Brosur Fonta
Brosur Fonta
Brosur Fonta
Application & Properties:
FONTA FN 68 is a general-purpose rutile- cellulosic electrode for welding of steel sheet structures in
ships, heavy steel structures, steelwork, workshop and maintenance welding. Can be used in all
positions and mainly with good welding characteristic in vertical down position. The weld metal have
excellent finishing, smooth surface without undercut and slag can be easily removed or self released
in most cases.
Aplikasi dan Penggunaan:
FONTA FN 68 adalah kawat las untuk aplikasi umum dengan coating rutile-selulosa, sangat cocok
untuk pengelasan pelat kapal, konstruksi, bengkel las, dan untuk repair & maintenance. Sangat baik
digunakan pada semua posisi pengelasan khususnya untuk posisi vertical down. Alur las memiliki
hasil yang sempurna, alur yang halus, tanpa ada undercut dan terak sangat mudah lepas atau
dapat terlepas sendiri.
Mechanical Properties:
Yield strength : 440 - 460 N/mm2
Tensile strength : 520 - 540 N/mm2
: > 20 %
Impact Charpy
+20oC : 80 J
Chemical Analysis (%):
C: 0,08 Mn: 0,5
Si: 0,3
Redrying: Generally not required.
If necesarry; redry at 100-110oC / 1 h
2,0 x 300
50 - 60
2 / 20
2,5 x 350
60 - 85
5 / 20
3,25 x 350
90 - 130
5 / 20
4,0 x 400
140 - 180
5 / 20
5,0 x 400
180 - 240
5 / 20
Application & Properties:
FONTA FN 76 is a low hydrogen electrode used for welding heavy duty steel structures and plates.
This electrode provides excellent arc stability and produces X-ray quality weld deposits with higher
crack resistance. FONTA FN 76 yields a beautiful bead appearance with easy slag removability.
Aplikasi & Penggunaan:
FONTA FN 76 adalah kawat las kelas high tensile untuk pengelasan konstruksi berat dan pelat
baja. Kestabilan nyala apinya sangat baik dan hasil lasnya memiliki kualitas X-ray. Alur lasnya
sangat baik dan pelepasan teraknya sangat mudah.
Size and Recommended Current Range (DC and AC):
Size (mm)
Packing (kgs)
2,5 x 350
60 - 90
4,5 / 18
3,25 x 350
95 - 150
4,5 / 18
4,0 x 400
140 - 190
5 / 20
5,0 x 400
190 - 250
5 / 20
3,25 x 350
100 - 140
4,5 / 18
4,0 x 400
140 - 190
5 / 20
5,0 x 400
190 - 250
5 / 20
Application & Properties:
FONTA FN 60 is a cellulosic electrode for pipe welding in the vertical down position; suitable for
root passes, filler, and cover passes. Specially recommended for root passes.
Aplikasi dan Penggunaan:
FONTA FN 60 adalah kawat las dengan coating selulosa untuk pengelasan pipa dengan posisi
vertical-down,sangat cocok pengelasan root pass, filler dan cover pass. Sangat direkomendasikan
untuk pengelasan root pass.
Size and Recommended Current Range (DC):
Size (mm)
Packing (kgs)
2,5 x 350
50 - 70
5 / 20
3,25 x 350
80 - 120
5 / 20
-20oC : 80 J
Chemical Analysis (%):
C: 0,06 Mn: 0,9
Si: 0,5
Required at 200oC for 2 hrs
International Standards:
AWS SFA 5.1 : E 7018
DIN 1913 : E 51 55 B 10 DIN EN
499 : E 42 5 B 42 H 10
Size (mm)
Packing (kgs)
International Standards:
AWS SFA 5.1 : E 7016
DIN 1913 : E 51 43 B (R) 10 DIN
EN 499 : E 38 2 B 12 H 10
Mechanical Properties:
Yield strength : 470 - 500 N/mm2
Tensile strength : 550 - 590 N/mm2
: > 22 %
Impact Charpy
+20oC : 150 J
4,0 x 400
110 - 150
5 / 20
5,0 x 400
140 - 200
5 / 20
Mechanical Properties:
Yield strength : 450 - 490 N/mm2
Tensile strength : 550 - 570 N/mm2
: > 22 %
Impact Charpy
+20oC : 170 J
-50oC : 70 J
Chemical Analysis (%):
C: 0,08 Mn: 1,0
Si: 0,3
Required at 200oC for 2 hrs
International Standards:
AWS SFA 5.1 : E 6010
DIN 1913
: E 43 43 C 4
DIN EN 499 : E 35 2 C 25
Mechanical Properties:
Yield strength
: 410 N/mm2
Tensile strength : 480 N/mm2
: 28 %
Impact Charpy
+20oC : 100 J
-20oC : 70 J
Chemical Analysis (%):
C: 0,1 Mn: 0,6
Si: 0,2
Redrying: Do not redry!
