Ella Fitzsimmons: Curriculum Vitae Sample

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Curriculum Vitae Sample

Ella Fitzsimmons
3627 Barker Avenue
Austin, Texas 78705


The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX

Master of Arts degree in Art Education
Current GPA: 4.0
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
Teach for Georgia, alternative certification

Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA

Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art , Minor in Economics magna cum laude

May 2007

May 2002

May 1999


Title: Re-Visioning Multicultural Competencies for Texas Art Teachers

Synopsis: The thesis examines the changes in multicultural content and approaches to multicultural art education
through comparative analysis of the 1986 competency standards and the newly revised 2006 standards for the initial
all-level certification examination of art teachers in Texas. Advisor: Dr. Phillip Baron.


Multicultural art education

Teacher education and evaluation
Critical theory
Material culture and built-environment education

Aesthetic pluralism


State of Texas, All-Level Art (PreK-12) Teacher Certification

State of Georgia, Early Childhood Education (PreK-5) Teacher Certification


The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX

Jan. 2006 to Present

Facilitator/Teaching Assistant
Schedule and perform regular observations and evaluations of pre-service art teachers spring

apprenticeships in the Visual Art Studies program at The University of Texas.

Conduct regular conferences with cooperating teachers and pre-service teachers.

Design and write the Art Education/Visual Art Studies newsletters.

Communicate with art education faculty, graduate and undergraduate alumni, and staff from art



Jester A115

organizations and museums on campus in order to solicit information for the newsletter.

Develop and maintain a database for maintaining current contact and career information about alumni.

The Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art, Austin, TX

Sept. 2006 to Present

Gallery Teacher
Teach gallery lessons for 4th-6th grade students participating in Art Central, the museums multiplevisit program, and for other K-12, university, and adult groups.
Adapt learning experiences for individuals and groups with special needs.
Manage tour logistics and address on-site problems.
The Art School, The Austin Museum of Art, Austin, TX

May 2005 to Dec. 2005

Art Instructor, ages four through fourteen

Designed and executed art lessons that engaged students in thinking about the creative art process using
diverse media.
Emphasized exploration of materials and self-expression, while also introducing various cultural art forms,
historical art movements and techniques.
Integrated other disciplines, such as science and literature, into lessons.
Modeled the use of appropriate language and questioning in group critiques.
Prepared course syllabi and communicated with parents about individual students artworks and artistic
Knowles Elementary School, Cedar Park, TX

Aug. 2003 to May 2005

Art Teacher, pre-kindergarten through fifth grade

Developed and implemented hands-on instruction for approximately 900 students in a variety of media,
including painting, drawing, printmaking, ceramics, construction, collage, and textiles.
Incorporated art history and criticism of master artworks and students artworks into weekly instruction.
Facilitated presentation of student work in venues outside the school building, including local retail spaces
and administrative offices within the school district.
Founded and chaired the Cultural Arts Committee whose goal was to bring in artists, performers and cultural
representatives from the community to present programs to the student body.
Collaborated with colleagues in the early intervention program for low-achieving students.
Evaluated various published textbooks for district textbook adoption process as part of the Art Textbook

Texas Art Education Association Conference
Fort Worth, TX

Nov. 2006

Reinvigorating the Routine: Considerations for 21st Century Art Instruction

A discussion of the limitations of and alternatives to traditional curricular approaches to multicultural art education.
Possibilities for converting typical multicultural art lessons into culturally responsive units centered on a social
issue are demonstrated.



Jester A115

Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference

Marble Falls, TX

Regarding Content and Meaning: Investigating Issue-based Curriculum for a Multicultural Art Education

Oct. 2006

An examination of the role of art teachers as powerful advocates for social justice and equity through multicultural
art education that is centered on researching social issues. The benefits of this thematic approach are explored and
pedagogical strategies are suggested.
Leander Independent School District February Conference
Cedar Park, TX
Clay Clinic

Feb. 2005

Hands-on instruction in ceramic hand-building and finishing techniques for various skill levels among elementary

National Art Education Association Conference
Chicago, IL
Texas Art Education Association Conference
Austin, TX

Leander Independent School District February Conference

Cedar Park, TX


Susan Vaughan Foundation Endowed Scholarship in Art and Art History
Awarded $750

Pre-Emptive Fellowship from The University of Texas at Austin

Awarded $10,000


Graduate Student Assembly, The University of Texas, Austin, TX

Representative for the Art Education Graduate Program

March 2006

Nov. 2005

Feb. 2004

Nov. 2005

Sept. 2005

March 2006 to Present

Attend monthly meetings of the Graduate Student Assembly and represent the interests of the Art Education
graduate students in forum discussions and votes.

Record and disseminate information from Assembly meetings to graduate students, the graduate coordinator,

and departmental faculties.

The Austin Museum of ArtLaguna Gloria, Austin, TX

Volunteer and Researcher

Supported instruction in children and youth art classes.

Sept. 2005 to Dec. 2005

Conducted ethnographic, survey and historical research into Laguna Glorias community art programs.


American Educational Research Association

National Art Education Association

Caucus on Social Theory in Art Education

Womens Caucus of the National Art Education Association

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