Application of Capacity Spectrum Method Based On ATC 40 and BNBC 1993

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International Journal of

Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 03, No. 04, October 2014

Application of capacity spectrum method based on ATC 40 and BNBC 1993


Institute of Earthquake Engineering Research, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh

Abstract: In this paper seismic capacity of structure to resist earthquake force was estimated by the capacity
spectrum method. To evaluate the performance of frame building under future expected earthquakes, non linear
static pushover analysis was conducted following ATC 40 guidelines. A 2D Reinforced Concrete frame was
modeled in SAP 2000 by incorporating plastic hinges at the end of the structural element. Capacity of the structure
was obtained from pushover analysis. BNBC 1993 response spectrum was converted into ADRS format.
Performance point of the structure was achieved from the intersection between capacity curve and ADRS spectrum.
Keywords: Capacity, Demand, Performance, Pushover Analysis and Response Spectrum.
In recent years the focus on Performance Based Design
(PBD) concept get new dimension in the earthquake
engineering. To evaluate the adequacy of existing
building under earthquake load, simplified linear elastic
method is not sufficient. Current interest in
performance based seismic engineering showed that an
inelastic procedure especially pushover analysis is an
effective tool to assess the damage vulnerability of
buildings. Even in few years earlier, the seismic design
was carried out to provide sufficient lateral strength for
the design earthquake. Actually the performance of a
structure depends on satisfactory displacement capacity
and ductility rather than high resistance (Kadid and
Boumrkik, 2008). By introducing the ductility and
displacement inside the structure it is possible to
control damage and collapse mechanism. In the PBD
procedure, risk level with specific allowable damage
states are defined for the structure under a given
seismic intensity level. The first classic document
based on PBD is FEMA-356 (2000), which provided a
significant improvement in both seismic analysis
procedures and verification criteria accounted in two
earlier reports, FEMA-273 and FEMA-274. A parallel
effort that resulted in the publication of ATC-40 (1996)
is limited to RC buildings but is more comprehensive
in its treatment (Kunnath, 2006). Another guideline
FEMA-350 was generated to apply for the new steel
moment frames only. Significant research has been
done to evaluate the existing buildings and PBD
concepts have been included in the most advanced
seismic codes, such as EC8 and IBC (Parisi, 2010).
The purpose of this study is to apply the ATC 40
capacity spectrum method for a simple Reinforced
Concrete 2D frame building using design response
spectra in Bangladesh National Building Code
(BNBC). The method is a graphical procedure which
compares the capacity of a structure with the demands

of earthquake ground motion on the structure (See

Figure 1). The graphical presentation makes possible a
visual evaluation of how the structure will perform
when subjected to earthquake ground motion (Freeman,
1998). The capacity of the structure represented by a
force displacement curve is obtained by non-linear
static pushover analysis. The base shear forces and roof
displacements are converted to the spectral
accelerations and spectral displacements of an
equivalent Single-Degree-Of-Freedom (SDOF) system,
respectively. These spectral values define the capacity
spectrum. The demands of the earthquake ground
motion are defined by highly damped elastic spectra.
The Acceleration Displacement Response Spectrum
(ADRS) format is used, in which spectral accelerations
are plotted against spectral displacements, with the
periods represented by radial lines (Fajfar, 1999). The
intersection of the capacity spectrum and the demand
curve provides an estimate of the inelastic acceleration
and displacement demand. In this paper, the result of
the pushover analysis was compared with the existing
BNBC 1993 response spectrum.

Figure 1: Capacity Spectrum Method

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Response Spectra in BNBC:

BNBC was published in 1993. The seismic zoning map
of BNBC was prepared based on peak ground
accelerations estimated for a return period of 200 years.
The existing BNBC 1993 response spectrum is
developed for three soil types (see in Figure 2). These
soil types are defined as soft to medium clay and sand
(S3), deep cohesionless or stiff clay (S2) and Rock and
Stiff (S1). However, another soil type, very soft clay
(S4) was not defined in BNBC 1993 response spectra
(BNBC, 1993). ADRS Demand spectrum was plotted
according to ATC 40 guideline. The following equation
was used to convert a standard time acceleration
spectrum to ADRS format. Figure 3 represents the
ADRS spectra for BNBC 1993.


4 2

Figure 2: BNBC 1993 Response Spectra

Figure 3: BNBC 1993 Spectra in ADRS format

ATC 40 Pushover Analysis:

Monotonically increased displacement based pushover
analysis is performed under the application of gravity
load. A six story 2D Reinforced Concrete (RC) frame
structure modeled in SAP 2000 software to perform the
pushover analysis. The nonlinear behavior is assumed
to occur within frame elements with concentrated
plastic hinges at the end. These plastic hinges are
formulated as per ATC 40 guideline. To predict actual
or close to the actual seismic behavior, different force
distribution can be used to represent seismic load
intensity. The magnitude of the lateral load is
incrementally increased in accordance with predefined
pattern as fundamental mode shape of the frame. The
control node is used to monitor the displacement of the
roof. Performance of the structure is evaluated if the
structure meets a predescribed limit state.
Plastic Hinge:
Plastic hinges are defined at the end of the Beam and
Column element as per FEMA 356 standard. The
nonlinear load deformation relationship is shown in the
Figure 4 where generalized force versus deformation
curves used to specify component modeling and
acceptance criteria for deformation-controlled actions
(FEMA 356, 2000). The unloaded condition is
expressed as point A whereas B corresponds to
effective yield point. The slope of BC is generally
taken from 0 to 10 percentage of the initial slope. This
line BC represents strain hardening phenomena of the
material. Point C represents the nominal strength and
an abscissa value at which significant strength
degradation begins (line CD). Beyond point D, the
component responds with substantially reduced
strength to point E. At deformations greater than point
E, the component strength is effectively zero. These
five points are used to define the hinge rotation
behavior of RC members according to FEMA. Three
more points corresponding to the target Building
Performance Levels such as Collapse Prevention (CP),
Life Safety (LS), and Immediate Occupancy (IO) are
used to define the acceptance criteria for the hinge of
primary members (P) and secondary members (S) as
shown in Figure 4 ((FEMA 356, 2000).

