Hymenolepis Nana and H. Diminuta by Scanning Electron Micros
Hymenolepis Nana and H. Diminuta by Scanning Electron Micros
Hymenolepis Nana and H. Diminuta by Scanning Electron Micros
ISSN 2079-2018
IDOSI Publications, 2011
M.S. Mahmoud, 1A.H. El Namaky, 1O.M. Kandil, 1N.A.T. Allam, 2A.A. Hasan and 1H.M. Ashry
Department of Parasitology and Animal Diseases, National Research Center, Giza, Egypt
Department of Parasitology, National Hepatology and Tropical Medicine Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) succeeds in revealing novel microtopographical features of the
host-parasite relationship, as well as proving invaluable in helminthes taxonomy. Hymenolepis nana and
H. diminuta are commonly maintained in laboratory rodents and used in many experimental model systems of
tapeworms infections. In the present work, the length of worm of Hymenolepis nana and H. diminuta were
approximately up to 1-3 cm 1mm and 6 cm 3.5 mm, respectively. The SEM revealed that the scolex of H. nana
and diminuta appears roughly rectangular and is provided with an armed suker and rostellum. The rostellum
is provided with hymenolepid hook in H. nana and an unhooked rostellum in H. diminuta. These suckers
occupy the corners of the rectangular scolex. Fine structural of the tegumental surface of both H. nana and
H. diminuta is densely covered with microtriches which are of the same shape and were never seen to
be branched. SEM of intestinal mucosa of infected rat with H. nana revealed alteration in villous architecture.
The purpose of this study is to use SEM technique as advanced approach for differentiating between H. nana
and H. diminuta.
Key words: Scanning electron microscopy % SEM % Rat % H. nana % H. diminuta
Corresponding Author: Mona Said Mahmoud, Department of Parasitology and Animal Diseases, Veterinary Research Division,
National Research Centre, Postal code: 12622, Giza, Egypt.
aminomethane meleat
pH 7.4 [15].
The samples were rinsed for an hour in a fresh
phosphate buffer salin (pH.7.4) and dehydrated in an
ascending series of ethanol. The specimens were
placed in liquid CO2 then mounted on metal stubs
coated with gold and examined with a Joel SEM
(Joel Corp., Mikaka, Japan) operated at 15 Kv. This work
was carried out in central laboratory of national
research center, Cairo, Egypt.
SEM of H. Nana: The length worm is approximately 1-3
cm 1mm. The scolex appears roughly rectangular and is
provided with a comparatively large hooked rostellum.
The rostellum lies at the center of the scolex and is
provided with pointed and posteriorly directed hooks.
The neck and then is followed by gradually immature and
mature proglottides. Genital atria are unilateral; each has
a rounded opening and is surrounded with ordinary
microtriches. The entire tegumental surface is densely
covered with microtriches of uniform size and density.
The microtriches were overlapped that it was difficult
to observe their bases. Gravid segments are more
posterior (Fig1 a-e).
Fig. 1:
Fig. 3: Scanning electron micrographs of the intestine of mice infected with H. nana:
a) Anterior region of the illum of mice show that the villi are reduced in height and fused to give irregularly
shaped ridges of tissue (x 2300).
b) Region of the ileum of mice with numerous long filamentous bacteria on the surface of mucosa associated with
the presence of worms (x65).
c, d) Damaged and fused epithelial cells which may the scolex of H. nana becomes attached to the wall of intestine
(x 800, x240).