Regarding The Requirement of "Tazkiyyah" To Teach Islamic Subjects

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Regarding the Requirement of Tazkiyyah to Teach Islamic Subjects


All praise is due to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds, and may His praise and salutations be upon the most noble of
the prophets and messengers, and upon his family and his companions and those who walk upon their path until the Last
Day. To proceed:

Regarding the Requirement of Tazkiyyah to Teach Islamic Subjects

Alhamdulillah, this is a clarification with additional words from the well-known Salafi scholars discussing the requirement of a
tazkiyyah in order to teach Islamic subjects in various circumstances. We advise the Muslims that if they believe these scholars
specific words require further clarification, to contact them and ask for that further clarification.

Sheikh Zayd Al-Madkhalee, may Allaah preserve him

The Questioner:
You know the reality of the lands of the disbelievers, and that most of the people are foreign and do not understand the Arabic
language. So for example, in my town, there is a brother who has translated some of the statements of the scholars in their
books for the benefit of his brothers. They are simple books; for example, the explanation of Usool Ath-Thalaathah by Sheikh
Utheimeen, and other books. Then someone criticized him, saying that he must have a tazkiyyah from one of the major scholars
in Saudi Arabia, one of the Salafi scholars, or the like of this. So what is your opinion regarding this?
The answer from Sheikh Zayd Al-Madkhalee, may Allaah preserve him:
What I say concerning this is that whoever has learned something from the knowledge of the religion of Islaam, and has mastered this
knowledge, then there is no problem for him- indeed, he will be rewarded- if he teaches others what he has learned. There is no necessity for
him to bring a tazkiyyah; but rather what he is teaching the people should be examined. If he is teaching them the truth, the ruling of the
Shareeah, with their proofs, then this is what is desired and there is no need for him to have a tazkiyyah from a Sheikh. And if he makes
a mistake, and it is seen that he has made a mistake, then he should not teach the people that which is in error. So this is how the matter
stands, as the Messenger of Allaah, may Allaahs praise and salutations be upon him, said, {Spread what you have heard from me, even if it
is only one Ayah.}
So this is a proof that whoever has gained a little knowledge, and the people are in need of this knowledge, then it is obligatory for him to
teach them what he has learned, and he should not be stopped from this except if it is seen that he is misguiding the people, and speaking
about Allaah without knowledge, and giving rulings without knowledge, and setting down principles without knowledge; then this is
impermissible for him first of all, and it is impermissible for others to be silent about this. Rather he should be advised to go and study in
order to gain correct knowledge that he can teach to the people. So he should not be prevented if he is correct, and he should not be allowed
if he is in error.
(Taken from the first tape of Sharh As-Sunnah by Imaam Ahmad, explained by the Sheikh Zayd Al-Madkhalee)



Regarding the Requirement of Tazkiyyah to Teach Islamic Subjects

Sheikh Zayd Al-Madkhalee, may Allaah preserve him (continued)

A Questioner says:
We are living in the lands of disbelief, and there are some brothers who teach classes to the people. They did not gain their
knowledge from the scholars directly, but rather by way of tapes and books, so is it a condition that these brothers have a
tazkiyyah which shows us that they have correct knowledge, or do they not need this, with the knowledge that they are Salafis,
The answer from Sheikh Zayd Al-Madkhalee, may Allaah preserve him :
As long as knowledge has reached him, through any means or resource, and he has mastered this knowledge, then the knowledge should be
taken from him, and he should be studied under. These means of gaining knowledge are a mercy in this time for the people who are unable
to go to the people of knowledge, and the like of this, or the person who is in the distant lands of disbelief. So if they read from the books of
the people of knowledge, and listen to their tapes, and benefit from what they publish, and take benefit from this, and whatever is unclear
to them, they call the people of knowledge seeking clarification, then knowledge should be taken from the likes of these people. As long as
they have mastered and understood the knowledge that they gained, whether by reading or hearing, then there is no problem with this.

