A Review: Control Area Network (CAN) Based Intel-Ligent Vehicle System For Driver Assistance Using Advanced RISC Machines (ARM)

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2015 International Conference on Pervasive Computing (ICPC)

A Review: Control Area Network (CAN) based Intelligent Vehicle System for Driver Assistance using
Advanced RISC Machines (ARM)
Ashutosh U. Jadhav

N.M. Wagdarikar

PG Student, Department of E and TC Engineering

STESS, Smt.Kashibai Navale College of Engineering
Vadgaon, Pune, India.

Assistance professor, Department of E and TC Engineering

STESS, Smt.Kashibai Navale College of Engineering
Vadgaon, Pune, India.



Abstract Automotive Electronics sector is now a days becoming more in demand due to its increasing technology. Most of
luxurious cars consist of automatic controls for different parameters present in the car surrounding. As more and more
applications are available of on-vehicle information system, the
connection between the vehicle bus network and information
system is becoming a trend. Basically in automobile industries
CAN protocol is used for communication. The proposed system
presents the development and implementation of a digital driving system for a semi-autonomous vehicle to improve the drivervehicle interface and can provide technological development for
future applications in vehicles information system. The system
is able to monitor Road lane violation, Drowsiness and Alcohol
with the help of sensors and webcam which can minimize road
accidents. System contains controller block designed using
ARM, alcohol and Eye-blink sensors, CAN controller, Webcam,
GPS and GSM modules.

of India shows that driver fault is the single most important

factor and accounted for 81 percent of total accidents. These
include driving at very high speeds over the optimum speed
limit as desired, presence of alcohol and drugs in the blood
stream of the driver, fatigue and sleeplessness, distracted
driving through use of cell phones, visibility issues such as
fog or rain etc., road and vehicle related factors. The impact
of crash severity is influenced by presence or absence of certain protective mechanisms such as use of airbags, use of
safety devices like helmets in the case of motorcycles, seat
belts in case of four-wheelers and use of child-restraints for
infants [2]. The graph 1 bellow shows accidents caused by
driver errors. Some experts say that 95 percent of accidents
are caused by driver errors.

Keywords ARM (Advanced RISC Machines), Alcohol,

Automobile, Control Area Network (CAN), Sensor.


he health problems confronting the Indian society have

been rapidly changing since there is removal of controls by
the government and consequent globalization. As there is
rapid increase in urbanization and industrialization the necessity to travel across the entire country by all age groups is
taking place. With poor public transportation systems in the
country, the people are referring their own personal modes of
transport for traveling from one place to another which has
increased across Indian cities and in rural areas. Poor infrastructural facilities results in motor vehicles accidents being
in clash with people and other vehicles on roads.
Considering Indian roads, nearly 20 to 30 types of vehicles of different shapes, sizes and speeds drive on available
space and are in a rush to reach their destination. Road crashes, deaths and injuries have become an important and leading
cause of deaths, hospitalizations, disabilities and socioeconomic losses in the country. According to the Road accidents report 2008 in India by the Transport Research Wing
the Ministry of Road transport and Highways, Government

978-1-4799-6272-3/15/$31.00(c)2015 IEEE

Graph .1. Vehicle crashes caused by driver errors.

In order to reduce the number of road accidents caused by
various driving factors and to improve the safety and efficiency of the traffic, the researches and companies on Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) are conducted worldwide
survey for many years. Intelligent vehicle (IV) system aims
to assist drivers in any dangerous situations to avoid the road
accidents. IV system is a component of the ITS system which
is able to sense and understand the environment around itself.
Hence there is a need to design a system which will overcome above problems [1].
A new system is introduced which combines the features
like lane detection, alcohol and drowsiness detection. This
system detects the mentioned parameters and makes the vehicle intelligent by maintaining the parameters within speci-

