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Customer PTC E-Newsletter: What's New in Sheetmetal For Wildfire 2.0

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Customer PTC E-Newsletter

Date: December 31, 2004

PTC Product Focus: A) Whats New in Sheetmetal for Wildfire 2.0
B) Change Management in PDMLink 7.0
Tips of the Week:

A) Alternative Approach for Modeling Sheetmetal Geometry

B) OOTB CMII Compliant Change Management Overview

Announcements: Most Recent Announcements

Upcoming Events & Training Schedule: Events & Training Schedule

PTC Product Focus

Whats New in Sheetmetal for Wildfire 2.0
The Sheetmetal interface in Wildfire 2.0, illustrated in Figure 1, has been given a new look.
Much like the interface of standard Pro/Engineer, Sheetmetal feature creation is largely icon
based. PTC has made great strides in developing each of the modules to appear much like that of
the standard Pro/Engineer module. The new Sheetmetal interface is a testament to this approach.
As in standard Pro/Engineer, the dashboard will illuminate upon edit definition of a feature.
Also, as in the standard Pro/Engineer module when creating features, there is a substantial
amount of functionality at the right mouse button. Users are encouraged to take advantage of
this ease of use functionality while minimizing mouse travel.

Figure 1. Sheetmetal Interface

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Getting started in Sheetmetal

To begin in Sheetmetal, users must define the first wall. No other feature creation icons are
activated until this first wall has been successfully generated (Refer to Figure 2). Upon selection
of this icon, users are prompted with determining the sketching plane and references. From here
users are brought into sketcher mode, which behaves essentially the same as it would in standard
Pro/Engineer. A simple flat wall can be sketched or perhaps some unique user defined
geometry. Whatever the end-users designing needs may be, Wildfire 2.0 Sheetmetal has the

Figure 2. Initial Feature (Create Unattached Flat Wall)

Upon completion of this first feature, users may now select the additional activated icons that are
available in Sheetmetal (Note: if you do not see the icons you need you can right click on the
icon area and select toolbar for additional icons to add to your screen). To create basic walls the
flat wall icon should be selected. As previously mentioned there is extensive functionality at the
right mouse button available to users throughout the feature creation process. For example,
when the dashboard is activated and a preview of the feature exists, the user may right mouse
button click to find 6 additional options ranging from editing the shape (adds in additional drag
handles) all the way to flipping the angle of the feature and so on.
The part illustrated in Figure 3 is an example of some fairly simple geometry created in
Sheetmetal. Now that the geometry is in place, a flat pattern must be created. If the model was
not designed with a flat pattern in mind, user might have to take additional steps for a flat pattern
to be generated. An example of a flat pattern not working properly could perhaps be an edge that
is required to be ripped.
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Figure 3. Basic Sheetmetal Part

Once all features within the model are defined properly, the user may select the unbend icon to
generate this flat pattern of the model. Refer to Figure 4 for an illustration of this part in flat
pattern form as well as the unbend icon.

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Figure 4. Flat Pattern Representation

Axis Patterning
Many feature creation icons within the Sheetmetal application are located under the Insert menu.
Inserting a hole and patterning this feature is easier now than in any previous version of
Pro/Engineer. Simply select Insert, hole and locate this feature with the drag handles. With the
feature still highlighted, right mouse button click and hold then select pattern. The dashboard
will activate, just as it would within standard Pro/E. For this pattern, select axis in the dashboard
and select a central axis that this feature will be patterned about (if an axis does not exist, the
user must create one). From here the user has the ability to determine how many instances of the
feature will be patterned and the spacing between each. Also, the user will be prompted with a
visual preview of each feature of the pattern with a black dot. If desired, the user can turn off
certain features of the pattern by clicking on the black dot and turning it white (Note: all
patterned features may be turned off except the original feature). Refer to Figure 5 for an
illustration of axial patterning.

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Figure 5. Axial Pattern of a Hole

Weblink Functionality (Features and Components)

The Weblink functionality in Wildfire 2.0 is a customizable library of features and components
that can simply be dragged from the library into a Pro/Engineer part or assembly. PTC has
generated a library of typically used components and features that demonstrate this functionality.
For this example, a cap-nut will be dragged from the Weblink library and automatically placed in
the assembly. It is important when dragging components into the model that the user drags the
component to the general location of where it is to be placed. Pro/Engineer will then make
assumptions as to how this feature should be assembled (mate/align/insert/etc.). Figure 6
illustrates the assumptions used to auto place the cap-nut. Of course if the assumptions that
Pro/Engineer made when placing this component was not what the user wanted, it could easily
be resolved. The user would click on the feature in the model tree and select edit definition then
specify new constraints.