Sheikh Muhammad Baazmool, may Allaah preserve him

If one of the brothers makes a condition on another that he must have a tazkiyyah from one of the major scholars, who is still
living and has not died, is this condition from the innovations?
Answer from Ash-Sheikh Muhammad Baazmool, may Allaah preserve him:
No, yaa Sheikh, this is unnecessary extremism; we do not say Bidah, but rather we say that this is exaggeration and extremism. This is
extremism and harshness in the affairs.
We say: The condition is that what we see from the state of the person whom we wish to take knowledge from is that he acts in accordance
with the Sunnah and Ahlus-Sunnah, and that he is not known for his ignorance.
This is enough. And if along with this there is a tazkiyyah, then alhamdulillaah. And if there is no tazkiyyah, then this will not harm him
at all, as long as we do not see that the scholars have criticized him.
And if there is a tazkiyyah it should be accepted from any person who has a connection with knowledge and is known to be good, whether
he is one of the major scholars or other than them.



Regarding the Requirement of Tazkiyyah to Teach Islamic Subjects

Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abdullaah Al-Imaam, may Allaah preserve him

A questioner asks: Is it required that a student of knowledge who wishes to teach his brothers have a tazkiyyah from one of the
scholars, when it is seen that he has a sound manhaj and aqeedah?
And what is the ruling on someone who refuses to learn from a person like this, with the reason that he does not have a
Answer from Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abdullaah Al-Imaam, may Allaah preserve him:
The answer is that being careful about whom you take knowledge from is required by the Shareeah. Being careful about whom you take
knowledge from is required by the Shareeah. As Ibn Seereen said- and it is authentically reported from him and some of the other Tabieen,
but it has not been authentically reported from the Sahaabah, as far as we know: This knowledge is our religion, so look to whom you
take your religion from. So being cautious, and looking into the matter, and asking the scholars about the person whom they wish to learn
from if they do not know his state, or if he has the qualifications to teach them, then they should ask the people of knowledge.
And anyone who is teaching the Book of Allaah, and the Sunnah of his Messenger, on the way of the righteous predecessors, then nothing
will harm him. If it is said, Who gave him a tazkiyyah? then he should show them what he has. If he studied with the scholars of AhlusSunnah, then he should make this clear to them. There is nothing strange, and no blame, on whoever asked this question. Where did you
learn from? Did anyone give you a tazkiyyah so we see that your manhaj and aqeedah is sound?
There is no problem with these questions, and a person should accept them with an open heart, and make it clear to them. If he gained his
knowledge from sitting with the scholars, then to Allaah is all praise and gratefulness!
And it is good for him that he should tell that to the people.
And if he is from the people who have not studied under the scholars directly, but rather he read from books, and benefited from tapes, then
he should say this! He should say, In my studies and what I teach, I use these tapes, and I rely on these books from the books of the scholars,
and if something is unclear to me then I ask these scholars. This is a good clarification. This shows that he took his knowledge from
trustworthy, known, and sound sources, and he has connections with whoever of the scholars he has connections with, in order to ask them
when something is unclear to him; than this is also a good clarification, and this clarification is enough to show that these people should sit
with him to gain knowledge from him.
So as you have heard, Baarak Allaahu feekum, being careful from whom you take your knowledge from is very good thing, because of the
numbers of callers to innovation, and callers to partisanship, and the numbers of deceptive people, who outwardly show the Sunnah, and
they have leanings to misguidance, and deception. So because of this, the student should ask the one whom he wishes to learn from, and
there is no problem if he asks the scholars about the state of the person who is teaching them. There is no problem with this, and the reason
for this should be caution, and it should not be for the purpose of speaking evil about the person without clear proofs. The purpose should be
to make certain that this person is on guidance and truth, so that we can sit with him and learn from him. And this is good for the student,
and good for the teacher. And Allaah Knows best.
Taken from:

Sheikh Rabeea ibn Haadi al-Madkhalee, may Allaah preserve him

And there is one thing that I would like to mention: Some of the people are saying that they have tazkiyyahs from me and they are
spreading this to the people, and I do not remember giving them anything like this. Indeed, a persons tazkiyyah is in his actions. It is upon
every Muslim to earn his tazkiyyah for himself, with beneficial knowledge, righteous actions, and pure Islamic manners. May Allaah guide
you, and correct your mistakes, and bring your hearts together
Taken from the letter: Advice and Clarification to the Salafi brothers in Egypt and elsewhere
:Source: Sheikh Rabeea Ibn Haadi Umayr Al-Madkhalees website



