Permission Letter - Summer Youth Camp 2016
Permission Letter - Summer Youth Camp 2016
Permission Letter - Summer Youth Camp 2016
April 5, 2016
Elder Ronie Talde
Church Board Chairperson & Church Board Members
Christian Greetings!
The mission of the Adventist Youth Ministries Department is to lead young people into a
saving relationship with Jesus Christ and to help them embrace His call to discipleship.
Youth must be trained in service of God.
We, the Adventist Youth Department of Don Carlos Adventist Church, are very happy and
excited to be part of this upcoming NCMC-Wide Pathfinder Summer Youth Camp 2016
held at Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City, on April 10-16, 2016 with the theme,
Empowering Young Leaders, and this event will be participated with vast numbers of
Adventist Youth throughout North Central Mindanao.
By this, we would like to ask the permission of the church that we will send delegates /
youth through the leadership of the Adventist Youth Fellowship of the South Bukidnon
District Association (SOBUDA) to lead our youth to that said event. Additionally, we would
like to borrow specific camp materials needed for the said event. It is our duty and
responsibility as leaders to use it carefully and responsively return it right away after the
said camping.
We are facing the most difficult problem in encouraging our youth to take active service in
our church today. Im happy to inform you that the participants may range 8-10 youths from
our church for that camping. We have little members of youth at our church this time but
this will pave way for others to be influenced by them. Attached herewith are the event
timeline, the materials to be borrowed from the church, the financial contributions and the
itineraries of the said activity.
We believe that this activity will be a catalyst for future youth involvement for service,
leadership and discipleship. We are aiming high and were positive for your great support.
Thank you and God bless.
Arrival and Opening Ceremony
Camp Activities
Sabbath Day and Investiture Program
End of Camp
75 Pesos Registration
75 Pesos Pathfinder Green Card
500 Pesos Food Contribution: Includes Rice and Meals
425 Commute Fare Back and Forth [Don Carlos Cagayan de Oro Camp Site]
Total = 1075 Pesos [Does Not Include Personal Allowance and Personal Needs]
We are aiming high and were positive for your great support. Thank you and May God
continue to bless you and your family.
We are aiming high and were positive for your great support. Thank you and May God
continue to bless you and your family.
their contribution and participate in the said event. We believe that this activity will be a
catalyst for future youth involvement for service, leadership and discipleship.
We are aiming high and were positive for your great support. Thank you and May God
continue to bless you and your family.
As officers, we were hoping to solicit amount that would cater the fare for their trip back
and forth and also their camp registration so that the young people will be able to lessen
their contribution and participate in the said event. We believe that this activity will be a
catalyst for future youth involvement for service, leadership and discipleship.
We are aiming high and were positive for your great support. Thank you and May God
continue to bless you and your family.