International Standards:
AWS SFA 5.1 : E 7010-P1 DIN
EN 499 : E 38 2 Mo C 25
Mechanical Properties:
Yield strength : 460 N/mm2
Tensile strength : 550 N/mm2
: 24 %
Impact Charpy
+20oC : 90 J
2,5 x 350
50 - 70
5 / 20
3,25 x 350
80 - 120
5 / 20
4,0 x 400
110 - 150
5 / 20
5,0 x 400
140 - 200
5 / 20
-20oC : 65 J
Chemical Analysis (%):
C: 0,1 Mn: 0,4
Si: 0,2 Mo: 0,4
Redrying: Do not redry!
International Standards:
AWS SFA 5.1 : E 7024
DIN EN 499 : E 42 0 RR 73
DIN 1913
: E 51 32 RR 11 160
Application & Properties:
FONTA FN 74 is a rutile coating electrode and high quantity of iron powder having a weld metal
recovery up to 165%. Self-releasing slag, good finishing welds and free from undercut. High melt-off
rates, short welding times and long welds to be achieved, guarantee the economical execution of fillet
Mechanical Properties:
Yield strength : 460 - 480 N/mm2
Tensile strength : 540 - 560 N/mm2
: > 22 %
Impact Charpy
3,25 x 400
140 - 160
5 / 20
4,0 x 450
180 - 230
5 / 20
5,0 x 450
260 - 340
5 / 20
Application & Properties:
FONTA FN 308L is an austenitic 18% Cr - 9% Ni stainless steel electrodes with an extra low
carbon content. Fine metal droplet transfer, good fusion of joint faces, finely rippled bead surface,
easily removable slag. Easy arc striking and restriking.
Aplikasi dan Penggunaan:
FONTA FN 308L adalah kawat las stainless steel austenitik dengan kandungan 18% Cr dan 9% Ni
dengan kandungan karbon rendah. Alur lasnya sangat baik, pelepasan teraknya mudah, kestabilan
nyala api dan restriking-nya sangat baik.
Size and Recommended Current Range (DC and AC):
Size (mm)
Packing (kgs)
2,5 x 300
45 - 80
4,5 / 18
3,25 x 350
70 - 120
5 / 20
4,0 x 350
100 - 150
5 / 20
International Standards:
AWS SFA 5.4 : E 308L-16
DIN EN 1600 : E 19 9 L R 12
DIN 8556 : E 19 9 L R 23
Mechanical Properties:
Yield strength : 400 N/mm2
Tensile strength : 580 N/mm2
: 35 %
Impact Charpy
+20oC : 65 J
Chemical Analysis (%):
C: 0,04
Mn: 0,8 Si: 0,7
Cr: 18
Ni: 9
Required at 200oC for 2 hrs
International Standards:
AWS SFA 5.4 : E 316L-16
DIN EN 1600 : E 19 12 3 L R 12
DIN 8556 : E 19 12 3 L R 36 23
Application & Properties:
FONTA FN 316L is an austenitic 17% Cr - 12% Ni - 2,5% Mo stainless steel electrodes with an extra
low carbon content. Fine metal droplet transfer, good fusion of joint faces, finely rippled bead
surface, easily removable slag. Easy arc striking and restriking.
Mechanical Properties:
Yield strength
: 420 N/mm2
Tensile strength
: 600 N/mm2
: 33 %
Size (mm)
Packing (kgs)
2,5 x 300
45 - 80
4,5 / 18
3,25 x 350
70 - 120
5 / 20
4,0 x 350
100 - 150
5 / 20
Application & Properties:
FONTA FN 310 is an austenitic 25% Cr - 20% Ni stainless steel electrodes for welding heat resisting
stainless steels as well as cast steels. Fully austenitic weld metal, heat resistance up to 1200 oC.