Regarding the Requirement of Tazkiyyah to Teach Islamic Subjects

And following Sheikh Muhammad al-Imaams, may Allaah preserve him, advice as quoted above, here is a more detailed listing of
Umm Mujaahid Khadijah Bint Lacinas studies and works regarding Islamic knowledge, building off of that which is already found
at and our WizIq pages.
A listing of some of the classes studied by Umm Mujaahid:
In America:
Arabic with various teachers at various institutions
She completed a two week-long seminar with the University of Madinah and received a certificate
In Masjid Sharqayn in Sanaa:
-Kitaab At-Tawheed
-Usool Ath-Thalaathah
-Quraan and tajweed with Umm Jareer
-Arabic through the language institute with Wafa and also with Azhaar, the sister of Umm Jareer
In Mabar:
-Arabic and Quraan with the niece of Umm Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Imaam
-Tajweed with the sister of Umm Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Imaam
-Portions of Umdat Al-Ahkaam, Kitaab At-Tawheed and Kashf Ash-Shubuhaat with Umm Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Imaam
- Quraan also with Umm Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Imaam
In Dammaaj:
-Imlaa with Umm Anas Al-Hadramiyyah and other teachers
-Bulugh Al-Maraam with Umm Salamah with the exception of two chapters for which she obtained the notes due to illness
-Finn At-Tajweed with Umm Abbaas
-Madinah book Three with Umm Maazin
-Al-Ajrumiyyah with the explanation of Shaykh Utheimeen with Umm Abdullaah Al-Hadramiyyah
-Tuhfat As-Sunniyyah with Umm Ammaar
-Al-Bayqooniyyah with Umm Ammaar
-Al-Baaith Al-Hatheeth with Umm Maazin
-Usool Ath-Thalaathah with Ruqayyah
-Lumat Al-Itiqaad
-Al-Qawl Al-Mufeed
-Kitaab Al-Imaan with Umm Anas
-Umdat Al-Ahkaam with Umm Hafs
-Al-Mutammimah with Umm Bakr Al-Indoneesiyyah
-Al-Haaiyyah with Umm Salamah



Regarding the Requirement of Tazkiyyah to Teach Islamic Subjects

-Al-Waajibaat with Umm Abdillaah Al-Indoneesiyyah

-Usool Ath-Thalaathah with Umm Abdillaah Al-Indoneesiyyah
-Al-Qawaaid Al-Arbaaa with Umm Abdillaah Al-Indoneesiyyah
-Nayl Al-Awtaar with Umm Abdillaah Al-Waadiiyyah during the periods that it was being taught
-Al-Qawaaid Al-Arbaaa with Umm Anas
-Hilyat Taalib Al-Ilm taught by a brother in the masjid to both the brothers and sisters
And others
She attended some of the main duroos in the masjid for the brothers and the sisters, such as Saheeh Al-Bukhaari, Saheeh Muslim,
and others and listened to them in her house- which was very close to the masjid- as well.
She attended many lectures in the various centers of learning in Yemen from several well-known scholars such as Sheikh
Muhammad al-Imaam, Sheikh al-Buraaee, the Khateeb of Yemen Abdullaah ibn Uthmaan ad-Dhamaari, and others.
She has always, and continues to, benefit from the tapes and online lectures and classes by the well-known ulema, such as Sheikh
Utheimeen, Sheikh Saalih aal-Sheikh, Sheikh Fauzan, Sheikh Bin Baaz, Sheikh Muqbil and others. In this manner she has
completed such works as al-Ajroomiyyah with the explanation of Sheikh Utheimeen and The Explanation of Kitaab at-Tawheed by
Sheikh Saalih aal-Sheikh. She and her family also have an extensive Arabic library that includes over 3,000 books by the people of
knowledge of both the past and the present.