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Figure 6. Weblink Component Drag and Drop Functionality

Another example of the Weblink functionality would be dragging and dropping of features. For
this example, a formed feature will be dragged from the library into a Sheetmetal part. In order
to place this feature a datum point must first be established in the appropriate location in the part.
From here, the user can simply find the appropriate formed feature within the library and select
this feature and drag it into the user interface. Pro/Engineer will then prompt the user for
references to locate this feature (select a placement plane, datum point and horizontal reference).
Figure 7 is an illustration of the Weblink Feature library.

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Figure 7. Weblink Feature Library

Directional Patterning
As a natural continuation of inserting a single formed feature into a part, users may wish to next
pattern this feature. For this situation, a directional pattern will be used. With the feature
highlighted, right mouse button click and hold and select pattern. The dashboard will illuminate
prompting the user to determine the type of pattern desired. A directional pattern will be used, as
could a dimensional pattern. From here the user has the ability to determine how many instances
of the feature will be patterned and the distance between each by manipulating the drag handles
and dashboard as shown in Figure 8. Also, the user will be prompted with a visual preview of
each feature of the pattern represented by a black dot.

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Figure 8. Directional Pattern

If desired, the user can turn off certain features of the pattern by clicking on the black dot and
turning it white (Note: all patterned features may be turned off except the original feature).

Undo and Redo exists within the Sheetmetal application at both the sketcher level as well as the
feature level.

Copy/ Paste
Within the Sheetmetal application, users have the ability to copy features (walls, holes, etc.) and
paste (or paste special) those features to a new location in the part. Much like within the
Microsoft Office Programs, Control-C and Control-V also work for copy/paste. Refer to Figure
9 for illustration of copy/paste for a wall.

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Figure 9. Copy/Paste Functionality

Another added benefit of the copy/paste functionality is that the copied feature is independent of
the original feature in the model tree. Future modifications to the original feature will not impact
the copied feature. However, if the opposite outcome is desired, users can select the paste
special functionality so that the copied feature is dependent on the geometry of the original

Four standard relief options exist within the Sheetmetal application. Users will have the ability
to modify some of the basic dimensions of those reliefs if desired. Also, users have the ability to
define opposite ends of the same wall with different types of reliefs adding to the flexibility of
the tool as shown in Figure 10.

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Figure 10. Reliefs in Sheetmetal

Family Table - Sheetmetal Part

Users have the ability to make a family table instance of the flat pattern for later use within a
drawing. Select Tools, Family Table and the add/delete table columns icon. Select feature in the
Family Items menu and within the model tree select the unbend feature. Now select the insert
new instance icon in the Family Items menu and set the unbend feature to yes. This flat pattern
instance can now be inserted as a to-be dimensioned view in the drawing that will be used by
manufacturing when fabricating the part.

Sheetmetal Drawings
Users can easily add views of their Sheetmetal part within drawing mode for detail purposes. As
with parts generated in standard Pro/Engineer, the default three views (front, right and top) will
automatically be added to the drawing. For a Sheetmetal part it is important to show dimensions
in the flattened state. Figure 11 displays a flat pattern instance of the part with ordinate
dimensions. When placing ordinate dimensions users can specify whether it is desirable to have
the dimensions called out to the center of a hole or to a tangent point. Also included is a hole
table which calls out dimensions relative to a central coordinate system that the user must
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Figure 11. Detailed Sheetmetal Part

More Information on Sheetmetal in Wildfire 2.0

To find out more about Pro/ENGINEERs Sheetmetal Application visit our Website.

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PTC Product Focus
Change Management in PDMLink 7.0
Click Here To View

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Tips of the Week

Alternative Approach for Modeling Sheetmetal Geometry
There are several ways in which to get started creating a Sheetmetal part. As an alternative
approach to starting in the Sheetmetal application, users could model their geometry in standard
Pro/Engineer and then transfer this geometry to the Sheetmetal application. Choosing which
way to start your Sheetmetal part is completely up to the individual user. As experience is
gained with standard Pro/Engineer and the Sheetmetal application, it will become easier to
determine which approach will be more efficient. Also, users will be able to firmly understand
whether all required design intent for the model is being incorporated into the part when starting
in Standard Pro/Engineer.
User must first start by modeling the general geometry, then select Sheetmetal under the
Applications tab as shown in the Figure 1.