2,5 x 300
65 - 80
4,5 / 18
3,25 x 350
90 - 120
5 / 20
4,0 x 350
115 - 150
5 / 20
International Standards:
AWS SFA 5.4 : E 310-15
DIN EN 1600 : E 25 20 B 42
DIN 8556
: E 25 20 B 20 +
Mechanical Properties:
Yield strength
: 400 N/mm2
Tensile strength
: 600 N/mm2
: 35 %
Impact Charpy (+20oC) : 100 J
Chemical Analysis (%):
C: 0,12
Mn: 2,2
Si: 0,5
Cr: 25
Ni: 20
Redrying: 200oC for 2 hrs
International Standards:
AWS SFA 5.4 : E 312-16
DIN EN 1600 : E 29 9 R 12
DIN 8556
: E 29 9 R 23
Mechanical Properties:
Application & Properties:
FONTA FN 312 electrode produce a weld deposit of 28% Cr - 10% Ni with the highest tensile & yield Yield strength : 450 N/mm
strength of any stainless electrode. It is used to weld dissimilar steels, unknown steels, difficult to Tensile strength : 750 N/mm2
weld steels, abrasion resistant steels, high strength steels and for joining high temperature alloys to Elongation
: 20 %
carbon or low alloy steels. FONTA FN 312 electrodes produce ductile, crack resistant, porosity-free
weld deposits. Can be also used for Mn steels, hardening steels, armour steels, spring steels, and as Chemical Analysis (%):
C: 0,1
Mn: 0,6
Si: 1,1
a wear resistant build-up and buffer layer for hardfacing.
Cr: 28
Ni: 10
Aplikasi dan Penggunaan:
Size and recommended
FONTA FN 312 adalah kawat las problem steel dengan kandungan deposit las 28% Cr - 10% Ni
current range (DC and AC):
yang menghasilkan alur las dengan memiliki tensile strangth dan yield strength yang tinggi. Sangat
cocok untuk pengelasan baja yg berbeda jenisnya, baja yang tidak diketahui jenisnya, baja yang sulit Size (mm) Amps.
2,5 x 300 55 - 85
4,5 / 18
dilas, baja yang tahan abrasi, baja kekuatan tinggi. Alur lasnya sangat ulet, tahan retak, bebas pori, &
3,25 x 350 80 - 120
5 / 20
dapat digunakan untuk pengelasan baja mangan, pengerasan baja, baja pegas, dan sebagai lapisan
4,0 x 350 110 - 150
5 / 20
buffer layer yang tahan gesek sebelum dilakukan pengelasan hardfacing.
Application & Properties:
FONTA 309Mo was developed for welding 22% Cr - 13% Ni - 2.5% Mo stainless steel, austenitic
stainless steel containing molybdenum to mild or carbon steel and for welding ferritic steel plates
clad with AISI 316 stainless steel. This electrode yields an austenitic ferritic, crack resistance against
sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, etc. It is typically used for overlaying carbon steel giving weld deposits
analogous to 316 stainless steel.
5 / 20
5 / 20
International Standards:
AWS SFA 5.4 : E 309Mo-16 DIN
EN 1600 : E 23 12 2 L R 12 DIN
8556 : E 23 13 2 L R 23
Mechanical Properties:
Yield strength
: 420 N/mm2
Tensile strength
: 640 N/mm2
: 30 %
4,5 / 18
5 / 20
5 / 20
International Standards:
AWS SFA 5.4 : E 307-16
DIN 8555
: E8-UM-200 / 50-KPZ
Mechanical Properties:
Hardness : 200 HB (as welded)
500 HB
(after work hardening)
5 / 20
5 / 20
5 / 20
International Standards:
AWS SFA 5.4 : E 307-15
DIN EN 1600 : E 18 8 Mn B 22
DIN 8556 : E 18 8 Mn B 20 +
Mechanical Properties:
Yield strength
: 400 N/mm2
Tensile strength : 650 N/mm2
: 35 %
Impact Charpy
+20 C : 100 J
-60oC : 60 J
Chemical Analysis (%):
C: 0,12
Mn: 6
Si: 0,4
Cr: 19
Ni: 9
Size and recommended
current range (DC):
Size (mm)
2,5 x 300
3,25 x 350
4,0 x 400
65 - 70
95 - 120
110 - 160
4,5 / 18
5 / 20
5 / 20
International Standards:
DIN 8555
: E 1 - UM - 300
Mechanical Properties:
Hardness: 350 - 400 HB
Chemical Analysis (%):
C: 0,23 Mn: 0,22 Si: 0,15
Cr: 2,8
International Standards:
DIN 8555
: E 6 - UM - 60
Mechanical Properties:
Hardness : 57 - 62 HRC (as welded)
Chemical Analysis (%):
C: 0,45
Mn: 0,4
Si: 0,6
Cr: 7,3
Mo: 0,4
V: 0,6
Size and recommended
current range (DC and AC):
Size (mm) Amps.
