Telecommunications Consultants India LTD

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Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd.

(AGovernment ofIndiaEnterprise)
TCILBhawan, GreaterKailash-1,New Delhi110048
Tel.: +91-11-26202435 Fax: +91-11-26242313
No. TCIL/13/2016-17/S&TC/CCTV/AAI

May 19, 2016

Pre-bid tie-up for Selection of partner for SITC of Biometric Access Control System (ACS)
TCIL intends to participate in the tender for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Biometric Access
Control System (ACS) in PAN INDIA. On the same, TCIL is looking for a back end partner having prior experience in
the field of Biometric Access Control System / IT networking projects. Interested parties may submit their offer as
asked below latest by 23.05.2016. The qualified bidders will be asked further to submit techno-commercial offer.
On award of work to successful bidder, bidder has to carry out the project on Turnkey basis as per the terms and
conditions defined by the TCIL customer. Bidder may also note that in this tender purchase preference has given to
Central Public Sector Undertaking (CPSU) as per the directives of Govt. of India prevalent on the date of acceptance.

Pre-Qualification Criteria:
The bidder should meet the following pre-qualification criteria:
S No

Qualification Criteria

Mandatory documentary evidence to be Submitted


The bidder must be a registered company in

India, registered under the Companies Act
1956. The bidder should be operating in India
for the last three years as on 31/03/2015.

Company Profile
Memorandum & Articles of Association
Copy of Certificate of Incorporation
Details of the Vendor Firm/ Company (As per
attached format).


The bidder should have an average turnover of

IT/ITC/Networking projects in last 3 financial
years as on 31/03/2015.
The turnover refers to standalone of the
company and not the group turnover of its
subsidiaries/sister concern etc.
The bidder should have positive net-worth for
last 3 years and should be profit making for
last 3 years.

Copy of the audited balance sheet of the

Certificate from the Statutory CA stating that
bidder has average turnover of minimum Rs. 50
Crore from IT/ITC/Networking projects in last 3
financial years as on 31/03/2015

The bidder should have successfully executed

in last seven years, orders for supply &
installation of Access Control Systems or works
IT/Electronics/Surveillance/Security related
Projects in Government Departments or Public
Undertakings or Private sectors in India or
abroad, meeting any one of the following
1. One order of value more than or equivalent
to Rs. 32 Crore.
2. Two orders each of value more than or
equivalent to Rs. 20 Crore.
3. Three orders each of value more than or
equivalent to Rs. 16 Crore.



Copy of the audited Profit & Loss Statements for

each of the last 3 financial years
Certificate from the Statutory CA is mandatory
regarding positive net-worth
Work Orders and Completion
Certificate/payment proof is mandatory to submit
A letter of bidder having details of customer of
works claimed for experience including postal
address, official Phone Number, Email Address
and URL (
List of client references with contact details
including Email Ids.

Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd.

(AGovernment ofIndiaEnterprise)
TCILBhawan, GreaterKailash-1,New Delhi110048
Tel.: +91-11-26202435 Fax: +91-11-26242313
S No

Qualification Criteria

Mandatory documentary evidence to be Submitted

The bidder should submit the initial EMD of Rs

2 Lakh (refundable) in the form of Demand
Draft (DD) in favour of Telecommunications
Consultants India Limited payable at New
Delhi along with the offer. The successful
bidder shall be asked to submit additional
EMD of Rs. 11,90,953/- on back to back basis
The Bid submitted without EMD will be rejected. On
EMD no interest shall be payable.
The bidder should be an ISO 9001:2008 certified

Copies of the valid certificates from authorized



The bidder should submit valid documentary

proof of Central Sales Tax/ VAT registration
number, service tax registration and PAN no.

Self-Certified Copy of PAN Card

Copy of Service Tax, Central Sales Tax/ VAT


The bidder shall submit an undertaking stating its

firm or its partners or its Directors have not been
black listed or any case is pending or any complaint
regarding irregularities is pending, in India or
abroad, by any global international body like World
Bank/International Monetary Fund/ World health
Organization etc.., or any Indian State/Central
Governments Departments or Public Sector
Undertaking of India

Self-declaration regarding the same on the

bidders Letter Head (as per attached format).


The bidder should be agreed on back to back

payment terms and other conditions with the

Self-declaration regarding the same

bidders Letter Head

on the


The selected bidder shall have to sign

the Integrity Pact with TCIL and MOU.

Self-declaration regarding the same

bidders Letter Head

on the


No Consortium and sub-contracting is allowed

on the


The bidder should be agreed to submit PBG to

TCIL as & when asked.

Self-declaration regarding the same

bidders Letter Head
Self-declaration regarding the same
bidders Letter Head


Power of Attorney (In case of Signatory is

other than Director of a Company or
Proprietor / Partner of the Firm)


EMD is required in the form of Demand Draft

Telecommunications Consultants India Limited
payable at New Delhi
Bidder is required to submit the undertaking that
after short listing through TCIL he will submit
additional EMD of Rs. 1,32,90,953/- in the form of
BG on back to back basis.

on the

Stamp Paper of Rs 100/- in favor of signatory

The interested parties may collect detailed tender document & submit their offer along with the relevant documents in
support of their claim, latest by 23.05.2016 at 12:00 hours at the below mentioned address.

Group General Manager (S&TC)

Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd.
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Room No. 411, 4th Floor, TCIL Bhawan,
Greater Kailash-1, New Delhi 110048

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