Figure 1. Geometry Created in Standard Pro/Engineer to be Imported Into Sheetmetal

At this point, Pro/Engineer will prompt the user to shell the part by selecting the surfaces you
wish to shell followed by specifying a material thickness. Upon completion of this task, the part
now exists in the Sheetmetal application and the user will need to take appropriate next steps to
create a flat pattern of this part.
Since all edges are fully attached, appropriate edges will need to be ripped. By selecting the
create conversion icon as shown in Figure 2 users can rip the back 2 edges needed to create a flat
pattern and add a bend to the front 3 edges if desired.
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Figure 2. Create Conversions Functionality Used to Rip Edges

From here, the part now requires two surface rips to remove material at the front two lower edges
as seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Surface Rips of Lower Front Edges

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Lastly, the user is required to create a regular rip to break the remaining three front faces into
individual sections. Refer to Figure 4 for applicable surfaces.

Figure 4. Regular Rips Creating Three Individual Sections

Upon completion of the above steps, this Sheetmetal part can now flattened. Figure 5 represents
this part in its flattened form.

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Figure 5. Flat Pattern

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Tips of the Week
OOTB CMII Compliant Change Management Overview
Click Here To View

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Live Instructor-Lead Virtual PTC Training Courses
PTC will be offering a series of Virtual Classrooms this quarter for you looking to save money
(15% off ILT prices) and cut down on travel.
Virtual Classrooms provide interactive learning with a trained PTC instructor in convenient and
manageable sessions that last approximately 4 hours over a series of days. It's easy to join a
class right from your desk using a phone or voice-over IP technology.
Sessions are performed just like a traditional ILT (including interactive exercises where you and
the instructor can work on lab exercises together) and feature some of our most popular ILT
courses. These sessions cover the exact same material as the traditional ILT in-center courses.
Also look for some of our most frequently requested mini-topics delivered in the same format
that are only an hour - two hours in duration.
If you have any questions about these sessions or would like to see getting other courses, not on
this list, on the schedule please feel free to contact me for more details. They are a great way to
bring training to you without you having to worry about location or being out from work for long
You can register for these sessions just as you would for any normal ILT class either by:
1. calling order admin at http://www.ptc.com/services/edserv/training/registra.htm or
2. you can go to PTC University directly at http://www.ptc.com/learning and submit a
registration request directly. All you have to do is search the catalog by typing in
virtual in the search field and you will see a listing.

PTC Tips & Techniques Newsletter Archives

Miss an issue! Cant find that awesome technique you read about? Fear not, you can click on
the link below and go through our Customer PTC E-Newsletter archives.
Click Here To Access
Its better than finding the Covenant of the Ark!

PTC Tips & Techniques Webcasts: Work Smarter. Not Harder.

Click below to see regularly scheduled Tips & Techniques technical Webcasts that are designed
to provide you with the most popular time-saving tricks that Pro/ENGINEER users of all skill
levels will find useful. Get more out of your maintenance dollars!
Tips & Techniques: Work Smarter Not Harder!

Hands-On Workshops
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Experience and receive the next generation of CAD - Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire. During these
workshops you can try it yourself to experience this breakthrough in simple, powerful, and
connected in CAD software.

Special Hardware offers for customers updating to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire


PTC Sponsored Events

Click below to see PTC sponsored events:
Thinking About Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire? Check this out.


We have been eagerly anticipating the debut of the new electronic version of Profiles Magazine
and now it is here! This new web site will supplement the print edition of the magazine and will
provide new useful features not feasible with paper media. e-Profiles will provide you with
24x7, worldwide access to key information previously available exclusively in the print version.
"Tips & Tricks," a popular feature pioneered by Pro/USER, has also moved to the web and will
be expanded as the site matures. Future plans include several foreign-language editions of
Profiles for our many international readers. Currently, Profiles is printed in English and
Please take a few minutes to check out this new web site. We don't think you will be

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Upcoming Events & Training Class Schedules

Upcoming, 2004

Your local Pro/Engineer User Groups


June 5 - 8, 2005

Orlando, FL
PTC/USER International Conference

Please visit the PTC Education Services website for the latest training information
including course descriptions, schedules, locations, and pricing.

Attend a course at any PTC Center and receive a free copy of Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire
Student Edition!

Note: This PTC E-Newsletter will continue to be used for the following:
1) Inform you on events related to PTC products (user groups, conferences, training schedules, etc.)
2) Educate you on solutions that are available at PTC
3) Tips & Techniques using PTC Products

Note: These messages are compiled in the local PTC office and will be distributed via

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