3,25 x 350 100 - 135
4,0 x 400 140 - 180
5,0 x 400 190 - 240
4,5 / 18
5 / 20
5 / 20
International Standards:
DIN 8555
: E 7 - UM - 200 KP
Mechanical Properties:
Hardness : 200 HB (as welded)
400 - 500 HB
(after work hardening)
Chemical Analysis (%):
C: 1,0
Mn: 12
Si: 0,6
International Standards:
DIN 8555
: E 10 - UM - 60 R
Mechanical Properties:
Hardness : 58 - 62 HRC (as welded)
Chemical Analysis (%):
C: 4,3
Cr: 33
International Standards:
DIN 8555
: E 10 - UM - 60
4,5 / 18
5 / 20
5 / 20
Application & Properties:
FONTA FN CUT is especially used for all cutting, gouging, bevelling and piercing purposes. Particularly suitable for cutting industrial
metals like steels, cast irons, non-ferrous metals and also metals which are difficult or impossible to cut with oxyacetylene process. The
surface finish is very clean and smooth. Possible to use in AC or DC provides higher metal removal speed.
Aplikasi & Penggunaan:
FONTA FN CUT adalah kawat las ini berfungsi untuk memotong, membuang alur las dari material yang terbuat dari besi maupun logam
bukan besi. Sangat cocok untuk material baja karbon, baja ancuran, baja paduan non besi dan baja lainnya yang sulit dipotong dengan
proses oksigen-asetilena. Kegunaan khusus dari kawat las ini yaitu: membuang alur las yang berlebihan, membuang alur las yang salah,
mempersiapkan sambungan yang akan dilas, membuang alur las hardfacing yang keras karena mengandung unsur chromium, seperti:
bucket teeth, armor plates, serta untuk membuang alur las yang tidak diinginkan sebelum dilakukan finishing.
Size and Recommended Current Range (DC and AC):
Size (mm)
Packing (kgs)
3,25 x 400
140 - 160
4 / 16
4,0 x 400
200 - 250
4 / 16
5,0 x 450
250 - 350
4 / 16
International Standards:
AWS SFA 5.15 : E Ni-C1
DIN 8573
: E Ni BG 22
Mechanical Properties:
: 140 HB
Yield strength : 200 N/mm2
Tensile strength : 400 N/mm2
: 5%
3,25 x 350
4,0 x 350
80 - 110
110 - 150
5 / 20
5 / 20
International Standards:
AWS SFA 5.15 : E NiCu-B
DIN 8573
: E NiCu BG 22
Mechanical Properties:
: 150 HB
Yield strength : 220 N/mm2
Tensile strength : 400 N/mm2
: 15%
Aplikasi & Penggunaan:
Chemical Analysis (%):
FONTA FN NiCu adalah kawat las ancuran (cast iron) dengan kawat inti paduan nikel -tembaga dan C: 0,5
Ni: 55
Cu: 40
hasil lasnya mudah dibubut. Kawat las ini sangat cocok untuk pengelasan baja ancuran abu-abu, baja
ancuran lunak. Alur lasnya memiliki warna yang sama dengan baja ancuran itu sendiri. Sangat cocok Size and recommended
untuk perbaikan baja ancuran yang retak atau berpori.
current range (DC and AC):
Redrying: 100 - 110oC for 1 hr
Size (mm)
2,5 x 350
3,25 x 350
4,0 x 350
50 - 80
80 - 110
110 - 150
5 / 20
5 / 20
5 / 20
International Standards:
AWS SFA 5.15 : E NiFeC1
DIN 8573
: E NiFe-1 BG 22
Mechanical Properties:
: 170 HB
Yield strength
: 300 N/mm2
Tensile strength : 450 N/mm2
: 10%
Chemical Analysis (%):
C: 0,5
Ni: 55
Fe: 40
130 - 170
5 / 20
International Standards:
AWS SFA 5.6 : E Cu Sn C
DIN 1733 : E Cu Sn 8
Mechanical Properties:
Tensile strength : 300 - 350 N/mm2
: 70 - 110 HV
Chemical Analysis (%):
Cu: 91 Sn: 7,5 Mn: 0,4 P: 0,3
Aplikasi & Penggunaan:
Size and recommended
FONTA FN BRONZE adalah kawat las paduan tembaga-timah untuk perbaikan dan melapisi material current range (DC):
yang terbuat dari paduan tembaga & juga cocok untuk membuat lapisan tembaga pada baja karbon
& baja ancuran. Sangat cocok untuk pengelasan material-material yang terbuat dari paduan Size (mm)
3,25 x 350
70 - 100
5 / 20
tembaga-timah, kuningan, dan tembaga murni.
Redrying: 200oC for 2 hrs
Jl. Raya Bekasi Km. 24,5 (Cakung)
Jakarta 13910 - Indonesia
Telephone : 021-4600779,
4600784 Facsimile : 021-4600785
email :
Ruko Kahuripan Nirwana Boulevard Blok RB Kav. 1819 Kahuripan Nirwana, Sidoarjo 61226, Jawa Timur
Telephone : 031-58204848 (hunting)
Facsimile : 031-51516768