Teaching The Value of Freedom at The Seder: by Rabbi Reuven Spolter, Director of Recruiting and Special Projects
Teaching The Value of Freedom at The Seder: by Rabbi Reuven Spolter, Director of Recruiting and Special Projects
Teaching The Value of Freedom at The Seder: by Rabbi Reuven Spolter, Director of Recruiting and Special Projects
" – ומסיים בשבחwe begin with the criticism and minor or major infraction?
conclude with the praise." With which We "subjugate" our children by "forcing" them
"criticism" do we begin the Seder? The Gemara to do countless things that they would prefer to
presents two answers: avoid in order to help them grow. In fact, if we failed to "subjugate"
and "oppress" our children; if we gave them complete freedom to
רב אמר מתחלה עובדי עבודת גלולים היו אבותינו [ושמואל] אמר act as they pleased and do whatever they wished, we would be
עבדים היינו abdicating our parental responsibility. We would be bad parents.
Rav said, "Originally our forefathers were idolaters" and All of this brings me back to our original scenario. The gemara I
Shmuel said, "Our forefathers were slaves." mentioned above concludes with a story:
Examining Shmuel's explanation, I wonder: Sure, we were slaves. אמר ליה רב נחמן לדרו עבדיה עבדא דמפיק ליה מריה לחירות
And yes, God redeemed us from slavery. But why were we in ויהיב ליה כספא ודהבא מאי בעי למימר ליה? אמר ליה בעי
slavery? How did we get there? Was it not the same God that לאודויי ולשבוחי אמר ליה פטרתן מלומר מה נשתנה
redeemed us Who also sent us into slavery in the first place? Rav's Said Rav Nachman to Daru, his slave: A slave whose owner
explanation seems to answer this question. We entered into freed him, and gave him money and gold – what should he
slavery because we were idolaters. In essence, God initiated the say to [the owner]? He answered: he must thank him and
process of שעבוד מצריםin order to redeem us. Commenting on the praise him! [Rav Nachman] said back, you have exempted
section of מתחילה עובדי עבודה זרהin the Hagaddah, Rabbi Yishaya us from reciting the Mah Nishtanah.
of Tarani ( )רי"דexplains:
The story in the Gemara sounds to me much like my "educational"
מה שבח הוא זה שהכניס אותנו המקום למצרים,לפי שיש לשאול scenario. Retelling the story of the Redemption to our children isn't
ולמה, לא יכנוס ולא יוציא והרי אנו בני חורין.ואחר כך הוציאנו about reading the text of the Hagaddah and sharing commentary
?נשבח על אותה הוצאה on the text. It's about personalizing the story so that our children
For one might ask, what praise is there that He brought us can come to appreciate both the meaning of suffering that they
into Egypt and only then redeemed us. Let Him not bring us taste in the Matzah, and the value of redemption they must feel as
in nor redeem us, and we would have remained free. Why they lean back and drink their wine.
should we offer praise for this redemption?" Which makes me wonder: while I won't send my child to her room
on the night of the Seder (remember, I've been forbidden to do so),
Good question. Rabbi Yishaya answers: wouldn't I be a better parent and "teller" of the story of the
Redemption if I did?