the [Si ii] distribution as a tilted thick
disk as shown in Figure 19 where the front and rear faces
of the thick disk are shown as thin gray disks. The area between
the faces contains relatively weaker emission from Si, S, and O
ejecta as demonstrated in Figure 5 and by Isensee et al. (2010).
Presumably there are unshocked Fe ejecta, but emission from
this species has not been detected.
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Figure 19. Three-dimensional projections showing the tilted thick disk model (gray and hashed) with the fiducial reverse shock (sphere) and the CCO (cross). The
hash marks between the faces indicate that the region is not empty but contains weak emission from unshocked Si, S, and O and probably undetected unshocked Fe.
Approximate orientations with respect to the northsouth and eastwest axes are indicated.
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Figure 20. Three-dimensional projections of the infrared [Ar ii], high [Ne ii]/[Ar ii] ratio, and [Si ii] emission, the X-ray Fe-K and Si xiii emission, and the outer
optical knots. The color coding is described in Table 1.
(An animation and a three-dimensional PDF of this figure are available in the online journal. Interactive PDF requires a current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
the light echoes which appear to mostly lie in the plane of the
sky (Rest et al. 2008, 2010). In two locations, echoes are seen
out of the plane of the sky, but this apparent discrepancy may
again be related to the explosion structure. The position angles
of the out-of-plane echoes are along (1) the northeast Jet and
(2) the north Fe-illuminated piston. So the disk surfaces could
be swept-up, (optically) thick material, with lower densities in
its jet/piston containing plane. A calculation of the physical
conditions for this scenario would be of great interest, but is
beyond the scope of the current work.
5.2. Jets, Pistons, and Rings
From the first optical observations describing the Jet as a
flare (Minkowski 1959) to recent X-ray and infrared images
showing a fainter Counterjet to the southwest (Hwang et al.
2004; Hines et al. 2004), Cas As striking jets have been a topic
of much discussion. The jets are not the only ejecta pistons
in Cas A, however, they are simply the Si-group-illuminated
ones (Ar, Si, S), which made them easily visible in X-ray, optical, and infrared emission. There are Fe-illuminated pistons and
Ne/O-illuminated pistons as well. The Ne/O-illuminated pistons show a bipolarity similar to the jets, but the Fe-illuminated
pistons show no such symmetry. The differences in composition
of the various pistons cannot be due to temperature, ionization
state, density, etc., since these differences appear consistently in
the infrared ionic lines (Ennis et al. 2006), optical (e.g., Chevalier & Kirshner 1979) and X-ray emission lines (e.g., Hughes
et al. 2000), and in the dust composition (Rho et al. 2008). In
this paper, the description of the observed structures in terms of
pistons is a simple extension of the description in Ennis et al.
(2006), where the ejecta in different directions were inferred to
be moving at different velocities. All of the pistons currently
visible are in the same broad plane defined by the interior thick
In order to see pistons dominated by different elements, the
hydrostatic nucleosynthetic layers must remain somewhat intact, as illustrated in Figure 17. In addition, there must be a
significant radial velocity gradient across the layers during the
explosion, since otherwise they would arrive virtually simultaneously, and would never appear segregated, at the Bright
Ring. Remembering that all undecelerated ejecta currently encountering the Bright Ring must be moving at 5000 km s1 ,
this means that each piston has a different range of velocities.
For example, if in one direction, the velocities varied between
1000 km s1 (Fe) to 5000 km s1 (Ne), then the Ne layer would
be just encountering, and be visible at the Bright Ring, but Si
would not. If, in another direction, the velocities varied from
1000 km s1 (Fe) to 10,000 km s1 (Ne), then the Ne would be
beyond the Bright Ring, but Si-group emission would be visible.
Thus, we conclude that the Ne-illuminated pistons have slower
average velocities than the Fe-illuminated pistons, although the
currently visible portions are all around 5000 km s1 .
The pistons represent directions where relatively fastermoving ejecta were expelled. The energy in the pistons can be
estimated by the mass in the piston and the velocity of the ejecta.
The Fe-illuminated piston to the north, for example, contains
about 3.2 M
of visible material (ejecta+CSM) (Willingale
et al. 2003). Moving at a velocity of 3000 km s1 , the total
kinetic energy would be about 3 1050 erg. An estimate for the
northeast Jet based on hydrodynamic models places the total
energy there at about 1050 erg (Laming et al. 2006). Thus, the
pistons represent a significant fraction of the remnants energy
Vol. 725
No. 2, 2010
Figure 21. Gray scale: 34.48 m [Si ii] emission smoothed to 20 resolution; red
contours: X-ray Fe-K emission; blue contours: optical H and [N ii] emission
from diffuse and clumpy CSM. The green lines denote the linear northeast jet
structures and the green circle identifies the location of the outermost optical
ejecta observed by Fesen et al. (2006). The edges of the LL1 slit mapping shown
in Figure 1 are indicated.
Vol. 725
No. 2, 2010
Table 1
Color Code for the Three-dimensional Graphics in Figures 1216 and 1820
[Ar ii]
High [Ne ii]/[Ar ii] ratio
[Si ii]
Si xiii
Outer optical knots
Ground based
Fiducial CCO
Lazendic et al. (2006)
Fesen & Gunderson (1996)
Fesen (2001)
Placed at v = 0 km s1
pink in the three-dimensional PDF
Astronomical Medicine Project and Michelle Borkin for providing valuable assistance with 3D Slicer. T.D. also thanks Mike
Noble for help with the three-dimensional PDF graphics and
Dan Dewey for valuable conversations. T.D., L.R., and K.I.
thank Alex Heger for guidance and valuable conversations concerning supernova models. Finally, we thank the referee for a
thorough review of the manuscript which has resulted in significant improvements in the presentation of our results.
Figure 20 is available in the online version of the journal
as a three-dimensional PDF file. The PDF file contains the
full three-dimensional graphics information and allows the user
to directly manipulate the graphics by rotating the figure and
zooming in and out. The free Adobe
program version
8 or newer is required to view the three-dimensional PDF file.
By clicking on the graphic, the three-dimensional aspect is
enabled and a model tree opens allowing the user to turn on
and off individual elements of the figure. Both the original and
ionization corrected Fe-K emission are provided in the threedimensional PDF version of Figure 20 so that the readers can
judge for themselves what effect collimation has had on the
southeast Fe-K structure. The color coding for the individual
components of the model is described in Table 1. Coordinate
axes are provided to help keep track of orientation. The red axis
points east, the green axis points north, and the blue axis points
to Earth.
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