Figure 4: Force Deformation Relation

International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 03, No. 04, October 2014, pp 364-367

Application of capacity spectrum method based on ATC 40 and BNBC 1993

Description of the Structure and Model:

Two frames were chosen in this study for pushover
analysis. One frame was considered from long direction
and another was taken from short direction of the
building. The frames are designed according to current
BNBC 1993 codal provision with a moderate
seismicity region with peak ground acceleration 0.15g.
Material properties are assumed to be 3 Ksi for the
concrete compressive strength and 60 Ksi for the yield
strength of the longitudinal and transverse
reinforcement. The building was 75 ft by 45 ft in plan
dimension and the typical floor height is 10 ft. The
building is symmetrical in the x and y directions, layout
of the building and elevations are shown in the Figure
5. From the modal analysis it has been obtained that
response of the structure is dominated by the first mode
with a 79 percent participation factor, it is expected that
the pushover analysis will yield realistic results.
Parameters of the building are shown in table 1.



Table 1: Building Parameters

Columns (in
Modal Information
x in)
Inter Exter Mode Peri Participa
(in x
Num od
16 X 14 X 1
0.93 0.796
14 X 12 X 2
0.30 0.107

a) Layout of the frame

b) Frame in




Frame in the
long direction

Figure 5: Plan and elevation of the structures

Results and Discussion:
2D model was created for two frames to perform the
non linear static pushover analysis as per ATC 40.
Beams and columns are modeled as nonlinear frame
elements with lumped plasticity at the start and the end
of each element. M3 hinges for beam and PMM hinges
for column are applied as per FEMA-356. Two
resulting capacity curves generated for the short and
long direction are shown in Figure 6. These two curves
reveal relatively similar behavior. The curves undergo
inelastic formation after certain deformation obtained
in the structure. For the short direction frame base shear
obtained was 1335 KN, base shear for the long
direction frame was 2118 KN. The target displacement
obtained for the frame was 18 cm. The performance of
the frames can be obtained from the intersection of the
demand curve and capacity curve as shown in Figure 7.
The short direction frame has relatively higher reserve
strength than longer direction during lateral loading.
The plastic hinges obtained at different performance
levels are shown in figure 8. For both frames, plastic
hinges formation started with beams and columns of
lower stories, then propagated to upper stories and
continue with yielding of interior columns in the upper
stories. Damage will be limited in this building as the
yielding is occurred up to LS limit.

International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 03, No. 04, October 2014, pp 364-367


distribution of hinges in the beams and the columns.

Most of the hinges developed in the beams and few in
the columns within the LS limit state. Performance of
the structure can be termed as good as the building has
a reasonable reserved strength under the design
earthquake ground motion. A very few members of the
frames are expected to experience limited damage
under the design earthquake ground motion.

Figure 6: Elastic demand spectra versus capacity


Figure 8: Formation of Plastic hinges.

Pushover analysis for the reinforced concrete frame
was evaluated following ATC 40 guideline. Then
performance point was obtained from the capacity
spectrum method. Response spectrum in BNBC 1993
was converted to acceleration demand spectra to
evaluate the performance of the RC frames. The
pushover analysis was relatively simple to identify the
non linear behavior of the building. These reinforced
concrete frames are adequate as indicated by the
intersection of the demand and capacity curves and the

[1] ATC, Applied Technology Council (1996),
Seismic evaluation and retrofit of concrete
buildings, ATC 40 Report. Redwood City,
California, U.S.A.
[2] Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC
1993). Bangladesh National Building Code, 1993,
[3] CSI, SAP 2000, Ver 15, integrated finite element
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[4] Fajfar, P. (1999), Capacity spectrum method based
on inelastic demand spectra, Earthquake
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[5] Federal Emergency Federal Agency, FEMA-350
(2000), Recommended Seismic Design Criteria for
New Steel Moment-Frame Buildings, Developed
by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal
Emergency Management Agency, Washington,
[6] Federal Emergency Federal Agency, FEMA-356
(2000), Pre-standard and Commentary for Seismic
Rehabilitation of Buildings, Washington DC.
[7] Freeman, S.A. (1998), The capacity spectrum
method as a tool for seismic design, Proceedings of
the 11th European Conference on Earthquake
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[8] Kadid, A. and Boumrkik A. (2008), Pushover
Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures,
Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (Building and
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[9] Kunnath S. K. (2006), Performance-Based Seismic
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International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 03, No. 04, October 2014, pp 364-367

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