fied safety conditions and avoiding road accidents caused by

drowsiness and traffic rules are also not violated [1].
Different approaches for detection of driver drowsiness,
alcohol and lane detection are presented below.
In Context-Aware Driver Behaviour Detection System
in Intelligent Transportation Systems [1], a context aware
system is proposed which detects driver behaviour. A
VANET (Vehicular ad hoc networks) is used to detect abnormal
behaviours of drivers and to warn other vehicles on the road
to prevent accidents. A model based on dynamic Bayesian
networks (DBNs) in real time is proposed which detects four
types of driving behavior like normal, drunk, reckless, and
fatigue. By observing 35 numbers of evidences differentiations between different drivers behaviour are observed.
In, Detection of Driver Fatigue Caused by Sleep Deprivation [3], has presented driver drowsiness indications
which are based on the drivervehicle interaction characteristics. The experimental setup is developed in which 12 male
participates have performed test in two sessions. These sessions include different levels of sleep such as partial sleep
deprivation and no sleep deprivation. This experiment shows
that sleep deprivation had greater effect on no sleep deprivation of skill based cognitive functions. When the drivers were
sleep-deprived, their performance of responding to unexpected disturbances degraded, which caused distractions in
lane tracking, vehicle following, and lane changing.
In, The automatic control system of anti drunk-driving
[4], in which a alcohol detection system is prepared which
consists of a alcohol sensor connected to ADC and this ADC
is interfaced to a Microcontroller which performs control
action. When alcohol is detected the car is controlled automatically so that occurrence of Drink and Drive is avoided.
In Water-Cluster-Detecting Breath Sensor and Applications in Cars for Detecting Drunk or Drowsy Driving [5],
has developed a system that detects drunk and drowsiness. In
this the water-cluster-detecting (WCD) sensor is designed
which works on breath detection. The WCD breath sensor
detects breath in the form of water clusters in which
measuring of electric currents of positively or negatively
charged p ar ticles p r esent in breath are separated by using
an electric field. The WCD sensor consists of an alcohol sensor which detects the alcohol contents and simultaneously
detects the electrical signals of breath, which ensures that the
sample is not an artificial source but from a persons breath.
This sensor is kept at a distance of about 50 cm and is testing
the level of alertness of a driver sitting on the drivers seat.
The designed WCD sensor is highly sensitive to detect alcohol vapours and drowsiness of the driver by measuring
breath peaks due to which drunk and drowsy driving is prevented.
In, Self-Calibrated Multiple-Lane Detection System
[6], has presented a multiple-lane detection system. This system works on detection of lane with the help of camera as
well as GPS module.GPS module generates digital map data
of the road based on vehicles position. The camera is used
for detection of lane with parameters like pitch angle. A real
time system is presented by combining camera and GPS
module. Developed system concludes with vehicles location, camera position sensing and lane detection.

In, On-Board Lane Detection System for Intelligent Vehicle Based on Monocular Vision [7], a system is developed
that locates the road lane position with help of monocular
vision in real time. This system works in five steps viz. edge
detection of road lane, matching of road edges with texture
database, searching the continuity of road edges, linking for
enhancing road lines, localization with a K-means cluster. As
no assumptions are made about road structure the presented
system is generalized one.
In, Study on the Embedded CAN Bus Control System in
the Vehicle [8], developed system uses an ARM controller
as the main control unit and CAN bus within a car. ARM is
used to obtain high performance. Use of CAN makes highspeed communication in control networks and also helps
sharing of data between all nodes which results in enhancing
their collaborative work.
The figure 1 show the proposed system block diagram
and figure 2 show the tracking section.

Fig. 1. Proposed block diagram

Fig. 2. Tracking system

The proposed system is divided into three parts as Master,
Slave and Tracking section as shown in figure 1 and figure 2.
Slave block is responsible for detection various parameters
such as of driver drowsiness, drivers alcohol content and
unauthorized Lane shifting. Master block is responsible for
collecting all the data received from the slave and to provide
control action such as alerting the driver and to control lane
shifting. There is use of GPS and GSM modules that provides location of the vehicle which is useful for tracking the
vehicles position. The tracking section in figure 2 uses PC

installed with maps interfaced with GSM module. Both the

ARM controllers, Master and Slave are connected to CAN
bus protocol for exchanging the information and for communication. CAN is used for more faster and reliable communication.
Driver behaviour is affected by many factors that are related to the vehicle, the environment and over the course of
driving. Monitoring and detecting the drivers behaviour to
ensure road safety is important because road accidents take
place. Hence it is important to capture driver behaviour
which will control the accidents and after effects caused by
rash driving under the influence of alcohol. The proposed
system deals with detection of Alcohol and Drowsiness using
sensors and accordingly precautions are taken. Due to use of
image processing by webcam, unauthorized Lane shifting is
detected and avoided which minimizes road accidents. The
track of vehicle is also kept as there is use of GPS and GSM
The author would like to express his sincere thanks to his
Head of Department Dr. S.K. Shah for her valuable references and support throughout the seminar work. The author
would also like to thank Prof. N.M. Wagdarikar and Prof.
R.H. Jagdale for their support, co-operation and valuable
The author would be grateful to his Principal, Dr. A.V.
Deshpande and Vice Principal, Dr. K.R. Borole for their encouragement and guidance throughout the course.
Also author would express his sincere thanks to all teaching and non teaching staff of Electronics and Telecommunication department of Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Engineering- Pune, for their help.




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