Classes Taught by Umm Mujaahid in Yemen:

In Damaaj:
-The Madeenah books one and two in the masjid and later in her house when she became ill, with the knowledge and approval of
Umm Salamah
-Iqra Qiraaati to sisters in the masjid
-She was requested by Umm Salamah to teach Madeenah Book Three in the masjid as well, but she was unable to do so due to
-Al-Mabaadi Al-Mufeedah by Abdul Hakeem Al-Amreekee in the masjid
-She taught Iraab and Madinah Book Two in her house
In Sanaa at Masjid Sharqayn:
-She taught Al-Waajibaat in the musallah with the knowledge and approval of Umm Sulaymaan, the head of the womens lessons
In Shihr: (In her home)
-Arabic from several different sources
-Part of Usool Ath-Thalaathah before she had to stop because of illness



Regarding the Requirement of Tazkiyyah to Teach Islamic Subjects

Umm Mujaahids Compilations and translations:

Various translations from the scholars available at
My Hijaab, My Path: Includes Fifty Ahaadeeth on the Legislated Hijaab, Plus Related Rulings, The Conditions of Hijaab,
Translation of The War Against Al-Hijaab by Sheikh Muhammad al-Imaam, General Advice to the Women from Some of the
Leading Scholars of Our Time and Common HIjaab Mistakes and Excuses
Some of the scholars quoted and referenced in the book include:
Sheikh Ahmad an-Najmee
Sheikh al-Albaani
Sheikh Muqbil
Sheikh Fauzaan
Sheikh Muhammad al-Imaam
Sheikh Utheimeen
Sheikh Bin Baaz
Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem aal-Sheikh
And others
Al-Waajibaat: The Obligatory Matters: A Twenty Part Educational Course with Assessment Quizzes and Lesson Benefitsboth the self study and directed study editions
An explanation of the text based upon her studies in Damaaj, including the class on al-Waajibaat taught by Umm Abdullah alIndoneesiyyah and on the words of the scholars including:
Sheikh Fauzaan
Imaam Barbahaaree
Sheikh Utheimeen
Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahaab
The Lajnat ad-Daaimah
Sheikh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
Sheikh Sulaymaan Ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahaab
Sheikh Bin Baaz
And others



Regarding the Requirement of Tazkiyyah to Teach Islamic Subjects

My Home, My Path: A Comprehensive Source Book for Todays Muslim Woman Discussing her Essential Role and
Contribution to the Establishment of Islaam Taken from the Words of the People of Knowledge
Includes the advices, exhortations and rulings of these scholars and others:
Sheikh Bin Baaz
Sheikh Fauzaan
Sheikh Utheimeen
Sheikh Muhammad al-Imaam
Sheikh Husain ibn Abdul Aziz aal-Sheikh
Sheikh Muqbil
The Lajnat ad-Daaimah
Sheikh al-Albaani
Sheikh Rabeea al-Madkhalee
And others
Fasting from Alif to Yaa: A Day to Day Guide to Making the Most of Ramadhaan with Abu Hamzah Hudhaifah ibn Khalil
and Umm Usaamah Sukhailah Bint Khalil
Based on the book by the same name by Sister Murfat bint Kamaal ibn Abdullah Usrah (contains the full translated text of this
Additional points of benefit by:
Sheikh Fauzaan
Sheikh Utheimeen
And others
Thalaathatu al-Usool: The Three Fundamental Principles: A Twenty Five Part Educational Course with Assessment Quizzes
and Lesson Benefits (to be published soon inshAllaah)
Based on the explanations of the book by these scholars and others:
Sheikh Bin Baaz
Sheikh Utheimeen
Sheikh as-Suyahmee
Sheikh Saalih ibn Abdul Aziz aal-Sheikh
Sheikh Abdur Rahman ibn Qaasim an-Najdee
Sheikh Zaid al-Madkhalee
And others
With additional related explanations from scholars such as:
Sheikh Fauzaan
And others



Regarding the Requirement of Tazkiyyah to Teach Islamic Subjects

NOTE: This article will be posted in its entirety at the Taalib website inshAllaah.
The translators only give permission to share this when forwarded along with its ascription
to the compilers and translators at

All rights reserved to original author and

No duplication is permitted, except scholastic citation when accompanied by the required reference to the original ,
as generally defined within the boundaries of established fair use conditions
that conform to Islamic guidelines.



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